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AbstractButton - Class in com.restfb.types.send
AbstractButton(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.AbstractButton
AbstractFacebookType - Class in com.restfb.types
AbstractFacebookType() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.AbstractFacebookType
AbstractFeedPostValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.base
AbstractFeedPostValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.base.AbstractFeedPostValue
accessToken - Variable in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
Graph API access token.
AccessToken() - Constructor for class com.restfb.FacebookClient.AccessToken
Account - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Account Graph API type.
Account() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Account
account_linking - com.restfb.types.send.SettingTypeEnum
AccountLinkButton - Class in com.restfb.types.send
Represents the Link Account/Login button type
AccountLinkButton(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.AccountLinkButton
AccountLinkingItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
AccountLinkingItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AccountLinkingItem
AccountUnlinkButton - Class in com.restfb.types.send
Represents the Unlink Account/Logout button type
AccountUnlinkButton() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.AccountUnlinkButton
Action() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Payment.Action
Action() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Post.Action
Ad - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Ad() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
AdAccount - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the AdGroup Account Type.
AdAccount() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
AdAccountActivity - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdAccountActivity() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
AdAccountCreationRequest - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdAccountCreationRequest() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
AdAccountGroup - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdAccountGroup() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountGroup
AdAccountGroupAccount - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdAccountGroupAccount() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountGroupAccount
AdAccountGroupUser - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdAccountGroupUser() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountGroupUser
AdAccountPromotableObjects - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdAccountPromotableObjects() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountPromotableObjects
AdAccountTargetingInsights - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdAccountTargetingInsights() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountTargetingInsights
AdBidAdjustments - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdBidAdjustments() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdBidAdjustments
AdCampaignBidConstraint - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdCampaignBidConstraint() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignBidConstraint
AdCampaignFrequencyControlSpecs - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdCampaignFrequencyControlSpecs() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignFrequencyControlSpecs
AdCampaignGroup - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdCampaignGroup() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
AdCampaignIssuesInfo - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdCampaignIssuesInfo() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignIssuesInfo
AdConversionPixel - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdConversionPixel() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdConversionPixel
AdCreative - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the AdGroup Creative type.
AdCreative() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
AdCreativeInteractiveComponentsSpec - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdCreativeInteractiveComponentsSpec() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeInteractiveComponentsSpec
AdCreativeLinkData - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the AdCreativeLinkData Marketing API type
AdCreativeLinkData() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
AdCreativeLinkDataAppLinkSpec - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdCreativeLinkDataAppLinkSpec() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataAppLinkSpec
AdCreativeLinkDataCallToAction - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the AdCreativeLinkDataCallToAction Marketing API type
AdCreativeLinkDataCallToAction() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToAction
AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue Marketing API type
AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment
AdCreativeObjectStorySpec - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the AdCreativeObjectStorySpec Marketing API type.
AdCreativeObjectStorySpec() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeObjectStorySpec
AdCreativeOfferData - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdCreativeOfferData() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeOfferData
AdCreativePhotoData - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdCreativePhotoData() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePhotoData
AdCreativePlaceData - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdCreativePlaceData() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePlaceData
AdCreativePostClickConfiguration - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdCreativePostClickConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePostClickConfiguration
AdCreativeTextData - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdCreativeTextData() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeTextData
AdCreativeVideoData - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdCreativeVideoData() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
add - com.restfb.types.send.DomainActionTypeEnum
add(boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Appends the JSON representation of the specified boolean value to the end of this array.
add(double) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Appends the JSON representation of the specified double value to the end of this array.
add(float) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Appends the JSON representation of the specified float value to the end of this array.
add(int) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Appends the JSON representation of the specified int value to the end of this array.
add(long) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Appends the JSON representation of the specified long value to the end of this array.
add(JsonValue) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Appends the specified JSON value to the end of this array.
add(String) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Appends the JSON representation of the specified string to the end of this array.
add(String, boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Appends a new member to the end of this object, with the specified name and the JSON representation of the specified boolean value.
add(String, double) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Appends a new member to the end of this object, with the specified name and the JSON representation of the specified double value.
add(String, float) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Appends a new member to the end of this object, with the specified name and the JSON representation of the specified float value.
add(String, int) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Appends a new member to the end of this object, with the specified name and the JSON representation of the specified int value.
add(String, long) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Appends a new member to the end of this object, with the specified name and the JSON representation of the specified long value.
add(String, JsonValue) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Appends a new member to the end of this object, with the specified name and the specified JSON value.
add(String, String) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Appends a new member to the end of this object, with the specified name and the JSON representation of the specified string.
ADD - com.restfb.types.webhook.ChangeValue.Verb
addAccount(AdAccountGroupAccount) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountGroup
addAction(AdsActionStats) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
addAction(Payment.Action) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
addAction(Post.Action) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
addAdAccountGroup(AdAccountGroup) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
addAdBreak(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
addAdCampaign(BaseAdsObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTag
addAdCampaignGroup(BaseAdsObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTag
addAdGroup(BaseAdsObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTag
addAdjustment(ReceiptAdjustment) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptTemplatePayload
addAdlabel(AdLabel) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
addAdLabel(AdLabel) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
addAdLabel(AdLabel) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
addAdminNote(PageAdminNote) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
addAllowedValue(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
addAndroidMissingSetting(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
addAndroidSdkErrorCategory(Application.MobileSdkErrorCategory) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
addAppDomain(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
addAttachment(Message.Attachment) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
addAuthReferralExtendedPerm(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
addAuthReferralFriendPerm(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
addAuthReferralUserPerm(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
addAuxiliaryField(AirlineField) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
addBoardingPass(BoardingPass) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineBoardingPassTemplatePayload
addBubble(Bubble) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.GenericTemplatePayload
addButton(AbstractButton) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.Bubble
addButton(AbstractButton) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ButtonTemplatePayload
addButton(AbstractButton) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ListTemplatePayload
addButton(AbstractButton) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ListViewElement
addButton(WebButton) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.media.MediaTemplateAttachmentElement
addButton(WebButton) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.media.MediaTemplateUrlElement
addButton(WebButton) - Method in interface com.restfb.types.send.MediaAttachment.MediaTemplateElement
addButton(WebButton) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.OpenGraphTemplatePayload.Element
addCallToAction(MenuItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.NestedButton
addCallToAction(MenuItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.PersistentMenu
addCapability(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
addCaption(VideoCaption) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
addCategory(Category) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
addCategory(Category) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Place
addCategory(Category) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
addCategory(Event.Category) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event.Owner
addChild(Insight) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMedia
addChild(Insight) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
addChild(IgMediaChild) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMedia
adds a new child to the children list
addChildAttachment(Post) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
addCity(Post.KeyedType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Targeting
addClasses(User.EducationClass) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Education
addCollegeMajor(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
addCollegeNetwork(FacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
addCollegeYear(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
addComment(Comment) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Checkin
addComment(Comment) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Note
addComment(Comment) - Method in class com.restfb.types.StatusMessage
addComment(Comment) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
work on the Comments object directly instead of using this method
addComment(IgComment) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMedia
addComment(Message) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Thread
addConcentration(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Education
addContentTag(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
addConversionSpec(ConversionActionQuery) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
addConversionSpec(ConversionActionQuery) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
addCountry(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Targeting
addCreative(AdCreative) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
addCustomAttribute(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudyObjective
addCustomLabel(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
addData(Comment) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comments
addData(Likes.LikeItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Likes
addData(Reactions.ReactionItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Reactions
addData(StoryAttachment) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Attachments
addData(StoryAttachment) - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment.Attachments
addDevice(User.UserDevice) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
addDispute(Payment.Dispute) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
addEducation(User.Education) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
addEducationStatus(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
addElement(OpenGraphTemplatePayload.Element) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.OpenGraphTemplatePayload
addElement(ReceiptElement) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptTemplatePayload
AdDeliveryCheck - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the Delivery Check type.
AdDeliveryCheck() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdDeliveryCheck
addEmail(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
addExclusion(TargetingProductAudienceSubSpec) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingProductAudienceSpec
addFailedDeliveryCheck(AdDeliveryCheck) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
addFanOf(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
addFavoriteAthlete(User.Experience) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
addFavoriteTeam(User.Experience) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
addFbPageCategory(Category) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Category
addField(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata
addFlightInfo(FlightInfo) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineCheckinTemplatePayload
addFlightInfo(FlightInfo) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineItineraryTemplatePayload
addFoodStyle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
addFormat(Video.VideoFormat) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
addFormerParticipant(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
addGender(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
addHour(String, String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Hours
addIdsForApps(UserIDForApp) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
addIdsForBusiness(UserIDForApp) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
addIdsForPages(UserIDForPage) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
addImage(Photo.Image) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
addInclusion(TargetingProductAudienceSubSpec) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingProductAudienceSpec
addInspirationalPeople(User.Experience) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
addInterestedIn(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
addInterestedIn(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
addInterests(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
addInvitableFriend(UserInvitableFriend) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
addIosBundleId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
addIosInstallInvalidationScheme(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
addIosMissingSetting(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
addIosSdkErrorCategory(Application.MobileSdkErrorCategory) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
addItem(Payment.Item) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
addLabel(PageLabel) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
addLabel(PageLabel) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
addLanguage(User.Experience) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
addLike(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.StatusMessage
addLineNumber(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
addLocale(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Targeting
addMedia(IgMedia) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
addMeetingFor(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
addMessage(Message) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
addMessageTag(MessageTag) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
addMessageTag(MessageTag) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
addMobile(User.PaymentPricepoint) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.PaymentPricepoints
addNameTag(EntityAtTextRange) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
addObjectType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
addOrigin(LookalikeSpec.Origin) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LookalikeSpec
addOwnershipCountry(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
addParticipant(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
addPassengerInfo(PassengerInfo) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineItineraryTemplatePayload
addPassengerSegmentInfo(PassengerSegmentInfo) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineItineraryTemplatePayload
addPath(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseDemographic
addPerm(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Account
since graph api v3.1, use Account.addTask(java.lang.String) instead
addPermission(int) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdUser
addPermission(FacebookPermissions) - Method in class com.restfb.scope.ScopeBuilder
addPriceInfo(PriceInfo) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineItineraryTemplatePayload
addPriceListItem(PriceListItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.PaymentSummary
addProductInfo(ProductInfo) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.PassengerSegmentInfo
addProject(ProjectExperience) - Method in class com.restfb.types.WorkExperience
addProperty(Post.Property) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
addPropertyConfig(String, OpenGraphPropertyConfig) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
addPropertyConfig(String, OpenGraphPropertyConfig) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphObjectType
addQuickReplies(List<QuickReply>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.Message
add list of QuickReply objects to the list of QuickReplies
addQuickReply(QuickReply) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.Message
add single QuickReply to the list of QuickReplies
addRecommendation(AdRecommendation) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
addRecoveryOption(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.MobileSdkErrorCategory
addRegion(Post.KeyedType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Targeting
addRelationshipStatus(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
addReply(IgComment) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgComment
addRequestedUserInfo(RequestedUserInfoEnum) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.PaymentSummary
AddressItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
AddressItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AddressItem
addResult(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudyObjective
addScreenName(Page.ScreenName) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
addSecondaryField(AirlineField) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
addSender(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
addShare(Message.Share) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
addSponsorTag(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
addSport(User.Sport) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
addStoryTag(MessageTag) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
addStructConfig(String, OpenGraphPropertyConfig) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
addTag(Conversation.Tag) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
addTag(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Checkin
addTag(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
addTag(Photo.Tag) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
addTag(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
addTargetCountry(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LookalikeSpec
addTargetingsentenceline(TargetingSentenceLine) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
addTask(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Account
Add a task to the task list.
addTo(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
addTo(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
addTo(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Thread
addTrackingSpec(ConversionActionQuery) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
addTrackingSpec(ConversionActionQuery) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
addUniqueAction(AdsActionStats) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
addUser(AdAccountGroupUser) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountGroup
addUser(User) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLabel
addValue(JsonObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Insight
addWhitelistedFbUser(User) - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
addWhitelistedIgUser(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
addWith(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Education
addWith(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.EducationClass
addWith(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Sport
addWith(User) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ProjectExperience
addWith(User) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Experience
addWith(User) - Method in class com.restfb.types.WorkExperience
addWithTag(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
addWork(WorkExperience) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
addWorkNetwork(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
addWriterName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
AdDynamicCreative - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdDynamicCreative() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdDynamicCreative
AdGroup - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
use Ad instead
AdGroup() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
AdgroupIssuesInfo - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdgroupIssuesInfo() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdgroupIssuesInfo
AdgroupPlacementSpecificReviewFeedback - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdgroupPlacementSpecificReviewFeedback() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdgroupPlacementSpecificReviewFeedback
AdgroupReviewFeedback - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdgroupReviewFeedback() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdgroupReviewFeedback
AdImage - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the AdGroup Image type
AdImage() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
AdjustmentItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
AdjustmentItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AdjustmentItem
AdKeywords - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdKeywords() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywords
AdKeywordStats - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdKeywordStats() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
AdLabel - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the AdGroup Label type .
AdLabel() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdLabel
AdPreview - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the AdGroup Preview type .
AdPreview() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPreview
AdPromotedObject - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdPromotedObject() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPromotedObject
AdRecommendation - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdRecommendation() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdRecommendation
AdRecommendationData - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdRecommendationData() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdRecommendationData
AdReportRun - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the AdReportRun type
AdReportRun() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
ADS_MANAGEMENT - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides the ability to both read and manage the ads for ad accounts you have access to.
ADS_READ - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides the access to Ads Insights API to pull ads report information for ad accounts you have access to.
AdsActionStats - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the Ads action stats type
AdsActionStats() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
AdSet - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the AdGroup Set type.
AdSet() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
AdsImageCrops - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the AdsImageCrops Marketing API type Every field is following the crops specification, in the format of [[{left},{top}],[{right},{bottom}]].
AdsImageCrops() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsImageCrops
AdsImageCrops.AdsImageCropsSpec - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdsImageCropsSpec() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsImageCrops.AdsImageCropsSpec
AdsPixel - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdsPixel() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixel
AdsPixelStats - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdsPixelStats() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixelStats
AdsPixelStatsResult - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdsPixelStatsResult() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixelStatsResult
AdStudy - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdStudy() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
AdStudyCell - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdStudyCell() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudyCell
AdStudyObjective - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AdStudyObjective() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudyObjective
AdTag - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
with Marketing API version 2.4 use AdLabel instead
AdTag() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTag
AdTransaction - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the Ad transaction type
AdTransaction() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTransaction
AdUser - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the AdGroup User type.
AdUser() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AdUser
AgencyClientDeclaration - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AgencyClientDeclaration() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
AgeRange() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.User.AgeRange
AirlineBoardingPassTemplatePayload - Class in com.restfb.types.send.airline
AirlineBoardingPassTemplatePayload(String, String, List<BoardingPass>) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineBoardingPassTemplatePayload
AirlineCheckinTemplatePayload - Class in com.restfb.types.send.airline
AirlineCheckinTemplatePayload(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineCheckinTemplatePayload
AirlineField - Class in com.restfb.types.send.airline
AirlineField(String, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineField
AirlineFieldItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline
AirlineFieldItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.AirlineFieldItem
AirlineItineraryTemplatePayload - Class in com.restfb.types.send.airline
AirlineItineraryTemplatePayload(String, String, String, double) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineItineraryTemplatePayload
AirlineUpdateTemplatePayload - Class in com.restfb.types.send.airline
AirlineUpdateTemplatePayload(String, String, FlightInfo) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineUpdateTemplatePayload
Album - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Album Graph API type.
Album() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Album
Amount - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment
Amount() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.Amount
AndroidAppLink - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
AndroidAppLink() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AndroidAppLink
apiVersion - Variable in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
Version of API endpoint.
Application - Class in com.restfb.types
Application() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Application
Application() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.AppRequest.Application
Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo - Class in com.restfb.types
Application.ApplicationContext - Class in com.restfb.types
Application.MobileSdkErrorCategory - Class in com.restfb.types
ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
ApplicationContext() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationContext
AppLinks - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the App links type
AppLinks() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.AppLinks
AppRequest - Class in com.restfb.types
AppRequest() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.AppRequest
AppRequest.Application - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Cover Graph API type.
AppRoles - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
Represents the app roles as used here: App Roles on Facebook
AppRoles() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AppRoles
array() - Static method in class com.restfb.json.Json
Creates a new empty JsonArray.
array(boolean...) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.Json
Creates a new JsonArray that contains the JSON representations of the given boolean values.
array(double...) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.Json
Creates a new JsonArray that contains the JSON representations of the given double values.
array(float...) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.Json
Creates a new JsonArray that contains the JSON representations of the given float values.
array(int...) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.Json
Creates a new JsonArray that contains the JSON representations of the given int values.
array(long...) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.Json
Creates a new JsonArray that contains the JSON representations of the given long values.
array(String...) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.Json
Creates a new JsonArray that contains the JSON representations of the given strings.
as(Class<T>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.BaseNlpEntity
asArray() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
asArray() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Returns this JSON value as JsonArray, assuming that this value represents a JSON array.
asBoolean() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Returns this JSON value as a boolean value, assuming that this value is either true or false.
asDouble() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Returns this JSON value as a double value, assuming that this value represents a JSON number.
asFloat() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Returns this JSON value as a float value, assuming that this value represents a JSON number.
asInt() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Returns this JSON value as an int value, assuming that this value represents a JSON number that can be interpreted as Java int.
asLong() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Returns this JSON value as a long value, assuming that this value represents a JSON number that can be interpreted as Java long.
asObject() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
asObject() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Returns this JSON value as JsonObject, assuming that this value represents a JSON object.
asString() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Returns this JSON value as String, assuming that this value represents a JSON string.
attachedFiles(String) - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchRequest.BatchRequestBuilder
Sets the comma-delimited names of any attached files for this builder, for example "cat1, cat2".
Attachment() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Message.Attachment
AttachmentData() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Message.AttachmentData
Attachments() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Post.Attachments
Attachments() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment.Attachments
AUDIO - com.restfb.types.send.MediaAttachment.Type
AUDIO - Static variable in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingAttachment
The "audio" attachment type.


