
Type members


class CombineEventStreamN[A, Out](parents: Seq[EventStream[A]], combinator: Seq[A] => Out) extends WritableEventStream[Out] with CombineObservable[Out]
Value parameters:

Must not throw!

trait CombineObservable[A] extends SyncObservable[A]
class CombineSignalN[A, Out](val parents: Seq[Signal[A]], val combinator: Seq[A] => Out) extends WritableSignal[Out] with CombineObservable[Out]
Value parameters:

Must not throw!

class MergeEventStream[A](parents: Iterable[Observable[A]]) extends WritableEventStream[A] with SyncObservable[A]

Stream that emit events from all of its parents.

Stream that emit events from all of its parents.

Note: this stream re-emits errors emitted by all of its parents

This feature exists only for EventStream-s because merging Signals does not make sense, conceptually (what do you even do with their current values?).

class SampleCombineEventStreamN[A, Out](samplingStream: EventStream[A], sampledSignals: Seq[Signal[A]], combinator: Seq[A] => Out) extends WritableEventStream[Out] with CombineObservable[Out]

This stream emits the combined value when samplingStreams emits.

This stream emits the combined value when samplingStreams emits.

When the combined stream emits, it looks up the current value of sampledSignals, but updates to those signals do not trigger updates to the combined stream.

Works similar to Rx's "withLatestFrom", except without glitches (see a diamond case test for this in GlitchSpec).

Value parameters:

Note: Must not throw!

class SampleCombineSignalN[A, Out](samplingSignal: Signal[A], sampledSignals: Seq[Signal[A]], combinator: Seq[A] => Out) extends WritableSignal[Out] with CombineObservable[Out]

This signal emits the combined value when samplingSignal is updated.

This signal emits the combined value when samplingSignal is updated.

When the combined signal emits, it looks up the current value of sampledSignals, but updates to those signals do not trigger updates to the combined stream.

Works similar to Rx's "withLatestFrom", except without glitches (see a diamond case test for this in GlitchSpec).

Value parameters:

Note: Must not throw.