
trait Binder[-El <: Base] extends Modifier[El]

Binder is a Modifier that creates a subscription when invoked.

  • Note, this Modifier is NOT idempotent: Calling it N times will create and bind N subscriptions
  • onMountBind can take care of this, see the docs
trait Modifier[El]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class EventListener[Ev, Out]
class KeyUpdater[El, K, V]

Value members

Abstract methods

def bind(element: El): DynamicSubscription

This method is used by onMountBind to cancel this subscription on unmount

This method is used by onMountBind to cancel this subscription on unmount

Concrete methods

final override def apply(element: El): Unit

You can count on this method being a no-op in your libraries and end user code.

You can count on this method being a no-op in your libraries and end user code.

The reason this method is not abstract is to avoid broken SAM sugar in case of meta modifiers. See

Definition Classes