Class InstanceStateArgs

  • public final class InstanceStateArgs
    extends com.pulumi.resources.ResourceArgs
    • Method Detail

      • force

        public java.util.Optional<com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.Boolean>> force()
        Whether to request a forced stop when `state` is `stopped`. Otherwise (_i.e._, `state` is `running`), ignored. When an instance is forced to stop, it does not flush file system caches or file system metadata, and you must subsequently perform file system check and repair. Not recommended for Windows instances. Defaults to `false`.
      • instanceId

        public com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.String> instanceId()
        ID of the instance.
      • state

        public com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.String> state()
        State of the instance. Valid values are `stopped`, `running`. The following arguments are optional: