Class PipelineNotifications

  • public final class PipelineNotifications
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Method Detail

      • completed

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> completed()
        The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has finished processing a job in this pipeline.
      • error

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> error()
        The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters an error condition while processing a job in this pipeline.
      • progressing

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> progressing()
        The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has started to process a job in this pipeline.
      • warning

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> warning()
        The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters a warning condition while processing a job in this pipeline. The `thumbnail_config` object specifies information about the Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save thumbnail files: which bucket to use, which users you want to have access to the files, the type of access you want users to have, and the storage class that you want to assign to the files. If you specify values for `content_config`, you must also specify values for `thumbnail_config` even if you don't want to create thumbnails. (You control whether to create thumbnails when you create a job. For more information, see ThumbnailPattern in the topic Create Job.) If you specify values for `content_config` and `thumbnail_config`, omit the OutputBucket object.