Class GetTestablePermissionsPlainArgs

  • public final class GetTestablePermissionsPlainArgs
    extends com.pulumi.resources.InvokeArgs
    • Method Detail

      • customSupportLevel

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> customSupportLevel()
        The level of support for custom roles. Can be one of `"NOT_SUPPORTED"`, `"SUPPORTED"`, `"TESTING"`. Default is `"SUPPORTED"`
      • fullResourceName

        public java.lang.String fullResourceName()
        See [full resource name documentation]( for more detail.
      • stages

        public java.util.Optional<java.util.List<java.lang.String>> stages()
        The acceptable release stages of the permission in the output. Note that `BETA` does not include permissions in `GA`, but you can specify both with `["GA", "BETA"]` for example. Can be a list of `"ALPHA"`, `"BETA"`, `"GA"`, `"DEPRECATED"`. Default is `["GA"]`.