All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractButton |
AbstractFacebookType |
AbstractFeedPostValue |
Account |
AccountLinkButton |
AccountLinkingItem |
AccountUnlinkButton |
Ad |
AdAccount |
AdAccountActivity |
AdAccountCreationRequest |
AdAccountGroup |
AdAccountGroupAccount |
AdAccountGroupUser |
AdAccountPromotableObjects |
AdAccountTargetingInsights |
AdBidAdjustments |
AdCampaignBidConstraint |
AdCampaignFrequencyControlSpecs |
AdCampaignGroup |
AdCampaignIssuesInfo |
AdConversionPixel |
AdCreative |
AdCreativeInteractiveComponentsSpec |
AdCreativeLinkData |
AdCreativeLinkDataAppLinkSpec |
AdCreativeLinkDataCallToAction |
AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue |
AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment |
AdCreativeObjectStorySpec |
AdCreativeOfferData |
AdCreativePhotoData |
AdCreativePlaceData |
AdCreativePostClickConfiguration |
AdCreativeTextData |
AdCreativeVideoData |
AdDeliveryCheck |
AddressItem |
AdDynamicCreative |
AdGroup |
AdgroupIssuesInfo |
AdgroupPlacementSpecificReviewFeedback |
AdgroupReviewFeedback |
AdImage |
AdjustmentItem |
AdKeywords |
AdKeywordStats |
AdLabel |
AdPreview |
AdPromotedObject |
AdRecommendation |
AdRecommendationData |
AdReportRun |
AdsActionStats |
AdSet |
AdsImageCrops |
Represents the
AdsImageCrops Marketing
API type
Every field is following the crops specification, in the format of [[{left},{top}],[{right},{bottom}]].
AdsImageCrops.AdsImageCropsSpec |
AdsPixel |
AdsPixelStats |
AdsPixelStatsResult |
AdStudy |
AdStudyCell |
AdStudyObjective |
AdTag |
AdTransaction |
AdUser |
AgencyClientDeclaration |
AirlineBoardingPassTemplatePayload |
AirlineCheckinTemplatePayload |
AirlineField |
AirlineFieldItem |
AirlineItineraryTemplatePayload |
AirlineUpdateTemplatePayload |
Album |
Amount |
AndroidAppLink |
Application |
Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo |
Application.ApplicationContext |
Application.MobileSdkErrorCategory |
AppLinks |
AppRequest |
AppRequest.Application |
AppRoles |
BaseAdsObject |
Basic Ads type that provides an id field.
BaseChangeValue |
BaseNlpEntity |
BasicRefData |
BatchHeader |
BatchRequest |
BatchRequest.BatchRequestBuilder |
Builder pattern implementation used to construct instances of BatchRequest .
BatchResponse |
BidStrategyEnum |
BinaryAttachment |
Represents a binary file that can be uploaded to Facebook.
BoardingPass |
BoardingPassItem |
BroadTargetingCategories |
Bubble |
Business |
ButtonItem |
ButtonTemplatePayload |
BuyButton |
CachedDateFormatStrategy |
a DateFormat strategy that returns a cached SimpleDateFormat instance.
CallButton |
CallToAction |
Used to send a new welcome message to Facebook and set it on a page.
Campaign |
Represents the Campaign
Marketing API type
CategorizedFacebookType |
Category |
Represents an category element used by place and page
Change |
The transferred change containing the field and the value
ChangeValue |
Basic ChangeValue
provides a enum for the Verb
ChangeValue.Verb |
ChangeValueFactory |
Factory to convert the value field of the change into a class with special fields
Checkin |
CheckoutUpdateItem |
Comment |
Comments |
Connection<T> |
Connection.Itr<T> |
Iterator over connection pages.
ConnectionIterator<T> |
Conversation |
Conversation.Tag |
ConversionActionQuery |
CoordinatesItem |
CopyrightReferenceContainer |
CoverPhoto |
CustomAudience |
CustomAudienceDataSource |
CustomAudiencePermission |
CustomAudienceStatus |
DateFormatStrategy |
The DateFormat strategy interface.
DateUtils |
A collection of date-handling utility methods.
