Class ApplicationApplicationConfigurationFlinkApplicationConfigurationCheckpointConfiguration

  • public final class ApplicationApplicationConfigurationFlinkApplicationConfigurationCheckpointConfiguration
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Method Detail

      • checkpointInterval

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.Integer> checkpointInterval()
        Describes the interval in milliseconds between checkpoint operations.
      • checkpointingEnabled

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.Boolean> checkpointingEnabled()
        Describes whether checkpointing is enabled for a Flink-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.
      • configurationType

        public java.lang.String configurationType()
        Describes whether the application uses Kinesis Data Analytics' default checkpointing behavior. Valid values: `CUSTOM`, `DEFAULT`. Set this attribute to `CUSTOM` in order for any specified `checkpointing_enabled`, `checkpoint_interval`, or `min_pause_between_checkpoints` attribute values to be effective. If this attribute is set to `DEFAULT`, the application will always use the following values: * `checkpointing_enabled = true` * `checkpoint_interval = 60000` * `min_pause_between_checkpoints = 5000`
      • minPauseBetweenCheckpoints

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.Integer> minPauseBetweenCheckpoints()
        Describes the minimum time in milliseconds after a checkpoint operation completes that a new checkpoint operation can start.