BaseAdsObject - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Basic Ads type that provides an id field.
BaseAdsObject() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.BaseAdsObject
BaseChangeValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.base
BaseChangeValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.base.BaseChangeValue
BaseNlpEntity - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp
BaseNlpEntity() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.BaseNlpEntity
BasicRefData - Class in com.restfb.types.send
used in the Messenger Code API
BasicRefData(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.BasicRefData
BATCH_ERROR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.restfb.exception.generator.FacebookExceptionGenerator
Batch API error response 'error' attribute name.
BATCH_ERROR_DESCRIPTION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.restfb.exception.generator.FacebookExceptionGenerator
Batch API error response 'error_description' attribute name.
BatchHeader - Class in com.restfb.batch
Represents an HTTP header name/value pair used by BatchRequest and BatchResponse.
BatchHeader() - Constructor for class com.restfb.batch.BatchHeader
"Magic" no-argument constructor so we can reflectively make instances of this class with DefaultJsonMapper, but normal client code cannot.
BatchHeader(String, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.batch.BatchHeader
Creates a BatchHeader with the given name/value pair.
BatchRequest - Class in com.restfb.batch
Encapsulates a discrete part of an entire Facebook Batch API request.
BatchRequest(String, List<Parameter>, String, List<BatchHeader>, List<Parameter>, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.restfb.batch.BatchRequest
Designed to be invoked by instances of BatchRequest.BatchRequestBuilder .
BatchRequest.BatchRequestBuilder - Class in com.restfb.batch
Builder pattern implementation used to construct instances of BatchRequest.
BatchRequestBuilder(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.batch.BatchRequest.BatchRequestBuilder
Creates a batch request builder using the provided FB endpoint.
BatchResponse - Class in com.restfb.batch
Encapsulates a discrete part of an entire Facebook Batch API response.
BatchResponse() - Constructor for class com.restfb.batch.BatchResponse
"Magic" no-argument constructor so we can reflectively make instances of this class with DefaultJsonMapper, but normal client code cannot.
BatchResponse(Integer, List<BatchHeader>, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.batch.BatchResponse
Creates a batch response with the given HTTP response status code, headers, and JSON body.
BidStrategyEnum - Enum in com.restfb.types.ads
BinaryAttachment - Class in com.restfb
Represents a binary file that can be uploaded to Facebook.
BinaryAttachment(String, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.restfb.BinaryAttachment
Creates a new binary attachment.
BinaryAttachment(String, byte[], String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.BinaryAttachment
Creates a new binary attachment.
BinaryAttachment(String, InputStream) - Constructor for class com.restfb.BinaryAttachment
use the stream-less API passing a byte[] for data
BinaryAttachment(String, InputStream, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.BinaryAttachment
use the stream-less API passing a byte[] for data
BinaryAttachment(String, String, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.restfb.BinaryAttachment
Creates a new binary attachment.
BinaryAttachment(String, String, byte[], String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.BinaryAttachment
Creates a new binary attachment.
BinaryAttachment(String, String, InputStream) - Constructor for class com.restfb.BinaryAttachment
use the stream-less API passing a byte[] for data
BinaryAttachment(String, String, InputStream, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.BinaryAttachment
use the stream-less API passing a byte[] for data
BLOCK - com.restfb.types.webhook.ChangeValue.Verb
BLOCK - Static variable in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PolicyEnforcementItem
The "block" action.
BoardingPass - Class in com.restfb.types.send.airline
BoardingPass(String, String, String, String, FlightInfo) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
BoardingPassItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline
BoardingPassItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
body(Parameter...) - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchRequest.BatchRequestBuilder
Sets the request body parameters for the request generated by this builder, for example Parameter.with("message", "Test status update").
BroadTargetingCategories - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
BroadTargetingCategories() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.BroadTargetingCategories
Bubble - Class in com.restfb.types.send
Bubble(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.Bubble
build() - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchRequest.BatchRequestBuilder
Generates an instance of BatchRequest.
build() - Method in class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo.DebugHeaderInfoFactory
buildWithMapper(JsonMapper) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.ChangeValueFactory
Business - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the Business type.
Business() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.Business
BUSINESS_MANAGEMENT - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Read and write with Business Management API
ButtonItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
ButtonItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ButtonItem
ButtonTemplatePayload - Class in com.restfb.types.send
ButtonTemplatePayload(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.ButtonTemplatePayload
BuyButton - Class in com.restfb.types.send
Represents the Buy Button type
BuyButton(String, String, PaymentSummary) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.BuyButton


CachedDateFormatStrategy - Class in com.restfb.util
a DateFormat strategy that returns a cached SimpleDateFormat instance.
CachedDateFormatStrategy() - Constructor for class com.restfb.util.CachedDateFormatStrategy
call_to_actions - com.restfb.types.send.SettingTypeEnum
CallButton - Class in com.restfb.types.send
Represents the Call Button type
CallButton(String, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.CallButton
CallToAction - Class in com.restfb.types.send
Used to send a new welcome message to Facebook and set it on a page.
CallToAction(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.CallToAction
Campaign - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the Campaign Marketing API type
Campaign() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpError
CategorizedFacebookType - Class in com.restfb.types
Superclass for Graph API types that include a category field.
CategorizedFacebookType() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.CategorizedFacebookType
Category - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents an category element used by place and page
Category() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Category
Category() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Event.Category
Change - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
The transferred change containing the field and the value
Change() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.Change
ChangeValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
Basic ChangeValue provides a enum for the Verb
ChangeValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.ChangeValue
ChangeValue.Verb - Enum in com.restfb.types.webhook
ChangeValueFactory - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
Factory to convert the value field of the change into a class with special fields
ChangeValueFactory() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.ChangeValueFactory
check() - Method in class com.restfb.types.GraphResponse
Checkin - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Checkin Graph API type.
Checkin() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Checkin
CheckoutUpdateItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
Represents the Checkout Update Callback
CheckoutUpdateItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.CheckoutUpdateItem
cities - Variable in class com.restfb.types.Post.Targeting
clear() - Method in class com.restfb.util.SoftHashMap
clearThreadLocal() - Method in class com.restfb.util.CachedDateFormatStrategy
CLIENT_LOGGER - Static variable in class com.restfb.logging.RestFBLogger
closeQuietly(Closeable) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultWebRequestor
Attempts to cleanly close a resource, swallowing any exceptions that might occur since there's no way to recover anyway.
closeQuietly(HttpURLConnection) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultWebRequestor
Attempts to cleanly close an HttpURLConnection, swallowing any exceptions that might occur since there's no way to recover anyway.
column - Variable in class com.restfb.json.Location
The column number, starting at 1.
com.restfb - package com.restfb
Contains types used to interact with the Facebook Graph API.
com.restfb.annotation - package com.restfb.annotation
com.restfb.batch - package com.restfb.batch
Support classes for RestFB's implementation of the Facebook Batch API.
com.restfb.exception - package com.restfb.exception
Contains exceptions that RestFB may throw while attempting to communicate with the Facebook API endpoints.
com.restfb.exception.devicetoken - package com.restfb.exception.devicetoken
com.restfb.exception.generator - package com.restfb.exception.generator
com.restfb.json - package com.restfb.json
Repackaging of the minimal-json implementation.
com.restfb.logging - package com.restfb.logging
com.restfb.scope - package com.restfb.scope
com.restfb.types - package com.restfb.types
Default implementations of Facebook Graph API Objects.
com.restfb.types.ads - package com.restfb.types.ads
Special types to interact with the Facebook Marketing API.
com.restfb.types.instagram - package com.restfb.types.instagram
Contains all types that are necessary to interact with the Instagram Graph API.
com.restfb.types.send - package com.restfb.types.send
Contains all types that are necessary to interact with Facebook Send API.
com.restfb.types.send.airline - package com.restfb.types.send.airline
com.restfb.types.send.buybutton - package com.restfb.types.send.buybutton
com.restfb.types.send.media - package com.restfb.types.send.media
com.restfb.types.webhook - package com.restfb.types.webhook
com.restfb.types.webhook.base - package com.restfb.types.webhook.base
com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram - package com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram
com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging - package com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline - package com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline
com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp - package com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp
com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment - package com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment
com.restfb.util - package com.restfb.util
Contains utility classes which provide common String, Date, and Reflection operations.
Comment - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Comment Graph API type.
Comment() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Comment
Comments - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Comments Graph API type.
Comments() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Comments
compact - com.restfb.types.send.ListTemplatePayload.TopElementStyleEnum
compact - com.restfb.types.send.WebviewHeightEnum
Connection<T> - Class in com.restfb
Connection(FacebookClient, String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class com.restfb.Connection
Creates a connection with the given jsonObject.
Connection.Itr<T> - Class in com.restfb
Iterator over connection pages.
ConnectionIterator<T> - Interface in com.restfb
Connections() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
contact_email - com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.RequestedUserInfoEnum
contact_name - com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.RequestedUserInfoEnum
contact_phone - com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.RequestedUserInfoEnum
contains(String) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Checks if a specified member is present as a child of this object.
Conversation - Class in com.restfb.types
Conversation() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Conversation
Conversation.Tag - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Tag Graph API type.
ConversionActionQuery - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
ConversionActionQuery() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
convertHours() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
convertLabels(JsonMapper) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
convertPicture(JsonMapper) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
convertPicture(JsonMapper) - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserInvitableFriend
convertPicture(String) - Method in class com.restfb.util.MappingUtils
convertRawEntites(JsonMapper) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.NlpResult
convertSessionKeysToAccessTokens(String, String, String...) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
convertSessionKeysToAccessTokens(String, String, String...) - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
Converts an arbitrary number of sessionKeys to OAuth access tokens.
convertTimezone() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.Place
convertVersion() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Subscription.SubscriptionField
CoordinatesItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
CoordinatesItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.CoordinatesItem
Coords() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.Coords
CopyrightReferenceContainer - Class in com.restfb.types
CopyrightReferenceContainer() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
COST_CAP - com.restfb.types.ads.BidStrategyEnum
countries - Variable in class com.restfb.types.Post.Targeting
Countries() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.TargetAudience.Countries
Cover() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Page.Cover
CoverPhoto - Class in com.restfb.types
CoverPhoto() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.CoverPhoto
create() - Static method in class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo.DebugHeaderInfoFactory
createEndpointForApiCall(String, boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
createFacebookResponseTypeAndMessageContainer(JsonObject, Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.exception.generator.DefaultFacebookExceptionGenerator
createFormFieldName(BinaryAttachment) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultWebRequestor
Creates the form field name for the binary attachment filename by stripping off the file extension - for example, the filename "test.png" would return "test".
createFrom(FacebookOAuthException) - Static method in class com.restfb.exception.devicetoken.DeviceTokenExceptionFactory
createGraphFacebookExceptionMapper() - Method in class com.restfb.exception.generator.DefaultFacebookExceptionGenerator
Specifies how we map Graph API exception types/messages to real Java exceptions.
createInstance(Class<T>) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.ReflectionUtils
Creates a new instance of the given type.
createJsonFromRule(Rule) - Static method in class com.restfb.types.ads.RuleFactory
createRuleFromJson(JsonObject) - Static method in class com.restfb.types.ads.RuleFactory
createWriter(Writer) - Method in class com.restfb.json.PrettyPrint
Currency() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.User.Currency
CustomAudience - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the Custom Audience Marketing API type
CustomAudience() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
CustomAudienceDataSource - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
CustomAudienceDataSource() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudienceDataSource
CustomAudiencePermission - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the Custom audience permission Marketing API type
CustomAudiencePermission() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudiencePermission
CustomAudienceStatus - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the Custom Audience Status Marketing API type
CustomAudienceStatus() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudienceStatus
customizeConnection(HttpURLConnection) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultWebRequestor
Hook method which allows subclasses to easily customize the connections created by DefaultWebRequestor.executeGet(String) and DefaultWebRequestor.executePost(String, String) - for example, setting a custom read timeout or request header.
customizeConnection(HttpURLConnection) - Method in class com.restfb.ETagWebRequestor


DateFormatStrategy - Interface in com.restfb.util
The DateFormat strategy interface.
DateUtils - Class in com.restfb.util
A collection of date-handling utility methods.
DayPart - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
DayPart() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.DayPart
DeAuth - Class in com.restfb.types
DeAuth type, returned on deauthorization callback
DeAuth() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.DeAuth
debug(String, Object...) - Method in class com.restfb.logging.JulLogger
debug(String, Object...) - Method in class com.restfb.logging.RestFBLogger
Log a message at the DEBUG level according to the specified format and arguments.
debug(String, Object...) - Method in class com.restfb.logging.SLF4JLogger
DebugHeaderInfo - Class in com.restfb
DebugHeaderInfo.DebugHeaderInfoFactory - Class in com.restfb
DebugHeaderInfo.HeaderUsage - Class in com.restfb
DebugHeaderInfoFactory() - Constructor for class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo.DebugHeaderInfoFactory
debugToken(String) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
debugToken(String) - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
When working with access tokens, you may need to check what information is associated with them, such as its user or expiry.
DebugTokenError() - Constructor for class com.restfb.FacebookClient.DebugTokenError
DebugTokenInfo() - Constructor for class com.restfb.FacebookClient.DebugTokenInfo
decodeBase64(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.EncodingUtils
Decodes a base64-encoded string, padding out if necessary.
DefaultAction - Class in com.restfb.types.send
DefaultAction(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.DefaultAction
DefaultFacebookClient - Class in com.restfb
Default implementation of a Facebook Graph API client.
DefaultFacebookClient() - Constructor for class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
DefaultFacebookClient(Version) - Constructor for class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
Creates a Facebook Graph API client with the given apiVersion.
DefaultFacebookClient(String, Version) - Constructor for class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
Creates a Facebook Graph API client with the given accessToken.
DefaultFacebookClient(String, WebRequestor, JsonMapper, Version) - Constructor for class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
Creates a Facebook Graph API client with the given accessToken.
DefaultFacebookClient(String, String, Version) - Constructor for class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
Creates a Facebook Graph API client with the given accessToken.
DefaultFacebookClient(String, String, WebRequestor, JsonMapper, Version) - Constructor for class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
Creates a Facebook Graph API client with the given accessToken, webRequestor, and jsonMapper.
DefaultFacebookClient.Requestor - Interface in com.restfb
DefaultFacebookEndpoints - Class in com.restfb
Default implementation of the FacebookEndpoints interface.
DefaultFacebookEndpoints() - Constructor for class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookEndpoints
DefaultFacebookExceptionGenerator - Class in com.restfb.exception.generator
DefaultFacebookExceptionGenerator() - Constructor for class com.restfb.exception.generator.DefaultFacebookExceptionGenerator
DefaultFacebookExceptionGenerator.DefaultGraphFacebookExceptionMapper - Class in com.restfb.exception.generator
A canned implementation of FacebookExceptionMapper that maps Graph API exceptions.
DefaultGraphFacebookExceptionMapper() - Constructor for class com.restfb.exception.generator.DefaultFacebookExceptionGenerator.DefaultGraphFacebookExceptionMapper
DefaultJsonMapper - Class in com.restfb
Default implementation of a JSON-to-Java mapper.
DefaultJsonMapper() - Constructor for class com.restfb.DefaultJsonMapper
Creates a JSON mapper which will throw FacebookJsonMappingException whenever an error occurs when mapping JSON data to Java objects.
DefaultWebRequestor - Class in com.restfb
Default implementation of a service that sends HTTP requests to the Facebook API endpoint.
DefaultWebRequestor() - Constructor for class com.restfb.DefaultWebRequestor
DefaultWebRequestor.HttpMethod - Enum in com.restfb
DELETE - com.restfb.DefaultWebRequestor.HttpMethod
deleteObject(String, Parameter...) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
deleteObject(String, Parameter...) - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
Performs a Graph API delete operation on the given object.
DeliveryCheck - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
DeliveryCheck() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.DeliveryCheck
DeliveryCheckExtraInfo - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
DeliveryCheckExtraInfo() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.DeliveryCheckExtraInfo
DeliveryItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
DeliveryItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.DeliveryItem
dependsOn(String) - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchRequest.BatchRequestBuilder
Specifies if the request generated by this builder depends on the completion of another call in the current batch, for example "first".
DeviceCode - Class in com.restfb.types
DeviceCode() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.DeviceCode
DeviceTokenExceptionFactory - Class in com.restfb.exception.devicetoken
Dispute() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Payment.Dispute
domain_whitelisting - com.restfb.types.send.SettingTypeEnum
DomainActionTypeEnum - Enum in com.restfb.types.send
Represents the domain whitelisting action type


EDIT - com.restfb.types.webhook.ChangeValue.Verb
EDITED - com.restfb.types.webhook.ChangeValue.Verb
Education() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.User.Education
EducationClass() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.User.EducationClass
Element(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.OpenGraphTemplatePayload.Element
ElementItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
ElementItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ElementItem
EMAIL - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides access to the person's primary email address via the email property on the user object.
EMPTY_OBJECT - Static variable in class com.restfb.util.StringJsonUtils
encodeAppSecretProof(String, String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.EncodingUtils
Generates an appsecret_proof for facebook.
encodeHex(byte[]) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.EncodingUtils
Encodes a hex byte[] from given byte[].
ENCODING_CHARSET - Static variable in class com.restfb.util.StringUtils
Default charset to use for encoding/decoding strings.
EncodingUtils - Class in com.restfb.util
A collection of data-encoding utility methods.
endArray(A) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonHandler
Indicates the end of an array in the JSON input.
endArrayValue(A) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonHandler
Indicates the end of an array element in the JSON input.
endBoolean(boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonHandler
Indicates the end of a boolean literal (true or false) in the JSON input.
endNull() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonHandler
Indicates the end of a null literal in the JSON input.
endNumber(String) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonHandler
Indicates the end of a number in the JSON input.
endObject(O) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonHandler
Indicates the end of an object in the JSON input.
endObjectName(O, String) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonHandler
Indicates the end of an object member name in the JSON input.
endObjectValue(O, String) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonHandler
Indicates the end of an object member value in the JSON input.
endString(String) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonHandler
Indicates the end of a string in the JSON input.