DayPart |
DeAuth |
DeAuth type, returned on deauthorization callback
DebugHeaderInfo |
DebugHeaderInfo.DebugHeaderInfoFactory |
DebugHeaderInfo.HeaderUsage |
DefaultAction |
DefaultFacebookClient |
DefaultFacebookClient.Requestor |
DefaultFacebookEndpoints |
DefaultFacebookExceptionGenerator |
DefaultFacebookExceptionGenerator.DefaultGraphFacebookExceptionMapper |
DefaultJsonMapper |
Default implementation of a JSON-to-Java mapper.
DefaultWebRequestor |
Default implementation of a service that sends HTTP requests to the Facebook API endpoint.
DefaultWebRequestor.HttpMethod |
DeliveryCheck |
DeliveryCheckExtraInfo |
DeliveryItem |
DeviceCode |
DeviceTokenExceptionFactory |
DomainActionTypeEnum |
ElementItem |
EncodingUtils |
A collection of data-encoding utility methods.
EntityAtTextRange |
ETagWebRequestor |
WebRequestor with ETag-support.
Event |
Event.Category |
Event.Owner |
ExceptionInformation |
immutable container to transfer all data used to create the correct facebook exception
ExtendedCreditInvoiceGroup |
Facebook |
Specifies how a Facebook JSON response attribute maps to a Java field.
FacebookCheckedException |
FacebookClient |
FacebookClient.AccessToken |
Represents an access token/expiration date pair.
FacebookClient.DebugTokenError |
FacebookClient.DebugTokenInfo |
FacebookDeviceTokenCodeExpiredException |
FacebookDeviceTokenDeclinedException |
FacebookDeviceTokenException |
FacebookDeviceTokenPendingException |
FacebookDeviceTokenSlowdownException |
FacebookEndpoints |
Interface for accessing the Facebook Endpoints.
FacebookEndpoints.Endpoint |
FacebookErrorMessageException |
Abstract class to provide access to the JSON Facebook provides in case of an error
Sometime a developer needs to access the plain error to get a more in depth view to the error.
FacebookException |
Root of the RestFB exception hierarchy.
FacebookExceptionGenerator |
Generator to convert Facebook error JSON into RestFB Exceptions.
FacebookExceptionMapper |
Specifies a method for mapping Graph and Old REST API exceptions to corresponding instances of
FacebookException .
FacebookGraphException |
Indicates that the Facebook Graph API endpoint returned JSON which indicates an error condition.
FacebookJsonMappingException |
Indicates that an error occurred while mapping JSON data to a Java object.
FacebookLoggerException |
FacebookNetworkException |
Indicates that a network error occurred while trying to connect to the Facebook API endpoint.
FacebookOAuthException |
Indicates that the Facebook Graph API endpoint returned JSON which indicates an error condition related to the OAuth
token included in the request.
FacebookPermissions |
FacebookPermissions.Category |
FacebookPreconditionException |
Exception that's thrown as soon as a precondition is not matched
FacebookQueryParseException |
Indicates that the Facebook Graph API endpoint returned JSON which indicates an error condition related to FQL query
FacebookResponseContentException |
Indicates that the Facebook Graph API endpoint returned an unexpected response body.
FacebookResponseStatusException |
Indicates that the Legacy REST Facebook endpoint returned JSON which indicates an error condition.
FacebookSignedRequestParsingException |
Indicates that signed request parsing failed.
FacebookSignedRequestVerificationException |
Indicates that signed request verification failed.
FacebookType |
Base class which encapsulates behavior and properties common to most
Graph API types.
FacebookType.Metadata |
FacebookType.Metadata.Connections |
FallBackChangeValue |
Fallback for not unimplemented change values
FeedAlbumAddValue |
change value of the feed album add
FeedAlbumEditedValue |
change value of the feed album edit
FeedCommentValue |
Change Value for feed comments
FeedEventValue |
FeedLikeValue |
change value of the feed like
FeedPhotoAddValue |
change value of the feed photo remove
FeedPhotoRemoveValue |
change value of the feed photo remove
FeedPostValue |
Change value for feed post
FeedReactionValue |
Change value describing a reaction to a post/comment/reply.
