Class MultiValuedComplexField.LocationComplexFieldDescriptor<T,​F extends LatLng,​S>

    • Constructor Detail

      • LocationComplexFieldDescriptor

        protected LocationComplexFieldDescriptor​(String fieldName,
                                                 Class<T> type,
                                                 Class<F> facetType,
                                                 Class<S> suggestion)
    • Method Detail

      • withinBBox

        public Filter withinBBox​(LatLng upperLeft,
                                 LatLng lowerRight)
        Instantiates a new Filter to checking if a field value is within a bounding box.
        upperLeft - the upper left corner of the box
        lowerRight - the lower left corner of the box
        A configured filter for the field.
      • withinCircle

        public Filter withinCircle​(LatLng center,
                                   double distance)
        Instantiates a new Filter to checking if a field value is within a circle.
        center - the of teh circle
        distance - the radius of the circle
        A configured filter for the field.