Class GetTableItemPlainArgs

  • public final class GetTableItemPlainArgs
    extends com.pulumi.resources.InvokeArgs
    • Method Detail

      • expressionAttributeNames

        public java.util.Optional<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String>> expressionAttributeNames()
      • key

        public java.lang.String key()
        A map of attribute names to AttributeValue objects, representing the primary key of the item to retrieve. For the primary key, you must provide all of the attributes. For example, with a simple primary key, you only need to provide a value for the partition key. For a composite primary key, you must provide values for both the partition key and the sort key. The following arguments are optional:
      • projectionExpression

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> projectionExpression()
        A string that identifies one or more attributes to retrieve from the table. These attributes can include scalars, sets, or elements of a JSON document. The attributes in the expression must be separated by commas. If no attribute names are specified, then all attributes are returned. If any of the requested attributes are not found, they do not appear in the result.
      • tableName

        public java.lang.String tableName()
        The name of the table containing the requested item.