Class DomainDefaultUserSettingsCanvasAppSettingsTimeSeriesForecastingSettingsArgs.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • amazonForecastRoleArn

        public DomainDefaultUserSettingsCanvasAppSettingsTimeSeriesForecastingSettingsArgs.Builder amazonForecastRoleArn​(@Nullable
                                                                                                                         com.pulumi.core.Output<java.lang.String> amazonForecastRoleArn)
        amazonForecastRoleArn - The IAM role that Canvas passes to Amazon Forecast for time series forecasting. By default, Canvas uses the execution role specified in the UserProfile that launches the Canvas app. If an execution role is not specified in the UserProfile, Canvas uses the execution role specified in the Domain that owns the UserProfile. To allow time series forecasting, this IAM role should have the [AmazonSageMakerCanvasForecastAccess]( policy attached and added in the trust relationship as a service principal.
      • amazonForecastRoleArn

        public DomainDefaultUserSettingsCanvasAppSettingsTimeSeriesForecastingSettingsArgs.Builder amazonForecastRoleArn​(java.lang.String amazonForecastRoleArn)
        amazonForecastRoleArn - The IAM role that Canvas passes to Amazon Forecast for time series forecasting. By default, Canvas uses the execution role specified in the UserProfile that launches the Canvas app. If an execution role is not specified in the UserProfile, Canvas uses the execution role specified in the Domain that owns the UserProfile. To allow time series forecasting, this IAM role should have the [AmazonSageMakerCanvasForecastAccess]( policy attached and added in the trust relationship as a service principal.