
abstract class SourceGenerator(format: CodeFormatting) extends SourceRepr
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

protected def blockCommentLines(commentLines: List[String]): Unit
protected def classParamLine(name: String, value: String): Unit
protected def classParamLine(name: String, value: TagType): Unit
protected def classParamLine(name: String, value: Boolean): Unit
protected def classParamLine(name: String, list: List[String]): Unit
protected def classParamLine[A](name: String, list: List[A], renderItem: A => Unit): Unit
protected def classParamLine(name: String, option: Option[String]): Unit
def clearOutput(): Unit
protected def enter(prefix: String, suffix: String)(inside: => Unit): Unit
def getOutput(): String

Also clears the output

Also clears the output

protected def line(str: String): Unit
protected def line(strs: String*): Unit
protected def line(): Unit