FeedShareValue |
Change value for feed share
FeedStatusValue |
Change value for feed status
FeedVideoBlockMute |
change value of the feed video if a video is blocked/unblocked
FeedVideoRemoveValue |
change value of the feed video remove
FeedVideoValue |
change value of the feed video
FieldData |
FlexibleTargeting |
FlightAirport |
FlightAirportItem |
FlightInfo |
FlightInfoItem |
FlightSchedule |
FlightScheduleItem |
FriendList |
From |
The From object of the Webhhok Value.
FundingSourceDetails |
FundingSourceDetailsCoupon |
GenericTemplatePayload |
GraphAPI |
GraphResponse |
Type that can be used as return value for publishing new objects to Facebook.
Greeting |
Group |
HomeUrl |
Hours |
Hours.DayOfWeek |
Hours.Hour |
IdMessageRecipient |
IDName |
IgComment |
IgMedia |
IgMediaChild |
IgUser |
ImageAspectRatioEnum |
InnerMessagingItem |
Insight |
InstagramCommentsValue |
InstagramMentionsValue |
InstagramStoryInsightsValue |
InstagramUser |
IosAppLink |
IsBroadcastPayload |
Marker interface for all Payloads, that are allowed to be used in the Broadcast API, see here.
Json |
This class serves as the entry point to the minimal-json API.
JsonArray |
Represents a JSON array, an ordered collection of JSON values.
JsonHandler<A,O> |
A handler for parser events.
JsonMapper |
Specifies how a Facebook JSON-to-Java (and vice-versa) mapper must operate.
JsonMapper.JsonMappingCompleted |
If you apply this annotation to a method of a type mapped by JsonMapper , it will be called after the
mapping operation has been completed.
JsonObject |
Represents a JSON object, a set of name/value pairs, where the names are strings and the values are JSON values.
JsonObject.Member |
Represents a member of a JSON object, a pair of a name and a value.
JsonParser |
A streaming parser for JSON text.
JsonValue |
Represents a JSON value.
JulLogger |
Logger implementation based on java.util.logging .
Lead |
LeadgenForm |
LeadGenQualifier |
Likes |
Likes.LikeItem |
Link |
ListJsonChangeValue |
ChangeValue that provides access to JsonObject lists, used in work history for example.
ListTemplatePayload |
ListTemplatePayload.TopElementStyleEnum |
ListViewElement |
LiveVideo |
Location |
An immutable object that represents a location in the parsed text.
Location |
Represents a location (address and latitude/longitude).
LocationAttachment |
LookalikeSpec |
LookalikeSpec.Origin |
MappingUtils |
Utility class for often used mapping methods
MediaAttachment |
MediaAttachment.MediaTemplateElement |
MediaAttachment.MediaType |
MediaAttachment.Type |
MediaTemplateAttachmentElement |
Represents the media template element that is used with the attachment id as defined
MediaTemplateUrlElement |
Represents the media template element that is used with the url as defined
Allowed urls are: /videos/
MentionPostAddValue |
MenuItem |
Message |
Message |
Message.Attachment |
Represents an attached file that you may find on a private message.
Message.AttachmentData |
Message.ImageData |
Additional attachment information, only present when an attached file is an image.
Message.Share |
Message.VideoData |
Additional attachment information, only present when an attached file is an video.
MessageAttachment |
MessageCreativeResponse |
MessageItem |
MessageRecipient |
Marker interface for all MesssageRecipient implementations
MessageTag |
MessagingAttachment |
MessagingItem |
MessagingParticipant |
MessagingPayload |
MessagingType |
Represents the
Messaging Type
used to send message that are introduced with Messenger Platform 2.2
MessengerProfileProperties |
Milestone |
MinimumBudget |
MusicVideoCopyright |
NamedAdsObject |
Almost basic ad-type that provides a name and a id field.
NamedFacebookType |
Superclass for Graph API types that include a
name field and (optionally) a created_time field.
