Class EndpointKafkaSettings

  • public final class EndpointKafkaSettings
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Method Detail

      • broker

        public java.lang.String broker()
        Kafka broker location. Specify in the form broker-hostname-or-ip:port.
      • includeControlDetails

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.Boolean> includeControlDetails()
        Shows detailed control information for table definition, column definition, and table and column changes in the Kafka message output. Default is `false`.
      • includeNullAndEmpty

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.Boolean> includeNullAndEmpty()
        Include NULL and empty columns for records migrated to the endpoint. Default is `false`.
      • includePartitionValue

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.Boolean> includePartitionValue()
        Shows the partition value within the Kafka message output unless the partition type is `schema-table-type`. Default is `false`.
      • includeTableAlterOperations

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.Boolean> includeTableAlterOperations()
        Includes any data definition language (DDL) operations that change the table in the control data, such as `rename-table`, `drop-table`, `add-column`, `drop-column`, and `rename-column`. Default is `false`.
      • includeTransactionDetails

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.Boolean> includeTransactionDetails()
        Provides detailed transaction information from the source database. This information includes a commit timestamp, a log position, and values for `transaction_id`, previous `transaction_id`, and `transaction_record_id` (the record offset within a transaction). Default is `false`.
      • messageFormat

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> messageFormat()
        Output format for the records created on the endpoint. Message format is `JSON` (default) or `JSON_UNFORMATTED` (a single line with no tab).
      • messageMaxBytes

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.Integer> messageMaxBytes()
        Maximum size in bytes for records created on the endpoint Default is `1,000,000`.
      • noHexPrefix

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.Boolean> noHexPrefix()
        Set this optional parameter to true to avoid adding a '0x' prefix to raw data in hexadecimal format. For example, by default, AWS DMS adds a '0x' prefix to the LOB column type in hexadecimal format moving from an Oracle source to a Kafka target. Use the `no_hex_prefix` endpoint setting to enable migration of RAW data type columns without adding the `'0x'` prefix.
      • partitionIncludeSchemaTable

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.Boolean> partitionIncludeSchemaTable()
        Prefixes schema and table names to partition values, when the partition type is `primary-key-type`. Doing this increases data distribution among Kafka partitions. For example, suppose that a SysBench schema has thousands of tables and each table has only limited range for a primary key. In this case, the same primary key is sent from thousands of tables to the same partition, which causes throttling. Default is `false`.
      • saslPassword

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> saslPassword()
        Secure password you created when you first set up your MSK cluster to validate a client identity and make an encrypted connection between server and client using SASL-SSL authentication.
      • saslUsername

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> saslUsername()
        Secure user name you created when you first set up your MSK cluster to validate a client identity and make an encrypted connection between server and client using SASL-SSL authentication.
      • securityProtocol

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> securityProtocol()
        Set secure connection to a Kafka target endpoint using Transport Layer Security (TLS). Options include `ssl-encryption`, `ssl-authentication`, and `sasl-ssl`. `sasl-ssl` requires `sasl_username` and `sasl_password`.
      • sslCaCertificateArn

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> sslCaCertificateArn()
        ARN for the private certificate authority (CA) cert that AWS DMS uses to securely connect to your Kafka target endpoint.
      • sslClientCertificateArn

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> sslClientCertificateArn()
        ARN of the client certificate used to securely connect to a Kafka target endpoint.
      • sslClientKeyArn

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> sslClientKeyArn()
        ARN for the client private key used to securely connect to a Kafka target endpoint.
      • sslClientKeyPassword

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> sslClientKeyPassword()
        Password for the client private key used to securely connect to a Kafka target endpoint.
      • topic

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> topic()
        Kafka topic for migration. Default is `kafka-default-topic`.