Class WorkforceArgs

  • public final class WorkforceArgs
    extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceArgs
    • Method Detail

      • cognitoConfig

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<WorkforceCognitoConfigArgs>> cognitoConfig()
        Use this parameter to configure an Amazon Cognito private workforce. A single Cognito workforce is created using and corresponds to a single Amazon Cognito user pool. Conflicts with `oidc_config`. see Cognito Config details below.
      • oidcConfig

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<WorkforceOidcConfigArgs>> oidcConfig()
        Use this parameter to configure a private workforce using your own OIDC Identity Provider. Conflicts with `cognito_config`. see OIDC Config details below.
      • sourceIpConfig

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<WorkforceSourceIpConfigArgs>> sourceIpConfig()
        A list of IP address ranges Used to create an allow list of IP addresses for a private workforce. By default, a workforce isn't restricted to specific IP addresses. see Source Ip Config details below.
      • workforceName

        public com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.String> workforceName()
        The name of the Workforce (must be unique).
      • workforceVpcConfig

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<WorkforceWorkforceVpcConfigArgs>> workforceVpcConfig()
        configure a workforce using VPC. see Workforce VPC Config details below.