NestedButton |
NlpAmountOfMoney |
NlpBye |
NlpCustomWitAi |
NlpDatetime |
NlpDistance |
NlpDuration |
NlpDuration.NormalizedDuration |
NlpEmail |
NlpError |
NlpGreetings |
NlpLocation |
NlpLocation.Coords |
NlpLocation.External |
NlpLocation.Place |
NlpPhoneNumber |
NlpQuantity |
NlpReminder |
NlpResult |
NlpSentiment |
NlpTemperature |
NlpUrl |
NlpVolume |
Note |
Notification |
NotificationTypeEnum |
Represents the push notification type as part of the Send API
ObjectUtil |
OffsitePixel |
OpenGraphActionType |
OpenGraphObjectType |
OpenGraphPropertyConfig |
OpenGraphRating |
OpenGraphTemplatePayload |
implementation of the Open Graph Template
OpenGraphTemplatePayload.Element |
OptinItem |
Page |
Page.Cover |
Page.Engagement |
Page.MailingAddress |
Page.PageParking |
Parking options for a Page.
Page.PagePaymentOptions |
Page.PageRestaurantServices |
Page.PageRestaurantSpecialties |
Page.PageStartDate |
Page.PageStartInfo |
Page.ScreenName |
Page.Settings |
Page.VoipInfo |
PageAdminNote |
PageCallToAction |
PageConnection |
Represents a Connection to a Page Graph API
type , for example the Pages returned from me/music .
PageConversation |
PageLabel |
PageLeadgen |
PageLifeEvent |
PageMessageTag |
PageRating |
Parameter |
Representation of a Facebook API request parameter.
ParseException |
An unchecked exception to indicate that an input does not qualify as valid JSON.
PartnerCategory |
PassengerInfo |
PassengerInfoItem |
PassengerSegmentInfo |
PassengerSegmentInfoItem |
PassThreadControlItem |
Payment |
Payment.Action |
The list of different action types that have occurred in this payment.
Payment.Dispute |
Contains the information related to a dispute, including the user_comment and user_email which is provided by the
consumer when the dispute is initiated.
Payment.Item |
The items associated with the payment.
PaymentCredential |
PaymentItem |
PaymentSettings |
PaymentSummary |
PaymentTypeEnum |
PersistentMenu |
PhoneMessageRecipient |
PhoneMessageRecipient.Name |
Photo |
Photo.Image |
Photo.Tag |
Place |
Represents information about the place where an event occurred, for example a Checkin or Photo .
PlaceTag |
PolicyEnforcementItem |
Represents a receiving postback object as defined here:
Post |
Post.Action |
Post.Attachments |
Post.FeedTargeting |
Object that controls news feed targeting for this post.
Post.KeyedType |
Post.Property |
Represents the undocumented Property type.
Post.Shares |
Represents the Shares included the Post
Post.Targeting |
PostbackButton |
PostbackItem |
Represents a receiving postback object as defined here:
PostbackReferral |
Represents the referral sub object described here:
PostCallToAction |
PostCallToAction.PostCallToActionValue |
PrettyPrint |
Enables human readable JSON output by inserting whitespace between values.after commas and colons.
PriceInfo |
PriceInfoItem |
PriceListItem |
PriorMessage |
Privacy |
ProductCatalog |
ProductFeed |
ProductFeedSchedule |
ProductFeedUpload |
ProductGroup |
ProductInfo |
ProductInfoItem |
ProductItem |
ProductItemCommerceInsights |
ProductSet |
ProductVariant |
ProfilePictureSource |
ProjectExperience |
QuickReply |
QuickReply.QuickReplyType |
QuickReplyItem |
RatingsCommentValue |
change value of the ratings comment
RatingsLikeValue |
Change value for ratings like
RatingsRatingValue |
change value of the ratings rating
RatingsReactionValue |
ReachFrequencyPrediction |
ReachFrequencySpec |
Reactions |
Reactions.ReactionItem |
the reaction type
ReadItem |
ReceiptAddress |
ReceiptAdjustment |
ReceiptElement |
ReceiptSummary |
ReceiptTemplatePayload |
RecommendationType |
ReferralItem |
Represents the referral field from Scenario 2:
ReflectionUtils |
A collection of reflection-related utility methods.
ReflectionUtils.FieldWithAnnotation<T extends Annotation> |
A field/annotation pair.
RequestedUserInfoEnum |
RequestThreadControlItem |
ResponseErrorJsonParsingException |
Exception is thrown if it makes no sense to parse a error json
RestFBLogger |
Abstract class that is the parent of all our logger implementations.
