
@deprecated("Don\'t extend ScalaCheckImplicits. Import from org.scalacheck.ops._ instead.", "2.7.0")
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Deprecated methods

@deprecated("Use implicit conversion to GenFromConfig instead.", "2.7.0")
def genToGenOrThrow[T : ClassTag](generator: Gen[T]): GenOrThrow[T]



implicit def genObjectToGenOps(gen: Gen.type): GenOps.type
implicit def genToGenOps[T](gen: Gen[T]): GenOps[T]

Inherited implicits

implicit val arbChronology: Arbitrary[Chronology]
implicit val arbInstant: Arbitrary[Instant]
implicit val arbLocalDate: Arbitrary[LocalDate]
implicit lazy val arbLocalDateTime: Arbitrary[LocalDateTime]
implicit val arbLocalTime: Arbitrary[LocalTime]
implicit lazy val arbOffsetDateTime: Arbitrary[OffsetDateTime]
implicit val arbZoneId: Arbitrary[ZoneId]
implicit lazy val arbZonedDateTime: Arbitrary[ZonedDateTime]
implicit def genArbitrary[T](gen: Gen[T]): Arbitrary[T]

Converts a Gen to an Arbitrary so that you can pass a Gen anywhere that requires an Arbitrary.

Converts a Gen to an Arbitrary so that you can pass a Gen anywhere that requires an Arbitrary.

This seems like a good default:

 implicit val arbThing: Arbitrary[T] = genThing

this does not implicitly convert implicit Gens into Arbitrary, (1) this would undermine the purpose of having a separate Arbitrary type (2) making a Gen implicit is not a standard pattern anyway

Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple10[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple11[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple12[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink, L : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple13[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink, L : Shrink, M : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple14[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink, L : Shrink, M : Shrink, N : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple15[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink, L : Shrink, M : Shrink, N : Shrink, O : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple16[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink, L : Shrink, M : Shrink, N : Shrink, O : Shrink, P : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple17[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink, L : Shrink, M : Shrink, N : Shrink, O : Shrink, P : Shrink, Q : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple18[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink, L : Shrink, M : Shrink, N : Shrink, O : Shrink, P : Shrink, Q : Shrink, R : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple19[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink, L : Shrink, M : Shrink, N : Shrink, O : Shrink, P : Shrink, Q : Shrink, R : Shrink, S : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple20[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink, L : Shrink, M : Shrink, N : Shrink, O : Shrink, P : Shrink, Q : Shrink, R : Shrink, S : Shrink, T : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple21[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink, L : Shrink, M : Shrink, N : Shrink, O : Shrink, P : Shrink, Q : Shrink, R : Shrink, S : Shrink, T : Shrink, U : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U)]
Inherited from:
implicit def shrinkTuple22[A : Shrink, B : Shrink, C : Shrink, D : Shrink, E : Shrink, F : Shrink, G : Shrink, H : Shrink, I : Shrink, J : Shrink, K : Shrink, L : Shrink, M : Shrink, N : Shrink, O : Shrink, P : Shrink, Q : Shrink, R : Shrink, S : Shrink, T : Shrink, U : Shrink, V : Shrink]: Shrink[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V)]
Inherited from:
implicit def toJavaTimeGenOps(gen: Gen.type): JavaTimeGenOps.type
Inherited from:

Deprecated and Inherited implicits

@deprecated("This doesn\'t work and will be removed in the next major version", "2.3.0")
implicit def arbitraryGen[T](implicit arb: Arbitrary[T]): Gen[T]
Inherited from: