Class PkgImportControl

  • class PkgImportControl
    extends AbstractImportControl
    Represents a tree of import rules for a specific package. Each instance may have zero or more children. A child may be a sub-package, a class, or an allow/disallow rule.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      private java.util.List<AbstractImportControl> children
      List of children AbstractImportControl objects.
      private static java.lang.String DOT
      The package separator: "."
      private static java.lang.String DOT_ESCAPED_REGEX
      The regex for the escaped package separator: "\\\\.".
      private static java.lang.String DOT_REGEX
      The regex for the package separator: "\\.".
      private static java.util.regex.Pattern DOT_REGEX_PATTERN
      A pattern matching the package separator: "\."
      private java.lang.String fullPackageName
      The full name for the package.
      private java.util.regex.Pattern patternForExactMatch
      The regex pattern for exact matches - only not null if regex is true.
      private java.util.regex.Pattern patternForPartialMatch
      The regex pattern for partial match (exact and for subpackages) - only not null if regex is true.
      private boolean regex
      If this package represents a regular expression.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addChild​(AbstractImportControl importControl)
      Adds new child import control.
      private static java.util.regex.Pattern createPatternForExactMatch​(java.lang.String expression)
      Creates a Pattern from expression.
      private static java.util.regex.Pattern createPatternForPartialMatch​(java.lang.String expression)
      Creates a Pattern from expression that matches exactly and child packages.
      private static java.lang.String encloseInGroup​(java.lang.String expression)
      Enclose expression in a (non-capturing) group.
      private static java.lang.String ensureSelfContainedRegex​(java.lang.String input, boolean alreadyRegex)
      Returns a regex that is suitable for concatenation by 1) either converting a plain string into a regular expression (handling special characters) or 2) by enclosing input in a (non-capturing) group if input already is a regular expression.
      AbstractImportControl locateFinest​(java.lang.String forPkg, java.lang.String forFileName)
      Search down the tree to locate the finest match for a supplied package.
      private boolean matchesAtFront​(java.lang.String pkg)
      Matches other package name exactly or partially at front.
      private boolean matchesAtFrontNoRegex​(java.lang.String pkg)
      Non-regex case.
      protected boolean matchesExactly​(java.lang.String pkg, java.lang.String fileName)
      Check for equality of this with pkg.
      private static java.lang.String toRegex​(java.lang.String input)
      Converts a normal package name into a regex pattern by escaping all special characters that may occur in a java package name.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        private static final java.util.regex.Pattern DOT_REGEX_PATTERN
        A pattern matching the package separator: "\."
      • fullPackageName

        private final java.lang.String fullPackageName
        The full name for the package.
      • patternForPartialMatch

        private final java.util.regex.Pattern patternForPartialMatch
        The regex pattern for partial match (exact and for subpackages) - only not null if regex is true.
      • patternForExactMatch

        private final java.util.regex.Pattern patternForExactMatch
        The regex pattern for exact matches - only not null if regex is true.
      • regex

        private final boolean regex
        If this package represents a regular expression.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PkgImportControl

        PkgImportControl​(java.lang.String packageName,
                         boolean regex,
                         MismatchStrategy strategyOnMismatch)
        Construct a root, package node.
        packageName - the name of the package.
        regex - flags interpretation of name as regex pattern.
        strategyOnMismatch - strategy in a case if matching allow/disallow rule was not found.
      • PkgImportControl

        PkgImportControl​(PkgImportControl parent,
                         java.lang.String subPackageName,
                         boolean regex,
                         MismatchStrategy strategyOnMismatch)
        Construct a sub-package node. The concatenation of regular expressions needs special care: see ensureSelfContainedRegex(String, boolean) for more details.
        parent - the parent package.
        subPackageName - the name of the current sub-package.
        regex - flags interpretation of name as regex pattern.
        strategyOnMismatch - strategy in a case if matching allow/disallow rule was not found.
    • Method Detail

      • ensureSelfContainedRegex

        private static java.lang.String ensureSelfContainedRegex​(java.lang.String input,
                                                                 boolean alreadyRegex)
        Returns a regex that is suitable for concatenation by 1) either converting a plain string into a regular expression (handling special characters) or 2) by enclosing input in a (non-capturing) group if input already is a regular expression.

        1) When concatenating a non-regex package component (like "") with a regex component (like "[^.]+") the other component has to be converted into a regex too, see toRegex(String).

        2) The grouping is strictly necessary if a) input is a regular expression that b) contains the alteration character ('|') and if c) the pattern is not already enclosed in a group - as you see in this example: parent="com|org", child="common|uncommon" will result in the pattern "(?:org|com)\.(?common|uncommon)" what will match "com.common", "com.uncommon", "org.common", and "org.uncommon". Without the grouping it would be "com|org.common|uncommon" which would match "com", "org.common", and "uncommon", which clearly is undesirable. Adding the group fixes this.

        For simplicity the grouping is added to regular expressions unconditionally.

        input - the input string.
        alreadyRegex - signals if input already is a regular expression.
        a regex string.
      • encloseInGroup

        private static java.lang.String encloseInGroup​(java.lang.String expression)
        Enclose expression in a (non-capturing) group.
        expression - the input regular expression
        a grouped pattern.
      • toRegex

        private static java.lang.String toRegex​(java.lang.String input)
        Converts a normal package name into a regex pattern by escaping all special characters that may occur in a java package name.
        input - the input string.
        a regex string.
      • createPatternForPartialMatch

        private static java.util.regex.Pattern createPatternForPartialMatch​(java.lang.String expression)
        Creates a Pattern from expression that matches exactly and child packages.
        expression - a self-contained regular expression matching the full package exactly.
        a Pattern.
      • createPatternForExactMatch

        private static java.util.regex.Pattern createPatternForExactMatch​(java.lang.String expression)
        Creates a Pattern from expression.
        expression - a self-contained regular expression matching the full package exactly.
        a Pattern.
      • locateFinest

        public AbstractImportControl locateFinest​(java.lang.String forPkg,
                                                  java.lang.String forFileName)
        Description copied from class: AbstractImportControl
        Search down the tree to locate the finest match for a supplied package.
        Specified by:
        locateFinest in class AbstractImportControl
        forPkg - the package to search for.
        forFileName - the file name to search for.
        the finest match, or null if no match at all.
      • addChild

        public void addChild​(AbstractImportControl importControl)
        Adds new child import control.
        importControl - child import control
      • matchesAtFront

        private boolean matchesAtFront​(java.lang.String pkg)
        Matches other package name exactly or partially at front.
        pkg - the package to compare with.
        if it matches.
      • matchesAtFrontNoRegex

        private boolean matchesAtFrontNoRegex​(java.lang.String pkg)
        Non-regex case. Ensure a trailing dot for subpackages, i.e. "com.puppy" will match "com.puppy.crawl" but not "".
        pkg - the package to compare with.
        if it matches.
      • matchesExactly

        protected boolean matchesExactly​(java.lang.String pkg,
                                         java.lang.String fileName)
        Description copied from class: AbstractImportControl
        Check for equality of this with pkg.
        Specified by:
        matchesExactly in class AbstractImportControl
        pkg - the package to compare with.
        fileName - the file name to compare with.
        if it matches.