Engagement() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Page.Engagement
EntityAtTextRange - Class in com.restfb.types
EntityAtTextRange() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.EntityAtTextRange
entrySet() - Method in class com.restfb.util.SoftHashMap
Returns a copy of the key/values in the map at the point of calling.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchHeader
equals(Object) - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.restfb.BinaryAttachment
equals(Object) - Method in class com.restfb.Connection
equals(Object) - Method in class com.restfb.FacebookClient.AccessToken
equals(Object) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Indicates whether a given object is "equal to" this JsonArray.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
equals(Object) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject.Member
Indicates whether a given object is "equal to" this JsonObject.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one according to the contract specified in Object.equals(Object).
equals(Object) - Method in class com.restfb.json.Location
equals(Object) - Method in class com.restfb.Parameter
equals(Object) - Method in class com.restfb.types.AbstractFacebookType
equals(Object) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.ChangeValue
equals(Object) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpError
equals(Object, Object) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.ReflectionUtils
Reflection-based implementation of Object.equals(Object).
error(String, Object...) - Method in class com.restfb.logging.JulLogger
error(String, Object...) - Method in class com.restfb.logging.RestFBLogger
Log a message at the ERROR level according to the specified format and arguments.
error(String, Object...) - Method in class com.restfb.logging.SLF4JLogger
ERROR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.restfb.exception.generator.FacebookExceptionGenerator
API error response 'error' attribute name.
ERROR_CODE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.restfb.exception.generator.FacebookExceptionGenerator
API error response 'code' attribute name.
ERROR_IS_TRANSIENT_NAME - Static variable in interface com.restfb.exception.generator.FacebookExceptionGenerator
ERROR_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.restfb.exception.generator.FacebookExceptionGenerator
API error response 'message' attribute name.
ERROR_SUBCODE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.restfb.exception.generator.FacebookExceptionGenerator
API error response 'error_subcode' attribute name.
ERROR_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.restfb.exception.generator.FacebookExceptionGenerator
API error response 'type' attribute name.
ERROR_USER_MSG_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.restfb.exception.generator.FacebookExceptionGenerator
API error response 'error_user_msg' attribute name.
ERROR_USER_TITLE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.restfb.exception.generator.FacebookExceptionGenerator
API error response 'error_user_title' attribute name.
ETagWebRequestor - Class in com.restfb
WebRequestor with ETag-support.
ETagWebRequestor() - Constructor for class com.restfb.ETagWebRequestor
Event - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Event Graph API type.
Event() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Event
Event.Category - Class in com.restfb.types
Event.Owner - Class in com.restfb.types
EVENTS_GROUPS_PAGES - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions.Category
exceptionForTypeAndMessage(ExceptionInformation) - Method in interface com.restfb.exception.FacebookExceptionMapper
Given a Facebook API exception type and message, generates an instance of the corresponding FacebookGraphException or one of its subclasses.
exceptionForTypeAndMessage(ExceptionInformation) - Method in class com.restfb.exception.generator.DefaultFacebookExceptionGenerator.DefaultGraphFacebookExceptionMapper
ExceptionInformation - Class in com.restfb.exception
immutable container to transfer all data used to create the correct facebook exception
ExceptionInformation(Integer, Integer, Integer, String, String, String, String, Boolean, JsonObject) - Constructor for class com.restfb.exception.ExceptionInformation
extended constructor to build a set of information used by the exception generator
ExceptionInformation(Integer, Integer, String, JsonObject) - Constructor for class com.restfb.exception.ExceptionInformation
basic constructor to build a set of information used by the exception generator
executeBatch(BatchRequest...) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
executeBatch(BatchRequest...) - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
Executes operations as a batch using the Batch API.
executeBatch(List<BatchRequest>) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
executeBatch(List<BatchRequest>) - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
Executes operations as a batch using the Batch API.
executeBatch(List<BatchRequest>, List<BinaryAttachment>) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
executeBatch(List<BatchRequest>, List<BinaryAttachment>) - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
Executes operations as a batch with binary attachments using the Batch API.
executeDelete(String) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultWebRequestor
executeDelete(String) - Method in interface com.restfb.WebRequestor
Given a Facebook API endpoint URL and parameter string, execute a DELETE to the endpoint URL.
executeGet(String) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultWebRequestor
executeGet(String) - Method in interface com.restfb.WebRequestor
Given a Facebook API endpoint URL, execute a GET against it.
executePost(String, String) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultWebRequestor
executePost(String, String) - Method in interface com.restfb.WebRequestor
Given a Facebook API endpoint URL and parameter string, execute a POST to the endpoint URL.
executePost(String, String, List<BinaryAttachment>) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultWebRequestor
executePost(String, String, List<BinaryAttachment>) - Method in interface com.restfb.WebRequestor
Given a Facebook API endpoint URL and parameter string, execute a POST to the endpoint URL.
existing_thread - com.restfb.types.send.ThreadStateEnum
Experience() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.User.Experience
ExtendedCreditInvoiceGroup - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
ExtendedCreditInvoiceGroup() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.ExtendedCreditInvoiceGroup
External() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.External
extractParametersFromQueryString(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.UrlUtils
For the given queryString, extract a mapping of query string parameter names to values.
extractParametersFromUrl(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.UrlUtils
For the given url, extract a mapping of query string parameter names to values.


Facebook - Annotation Type in com.restfb
Specifies how a Facebook JSON response attribute maps to a Java field.
FACEBOOK_ALTERNATE_SHORT_DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class com.restfb.util.DateUtils
Facebook alternate short date format.
FACEBOOK_LONG_DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class com.restfb.util.DateUtils
Facebook "long" date format (IETF RFC 3339).
FACEBOOK_LONG_DATE_FORMAT_WITHOUT_TIMEZONE - Static variable in class com.restfb.util.DateUtils
Facebook "long" date format (IETF RFC 3339) without a timezone component.
FACEBOOK_LONG_DATE_FORMAT_WITHOUT_TIMEZONE_OR_SECONDS - Static variable in class com.restfb.util.DateUtils
Facebook "long" date format (IETF RFC 3339) without a timezone or seconds component.
FACEBOOK_MONTH_YEAR_DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class com.restfb.util.DateUtils
Facebook month-year only date format.
FACEBOOK_SHORT_DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class com.restfb.util.DateUtils
Facebook short date format.
FacebookCheckedException - Exception in com.restfb.exception
FacebookCheckedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookCheckedException
Creates an exception with the given message.
FacebookCheckedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookCheckedException
Creates an exception with the given message and cause.
FacebookClient - Interface in com.restfb
Specifies how a Facebook Graph API client must operate.
FacebookClient.AccessToken - Class in com.restfb
Represents an access token/expiration date pair.
FacebookClient.DebugTokenError - Class in com.restfb
FacebookClient.DebugTokenInfo - Class in com.restfb
Represents the result of a FacebookClient.debugToken(String) inquiry.
FacebookDeviceTokenCodeExpiredException - Exception in com.restfb.exception.devicetoken
FacebookDeviceTokenCodeExpiredException(String) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.devicetoken.FacebookDeviceTokenCodeExpiredException
FacebookDeviceTokenCodeExpiredException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.devicetoken.FacebookDeviceTokenCodeExpiredException
FacebookDeviceTokenDeclinedException - Exception in com.restfb.exception.devicetoken
FacebookDeviceTokenDeclinedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.devicetoken.FacebookDeviceTokenDeclinedException
FacebookDeviceTokenDeclinedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.devicetoken.FacebookDeviceTokenDeclinedException
FacebookDeviceTokenException - Exception in com.restfb.exception.devicetoken
FacebookDeviceTokenException(String) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.devicetoken.FacebookDeviceTokenException
FacebookDeviceTokenException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.devicetoken.FacebookDeviceTokenException
FacebookDeviceTokenPendingException - Exception in com.restfb.exception.devicetoken
FacebookDeviceTokenPendingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.devicetoken.FacebookDeviceTokenPendingException
FacebookDeviceTokenPendingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.devicetoken.FacebookDeviceTokenPendingException
FacebookDeviceTokenSlowdownException - Exception in com.restfb.exception.devicetoken
FacebookDeviceTokenSlowdownException(String) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.devicetoken.FacebookDeviceTokenSlowdownException
FacebookDeviceTokenSlowdownException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.devicetoken.FacebookDeviceTokenSlowdownException
FacebookEndpoints - Interface in com.restfb
Interface for accessing the Facebook Endpoints.
FacebookEndpoints.Endpoint - Enum in com.restfb
FacebookErrorMessageException - Exception in com.restfb.exception
Abstract class to provide access to the JSON Facebook provides in case of an error Sometime a developer needs to access the plain error to get a more in depth view to the error.
FacebookErrorMessageException(String) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookErrorMessageException
FacebookErrorMessageException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookErrorMessageException
FacebookException - Exception in com.restfb.exception
Root of the RestFB exception hierarchy.
FacebookException(String) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookException
Creates an exception with the given message.
FacebookException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookException
Creates an exception with the given message and cause.
FacebookExceptionGenerator - Interface in com.restfb.exception.generator
Generator to convert Facebook error JSON into RestFB Exceptions.
FacebookExceptionMapper - Interface in com.restfb.exception
Specifies a method for mapping Graph and Old REST API exceptions to corresponding instances of FacebookException.
facebookFieldNamesWithMultipleMappings(List<ReflectionUtils.FieldWithAnnotation<Facebook>>) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultJsonMapper
Finds any Facebook JSON fields that are mapped to more than 1 Java field.
FacebookGraphException - Exception in com.restfb.exception
Indicates that the Facebook Graph API endpoint returned JSON which indicates an error condition.
FacebookGraphException(String, String, Integer, Integer, Integer, String, String, Boolean, JsonObject) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookGraphException
Creates an exception with the given error type and message.
FacebookJsonMappingException - Exception in com.restfb.exception
Indicates that an error occurred while mapping JSON data to a Java object.
FacebookJsonMappingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookJsonMappingException
Creates an exception with the given message.
FacebookJsonMappingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookJsonMappingException
Creates an exception with the given message and cause.
FacebookLoggerException - Exception in com.restfb.exception
FacebookLoggerException(String) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookLoggerException
FacebookLoggerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookLoggerException
FacebookNetworkException - Exception in com.restfb.exception
Indicates that a network error occurred while trying to connect to the Facebook API endpoint.
FacebookNetworkException(Integer) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookNetworkException
Creates an exception with the given message and HTTP status code.
FacebookNetworkException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookNetworkException
Creates an exception with the given message and cause.
FacebookNetworkException(Throwable, Integer) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookNetworkException
Creates an exception with the given message, cause, and HTTP status code.
FacebookOAuthException - Exception in com.restfb.exception
Indicates that the Facebook Graph API endpoint returned JSON which indicates an error condition related to the OAuth token included in the request.
FacebookOAuthException(String, String, Integer, Integer, Integer, String, String, Boolean, JsonObject) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookOAuthException
Creates an exception with the given error type and message.
FacebookPermissions - Enum in com.restfb.scope
FacebookPermissions.Category - Enum in com.restfb.scope
FacebookPreconditionException - Exception in com.restfb.exception
Exception that's thrown as soon as a precondition is not matched
FacebookPreconditionException(String) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookPreconditionException
FacebookPreconditionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookPreconditionException
FacebookQueryParseException - Exception in com.restfb.exception
Indicates that the Facebook Graph API endpoint returned JSON which indicates an error condition related to FQL query parsing.
FacebookQueryParseException(String, String, Integer, Integer, Integer, String, String, Boolean, JsonObject) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookQueryParseException
Creates an exception with the given error type and message.
FacebookResponseContentException - Exception in com.restfb.exception
Indicates that the Facebook Graph API endpoint returned an unexpected response body.
FacebookResponseContentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookResponseContentException
Creates an exception with the given message and cause.
FacebookResponseStatusException - Exception in com.restfb.exception
Indicates that the Legacy REST Facebook endpoint returned JSON which indicates an error condition.
FacebookResponseStatusException(Integer, String, JsonObject) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookResponseStatusException
Creates an exception with the given message and error code.
FacebookSignedRequestParsingException - Exception in com.restfb.exception
Indicates that signed request parsing failed.
FacebookSignedRequestParsingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookSignedRequestParsingException
Creates an exception with the given message.
FacebookSignedRequestParsingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookSignedRequestParsingException
Creates an exception with the given message and cause.
FacebookSignedRequestVerificationException - Exception in com.restfb.exception
Indicates that signed request verification failed.
FacebookSignedRequestVerificationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookSignedRequestVerificationException
Creates an exception with the given message.
FacebookSignedRequestVerificationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookSignedRequestVerificationException
Creates an exception with the given message and cause.
FacebookType - Class in com.restfb.types
Base class which encapsulates behavior and properties common to most Graph API types.
FacebookType() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.FacebookType
FacebookType.Metadata - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents Facebook Object metadata, available by including the metadata=1 URL parameter in an API request.
FacebookType.Metadata.Connections - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents Facebook Object connections metadata, available by including the metadata=1 URL parameter in an API request.
FALLBACK - Static variable in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingAttachment
The "fallback" attachment type.
FallBackChangeValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
Fallback for not unimplemented change values
FallBackChangeValue(JsonObject) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.FallBackChangeValue
FALSE - Static variable in class com.restfb.json.Json
Represents the JSON literal false.
FALSE - Static variable in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Use Json.FALSE instead
fatal(String, Object...) - Method in class com.restfb.logging.JulLogger
fatal(String, Object...) - Method in class com.restfb.logging.RestFBLogger
Log a message at the FATAL level according to the specified format and arguments.
fatal(String, Object...) - Method in class com.restfb.logging.SLF4JLogger
FeedAlbumAddValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
change value of the feed album add
FeedAlbumAddValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedAlbumAddValue
FeedAlbumEditedValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
change value of the feed album edit
FeedAlbumEditedValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedAlbumEditedValue
FeedCommentValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
Change Value for feed comments
FeedCommentValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedCommentValue
FeedEventValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
FeedEventValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedEventValue
FeedLikeValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
change value of the feed like
FeedLikeValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedLikeValue
FeedPhotoAddValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
change value of the feed photo remove
FeedPhotoAddValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedPhotoAddValue
FeedPhotoRemoveValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
change value of the feed photo remove
FeedPhotoRemoveValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedPhotoRemoveValue
FeedPostValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
Change value for feed post
FeedPostValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedPostValue
FeedReactionValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
Change value describing a reaction to a post/comment/reply.
FeedReactionValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedReactionValue
FeedShareValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
Change value for feed share
FeedShareValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedShareValue
FeedStatusValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
Change value for feed status
FeedStatusValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedStatusValue
FeedTargeting() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
FeedVideoBlockMute - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
change value of the feed video if a video is blocked/unblocked
FeedVideoBlockMute() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedVideoBlockMute
FeedVideoRemoveValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
change value of the feed video remove
FeedVideoRemoveValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedVideoRemoveValue
FeedVideoValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
change value of the feed video
FeedVideoValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedVideoValue
fetchConnection(String, Class<T>, Parameter...) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
fetchConnection(String, Class<T>, Parameter...) - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
Fetches a Graph API Connection type, mapping the result to an instance of connectionType.
fetchConnectionPage(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
fetchConnectionPage(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
Fetches a previous/next page of a Graph API Connection type, mapping the result to an instance of connectionType.
fetchDeviceCode(ScopeBuilder) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
fetchDeviceCode(ScopeBuilder) - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
Method to initialize the device access token generation.
fetchNextPage() - Method in class com.restfb.Connection
Fetches the next page of the connection.
fetchObject(String, Class<T>, Parameter...) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
fetchObject(String, Class<T>, Parameter...) - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
Fetches a single Graph API object, mapping the result to an instance of objectType.
fetchObjects(List<String>, Class<T>, Parameter...) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
fetchObjects(List<String>, Class<T>, Parameter...) - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
Fetches multiple Graph API objects in a single call, mapping the results to an instance of objectType.
fetchResponse(HttpURLConnection) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultWebRequestor
fetchResponse(HttpURLConnection) - Method in class com.restfb.ETagWebRequestor
FieldData - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
FieldData() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.FieldData
FieldWithAnnotation(Field, T) - Constructor for class com.restfb.util.ReflectionUtils.FieldWithAnnotation
Creates a field/annotation pair.
FILE - com.restfb.types.send.MediaAttachment.Type
FILE - Static variable in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingAttachment
The "file" attachment type.
fillHeaderAndDebugInfo(HttpURLConnection) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultWebRequestor
fillPicture(JsonMapper) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
fillProfilePicture(JsonMapper) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
fillProfilePicture(JsonMapper) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
findFieldsWithAnnotation(Class<?>, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.ReflectionUtils
Finds fields on the given type and all of its superclasses annotated with annotations of type annotationType.
findMethodsWithAnnotation(Class<?>, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.ReflectionUtils
Finds methods on the given type and all of its superclasses annotated with annotations of type annotationType.
FIXED_AMOUNT - com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.PaymentTypeEnum
FLEXIBLE_AMOUNT - com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.PaymentTypeEnum
FlexibleTargeting - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
FlexibleTargeting() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
FlightAirport - Class in com.restfb.types.send.airline
FlightAirport(String, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.airline.FlightAirport
FlightAirportItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline
FlightAirportItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightAirportItem
FlightInfo - Class in com.restfb.types.send.airline
FlightInfo(String, String, String, FlightAirport, FlightAirport, FlightSchedule, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.airline.FlightInfo
FlightInfoItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline
FlightInfoItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightInfoItem
FlightSchedule - Class in com.restfb.types.send.airline
FlightSchedule(Date, Date) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.airline.FlightSchedule
FlightScheduleItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline
FlightScheduleItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightScheduleItem
formatFor(String) - Method in class com.restfb.util.CachedDateFormatStrategy
formatFor(String) - Method in interface com.restfb.util.DateFormatStrategy
fetch the DateFormat instance that is used to parse a date in the DateUtils
formatFor(String) - Method in class com.restfb.util.SimpleDateFormatStrategy
FRI - com.restfb.types.Hours.DayOfWeek
FriendList - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the FriendList Graph API type .
FriendList() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.FriendList
From - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.base
The From object of the Webhhok Value.
From() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.base.From
From(String, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.base.From
fromInputStream(InputStream) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.StringUtils
Builds and returns a string representation of the given inputStream .
fromQueryString(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.FacebookClient.AccessToken
Given a query string of the form access_token=XXX or access_token=XXX&expires=YYY, return an AccessToken instance.
full - com.restfb.types.send.WebviewHeightEnum
FundingSourceDetails - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
FundingSourceDetails() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.FundingSourceDetails
FundingSourceDetailsCoupon - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
FundingSourceDetailsCoupon() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.FundingSourceDetailsCoupon


generateParameterString(List<Parameter>) - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchRequest
For a list of parameters, generate a URL query string.
GenericTemplatePayload - Class in com.restfb.types.send
GenericTemplatePayload() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.GenericTemplatePayload
get(int) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Returns the value of the element at the specified position in this array.
get(Object) - Method in class com.restfb.util.SoftHashMap
get(String) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Returns the value of the member with the specified name in this object.
GET - com.restfb.DefaultWebRequestor.HttpMethod
getAbout() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
General information about this page.
getAbout() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
Information about the Place provided by the Page administrator.
getAbout() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
getAboveBarCodeImageUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
getAboveBarCodeImageUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
getAccessors(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.ReflectionUtils
Gets all accessor methods for the given clazz.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.restfb.FacebookClient.AccessToken
The access token's value.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
An admin access_token for this page.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.restfb.types.TestUser
You can use this access token to make API calls on behalf of the test user.
getAccIdUtilPct() - Method in class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo.HeaderUsage
getAccount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdLabel
AdGroup Account
getAccountGroupId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountGroup
getAccountId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getAccountId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getAccountId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountGroupAccount
getAccountId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
getAccountId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
The ID of the ad account that this ad belongs to.
getAccountId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
The ad account that owns the image
getAccountId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
getAccountId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getAccountId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTransaction
ID of the source Ad Account
getAccountId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
getAccountId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
getAccountId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
The ID of the Ad Account this reach frequency prediction belongs to
getAccountLinking() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
getAccountLinkingUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.MessengerProfileProperties
getAccounts() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountGroup
getAccountsGroups() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getAccountStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getAction() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PolicyEnforcementItem
getActionCarouselCardId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
The ID of the specific carousel card that people engaged with when they saw your ad.
getActionCarouselCardName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
The specific carousel card that people engaged with when they saw your ad.
getActionDestination() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
The destination where people go after clicking on your ad.
getActionDevice() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
The device on which the conversion event you are tracking occurred.
getActions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
getActions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
The list of different action types that have occurred in this payment.
getActions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
A list of available action names and links (including commenting, liking, and an optional app-specified action).
getActionTargetId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
The destination where people go after clicking on your ad.
getActionType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
The kind of actions taken on your ad, Page, app or event after your ad was served to someone, even if they didn't click on it.
getActionType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Action type
getActionType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingDynamicRule
getActionType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.AppRequest
Request action type for structured request
getActionVideoType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
Video metrics breakdown.
getActive() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Subscription
Indicates whether or not the subscription is active.
getActivities() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getActorId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getActorImageHash() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getActorImageUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getActorName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getAdAccountCreationRequest() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getAdaccountPermissions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.UserPermission
getAdAccountPromotableObjects() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getAdAccountsCurrency() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getAdAccountsInfo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getAdAccountUsage() - Method in class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo
get Facebook response header field x-ad-account-usage
getAdBreaks() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Time offsets of ad breaks in milliseconds.
getAdcampaignGroup() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getAdCampaignGroups() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTag
getAdCampaigns() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTag
getAdditionalComment() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getAdditionalImageIndex() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getAdditionalImageIndex() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
getAdditionalImageUrls() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getAddress() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptTemplatePayload
getAddress() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getAddressInChinese() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getAddressInEnglish() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getAddressInLocalLanguage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getAddressString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePlaceData
getAddressString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCustomLocation
getAddressString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
getAdEntitiesCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudyCell
getAdFormat() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPreview
getAdgroupId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getAdgroupId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.PageLeadgen
getAdGroupId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingDynamicRule
getAdgroupIds() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.DeliveryCheckExtraInfo
getAdGroups() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTag
getAdId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
getAdId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserProfile.LastAdReferral
getAdId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.PageLeadgen
getAdjustmentItems() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getAdjustments() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptTemplatePayload
getAdKeywords() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getAdlabels() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getAdlabels() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
getAdlabels() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getAdlabels() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getAdlabels() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
getAdLabels() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
getAdminCreator() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
ID of admin who created the post.
getAdminNotes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Notes of this page
getAdName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
getAdReviewFeedback() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getAdReviewFeedback() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
Review feedback for this ad.
getAdset() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getAdset() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
AdGroup set that contains this ad
getAdsetId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getAdsetId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
ID of the ad set that contains the ad
getAdsetId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
getAdsetName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
getAdsetSchedule() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getAdvertiserBusiness() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getAffiliation() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Affiliation of this person.
getAfterCursor() - Method in class com.restfb.Connection
getAge() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getAgeGroup() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getAgeMax() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getAgeMax() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
Maximum age.
getAgeMin() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getAgeMin() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
Must be 13 or higher.
getAgencyClientDeclaration() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getAgencyRepresentingClient() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
Whether this account is for an agency representing a client.
getAgeRange() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdBidAdjustments
getAgeRange() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Unspecific age range that this person's age fits into.
getAggregation() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixelStatsResult
getAircraftType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.FlightInfo
getAircraftType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightInfoItem
getAirportCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.FlightAirport
getAirportCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightAirportItem
getAlbum() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
The album this photo is in
getAlbumId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedAlbumAddValue
getAlbumId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedAlbumEditedValue
getAlbums() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getAlgorithm() - Method in class com.restfb.types.DeAuth
getAllow() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Privacy
For CUSTOM settings, a comma-separated list of user IDs and friend list IDs that "can" see the post.
getAllowedAdvertisingObjectives() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Objectives under which this post can be advertised
getAllowedAdvertisingObjects() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Objectives under which this post can be advertised
getAllowedValues() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
For enum properties, the set of allowed values
getAllowMultipleReferences() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
Whether multiple objects can be referenced by the action
getAmex() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PagePaymentOptions
Whether the business accepts American Express as a payment option.
getAmount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FundingSourceDetails
Amount of Facebook Ads Coupon
getAmount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FundingSourceDetailsCoupon
getAmount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Action
The amount of money covered by this action.
getAmount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.PriceInfo
getAmount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.PriceListItem
getAmount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptAdjustment
getAmount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AdjustmentItem
getAmount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PriceInfoItem
getAmount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.Amount
Total amount
getAmount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PaymentItem
Total amount of transaction.
getAmountSpent() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getAndroid() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataAppLinkSpec
getAndroid() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AppLinks
getAndroidApp() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
App that stores the destination info on Android.
getAndroidAppId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
ID of the App that stores the destination info on Android
getAndroidDeeplink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Destination deeplink for the call-to-action on Android
getAndroidDestinationType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Destination type for the call-to-action on Android.
getAndroidInstallsOverLastSevenDays() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Number of reported Android installs over the last seven days.
getAndroidKeyHash() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The app key hash for this app's Android native implementation.
getAndroidMissingSettings() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Settings that need to be fixed before serving app ads for Android.
getAndroidPackageName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Destination app for the call-to-action on Android
getAndroidSdkErrorCategories() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Error configuration for Android SDK.
getAndroidSupportStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Status of iOS app ad support for this application.
getAndroidUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Destination url for the call-to-action on Android
getAnimatedGifPreviewUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.ImageData
getAnimatedGifUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.ImageData
getAnimatedWebpPreviewUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.ImageData
getAnimatedWebpUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.ImageData
getAnnotation() - Method in class com.restfb.util.ReflectionUtils.FieldWithAnnotation
Gets the annotation on the field.
getApiEnum() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Category
getApp() - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserIDForApp
getAppAdDebugInfo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
App ad related information to help debugging.
getAppAmount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTransaction
Monetary amount given to the app for this transaction
getAppDestination() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
getAppDomains() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Domains and subdomains this app can use.
getAppealReason() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getAppEventsFeatureBitmask() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Bitmask of on/off settings for various App Events related features.
getAppId() - Method in class com.restfb.FacebookClient.DebugTokenInfo
The application id.
getAppId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.WindowsAppLink
getAppId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.WindowsPhoneAppLink
getAppId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
App ID for app-owned Pages and app Pages.
getAppId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
ID of the app from which the message was sent
getAppIds() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AppRoles
Get a set of app ids
getAppInstallState() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getAppInstallTracked() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Whether the app install is trackable or not.
getApplication() - Method in class com.restfb.FacebookClient.DebugTokenInfo
The application name.
getApplication() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
getApplication() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
getApplication() - Method in class com.restfb.types.AppRequest
App associated with the request.
getApplication() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Checkin
The ID and name of the application that made the check-in.
getApplication() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Notification
The app responsible for generating the notification.
getApplication() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
getApplication() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
The app associated with this payment
getApplication() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The application used to create this post.
getApplication() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PostCallToAction.PostCallToActionValue
getApplicationId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPromotedObject
getAppLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
getApplinks() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getAppLinks() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
AppLinks to the Place on various devices.
getAppLinks() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url
getAppLinkSpec() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getApplinkTreatment() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
Deep link fallback behavior for dynamic product ads if the app is not installed.
getAppName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.WindowsAppLink
getAppName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
App name.
getAppPreposition() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
The preposition used to address the app
getAppRoles() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
getApprovalStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Translation
The approval status of the string.
getApproximateCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
getApproximateCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.PartnerCategory
getAppStoreId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.IosAppLink
getAppType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
App type.
getAppUsage() - Method in class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo
get Facebook response header field x-app-usage
getArrivalAirport() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.FlightInfo
getArrivalAirport() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightInfoItem
getArrivalTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.FlightSchedule
getArrivalTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightScheduleItem
Timestamp for arrival time.
getArticle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphObjectType
An article for the type name
getArtistsWeLike() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Artists the band likes.
getAssetFeedId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getAssetScore() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
relevance score of an asset.
getAssetScore() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
relevance score of an asset.
getAsyncPercentCompletion() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
getAsyncStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
getAttachedFiles() - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchRequest
Names of any attached files for this call, for example "cat1, cat2" .
getAttachment() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Attachment (image) added to a comment.
getAttachment() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.Message
getAttachmentId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.media.MediaTemplateAttachmentElement
getAttachmentId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.SendResponse
getAttachments() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
The attachments associated with the message.
getAttachments() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Attachments added to a post.
getAttachments() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
Array containing attachment data
getAttachmentStyle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getAttendingCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Number of people attending the event
getAttire() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Dress code of the business.
getAttributionSpec() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getAudienceNetworkPositions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getAudienceSize() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountTargetingInsights
getAudienceSize() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseDemographic
getAudienceType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.TargetAudience
Audience type.
getAuthDialogDataHelpUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The URL of a special landing page that helps people who are using an app begin publishing Open Graph activity
getAuthDialogHeadline() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
One line description of an app that appears in the Login Dialog
getAuthDialogPermsExplanation() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The text to explain why an app needs additional permissions.
getAuthorizationCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AccountLinkingItem
Value of pass-through authorization_code provided in the Linking Account flow
getAuthReferralDefaultActivityPrivacy() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The default privacy setting selected for Open Graph activities in the Auth Dialog.
getAuthReferralEnabled() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Indicates whether Authenticated Referrals are enabled.
getAuthReferralExtendedPerms() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Extended permissions that a person can choose to grant when Authenticated Referrals are enabled.
getAuthReferralFriendPerms() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Basic friends permissions that a user must grant when Authenticated Referrals are enabled.
getAuthReferralResponseType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The format that an app receives for the authentication token from the Login Dialog
getAuthReferralUserPerms() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Basic user permissions that a user must grant when Authenticated Referrals are enabled.
getAutoEnroll() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ExtendedCreditInvoiceGroup
getAuxiliaryFields() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
getAuxiliaryFields() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
getAvailability() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getAwards() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The awards information of the film.
getBackdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
Back dated time
getBackdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Back dated time
getBackdatedTimeGranularity() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
String that represents the back dated time granularity
getBackdatedTimeGranularity() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
String that represents the back dated time granularity
getBalance() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getBandInterests() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Band interests.
getBandMembers() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Members of the band.
getBarcodeImageUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
getBarcodeImageUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
getBasePrice() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineItineraryTemplatePayload
getBasePrice() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getBeforeCursor() - Method in class com.restfb.Connection
getBehaviors() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getBehaviors() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getBestCreative() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getBestPage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The best available Page on Facebook for the concept represented by this Page.
getBidAdjustments() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getBidAmount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getBidAmount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
Bid amount for this ad
getBidAmount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getBidConstraints() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getBidInfo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getBidInfo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getBidStrategy() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getBidType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getBidType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
Bid type
getBillingAddressNew() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getBillingAddressOld() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getBillingEndTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTransaction
End time of the transaction's billing period
getBillingEvent() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getBillingStartTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTransaction
Start time of the transaction's billing period
getBio() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Biography of the band.
getBio() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's biographical snippet.
getBiography() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
Biography of the user
getBirthday() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Birthday of this person.
getBirthday() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's birthday as a String.
getBirthdayAsDate() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's birthday, typed to java.util.Date if possible.
getBlacklist() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.TargetAudience.Countries
getBlameField() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdRecommendation
getBoardingPassItems() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getBoardingPassList() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineBoardingPassTemplatePayload
getBoardingTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.FlightSchedule
getBoardingTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightScheduleItem
Timestamp for boarding time.
getBody() - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchRequest
The request body, for example "message=Test status update".
getBody() - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchResponse
The HTTP response body JSON.
getBody() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getBody() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPreview
getBody() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageAdminNote
Content of this note.
getBody() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.BaseNlpEntity
body of this entity.
getBody() - Method in class com.restfb.WebRequestor.Response
Gets the HTTP response body as text.
getBookingAgent() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Booking agent of the band.
getBooks() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Returns the boolean value of the member with the specified name in this object.
getBottom() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsImageCrops.AdsImageCropsSpec
getBrand() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getBrandedContentSponsorPageId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getBrandedContentSponsorPageId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePhotoData
getBrandedContentSponsorPageId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
getBrandedContentSponsorRelationship() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getBrandedContentSponsorRelationship() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
getBrands() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywords
getBreakfast() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantSpecialties
getBroadcastId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.SponsoredMessageResponse
getBroadcastStartTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
getBudgetRemaining() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getBuilt() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Year vehicle was built.
getBusiness() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getBusiness() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getBusiness() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
getBusiness() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductCatalog
getBusiness() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The Business associated with this Page.
getBusinessCity() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getBusinessCountryCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getBusinessDiscovery() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
Loads business discovery information
getBusinessName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getBusinessPersona() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.UserPermission
getBusinessRegistrationId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getBusinessState() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getBusinessStreet() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getBusinessStreet2() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getBusinessZip() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getButtons() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.Bubble
getButtons() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ButtonTemplatePayload
getButtons() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ListTemplatePayload
getButtons() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ListViewElement
getButtons() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.media.MediaTemplateAttachmentElement
getButtons() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.media.MediaTemplateUrlElement
getButtons() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.OpenGraphTemplatePayload.Element
getButtons() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ElementItem
getButtons() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getButtonText() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
Button text
getBuyingType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
getBuyingType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
getCallbackUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Subscription
The URL that will receive the POST request when an update is triggered.
getCallCount() - Method in class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo.HeaderUsage
getCallToAction() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getCallToAction() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment
getCallToAction() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
getCallToAction() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The call to action type used in any Page posts for mobile app engagement ads
getCallToActions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.NestedButton
Top-level menu items that user can interact with.
getCallToActions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.PersistentMenu
Top-level menu items that user can interact with.
getCallToActionType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getCampaign() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getCampaign() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
AdGroup campaign that contains this ad
getCampaign() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getCampaignGroupId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
The id of the campaign which this prediction belongs to
getCampaignGroupId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingDynamicRule
getCampaignGroupStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
getCampaignId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getCampaignId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
ID of the ad campaign that contains this ad
getCampaignId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getCampaignId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
getCampaignId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
The ID of the ad set to which this reach frequency prediction is assigned
getCampaignId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingDynamicRule
getCampaignIds() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.DeliveryCheckExtraInfo
getCampaignName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
getCampaignTimeStart() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Unix timestamp of the ad set start time
getCampaignTimeStop() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Unix timestamp of the ad set stop time
getCanceledTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
getCanCheckin() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Whether this page has checkin functionality enabled.
getCanComment() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Specifies whether you can reply to this comment
getCanComment() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comments
getCanDelete() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
A boolean indicating if the viewer can delete the photo
getCanEdit() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudiencePermission
getCanGuestsInvite() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Can guests invite friends.
getCanHide() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Whether the viewer can hide this comment
getCanLike() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Whether the viewer can like this comment
getCanLike() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Likes
returns if the user can like the object
getCanPost() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Indicates whether the current session user can post on this page.
getCanRemove() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
This field is returned only if the authenticated user can remove this comment.
getCanReply() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
Whether The Page can reply to the conversation
getCanReplyPrivately() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Whether the viewer can send a private reply to this comment (Page viewers only)
getCanReplyPrivately() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Whether the viewer can send a private reply to this post (Page viewers only)
getCanSeeInsight() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudiencePermission
getCanShare() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudiencePermission
getCanTag() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
A boolean indicating if the viewer can tag the photo
getCanUpload() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
Whether or not the user has permission to upload to this album.
getCanUseSpendCap() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
getCanvasEnabled() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getCanvasFluidHeight() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Indicates whether the app uses fluid or settable height values for Canvas.
getCanvasFluidWidth() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Indicates whether the app uses fluid or fixed width values for Canvas.
getCanvasName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.AppRequest.Application
getCanvasUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The non-secure URL from which Canvas app content is loaded.
getCapabilities() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getCaption() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getCaption() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePhotoData
getCaption() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMedia
getCaption() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The caption of the link (appears beneath the link name).
getCaptions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
getCashOnly() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PagePaymentOptions
Whether the business accepts cash only as a payment option.
getCategory() - Method in enum com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
getCategory() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadGenQualifier
getCategory() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getCategory() - Method in class com.restfb.types.CategorizedFacebookType
The category field for this type.
getCategory() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
The category of the event.
getCategory() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event.Owner
The category for this owner.
getCategory() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The Page's category. e.g.
