Class PolicySpecRule

  • public final class PolicySpecRule
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Method Detail

      • allowAll

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> allowAll()
        Setting this to `"TRUE"` means that all values are allowed. This field can be set only in Policies for list constraints.
      • condition

        public java.util.Optional<PolicySpecRuleCondition> condition()
        A condition which determines whether this rule is used in the evaluation of the policy. When set, the `expression` field in the `Expr' must include from 1 to 10 subexpressions, joined by the "||" or "&&" operators. Each subexpression must be of the form "resource.matchTag('/tag_key_short_name, 'tag_value_short_name')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/key_id', 'tagValues/value_id')". where key_name and value_name are the resource names for Label Keys and Values. These names are available from the Tag Manager Service. An example expression is: "resource.matchTag('123456789/environment, 'prod')". or "resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/123', 'tagValues/456')".
      • denyAll

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> denyAll()
        Setting this to `"TRUE"` means that all values are denied. This field can be set only in Policies for list constraints.
      • enforce

        public java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> enforce()
        If `"TRUE"`, then the `Policy` is enforced. If `"FALSE"`, then any configuration is acceptable. This field can be set only in Policies for boolean constraints.
      • values

        public java.util.Optional<PolicySpecRuleValues> values()
        List of values to be used for this PolicyRule. This field can be set only in Policies for list constraints.