Class ResponseHeadersPolicyCorsConfig

  • public final class ResponseHeadersPolicyCorsConfig
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Method Detail

      • accessControlAllowCredentials

        public java.lang.Boolean accessControlAllowCredentials()
        A Boolean value that CloudFront uses as the value for the `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials` HTTP response header.
      • accessControlAllowHeaders

        public ResponseHeadersPolicyCorsConfigAccessControlAllowHeaders accessControlAllowHeaders()
        Object that contains an attribute `items` that contains a list of HTTP header names that CloudFront includes as values for the `Access-Control-Allow-Headers` HTTP response header.
      • accessControlAllowMethods

        public ResponseHeadersPolicyCorsConfigAccessControlAllowMethods accessControlAllowMethods()
        Object that contains an attribute `items` that contains a list of HTTP methods that CloudFront includes as values for the `Access-Control-Allow-Methods` HTTP response header. Valid values: `GET` | `POST` | `OPTIONS` | `PUT` | `DELETE` | `HEAD` | `ALL`
      • accessControlAllowOrigins

        public ResponseHeadersPolicyCorsConfigAccessControlAllowOrigins accessControlAllowOrigins()
        Object that contains an attribute `items` that contains a list of origins that CloudFront can use as the value for the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` HTTP response header.
      • accessControlExposeHeaders

        public java.util.Optional<ResponseHeadersPolicyCorsConfigAccessControlExposeHeaders> accessControlExposeHeaders()
        Object that contains an attribute `items` that contains a list of HTTP headers that CloudFront includes as values for the `Access-Control-Expose-Headers` HTTP response header.
      • accessControlMaxAgeSec

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.Integer> accessControlMaxAgeSec()
        A number that CloudFront uses as the value for the `Access-Control-Max-Age` HTTP response header.
      • originOverride

        public java.lang.Boolean originOverride()
        A Boolean value that determines how CloudFront behaves for the HTTP response header.