ResumableUploadStartResponse |
Response object that should be used as Response type for the upload initialisation (start phase) of a resumable
ResumableUploadTransferResponse |
Response object that should be used as Response type for the chunked upload (transfer phase) of a resumable upload.
ReuqestedUserInfo |
Review |
Rule |
RuleData |
RuleFactory |
RuleOp |
RuleOpAnd |
RuleOpOr |
SavedMessageResponse |
ScopeBuilder |
SearchPlace |
SearchPlace.PagesPlatformComponentFlowServiceConfig |
SenderActionEnum |
SendResponse |
SettingTypeEnum |
SharableTemplatePayload |
Abstract class to provide access to the sharable field.
ShareButton |
ShippingAddress |
SimpleDateFormatStrategy |
a simple DateFormat strategy.
SimpleStringChangeValue |
Simple Change value to access values that are simple Strings, e.g. user email is changed and the INCLUDE VALUES
feature is activated in the subscription
SLF4JLogger |
Logger implementation based on org.slf4j.Logger .
SoftHashMap<K,V> |
SponsoredMessageResponse |
StatusMessage |
StoryAttachment |
StoryAttachment.Attachments |
Represents the list of subattachments that are associated with this attachment.
StoryAttachment.Image |
Image data as applicable for the attachment
StoryAttachment.Media |
Media data as applicable for the attachment.
StoryAttachment.Target |
Target data as applicable for the attachment
StringJsonUtils |
Helper class to encapsulate simple checks used in the DefaultJsonMapper.
StringUtils |
A collection of string-handling utility methods.
Subscription |
Subscription.SubscriptionField |
SummaryItem |
TakeThreadControlItem |
TargetAudience |
TargetAudience.Countries |
Targeting |
TargetingDynamicRule |
TargetingGeoLocation |
TargetingGeoLocationCity |
TargetingGeoLocationCustomLocation |
TargetingGeoLocationElectoralDistrict |
TargetingGeoLocationMarket |
TargetingGeoLocationPlace |
TargetingGeoLocationRegion |
TargetingGeoLocationZip |
TargetingProductAudienceSpec |
TargetingProductAudienceSubSpec |
TargetingProspectingAudience |
TargetingResponseDemographic |
TargetingResponseEducation |
TargetingResponseGeographic |
TargetingResponseGeographicMetadata |
TargetingResponseRadiusSuggestion |
TargetingSentenceLine |
TargetingSentenceLine.TargetingSentenceLineItem |
TemplateAttachment |
TemplatePayload |
TestUser |
Thread |
ThreadStateEnum |
TrackingAndConversionWithDefaults |
Translation |
UnicodeJsonWriter |
Url |
Represents an external URL as it relates to the Facebook social graph - shares and comments from the URL on Facebook,
and any Open Graph objects associated with the URL.
Url.OGObject |
The Open Graph object that is canonically associated with this URL.
UrlUtils |
User |
User.AgeRange |
User.Currency |
User.Education |
User.EducationClass |
User.Experience |
User.PaymentPricepoint |
User.PaymentPricepoints |
User.SecureBrowsing |
User.SecuritySettings |
User.Sport |
User.UserDevice |
User.VideoUploadLimits |
UserIDForApp |
UserIDForPage |
UserInvitableFriend |
UserPageValue |
UserPermission |
UserPermission |
UserProfile |
Respresents the User Profile object as defined
UserProfile.LastAdReferral |
UserRefMessageRecipient |
UserVerbValue |
Version |
Video |
Video.Thumbnail |
Video.VideoFormat |
Video.VideoStatus |
VideoCaption |
VideoCopyright |
VideoCopyrightRule |
VideoList |
WebAppLink |
WebButton |
WebhookEntry |
WebhookObject |
root object to fetch information provided by a webhook call
WebRequestor |
Specifies how a class that sends HTTP requests to the Facebook API endpoint must operate.
WebRequestor.Response |
Encapsulates an HTTP response body and status code.
WebviewHeightEnum |
WindowsAppLink |
WindowsPhoneAppLink |
WorkExperience |
WriterConfig |
Controls the formatting of the JSON output.