getCategory() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SavedMessageResponse
The message category of the saved response
getCategoryDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.BroadTargetingCategories
getCategoryList() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event.Owner
List of other categories for this owner.
getCategoryList() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
the sub category list
getCategoryList() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Place
List of other categories for this place.
getCategoryList() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The Place's categories.
getCatering() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantServices
getChangedFields() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.WebhookEntry
getChanges() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.WebhookEntry
getChargeId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.PaymentCredential
Payment provider charge id
getChargeType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTransaction
Type of charge involved in the transaction
getCheckins() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The total number of users who have checked in to the Page.
getCheckins() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The number of checkins at this Place.
getCheckinUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineCheckinTemplatePayload
getCheckinUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getCheckName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdDeliveryCheck
getCheckName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.DeliveryCheck
getCheckoutUpdate() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
getChildAttachments() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getChildAttachments() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Sub-shares of a multi-link share post
getChildren() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingSentenceLine.TargetingSentenceLineItem
getChildren() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMedia
returns the list of child media objects, only available if the media_type is a carousal
getChineseLegalEntityName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getCities() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getCities() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocation
getCities() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographicMetadata
getCities() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Targeting
Values of targeting cities.
getCity() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Location
The city name of this location.
getCity() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.MailingAddress
Address city name.
getCity() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.FlightAirport
getCity() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptAddress
getCity() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AddressItem
getCity() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightAirportItem
getCity() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ShippingAddress
Shipping address city
getCityPage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.MailingAddress
Page representing the address city.
getClaimLimit() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeOfferData
getClasses() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Education
Classes taken at this school.
getClazz() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AndroidAppLink
getClick1d() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
Metric value of attribution window "1d_click"
getClick28d() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
Metric value of attribution window "28d_click"
getClick7d() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
Metric value of attribution window "7d_click"
getClicks() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The total number of clicks on your ad.
getClientBasedInFrance() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
Whether the client is based in France.
getClientCity() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
Client's city.
getClientCountryCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
Client's country code.
getClientEmailAddress() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
Client's email address.
getClientName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
Name of the client.
getClientPostalCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
Client's postal code.
getClientProvince() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
Client's province.
getClientStreet() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
First line of client's street address.
getClientStreet2() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
Second line of client's street address.
getClose() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Hours.Hour
getCode() - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchResponse
The HTTP status code for this response.
getCode() - Method in class com.restfb.FacebookClient.DebugTokenError
The error code for the error.
getCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdRecommendation
getCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixel
getCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudienceStatus
getCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.DeviceCode
Code used in the authorization poll
getCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpError
getCoffee() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantSpecialties
getCollegeMajors() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
Target people who majored in these college subjects.
getCollegeNetworks() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
Colleges, for college graduates.
getCollegeYears() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getCollegeYears() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getCollegeYears() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
Array of integers for graduation year from college.
getColor() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getColumn() - Method in exception com.restfb.json.ParseException
getCommentCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Number of replies to this comment.
getCommentCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url
getCommentId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedCommentValue
getCommentId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedLikeValue
getCommentId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedReactionValue
getCommentId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramMentionsValue
getCommentId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsCommentValue
getCommentId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsRatingValue
getCommentId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsReactionValue
getCommentPluginCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url
getComments() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
The comments for this album.
getComments() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Checkin
The comments for the check-in.
getComments() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
The replies to this comment
getComments() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMedia
returns the comments of this media
getComments() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Note
Comments made on the note.
getComments() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
getComments() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
All of the comments on this photo.
getComments() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The comments for this post.
getComments() - Method in class com.restfb.types.StatusMessage
All of the comments on this message.
getComments() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Thread
The messages in this thread.
getComments() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The comments for this video.
getCommentsAsObject() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Note
getCommentsCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMedia
getCommentsCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The number of comments of this post.
getCommentsCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The number of comments of this video.
getCommentsMirroringDomain() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
If comments are being mirrored to an external site, this function returns the domain of that external site.
getCommerceInsights() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getCompany() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The company the app belongs to.
getCompanyOverview() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Overview of the page's company.
getComposerInputDisabled() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.PersistentMenu
Set to true to disable user input in the menu.
getConcentration() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Education
getCondition() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getConfidence() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdRecommendation
getConfidence() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.BaseNlpEntity
getConfiguredIosSso() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
True if the app has configured Single Sign On on iOS.
getConfiguredStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getConfiguredStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
The configured status of the ad.
getConfiguredStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getConfiguredStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
getConnectedInstagramAccount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Instagram account connected to page via page settings
getConnectionId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.FlightInfo
getConnectionId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightInfoItem
getConnections() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getConnections() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getConnections() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata
getContact() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getContactAddress() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The mailing or contact address for this page.
getContactEmail() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Email address listed for people using the app to contact developers.
getContactEmail() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ReuqestedUserInfo
Person's email
getContactName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ReuqestedUserInfo
Person's name
getContactPhone() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ReuqestedUserInfo
Person's phone number
getContent() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingSentenceLine.TargetingSentenceLineItem
getContentCategory() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The content category of this video.
getContentTags() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Tags that describe the contents of the video.
getContentType() - Method in class com.restfb.BinaryAttachment
return the given content type or try to guess from stream or file name.
getContentType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
getContentType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.QuickReply
getContentType() - Method in enum com.restfb.types.send.QuickReply.QuickReplyType
getContext() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Social context for the app.
getContext() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Social context for this person
getControlPercentage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudyCell
getConversionId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Rule based offsite conversion
getConversionSpecs() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getConversionSpecs() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
getConvertLowercase() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
For string properties, whether the value is always lowercase
getConvertUppercase() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
For string properties, whether the value is always uppercase
getCooldownStartTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
getCoordinates() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getCoords() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.Place
getCopyrightContentId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyright
The copyright content ID
getCopyrightCreationTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
getCopyrights() - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyrightRule
Copyrights associated with this copyright rules object
getCostPerTotalAction() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The average you've spent on actions.
getCostPerUniqueClick() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The average cost per unique click for these ads, calculated as the amount spent divided by the number of unique clicks received.
getCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixelStats
getCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
The number of photos in this album.
getCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Engagement
Number of people who like this.
getCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Shares
The number of shares.
getCountries() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.DeliveryCheckExtraInfo
getCountries() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencySpec
getCountries() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getCountries() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocation
getCountries() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographicMetadata
getCountries() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Targeting
Values of targeting countries.
getCountries() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.TargetAudience
country object.
getCountry() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LookalikeSpec
getCountry() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.PartnerCategory
getCountry() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeed
getCountry() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getCountry() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationElectoralDistrict
getCountry() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationMarket
getCountry() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationRegion
getCountry() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationZip
getCountry() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Location
The country name of this location.
getCountry() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.MailingAddress
Country of the address.
getCountry() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
Buyer's ISO Country Code, for tax purposes.
getCountry() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptAddress
getCountry() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AddressItem
getCountry() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ShippingAddress
Shipping address country
getCountryCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
getCountryGroups() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getCountryGroups() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocation
getCountryName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
getCountryPageLikes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
If this is a Page in a Global Pages hierarchy, the number of people who are being directed to this Page.
getCountString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Engagement
Abbreviated string representation of count.
getCountStringWithLike() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Engagement
Abbreviated string representation of count if the viewer likes the object.
getCountStringWithoutLike() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Engagement
Abbreviated string representation of count if the viewer does not like the object.
getCoupon() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FundingSourceDetails
Details of the Facebook Ads Coupon from the payment method
getCouponType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeOfferData
getCover() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Cover picture
getCover() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Group
Information about the group's cover photo.
getCover() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The cover photo.
getCover() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
Information about the cover photo.
getCover() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The person's cover photo
getCoverage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseEducation
getCoverId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.CoverPhoto
getCoverId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Cover
The ID of the photo.
getCoverPhoto() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
The album cover photo ID.
getCpc() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The average cost per click for these ads, calculated as the amount spent divided by the number of clicks received.
getCpm() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The average cost you've paid to have 1,000 impressions on your ad.
getCpp() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The average cost you've paid to have your ad served to 1,000 unique people.
getCreatedBy() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getCreatedBy() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
getCreatedBy() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Business
getCreatedBy() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.UserPermission
getCreatedDate() - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyrightRule
The date on which the rule was created
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
Created time
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
Time the image was created
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdLabel
Created time
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeed
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.UserPermission
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
The time the photo album was initially created.
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Timestamp that indicates when the app was created.
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.AppRequest
Timestamp when the request was created.
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Checkin
The time the check-in was created.
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Date on which the comment was created.
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Likes.LikeItem
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Link
The time at which this object was created, if available.
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
The time the message was initially created.
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Milestone
The creation time of the milestone.
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Note
The time the note was initially published.
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Notification
When the notification was created.
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphRating
When the reviewer rated this object.
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Time when the call-to-action was created.
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageConnection
The time the connection was initially created.
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLifeEvent
The time when this milestone was published
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
The time the payment was originally created.
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
The time the photo was initially published.
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo.Tag
Date this tag was created.
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PlaceTag
Time when the place was visited
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The time the post was initially published.
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Review
When the review was created.
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The time the video was initially published.
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.base.BaseChangeValue
getCreatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.PageLeadgen
getCreateTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCaption
getCreationParams() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudienceDataSource
getCreationTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixel
getCreationTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Business
getCreationTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
getCreationTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
getCreationTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLabel
getCreationTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoList
The time when the playlist was created
getCreative() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getCreative() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
This field is required for create.
getCreative() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPreview
getCreativeId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getCreatives() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
A list of ad creative IDs that this ad image is being used in.
getCreativeSequence() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getCreator() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getCreator() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdConversionPixel
getCreator() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.OffsitePixel
ID and name of the ad account that first created the pixel
getCreator() - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyright
The account that created the copyright
getCreator() - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyrightRule
The person who created the match rule
getCreatorId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLabel
getCreatorUid() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
User ID of the creator of this app
getCreditCardId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getCreditNew() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getCreditOld() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getCredits() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.PaymentPricepoint
getCreditStatusNew() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getCreditStatusOld() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getCtr() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The number of clicks you received divided by the number of impressions.
getCulinaryTeam() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Culinary team of the business.
getCurrency() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getCurrency() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FundingSourceDetails
Currency of the Facebook Ads Coupon
getCurrency() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FundingSourceDetailsCoupon
getCurrency() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.MinimumBudget
getCurrency() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Action
The currency of the above amount in this action.
getCurrency() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineItineraryTemplatePayload
getCurrency() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.PriceInfo
getCurrency() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.PaymentSummary
getCurrency() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptElement
getCurrency() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptTemplatePayload
getCurrency() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's currency preferences.
getCurrency() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PriceInfoItem
getCurrency() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ElementItem
getCurrency() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getCurrency() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.Amount
Currency of amount
getCurrencyExchange() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Currency
The number of Facebook Credits that equate in value to one unit of user_currency.
getCurrencyExchangeInverse() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Currency
The number of units of user_currency that equate in value to one Credit.
getCurrencyNew() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getCurrencyOffset() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Currency
The number by which a price should be divided for display in user_currency units.
getCurrencyOld() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getCurrentHeaders() - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultWebRequestor
access to the current response headers
getCurrentLocation() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Current location of the Page.
getCurveBudgetReach() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
The curve for budget and reach.
getCusomizedTcpaContent() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
getCustomAttributes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudyObjective
getCustomAudiences() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getCustomAudiences() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getCustomConversion() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TrackingAndConversionWithDefaults
getCustomData() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getCustomDisclaimerResponses() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
getCustomerPoNumber() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ExtendedCreditInvoiceGroup
getCustomEventType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPromotedObject
getCustomLabel0() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getCustomLabel1() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getCustomLabel2() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getCustomLabel3() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getCustomLabel4() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getCustomLabels() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Labels used to describe the video.
getCustomLocations() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocation
getCustomLocations() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographicMetadata
getCustomTracking() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TrackingAndConversionWithDefaults
getDailyActiveUsers() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The number of daily active users the app has.
getDailyActiveUsersRank() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Ranking of this app vs other apps comparing daily active users.
getDailyBudget() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getDailyImpressionCurve() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Daily Impression field represents a vector of predicted daily impressions for every single day.
getDailyMinSpendTarget() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getDailySpendCap() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getDailySpendLimitNew() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getDailySpendLimitOld() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getData() - Method in class com.restfb.BinaryAttachment
The attachment's data.
getData() - Method in class com.restfb.Connection
Data for this connection.
getData() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixelStatsResult
getData() - Method in class com.restfb.types.AppRequest
Optional data passed with the request for tracking purposes
getData() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comments
The comments.
getData() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Likes
The likes.
getData() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Attachments
The attachments.
getData() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Reactions
The reaction list.
getData() - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment.Attachments
The attachments.
getDataSource() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
getDate() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageStartInfo
getDateFormatStrategy() - Static method in class com.restfb.util.DateUtils
get the current DateFormatStrategy.
getDateStart() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
getDateStop() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
getDay() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageStartDate
getDay() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDuration
getDayOfWeek() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedSchedule
getDays() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.DayPart
getDeauthCallbackUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
URL that is pinged whenever a person removes the app.
getDebug() - Method in class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo
get Facebook response header field x-fb-debug
getDebugHeaderInfo() - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultWebRequestor
getDebugHeaderInfo() - Method in interface com.restfb.WebRequestor
Provides access to the facebook header information.
getDebugTokenError() - Method in class com.restfb.FacebookClient.DebugTokenInfo
All Error data associated with access token debug.
getDeclinedCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Number of people who declined the event
getDeeplink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace.PagesPlatformComponentFlowServiceConfig
getDefaultAction() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.Bubble
getDefaultAction() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ListViewElement
getDefaultConversion() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TrackingAndConversionWithDefaults
getDefaultCurrency() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeed
getDefaultShareMode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The platform that should be used to share content.
getDefaultTracking() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TrackingAndConversionWithDefaults
getDegree() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Education
Degree acquired.
getDeleted() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LookalikeSpec.Origin
getDeletionEnabled() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeed
getDelimiter() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeed
getDelivery() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantServices
getDelivery() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
getDeliveryStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
getDemolinkHash() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getDeny() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Privacy
For CUSTOM settings, a comma-separated list of user IDs and friend list IDs that "cannot" see the post.
getDepartureAirport() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.FlightInfo
getDepartureAirport() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightInfoItem
getDepartureTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.FlightSchedule
getDepartureTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightScheduleItem
Timestamp for departure time.
getDependsOn() - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchRequest
Another call in the current batch upon which this call depends, for example "get-friends".
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdDeliveryCheck
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudienceStatus
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.DeliveryCheck
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.PartnerCategory
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseDemographic
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
The description of the album.
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The description of the app, as provided by the developer.
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
The long-form HTML description of the event.
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Group
The group description.
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Insight
The human-readable description of this Insight data.
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Link
The link description.
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.Share
The description of the shared item.
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Milestone
The description of the milestone.
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
A description of this page.
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLifeEvent
Description of the milestone.
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
A description of the link (appears beneath the link caption).
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Privacy
The privacy description.
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ProjectExperience
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The description of the Place provided by the Page administrator.
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.PageMessageTag
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment
Returns text accompanying the attachment.
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Translation
The provided description of the string.
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url.OGObject
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.EducationClass
The description of this class.
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Experience
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The long-form HTML description of the video.
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoList
Description of the playlist
getDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.WorkExperience
getDescriptionHtml() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The description of the Page in raw HTML.
getDestinationId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
The ID of the Page or the ID of the app which the ad promotes.
getDestinationType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getDetails() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.PartnerCategory
getDevicePlatforms() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getDevices() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The list of devices the person is using.
getDinner() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantSpecialties
getDirectedBy() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The director of the film.
getDisableReason() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getDisambiguationCategory() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseDemographic
getDiscover() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PagePaymentOptions
Whether the business accepts Discover as a payment option.
getDisplayAmount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FundingSourceDetails
How the amount of Facebook Ads Coupon is displayed
getDisplayAmount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FundingSourceDetailsCoupon
getDisplayedMatchesCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
Human-readable name of the property
getDisplaySequence() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getDisplayString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FundingSourceDetails
How the payment method is shown
getDisplaySubtext() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Subtext about the Page being viewed.
getDisputes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
Contains the information related to a dispute, including the user_comment and user_email which is provided by the consumer when the dispute is initiated.
getDistanceUnit() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseRadiusSuggestion
getDomain() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpUrl
getDouble(String, double) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Returns the double value of the member with the specified name in this object.
getDownloadHdUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
getDrinks() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantSpecialties
getDurationInSec() - Method in class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
getDynamicAudienceIds() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getEducation() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
getEducationMajors() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getEducationMajors() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getEducationSchools() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getEducationSchools() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getEducationStatuses() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getEducationStatuses() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getEducationStatuses() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
Array of integers for targeting based on education level.
getEffectiveAudienceNetworkPositions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getEffectiveDevicePlatforms() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getEffectiveFacebookPositions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getEffectiveInstagramPositions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getEffectiveMessengerPositions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getEffectivePublisherPlatforms() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getEffectiveStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getEffectiveStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
The effective status of the ad.
getEffectiveStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getEffectiveStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
getElectoralDistrict() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationElectoralDistrict
getElectoralDistricts() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocation
getElectoralDistricts() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographicMetadata
getElements() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.GenericTemplatePayload
getElements() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ListTemplatePayload
getElements() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.OpenGraphTemplatePayload
getElements() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptTemplatePayload
getElements() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getEmail() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ExtendedCreditInvoiceGroup
getEmail() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.UserPermission
getEmail() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Group
The email address to upload content to the group.
getEmail() - Method in class com.restfb.types.TestUser
If logging in manually (that is, not using the login_url), you can use this as the user's email address.
getEmail() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The proxied or contact email address granted by the user.
getEmailAddress() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Email address that can be contacted by a user.
getEmails() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
getEmails() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ExtendedCreditInvoiceGroup
getEmails() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The emails listed in the About section of a Page.
getEmbeddable() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Whether the video is embeddable.
getEmbedHtml() - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
getEmbedHtml() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
HTML that may be used to embed the video on another website.
getEmbedHtml() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.VideoFormat
HTML to embed the video in this format.
