Class DataSourceCustomDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration

  • public final class DataSourceCustomDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Method Detail

      • inlineConfigurations

        public java.util.List<DataSourceCustomDocumentEnrichmentConfigurationInlineConfiguration> inlineConfigurations()
        Configuration information to alter document attributes or metadata fields and content when ingesting documents into Amazon Kendra. Minimum number of `0` items. Maximum number of `100` items. Detailed below.
      • postExtractionHookConfiguration

        public java.util.Optional<DataSourceCustomDocumentEnrichmentConfigurationPostExtractionHookConfiguration> postExtractionHookConfiguration()
        A block that specifies the configuration information for invoking a Lambda function in AWS Lambda on the structured documents with their metadata and text extracted. You can use a Lambda function to apply advanced logic for creating, modifying, or deleting document metadata and content. For more information, see [Advanced data manipulation]( Detailed below.
      • preExtractionHookConfiguration

        public java.util.Optional<DataSourceCustomDocumentEnrichmentConfigurationPreExtractionHookConfiguration> preExtractionHookConfiguration()
        Configuration information for invoking a Lambda function in AWS Lambda on the original or raw documents before extracting their metadata and text. You can use a Lambda function to apply advanced logic for creating, modifying, or deleting document metadata and content. For more information, see [Advanced data manipulation]( Detailed below.
      • roleArn

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> roleArn()
        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a role with permission to run `pre_extraction_hook_configuration` and `post_extraction_hook_configuration` for altering document metadata and content during the document ingestion process. For more information, see [IAM roles for Amazon Kendra](