Class DistributionDefaultCacheBehaviorArgs

  • public final class DistributionDefaultCacheBehaviorArgs
    extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceArgs
    • Method Detail

      • allowedMethods

        public com.pulumi.core.Output<java.util.List<java.lang.String>> allowedMethods()
        Controls which HTTP methods CloudFront processes and forwards to your Amazon S3 bucket or your custom origin.
      • cachePolicyId

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.String>> cachePolicyId()
        Unique identifier of the cache policy that is attached to the cache behavior. If configuring the `default_cache_behavior` either `cache_policy_id` or `forwarded_values` must be set.
      • cachedMethods

        public com.pulumi.core.Output<java.util.List<java.lang.String>> cachedMethods()
        Controls whether CloudFront caches the response to requests using the specified HTTP methods.
      • compress

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.Boolean>> compress()
        Whether you want CloudFront to automatically compress content for web requests that include `Accept-Encoding: gzip` in the request header (default: `false`).
      • defaultTtl

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.Integer>> defaultTtl()
        Default amount of time (in seconds) that an object is in a CloudFront cache before CloudFront forwards another request in the absence of an `Cache-Control max-age` or `Expires` header.
      • fieldLevelEncryptionId

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.String>> fieldLevelEncryptionId()
        Field level encryption configuration ID.
      • forwardedValues

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<DistributionDefaultCacheBehaviorForwardedValuesArgs>> forwardedValues()
        The forwarded values configuration that specifies how CloudFront handles query strings, cookies and headers (maximum one).
      • maxTtl

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.Integer>> maxTtl()
        Maximum amount of time (in seconds) that an object is in a CloudFront cache before CloudFront forwards another request to your origin to determine whether the object has been updated. Only effective in the presence of `Cache-Control max-age`, `Cache-Control s-maxage`, and `Expires` headers.
      • minTtl

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.Integer>> minTtl()
        Minimum amount of time that you want objects to stay in CloudFront caches before CloudFront queries your origin to see whether the object has been updated. Defaults to 0 seconds.
      • originRequestPolicyId

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.String>> originRequestPolicyId()
        Unique identifier of the origin request policy that is attached to the behavior.
      • realtimeLogConfigArn

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.String>> realtimeLogConfigArn()
        ARN of the real-time log configuration that is attached to this cache behavior.
      • responseHeadersPolicyId

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.String>> responseHeadersPolicyId()
        Identifier for a response headers policy.
      • smoothStreaming

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.Boolean>> smoothStreaming()
        Indicates whether you want to distribute media files in Microsoft Smooth Streaming format using the origin that is associated with this cache behavior.
      • targetOriginId

        public com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.String> targetOriginId()
        Value of ID for the origin that you want CloudFront to route requests to when a request matches the path pattern either for a cache behavior or for the default cache behavior.
      • trustedKeyGroups

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<java.util.List<java.lang.String>>> trustedKeyGroups()
        List of key group IDs that CloudFront can use to validate signed URLs or signed cookies. See the [CloudFront User Guide]( for more information about this feature.
      • trustedSigners

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<java.util.List<java.lang.String>>> trustedSigners()
        List of AWS account IDs (or `self`) that you want to allow to create signed URLs for private content. See the [CloudFront User Guide]( for more information about this feature.
      • viewerProtocolPolicy

        public com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.String> viewerProtocolPolicy()
        Use this element to specify the protocol that users can use to access the files in the origin specified by TargetOriginId when a request matches the path pattern in PathPattern. One of `allow-all`, `https-only`, or `redirect-to-https`.