getEmployer() - Method in class com.restfb.types.WorkExperience
getEnabled() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.SecureBrowsing
getEncoding() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeed
getEnd() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.BaseNlpEntity
end position of the entity in the message
getEndAdvertiser() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getEndAdvertiserName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getEndDate() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ProjectExperience
getEndDate() - Method in class com.restfb.types.WorkExperience
getEndMinute() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.DayPart
getEndOffset() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ResumableUploadTransferResponse
getEndTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getEndTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
getEndTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedUpload
getEndTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
The end time of the event.
getEndTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Milestone
The end time of the milestone.
getEndTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLifeEvent
The time when this milestone came to an end.
getEngagement() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The social sentence and like count information for this Page.
getEngagement() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The social sentence and the like count information for this Place.
getEngagementAudience() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getEngagementSpecs() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getEnglishLegalEntityName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getEntities() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.NlpResult
returns the complete list of all found entities.
getEntities(Class<T>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.NlpResult
returns a subset of the found entities.
getEntity() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.BaseNlpEntity
getEntryList() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.WebhookObject
getErrorCode() - Method in class com.restfb.exception.ExceptionInformation
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookGraphException
Gets the Facebook API error code.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookResponseStatusException
Gets the Facebook API error code.
getErrorCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignIssuesInfo
getErrorCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdgroupIssuesInfo
getErrorMessage() - Method in exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookGraphException
Gets the Facebook Graph API error message.
getErrorMessage() - Method in exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookResponseStatusException
Gets the Facebook API error message.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignIssuesInfo
getErrorMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdgroupIssuesInfo
getErrors() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.NlpResult
returns the complete list of all found errors
getErrorSubcode() - Method in class com.restfb.exception.ExceptionInformation
getErrorSubcode() - Method in exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookGraphException
Gets the Facebook API error subcode.
getErrorSummary() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignIssuesInfo
getErrorSummary() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdgroupIssuesInfo
getErrorType() - Method in exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookGraphException
Gets the Facebook Graph API error type.
getErrorUserMessage() - Method in exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookGraphException
Gets the Facebook API error user message.
getErrorUserTitle() - Method in exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookGraphException
Gets the Facebook API error user title.
getEthnicAffinity() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getEthnicAffinity() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getEvent() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignFrequencyControlSpecs
Event name, only IMPRESSIONS currently.
getEvent() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
getEvent() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
The event associated with this album.
getEvent() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
If this object has a place, the event associated with the place
getEvent() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
If this object has a place, the event associated with the place.
getEventCreator() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Event creator
getEventId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getEventId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
getEventId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedEventValue
getEvents() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getEventTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getEventType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getEventType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Event Type
getExcludedConnections() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getExcludedCustomAudiences() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
getExcludedCustomAudiences() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getExcludedDynamicAudienceIds() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getExcludedEngagementSpecs() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getExcludedGeoLocations() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getExcludedProductAudienceSpecs() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getExcludedPublisherCategories() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getExcludedPublisherListIds() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getExcludeReachedSince() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getExclusions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getExclusions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingProductAudienceSpec
getExits() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramStoryInsightsValue
getExpiration() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FundingSourceDetails
When the coupon will expire
getExpiration() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FundingSourceDetailsCoupon
getExpirationDate() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getExpirationTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeOfferData
getExpirationTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Unix timestamp of the expiration time of prediction, if applicable
getExpiredLeadsCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
getExpires() - Method in class com.restfb.FacebookClient.AccessToken
The date on which the access token expires.
getExpiresAt() - Method in class com.restfb.FacebookClient.DebugTokenInfo
The date on which the access token expires.
getExpiresIn() - Method in class com.restfb.types.DeviceCode
The code expires in these seconds.
getExplorationRatio() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountTargetingInsights
getExtendedCreditId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getExtendedCreditInvoiceGroup() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getExternal() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.Place
getExternalBudget() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Predicted budget in cents for the ad set, relevant if prediction mode is 0
getExternalEventSource() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
getExternalImpression() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Predicted impressions for the ad set
getExternalMaximumBudget() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Maximum budget given the target, in cents
getExternalMaximumImpression() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Maximum number of impressions given the target
getExternalMaximumReach() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Maximum reach given the target
getExternalMinimumBudget() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Minimum budget given the target, in cents
getExternalMinimumImpression() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Minimum impressions given the target
getExternalMinimumReach() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Minimum reach given the target
getExternalReach() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Predicted reach for the ad set, relevant if prediction mode is 1
getExtraInfo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.DeliveryCheck
getFacebook() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdgroupPlacementSpecificReviewFeedback
getFacebookEndpoint() - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookEndpoints
getFacebookEndpoint() - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookEndpoints
returns the Facebook URL
getFacebookEndpointUrls() - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
getFacebookExceptionGenerator() - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
fetch the current facebook exception generator implementing the FacebookExceptionGenerator interface
getFacebookFieldName(ReflectionUtils.FieldWithAnnotation<Facebook>) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultJsonMapper
For a Java field annotated with the Facebook annotation, figure out what the corresponding Facebook JSON field name to map to it is.
getFacebookGraphEndpointUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
Returns the base endpoint URL for the Graph API.
getFacebookGraphVideoEndpointUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
Returns the base endpoint URL for the Graph API's video upload functionality.
getFacebookPositions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getFailedDeliveryChecks() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getFailedDeliveryChecks() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getFallback() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getFallbackUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.WebButton
getFamily() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getFamilyStatuses() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getFamilyStatuses() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getFanCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The number of likes the page has.
getFanOf() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
List of object ids.
getFaturaId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTransaction
ID for the Brazilian invoice (if transaction was made in Brazil) else 0
getFavoriteAthletes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
A list of the favorite athletes from the user's profile.
getFavoriteTeams() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
A list of the favorite sports teams from the user's profile.
getFbDealId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getFbPageCategories() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Category
getFbPixel() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Facebook pixel id
getFbPixelEvent() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Facebook pixel event
getFbtraceId() - Method in exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookGraphException
Gets the Facebook API error fbtrace_id.
getFeaturedVideo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Video Featured by the Page.
getFeatures() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Features of the vehicle.
getFeed() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getFeedCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductCatalog
getFeedTargeting() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Object that controls news feed targeting for this post.
getFeedType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Whether or not the video is highlighted in Video Channel.
getField() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.Change
the subscribed field.
getField() - Method in class com.restfb.util.ReflectionUtils.FieldWithAnnotation
Gets the field.
getFieldData() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
getFieldKey() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadGenQualifier
getFieldName() - Method in class com.restfb.BinaryAttachment
getFields() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata
Existing fields in the current type
getFields() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Subscription
One or more of the set of valid fields in this object to subscribe to.
getFilename() - Method in class com.restfb.BinaryAttachment
getFileName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeed
getFileUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.Attachment
getFilter() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductSet
getFilter() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.VideoFormat
The filter applied to this video format.
getFingerprintValidity() - Method in class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
getFirstName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.PhoneMessageRecipient.Name
getFirstName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's first name.
getFirstName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserInvitableFriend
getFirstName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserProfile
getFirstParameterizedTypeArgument(Field) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.ReflectionUtils
For a given field, get its first parameterized type argument.
getFlexibleSpec() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getFlightInfo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
getFlightInfo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
getFlightInfoItems() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getFlightInfoList() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineCheckinTemplatePayload
getFlightInfoList() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineItineraryTemplatePayload
getFlightNumber() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.FlightInfo
getFlightNumber() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightInfoItem
getFlightSchedule() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.FlightInfo
getFlightSchedule() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightInfoItem
getFloat(String, float) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Returns the float value of the member with the specified name in this object.
getFlowCategory() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace.PagesPlatformComponentFlowServiceConfig
getFollowCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.InstagramUser
Number of Instagram users that this Instagram user follows
getFollowedByCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.InstagramUser
Number of Instagram users that follow this Instagram user
getFollowersCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
Active follower count of the user
getFollowsCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
Active follows count of the user
getFollowUpActionText() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
getFollowUpActionUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
getFoodStyles() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The restaurant's food styles.
getForceSingleLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getFormalName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
The name of the property to use in markup and API
getFormat() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The different formats of the video.
getFormerParticipants() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
Users who used to be on this message conversation.
getFormId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
getFormId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.PageLeadgen
getFounded() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
When the page was founded.
getFrequency() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The average number of times your ad was served to each person.
getFrequencyCap() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getFrequencyCap() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Lifetime frequency cap per user, always relevant, 0 means no frequncy cap
getFrequencyCapResetPeriod() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getFrequencyControlSpecs() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getFriendlyName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
getFriends() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getFriends() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Privacy
The privacy friends restriction.
getFriendsOfConnections() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getFriendsOfConnections() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getFrom() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
An object containing the ID and name of the profile who posted this album.
getFrom() - Method in class com.restfb.types.AppRequest
The sender user associated with the request.
getFrom() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Checkin
The ID and name of the user who made the check-in.
getFrom() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
User who posted the comment.
getFrom() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Link
An object containing the name and ID of the user who posted the link.
getFrom() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
The sender of this message
getFrom() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Milestone
The Page that posted the milestone.
getFrom() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Note
The ID of the user who posted the note.
getFrom() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Notification
The entity (user, page, app, etc.) that 'sent', or is the source of the notification.
getFrom() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageAdminNote
Page that owns the note.
getFrom() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Page that owns the call-to-action.
getFrom() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLabel
getFrom() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
Person who rated the page
getFrom() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
An object containing the name and ID of the user who posted the photo.
getFrom() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
An object containing the ID and name of the user who posted the message.
getFrom() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ProjectExperience
getFrom() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Review
The user that created the review.
getFrom() - Method in class com.restfb.types.StatusMessage
The user who posted the message.
getFrom() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Experience
getFrom() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
An object containing the name and ID of the user who posted the video.
getFrom() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.base.AbstractFeedPostValue
returns the sender (from) of the feed value
getFrom() - Method in class com.restfb.types.WorkExperience
getFromPage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLifeEvent
The information of the Page that owns the milestone.
getFullPicture() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Full picture URL.
getFundingIdNew() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getFundingIdOld() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getFundingSource() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getFundingSourceDetails() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getGate() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.FlightAirport
getGate() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightAirportItem
getGdpv4Enabled() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Indicates whether Login Version 4 is enabled for this app.
getGdpv4NuxContent() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Localized content for the login new user experience.
getGdpv4NuxEnabled() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Indicates whether the New User Experience for login button must be shown or not.
getGender() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getGender() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's gender.
getGender() - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserProfile
getGenders() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getGenders() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
Target specific genders. 1 targets all male viewers and 2 females.
getGeneralInfo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The general information for a page.
getGeneralManager() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
General manager of the business.
getGeneration() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getGeneration() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getGenre() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The genre of the film.
getGeoLocations() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getGeoLocations() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Targeting
getGeoMarkets() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocation
getGeoMarkets() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographicMetadata
getGeonames() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.External
getGetStarted() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.MessengerProfileProperties
getGlobal() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdgroupReviewFeedback
getGlobalBrandPageName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The name of the Page with country codes appended for Global Brand Pages.
getGlobalBrandParentPage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
This brand's global (parent) Page.
getGlobalBrandRootId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
This brand's global Root ID.
getGracePeriodTimeNew() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getGracePeriodTimeOld() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getGrain() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDatetime
getGrain() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.Place
getGraphEndpoint() - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookEndpoints
getGraphEndpoint() - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookEndpoints
returns the Facebook Graph API endpoint URL
getGraphVideoEndpoint() - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookEndpoints
getGraphVideoEndpoint() - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookEndpoints
returns the Facebook Graph API Video endpoint URL
getGreeting() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.MessengerProfileProperties
getGroups() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getGroups() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantServices
getGrpDmasAudienceSize() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
GRP: Audience size within DMAs based on Nielsen definition
getGtin() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getGuestListEnabled() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Can see guest list.
getHardware() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.UserDevice
getHasAddedApp() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Indicates whether this Page has added the app making the query in a Page tab.
getHash() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
The hash which uniquely identifies the image.
getHasLiked() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Likes
returns if the user has liked the object
getHasMigratedPermissions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getHasMobileApp() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.VoipInfo
getHasPermission() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.VoipInfo
getHasProfilePicture() - Method in class com.restfb.types.InstagramUser
Indicates whether Instagram Account has a profile picture
getHasRating() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphRating
Was a rating included
getHasReview() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphRating
Was there text in the rating
getHasWhatsappNumber() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
has whatsapp number
getHasWrittenMandateFromAdvertiser() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
Whether the agency has a written mandate to advertise on behalf of this client.
getHeaderImageUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
getHeaderImageUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
getHeaders() - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchRequest
HTTP Headers to be sent as part of this request.
getHeaders() - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchResponse
The HTTP response headers.
getHeaderTextField() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
getHeaderTextField() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
getHeight() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
The height of the image.
getHeight() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.AttachmentData
The image's height.
getHeight() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
The height of the photo, in pixels.
getHeight() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo.Image
The height of the image in pixels.
getHeight() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ProfilePictureSource
Picture height in pixels
getHeight() - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment.Image
getHeight() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.Thumbnail
The height of the thumbnail
getHeight() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.VideoFormat
The height of the video in this format.
getHidden() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgComment
Whether the comment is hidden
getHideFromNewsFeed() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
Whether the property is hidden from News Feed
getHoldoutPercentage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Percent of users in holdout
getHome() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getHomeOwnership() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getHomeOwnership() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getHometown() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Hometown of the band.
getHometown() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Duplicate mapping for "hometown" since FB can return it differently in different situations. -- GETTER -- The user's hometown.
getHometownName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's hometown name.
getHomeType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getHomeType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getHomeUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.MessengerProfileProperties
getHomeValue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getHomeValue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getHostingUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Webspace created with one of our hosting partners for this app.
getHour() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedSchedule
getHour() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDuration
getHours() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Hours
returns the complete overview, with the day as key and a map as value
getHours() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Opening hours
getHours() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
getHours(Hours.DayOfWeek) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Hours
Returns a map of indices and Hours.Hour objects with the open and close time
getHouseholdComposition() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getHouseholdComposition() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getHref() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Property
The URL of the property.
getHttpStatusCode() - Method in class com.restfb.exception.ExceptionInformation
getHttpStatusCode() - Method in exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookGraphException
Gets the HTTP status code returned by the server.
getHttpStatusCode() - Method in exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookNetworkException
Gets the HTTP response status code.
getIcon() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Group
The URL of the group's icon
getIcon() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Link
The link icon.
getIcon() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Note
The note icon.
getIcon() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
The icon-sized source of the photo.
getIcon() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
A link to an icon representing the type of this post.
getIcon() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
An icon URL which represents the video.
getIconUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The URL of this app's icon.
getId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.BaseAdsObject
getId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event.Category
The unique identifier for this category.
getId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event.Owner
The unique identifier for this owner.
getId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType
This object's unique Facebook ID.
getId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.GraphResponse
getId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.MailingAddress
The mailing address ID.
getId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Reactions.ReactionItem
getId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.IdMessageRecipient
getId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.base.From
getId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramCommentsValue
getId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingParticipant
getId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ShippingAddress
ID of shipping address
getId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.WebhookEntry
getIdentifier() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PriorMessage
getIdsForApps() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Businesses can claim ownership of multiple apps using Business Manager.
getIdsForBusiness() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Businesses can claim ownership of multiple apps using Business Manager.
getIdsForPages() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Businesses can claim ownership of apps and pages using Business Manager.
getIgId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMediaChild
getIgId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
Ig Id of the user
getImage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SavedMessageResponse
The image attached to this save response
getImage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment.Media
getImage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url.OGObject
getImageAspectRatio() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.GenericTemplatePayload
getImageCrops() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getImageCrops() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getImageCrops() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment
getImageData() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.Attachment
When the attached file is an image, Facebook will also send information about it's width, height and url.
getImageHash() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getImageHash() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getImageHash() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment
getImageHash() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
getImages() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
The 4 different stored representations of the photo.
getImageType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.ImageData
getImageUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getImageUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeOfferData
getImageUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
getImageUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getImageUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.Bubble
getImageUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ListViewElement
getImageUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.QuickReply
getImageUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptElement
getImageUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ElementItem
getImportance() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdRecommendation
getImpressionCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingDynamicRule
getImpressions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The number of times your ad was served.
getImpressions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramStoryInsightsValue
getImpressum() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Legal information about the Page publishers.
getInbox() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getIncludedCustomAudiences() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
getInclusions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingProductAudienceSpec
getIncome() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getIncome() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getInConflict() - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
getIndustries() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getIndustries() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getInfluences() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Influences on the band.
getInputMethod() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedUpload
getInsights() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMedia
getInsights() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
getInspirationalPeople() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The person's inspirational people.
getInstagram() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdgroupPlacementSpecificReviewFeedback
getInstagramActorId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getInstagramActorId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeObjectStorySpec
getInstagramBusinessAccount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Instagram account linked to page during Instagram business conversion flow
getInstagramDestinationId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
The Instagram account id if instagramstream placement is used, except in the case of Mobile App Installs ads.
getInstagramEligibility() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Whether the post can be promoted on Instagram.
getInstagramPermalinkUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getInstagramPositions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getInstagramStoryId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
Instagram Story ID -- GETTER
getInstalled() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Is the app making the request installed?
getInstallType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Install type.
getInstantArticlesReviewStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Indicates the current Instant Articles review status for this page
getInstreamVideoSponsorshipPlacements() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getInt(String, int) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Returns the int value of the member with the specified name in this object.
getInteractiveComponentsSpec() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getInterestedCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Number of people interested in the event.
getInterestedIn() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getInterestedIn() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getInterestedIn() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
Indicates targeting based on the 'interested in' field of the user profile.
getInterestedIn() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
getInterests() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getInterests() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getInterests() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getInterests() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
Indicates targeting based on the 'interests' field of the user profile.
getInterval() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedSchedule
getInterval() - Method in class com.restfb.types.DeviceCode
Your device should poll the Device Login API every interval seconds to see if the authorization has been successful
getIntervalDays() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignFrequencyControlSpecs
Interval period in days, between 1 and 90 (inclusive)
getIntervalFrequencyCap() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Interval frequency cap which is set for a custom period
getIntervalFrequencyCapResetPeriod() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Custom reset period (hours) for interval frequency cap
getInTest() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.HomeUrl
Controls whether users not assigned a role for your bot or its Facebook page can see the Chat Extension.
getIntlNumberWithPlus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
International phone number with plus that can be called through a phone
getIntroMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineBoardingPassTemplatePayload
getIntroMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineCheckinTemplatePayload
getIntroMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineItineraryTemplatePayload
getIntroMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineUpdateTemplatePayload
getIntroMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getInvitableFriends() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
A list of friends that can be invited to install a Facebook Canvas app
getIoNumber() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getIos() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataAppLinkSpec
getIos() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AppLinks
getIosBundleId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Bundle ID of the associated iOS app.
getIosInstallInvalidationSchemes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Schemes used for iOS install invalidation
getIosInstallsOverLastSevenDays() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Number of reported iOS installs over the last seven days.
getIosMissingSettings() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Settings that need to be fixed before serving app ads for iOS.
getIosSdkErrorCategories() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Error configuration for iOS SDK.
getIosSupportsNativeProxyAuthFlow() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Whether to support the native proxy login flow.
getIosSupportsSystemAuth() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Whether to support the iOS integrated Login Dialog.
getIosSupportStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Status of iOS app ad support for this application.
getIpad() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataAppLinkSpec
getIpad() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AppLinks
getIpadAppStoreId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
ID of the app in the iPad App Store.
getIphone() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataAppLinkSpec
getIphone() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AppLinks
getIphoneApp() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
App that stores the destination info on iPhone.
getIphoneAppId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
ID fo the App that stores the destination info on iPhone
getIphoneAppStoreId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
ID of the app in the iPhone App Store.
getIphoneDeeplink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Destination deeplink for the call-to-action on iPhone.
getIphoneDestinationType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Destination type for the call-to-action on iPhone.
getIphoneUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Destination url for the call-to-action on iPhone.
getIsAlwaysOpen() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Indicates whether this location is always open.
getIsAlwaysOpen() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
Indicates whether this Place is always open.
getIsAppChildApp() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Is the application childred of aonther application, i.e. is it a test application
getIsAppInDevMode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Is the application in development mode.
getIsAppSecretRequired() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
Whether the app secret is required for API calls related to actions of this type
getIsAppShare() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Whether or not the post references an app.
getIsArray() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
Whether the property takes multiple values
getIsAutobid() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getIsAutoGenerated() - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCaption
getIsBookmarked() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
getIsCallable() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.VoipInfo
getIsCallableWebrtc() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.VoipInfo
getIsCanceled() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Whether or not the event has been marked as canceled
getIsChain() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Indicates whether location is part of a chain
getIsClientPayingInvoices() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
Whether the client is paying via invoice.
getIsCommentEnabled() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMedia
getIsCommunityPage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Is this a community page?
getIsCompleted() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
getIsContinuedFlow() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
getIsCpaEnabledForAndroid() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Is the application allowed to use CPA bidding for Android.
getIsCpaEnabledForIos() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Is the application allowed to use CPA bidding for iOS
getIsCrosspostingEligible() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Specifies if the video is eligible for crossposting.
getIsCrosspostVideo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
getIsDateOnly() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Should the time information be ignored in the dates for this event?
getIsDefault() - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCaption
getIsDraft() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
getIsEligibleForPromotion() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
getIsEnabled() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SavedMessageResponse
Toggle whether to enable the message
getIsEpisode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Whether this video is episode or not.
getIsExpired() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Whether the post has expiration time that has passed
getIsFinancialService() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LookalikeSpec
getIsHidden() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Whether this comment is hidden.
getIsHidden() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLifeEvent
Whether the milestone is hidden or not.
getIsHidden() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
If this post is marked as hidden (applies to Pages only).
getIsHidden() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedPostValue
getIsInstagramEligible() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Whether this post can be promoted in Instagram.
getIsInstagramEligible() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Whether the video is eligible to be promoted on Instagram
getIsManualMode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
getIsOcpmEnabled() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Is the application allowed to use optimized CPM bidding.
getIsOrganic() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
getIsPageOwned() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Whether the event is created by page or not.
getIsPaymentEnabled() - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserProfile
getIsPermanentlyClosed() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Whether the business corresponding to this Page is permanently closed.
getIsPermanentlyClosed() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
Indicates whether this Place is permanently closed.
getIsPersonal() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getIsPopular() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Whether the post is currently popular.
getIsPreferred() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.Thumbnail
Whether this is the preferred thumbnail for the video
getIsPrepayAccount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getIsPrimary() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudyObjective
Is this the primary objective of the study
getIsPrivate() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.PartnerCategory
getIsPrivate() - Method in class com.restfb.types.InstagramUser
Whether the Instagram user is private
getIsPublished() - Method in class com.restfb.types.InstagramUser
Whether the Instagram user is published
getIsPublished() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Indicates whether the page is published and visible to non-admins.
getIsPublished() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Indicates whether a scheduled post was published.
getIsPushable() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.VoipInfo
getIsrc() - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
getIsReferenceOnly() - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
getIsReferenceOnly() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Whether the video is exclusively used for copyright monitoring.
getIsRunning() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
getIsSharedLogin() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Is this a shared login (e.g. a gray user)
getIsSilhouette() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ProfilePictureSource
Indicates whether the profile photo is the default 'silhouette' picture, or has been replaced
getIsSmb() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getIsSpherical() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Whether the post is a spherical video post.
getIssuedAt() - Method in class com.restfb.FacebookClient.DebugTokenInfo
The date on which the access token was issued.
getIssuedAt() - Method in class com.restfb.types.DeAuth
getIssuesInfo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getIssuesInfo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getIssuesInfo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
getIsTaxIdRequired() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getIsTest() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getIsTransient() - Method in class com.restfb.exception.ExceptionInformation
getIsTransient() - Method in exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookGraphException
getIsUnclaimed() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Indicates whether the Page is unclaimed.
getIsUnderAuthorization() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getIsVerified() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Pages with a large number of followers can be manually verified by Facebook as having an authentic identity.
getIsVerified() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
Pages with a large number of followers can be manually verified by Facebook as having an authentic identity.
getIsVerified() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
People with large numbers of followers can have the authenticity of their identity manually verified by Facebook.
getIsViewerAdmin() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
since January 30, 2018
getIswc() - Method in class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
getIsWebhooksSubscribed() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Indicates whether the application is subscribed for real time updates from this page
getIsWhatsappDestinationAd() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getItem() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.base.BaseChangeValue
getItem() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
generic access to the inner item.
getItems() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
The items associated with the payment.
getItemUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.Bubble
getJsonMapper() - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
getJsonMapper() - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
Gets the JsonMapper used to convert Facebook JSON to Java objects.
getJsPixel() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdConversionPixel
getJsPixel() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.OffsitePixel
JavaScript code for the pixel that you should place in the head of the conversion page
getKey() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationElectoralDistrict
getKey() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationMarket
getKey() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationRegion
getKey() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationZip
getKey() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
getKey() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.KeyedType
getKeywords() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getKids() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantServices
getLabel() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePlaceData
getLabel() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadGenQualifier
getLabel() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductVariant
Name of the variant to be displayed on the UI.
getLabel() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace.PagesPlatformComponentFlowServiceConfig
getLabel() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineField
getLabel() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.PriceListItem
getLabel() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.AirlineFieldItem
getLabels() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Page labels of this page
getLabels() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Page labels of this user
getLanguage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
getLanguages() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
A list of the languages from the user's profile.
getLastAdReferral() - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserProfile
getLastAndroidDeferredDeepLinkCall() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Timestamp of most recent Android deferred deep link request.
getLastAndroidInstall() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Timestamp of most recent install event reported by Android SDK.
getLastFiredTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixel
getLastFiringTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdConversionPixel
getLastFiringTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.OffsitePixel
Last time the pixel was fired
getLastIosDeferredDeepLinkCall() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Timestamp of most recent iOS deferred deep link request.
getLastIosInstall() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Timestamp of most recent install event reported by iOS SDK.
getLastModified() - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoList
The time when the contents of the playlist was last changed
getLastName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.PhoneMessageRecipient.Name
getLastName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's last name.
getLastName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserInvitableFriend
getLastName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserProfile
getLastUpdatedByAppId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getLastUpdatedByAppId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
Last Updated By App ID
getLastUsedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getLastUsedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
getLastUsedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
last used time of this object by the current viewer
getLastUsedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
last used time of this object by the current viewer
getLat() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.CoordinatesItem
getLatestUpload() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeed
getLatitude() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePlaceData
getLatitude() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCustomLocation
getLatitude() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationPlace
getLatitude() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
getLatitude() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Location
The latitude of this location.
getLatitude() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.Coords
getLeadgenExportCsvUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
getLeadGenFormId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
getLeadGenFormId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PostCallToAction.PostCallToActionValue
getLeadgenId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.PageLeadgen
getLeadgenTosAccepted() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Indicates whether a user has accepted the TOS for running LeadGen Ads on the Page.
getLeadsCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
getLeft() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsImageCrops.AdsImageCropsSpec
getLegalEntityNameInLocalLanguage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getLength() - Method in class com.restfb.types.EntityAtTextRange
The length, within the message field, of the object mentioned.
getLength() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.VideoData
getLength() - Method in class com.restfb.types.MessageTag
The length, within the message field, of the object mentioned.
getLength() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.VideoUploadLimits
getLength() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The length of the video, in seconds.
getLevel() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignIssuesInfo
getLevel() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdgroupIssuesInfo
getLifeEvents() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getLifeEvents() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getLifetimeBudget() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getLifetimeFrequencyCap() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getLifetimeImps() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getLikeCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
The number of likes on this comment.
getLikeCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgComment
Number of likes on the comment
getLikeCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMedia
getLikes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
People who like this.
getLikes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Duplicate mapping for "likes" since FB can return it differently in different situations. -- GETTER -- The likes on this post.
getLikes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getLikes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The Pages that this Page Likes.
getLikes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
getLikes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
getLikes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Duplicate mapping for "likes" since FB can return it differently in different situations. -- GETTER -- The likes on this post.
getLikes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.StatusMessage
The users that have liked this message.
getLikes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's Likes
getLikes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
People who like this.
getLikesCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The number of likes the page has.
getLikesCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The number of likes on this post.
getLikesCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The number of likes on this video.
getLine() - Method in exception com.restfb.json.ParseException
getLineNumbers() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
getLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment
getLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdRecommendationData
getLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
A link to this album on Facebook.
getLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
A link to the app on Facebook.
getLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
A URL for this conversation.
getLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Group
The URL for the group's website.
getLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Link
The actual URL that was shared.
getLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.Share
The URL to the shared item.
getLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Notification
The URL that clicking on the notification would take someone.
getLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The page's link.
getLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
A link to the photo on Facebook.
getLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Action
The link for the action.
getLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The link attached to this post.
getLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PostCallToAction.PostCallToActionValue
getLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The URL of the Facebook Page.
getLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
A link to the user's profile.
getLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedPhotoAddValue
getLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedShareValue
getLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedVideoValue
getLinkCaption() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
getLinkCaption() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PostCallToAction.PostCallToActionValue
getLinkData() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeObjectStorySpec
getLinkDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
getLinkDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
getLinkDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PostCallToAction.PostCallToActionValue
getLinkFormat() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
getLinkFormat() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PostCallToAction.PostCallToActionValue
getLinkOgId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getLinks() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getLinkTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
getLinkTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PostCallToAction.PostCallToActionValue
getLinkUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getListType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FriendList
The type of the friends list; Possible values are: close_friends, acquaintances, restricted , user_created, education, work, current_city or family.
getLiveAudienceCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Number of unique people who watched the video broadcast when it was live.
getLiveStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The live status of the video.
getLiveViews() - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
getLocalCurrency() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.PaymentPricepoint
getLocale() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
getLocale() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineBoardingPassTemplatePayload
getLocale() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineCheckinTemplatePayload
getLocale() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineItineraryTemplatePayload
getLocale() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineUpdateTemplatePayload
getLocale() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.Greeting
Locale of the greeting text.
getLocale() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.PersistentMenu
Locale of the menu.
getLocale() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's locale.
getLocale() - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserProfile
getLocale() - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCaption
getLocale() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getLocaleName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCaption
getLocales() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getLocales() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Targeting
Targeted locales.
getLocatedIn() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Location
The parent location if this location is located within another location.
getLocation() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonHandler
Returns the current parser location.
getLocation() - Method in exception com.restfb.json.ParseException
Returns the location at which the error occurred.
getLocation() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
The location of the album.
getLocation() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
with API version 2.3, use place field instead
getLocation() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The location of the place this page represents.
getLocation() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Place
Location containing geographic information such as latitude, longitude, country, and other fields (fields will vary based on geography and availability of information).
getLocation() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
Location information about the Place.
getLocation() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's current location.
getLocation() - Method in class com.restfb.types.WorkExperience
getLocationAsString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Place
Description for this location.
getLocationSourceId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePlaceData
getLocationTypes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocation
getLoggerInstance(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.logging.RestFBLogger
returns the instance of the logger that belongs to the category.
getLoginDialogUrl(String, String, ScopeBuilder, Parameter...) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
getLoginDialogUrl(String, String, ScopeBuilder, Parameter...) - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
generates the login dialog url
getLoginUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.TestUser
You can login as the test user by going to this url.
getLogoImageUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
getLogoImageUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
getLogoUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The URL of the app's logo.
getLogoutUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
getLogoutUrl(String) - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
generates an logout url
getLong(String, long) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Returns the long value of the member with the specified name in this object.
getLongitude() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePlaceData
getLongitude() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCustomLocation
getLongitude() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationPlace
getLongitude() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
getLongitude() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Location
The longitude of this location.
getLongitude() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.Coords
getLongVal() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.CoordinatesItem
getLookalikeAudienceIds() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
getLookalikeSpec() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
getLot() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageParking
Whether lot parking is available
getLunch() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantSpecialties
getManagerIdNew() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getManagerIdOld() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getManufacturerPartNumber() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getMarketType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationMarket
getMastercard() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PagePaymentOptions
Whether the business accepts MasterCard as a payment option.
getMatchRule() - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
getMaterial() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getMax() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.AgeRange
The upper bounds of the range for this person's age.
getMaxAllowed() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
For numeric properties, the upper bound on the value
getMaxCampaignDuration() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencySpec
getMaxDaysToFinish() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencySpec
getMaxFrequency() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignFrequencyControlSpecs
The maximum frequency, only 1 is allowed now.
getMaxHeight() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.ImageData
The image's max height.
getMaxLength() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
For string properties, the upper bound on the value length
getMaxPopulation() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCustomLocation
getMaxWidth() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.ImageData
The image's max width.
getMaybeCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Number of people who maybe going to the event
getMBidInfo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getMComponents() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeInteractiveComponentsSpec
getMDayOfMonth() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedSchedule
getMDisapprovalReasons() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getMedia() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgComment
Media on which the comment is made
getMedia() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
getMedia() - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment
Returns media object (photo, link etc.) contained in the attachment.
getMediaAgency() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getMediaCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
Filtered media count of the user
getMediaCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.InstagramUser
Number of active media posted by this Instagram user
getMediaId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramMentionsValue
getMediaId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramStoryInsightsValue
getMediaType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMediaChild
getMediaType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.media.MediaTemplateAttachmentElement
getMediaType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.media.MediaTemplateUrlElement
getMediaUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMediaChild
getMeetingFor() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
What genders the user is interested in meeting.
getMemberRequestCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Group
The number of pending member requests.
getMembers() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Members of this org.
getMerchantName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.PaymentSummary
getMerchantName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptTemplatePayload
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.exception.ExceptionInformation
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.FacebookClient.DebugTokenError
The error message for the error.
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeOfferData
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeTextData
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdRecommendation
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.AppRequest
A string describing the request.
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Checkin
The message the user added to the check-in.
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Text contents of the comment.
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Link
The link message content.
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
The text of the message
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Note
The note content, an HTML string.
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The message.
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Review
The review text, if any.
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SavedMessageResponse
The message body of the saved response
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.StatusMessage
The status message content.
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
FB seems to have removed this field.
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedCommentValue
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedPhotoAddValue
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedPostValue
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedShareValue
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedStatusValue
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedVideoValue
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
getMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpError
getMessageCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
The number of messages in the conversation
getMessageCreativeId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.MessageCreativeResponse
getMessageId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.SendResponse
getMessages() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
List of all messages in the conversation
getMessageSends() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItemCommerceInsights
getMessageTags() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Objects tagged in the message (Users, Pages, etc).
getMessageTags() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Objects tagged in the message (Users, Pages, etc).
getMessaging() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.WebhookEntry
getMessengerExtensions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.WebButton
getMessengerPositions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getMetadata() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType
getMetadata() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.Message
getMetadata() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
Custom string passed to the Send API as the metadata field
getMetadata() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PassThreadControlItem
getMetadata() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.RequestThreadControlItem
getMetadata() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.TakeThreadControlItem
getMetaData() - Method in class com.restfb.FacebookClient.DebugTokenInfo
General metadata associated with the access token.
getMethod() - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchRequest
The HTTP method to use, for example "GET".
getMid() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
Message ID
getMiddleName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's middle name.
getMiddleName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserInvitableFriend
getMids() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.DeliveryItem
getMImageHash() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePhotoData
getMimeType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.Attachment
The attachment's mime type, for example image/jpeg.
getMin() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.AgeRange
The lower bounds of the range for this person's age.
getMinAllowed() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
For numeric properties, the lower bound on the value
getMinCampaignDuration() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencySpec
getMinCampaignGroupSpendCap() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getMinDailyBudget() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getMinDailyBudgetHighFreq() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.MinimumBudget
getMinDailyBudgetImp() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.MinimumBudget
getMinDailyBudgetLowFreq() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.MinimumBudget
getMinDailyBudgetVideoViews() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.MinimumBudget
getMinLength() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
For string properties, the lower bound on the value length
getMinPopulation() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCustomLocation
getMinReachLimits() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencySpec
getMinute() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedSchedule
getMinute() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDuration
getMission() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The company mission.
getMobile() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.PaymentPricepoints
Mobile payment pricepoints
getMobileProfileSectionUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Mobile URL of the app section on a person's profile.
getMobileWebUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
URL to which Mobile users will be directed when using the app.
getMoms() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getMoms() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getMonitoringStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyright
Whether the video is monitored successfully for copyright.
getMonitoringType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyright
Whether the video is monitored for video, audio, or both
getMonth() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageStartDate
getMonth() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDuration
getMonthlyActiveUsers() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The number of monthly active users the app has.
getMonthlyActiveUsersRank() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Ranking of this app vs other apps comparing monthly active users.
getMovies() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getMPageTypes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdBidAdjustments
getMpg() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
MPG of the vehicle.
getMPromotableAppIds() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountPromotableObjects
getMPromotablePageIds() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountPromotableObjects
getMPromotableUrls() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountPromotableObjects
getMProspectingAudience() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getMPublisherVisibilityCategories() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getMStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getMultiShareEndCard() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getMultiShareEndCard() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Whether display the end card for a multi-link share post
getMultiShareOptimized() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getMultiShareOptimized() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Whether automatically select the order of the links in multi-link share post when used in an ad
getMusic() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getMusicVideoCopyright() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The music video copyright of this video because of a missing object description in the graph reference, we use a Map here
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchHeader
The name of the HTTP header.
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchRequest
The logical name for this request, for example "get-friends".
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject.Member
Returns the name of this member.
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FieldData
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.NamedAdsObject
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationElectoralDistrict
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationMarket
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationRegion
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationZip
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.MobileSdkErrorCategory
The name for the category.
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
The name of the message folder or source.
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation.Tag
The name field for this type.
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event.Category
The name of this category.
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event.Owner
The name of this owner.
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Location
The name of this location.
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.Attachment
The attachment's filename, for example 121423423.jpg.
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.NamedFacebookType
The name field for this type.
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Action
Gets the name of the action.
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The name of the link.
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Property
The name of the property.
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Reactions.ReactionItem
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.PassengerInfo
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.PhoneMessageRecipient
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptAdjustment
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Subscription.SubscriptionField
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.Thumbnail
The name of the thumbnail
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.base.From
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AdjustmentItem
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PassengerInfoItem
getName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.Place
getNameFormat() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The person's name formatted to correctly handle Chinese, Japanese, or Korean ordering.
getNameNew() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getNameOld() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getNamespace() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The string appended to apps.facebook.com/ to navigate to the app's canvas page
getNamespace() - Method in class com.restfb.types.AppRequest.Application
getNameTags() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
getNameWithLocationDescriptor() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The name of a Location Page that provides additional location information for that Page beside its name.
getNativeString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Translation
The original string that was translated.
getNetwork() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The TV network for the TV show.
getNetworks() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Privacy
The privacy networks restriction.
getNetWorth() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getNetWorth() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getNewLikeCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The number of people who have liked the Page, since the last login.
getNewOwnerAppId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PassThreadControlItem
getNextPageUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.Connection
This connection's "next page of data" URL.
getNlp() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
getNoFeedStory() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
getNoreplyCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Number of people who did not reply to the event
getNormalized() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDuration
getNotes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getObject() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
getObject() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Parent object this comment was made on.
getObject() - Method in class com.restfb.types.EntityAtTextRange
The object itself
getObject() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Notification
The object (this can be a post, a photo, a comment, etc.) that was the subject of the notification.
getObject() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Subscription
Indicates the object type that this subscription applies to.
getObject() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.WebhookObject
top object that receives the changes, possible values are page, permissions and user
getObjectDomain() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Object domain
getObjectId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getObjectId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The Facebook object id for an uploaded photo or video.
getObjective() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
getObjective() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
getObjectStoreUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPromotedObject
getObjectStoreUrls() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Mobile store URLs for the app.
getObjectStoryId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getObjectStorySpec() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getObjectType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getObjectTypes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
Object types associated with this action type
getObjectUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getObservationEndTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
getOeRequestId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getOffer() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
getOfferCreator() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Offer creator
getOfferData() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeObjectStorySpec
getOfferEligible() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Offer eligibility status.
getOfferId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getOfferId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
getOfferId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPromotedObject
getOfficeType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getOfficeType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getOfficialWebsiteUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getOffset() - Method in exception com.restfb.json.ParseException
getOffset() - Method in class com.restfb.types.EntityAtTextRange
The offset, within the message field, of the object mentioned.
getOffset() - Method in class com.restfb.types.MessageTag
The offset, within the message field, of the object mentioned.
getOffsetX() - Method in class com.restfb.types.CoverPhoto
When non-zero, the cover image overflows horizontally.
getOffsetY() - Method in class com.restfb.types.CoverPhoto
When non-zero, the cover photo overflows vertically.
getOffsetY() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Cover
The percentage offset from top [0-100].
getOffsitePixel() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Offsite pixel
getOffsitePixelsTosAccepted() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getOgObject() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url
The Open Graph object that is canonically associated with this URL.
getOpen() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Hours.Hour
getOpenGraphStory() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphRating
Open Graph story generated by the rating action
getOpenGraphStoryId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsCommentValue
getOpenGraphStoryId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsRatingValue
getOpenGraphStoryId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsReactionValue
getOperationStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
getOperator() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.RuleData
getOptimizationGoal() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getOptin() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
getOptions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductVariant
A vector of possible options of the variant in the order by which they will be shown on the UI.
getOptOutLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
getOrder() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comments
Order in which comments were returned.
getOrderingIndex() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getOrderNumber() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptTemplatePayload
getOrderNumber() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getOrderUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptTemplatePayload
getOrderUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getOrganicImpressions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItemCommerceInsights
getOrigin() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LookalikeSpec
getOriginalHeight() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
The height of the image that was originally uploaded.
getOriginalWidth() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
The width of the image that was originally uploaded.
getOriginAudienceId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
getOs() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.UserDevice
getOutbox() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getOutdoor() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantServices
getOverallRating() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Place
Overall Rating of Place, on a 5-star scale. 0 means not enough data to get a combined rating.
getOverallStarRating() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Overall page rating based on rating survey from users on a scale of 1-5.
getOverallStarRating() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The overall page rating, based on rating survey from users, on a scale of 1-5.
getOwner() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getOwner() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
The user who owns the event.
getOwner() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Group
An object containing the name and ID of the user who owns the group.
getOwner() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMediaChild
getOwner() - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoList
Owner of the playlist
getOwnerAdAccount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixel
getOwnerBusiness() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getOwnerBusiness() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixel
getOwnerBusiness() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
getOwnerBusiness() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
owner business of this object
getOwnershipCountries() - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
getOwnershipCountries() - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyright
A string array of ISO 3166 format country codes, where the owner owns the rights of the content
getPacingType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getPackage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AndroidAppLink
getPackageFamilyName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.WindowsAppLink
getPage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
getPage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
getPage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
getPage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PostCallToAction.PostCallToActionValue
getPage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The Page node corresponding to the Place.
getPage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserIDForPage
getPage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.UserPageValue
getPageId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeObjectStorySpec
getPageId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPromotedObject
getPageId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
getPageId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingDynamicRule
getPageId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.PageConversation
getPageId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.PageLeadgen
getPageParent() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Page parent
getPagePermissions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.UserPermission
getPageStoryId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
ID of the page story this corresponds to.
getPageTabDefaultName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The title of the app when used in a Page Tab.
getPageTabUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The non-secure URL from which Page Tab app content is loaded.
getPageTypes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getPageUsage() - Method in class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo
get Facebook response header field x-page-usage
getPageWelcomeMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getPageWelcomeMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
getPaidImpressions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItemCommerceInsights
getParams() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingSentenceLine
getParent() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
If this comment is a reply, this field returns the parent comment, otherwise no value
getParent() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Group
The parent of this group, if it exists.
getParentCategory() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.BroadTargetingCategories
getParentCategory() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.PartnerCategory
getParentGroup() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
The group the event belongs to, if any.
getParentId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
ID of the parent post
getParentId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedCommentValue
getParentId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedLikeValue
getParentId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedReactionValue
getParentId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsCommentValue
getParentId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsLikeValue
getParentId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsReactionValue
getParking() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Parking information.
getParking() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
Parking information about the Place.
getParticipants() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
Users who are on this message conversation
getPartner() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getPassengerId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.PassengerInfo
getPassengerId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.PassengerSegmentInfo
getPassengerId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PassengerInfoItem
getPassengerId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PassengerSegmentInfoItem
getPassengerInfoItems() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getPassengerInfoList() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineItineraryTemplatePayload
getPassengerName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
getPassengerName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
getPassengerSegmentInfoItems() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getPassengerSegmentInfoList() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineItineraryTemplatePayload
getPassThreadControl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
getPassword() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedSchedule
undocumented field according to GitHub issue #497
getPassword() - Method in class com.restfb.types.TestUser
If logging in manually (that is, not using the login_url), you can use this as the user's password.
getPath() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountTargetingInsights
getPath() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.BroadTargetingCategories
getPath() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseDemographic
getPattern() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getPausePeriods() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
A list of time periods the associated campaign has been paused.
getPayload() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.BuyButton
getPayload() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.CallButton
getPayload() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.CallToAction
getPayload() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.LocationAttachment
getPayload() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.MediaAttachment
getPayload() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.PostbackButton
getPayload() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.QuickReply
getPayload() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.TemplateAttachment
getPayload() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ButtonItem
getPayload() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.CheckoutUpdateItem
getPayload() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingAttachment
getPayload() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PaymentItem
Metadata defined in the Buy Button.
getPayload() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PostbackItem
payload parameter that was defined with the button
getPayload() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.QuickReplyItem
getPayment() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
getPaymentCredential() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PaymentItem
Payment credentials.
getPaymentMethod() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptTemplatePayload
getPaymentMethod() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getPaymentOption() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTransaction
Method used to pay for the transaction
getPaymentOptions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Payment options accepted by the business.
getPaymentOptions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
Payment options accepted by the Place.
getPaymentPricepoints() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The person's payment pricepoints
getPaymentSettings() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.MessengerProfileProperties
getPaymentSummary() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.BuyButton
getPaymentType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.PaymentSummary
getPayoutForeignExchangeRate() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
Exchange rate used to calculate payout amount which is remitted in USD.
getPercentage() - Method in class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo.HeaderUsage
getPerformanceRating() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountTargetingInsights
getPeriod() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Insight
Length of the period during which the insights were collected, e.g.
getPermalink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMediaChild
getPermalinkUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
A permanent URL of the image to use in story creatives.
getPermalinkUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
The permanent static URL to the comment
getPermalinkUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
getPermalinkUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The permanent static URL to the post on www.facebook.com.
getPermalinkUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
URL to the permalink page of the video
getPermission() - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserPermission
getPermissionForActions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
getPermissions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdUser
getPermissionString() - Method in enum com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
getPerms() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Account
since graph api v3.1, use getTasks() instead
getPersistentMenu() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.MessengerProfileProperties
getPersonalInfo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Personal information.
getPersonalInterests() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Personal interests.
getPharmaSafetyInfo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Pharmacy safety information.
getPhone() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The phone number (not always normalized for country code) for the Page.
getPhone() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The Place's telephone number.
getPhoneNumber() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.PhoneMessageRecipient
getPhoto() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedCommentValue
getPhotoData() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeObjectStorySpec
getPhotoId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedPhotoAddValue
getPhotoIds() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedAlbumAddValue
getPhotos() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getPhotos() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
Photos for the Place.
getPhotos() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedStatusValue
getPicture() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getPicture() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment
getPicture() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
The album's picture, if provided.
getPicture() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
The event's picture.
getPicture() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getPicture() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Link
The picture associated with the link.
getPicture() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.Share
getPicture() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The pages's profile picture, if provided.
getPicture() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
The album-sized view of the photo.
getPicture() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
If available, a link to the picture included with this post.
getPicture() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The pages's profile picture, if provided.
getPicture() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's picture, if provided.
getPicture() - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserInvitableFriend
getPicture() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
A URL for the thumbnail picture of the video.
getPicture() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.VideoFormat
The thumbnail for the video in this format.
getPixelId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPromotedObject
getPixelId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
getPlace() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
The place associated with this album.
getPlace() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Checkin
The ID, name, and location of the Facebook Page that represents the location of the check-in.
getPlace() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Location associated with the event, if any.
getPlace() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
getPlace() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
The location associated with this photo, if any.
getPlace() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PlaceTag
The place that was visited
getPlace() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The place where this post occurred.
getPlace() - Method in class com.restfb.types.StatusMessage
The place where status message is attached.
getPlace() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Location associated with the video, if any.
getPlaceData() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment
getPlacementBreakdown() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Predicted impression distribution on different placements, including: msite: Facebook mobile sites
android: Facebook android
ios: Facebook ios
desktop: Facebook desktop news feed and right hand column
ig_android: Instagram android
ig_ios: Instagram ios
ig_others: Other Instagram placements ## ReachFrequencyEstimatesPlacementBreakdown
getPlacementSpecific() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdgroupReviewFeedback
getPlacePageSetIds() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getPlaces() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocation
getPlaces() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographicMetadata
getPlaceType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
For places, the category of the place.
getPlannedStartTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
getPlanningAgencyBusiness() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getPlanningAgencyBusinessId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getPlatformCustomizations() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getPlatforms() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getPlotOutline() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The plot outline of the film.
getPlural() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphObjectType
The plural form of the object
getPluralPast() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
The plural past form of the action
getPluralPresent() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
The plural present form of the action
getPnrNumber() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineCheckinTemplatePayload
getPnrNumber() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineItineraryTemplatePayload
getPnrNumber() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineUpdateTemplatePayload
getPnrNumber() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
getPnrNumber() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
getPnrNumber() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getPolicyEnforcement() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
getPolitical() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
getPoliticalViews() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getPolitics() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getPolitics() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getPosition() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
Facebook will start returning 0 for this field starting on October 3, 2012.
getPosition() - Method in class com.restfb.types.WorkExperience
getPost() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPreview
getPost() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
getPost() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
getPost() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingDynamicRule
getPostalCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.MailingAddress
Postal code of the address.
getPostalCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptAddress
getPostalCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AddressItem
getPostalCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ShippingAddress
Shipping address postal code
getPostback() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
getPostClickConfiguration() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getPostClickConfiguration() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
getPostClickItemDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePostClickConfiguration
getPostClickItemHeadline() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePostClickConfiguration
getPostId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.GraphResponse
getPostId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.base.AbstractFeedPostValue
getPostId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedEventValue
getPostId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.MentionPostAddValue
getPostObject() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Post object
getPostObjectWall() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Post object wall
getPosts() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getPostWall() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Post wall
getPredictionMode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
The prediction mode, 0 = given reach, predict budget,
1 = given budget, predict reach
getPredictionProgress() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Represents percentage value indicating the prediction progress (values 0-100).
getPremiereLivingRoomStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The status of the Premiere Watch Party, if any
getPressContact() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Press contact information of the band.
getPreviewUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdDynamicCreative
getPreviewUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
getPreviewUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.AttachmentData
The image's preview url.
getPreviousOwnerAppId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.TakeThreadControlItem
getPreviousPageUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.Connection
This connection's "previous page of data" URL.
getPrice() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getPrice() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptElement
getPrice() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ElementItem
getPriceInfoItems() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getPriceInfoList() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineItineraryTemplatePayload
getPriceList() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.PaymentSummary
getPriceRange() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Price range of the business.
getPriceRange() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
Price range of the business.
getPrimaryCity() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
getPrimaryCityId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCustomLocation
getPrimaryCityId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationPlace
getPrimaryCityId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationZip
getPrimaryCityId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
getPrimaryPage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Business
getPriority() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getPriorMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
getPrivacy() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
The privacy settings for the album.
getPrivacy() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
The visibility of this event.
getPrivacy() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Group
The privacy setting of the group, either 'OPEN', 'CLOSED', or 'SECRET'.
getPrivacy() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The privacy settings for this post.
getPrivacy() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Privacy setting for the video.
getPrivacyPolicyUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
getPrivacyPolicyUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The URL that links to a Privacy Policy for the app.
getPrivacyUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.PaymentSettings
The URL of the privacy policy for your bot.
getPrivateReplyConversation() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
For comments with private replies, gets conversation between the Page and author of the comment (Page viewers only)
getProcessingProgress() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.VideoStatus
getProducedBy() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The productor of the film.
getProduct() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Item
The product URL of this item.
getProductAudienceSpecs() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getProductCatalog() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductSet
getProductCategories() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywords
getProductCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductCatalog
getProductCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeed
getProductCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductSet
getProductFeed() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getProductField() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductVariant
Name of the first-class or custom-data product item field describing a variant of the product.
getProductInfo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PassengerSegmentInfoItem
getProductInfoList() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.PassengerSegmentInfo
getProductItemIds() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPreview
getProductLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
getProductNames() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywords
getProducts() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The page's products.
getProductSetId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getProductSetId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPromotedObject
getProductSetId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Product set id
getProductSetId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingProductAudienceSpec
getProductType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTransaction
The type of ads included in this transaction
getProductType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getProfileId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.DeAuth
getProfilePic() - Method in class com.restfb.types.InstagramUser
URI to user's Instagram profile picture
getProfilePic() - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserProfile
getProfilePictureUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
The cdn url to query the raw profile picture of the user
getProfileSectionUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
URL of the app section on a user's profile for the desktop site.
getProjects() - Method in class com.restfb.types.WorkExperience
getPromotableAppIds() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getPromotablePageIds() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getPromotableUrls() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getPromotedObject() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
getPromotedObject() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getPromotionEligible() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Reason why a post isn't eligible for boosting.
getPromotionIneligibleReason() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Reason, for which boosted posts are not eligible.
getPromotionStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Status of the promotion, if the post was promoted.
getProperties() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
A list of properties for this post.
getPropertyConfig() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
Per-property config
getPropertyConfig() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphObjectType
Per-property config
getProviderAmount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTransaction
Monetary amount charged to the user for this transaction
getProviderType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.PaymentCredential
Payment provider type
getPublicKey() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.PaymentSettings
Your public key.
getPublicKey() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The person's PGP public key
getPublicTransit() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Public transit to the business.
getPublished() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Whether a post about this video is published.
getPublished() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedAlbumAddValue
getPublished() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedAlbumEditedValue
getPublished() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedPhotoAddValue
getPublished() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedShareValue
getPublished() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedStatusValue
getPublished() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedVideoValue
getPublishedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
getPublisherPlatforms() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getPublishTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
Time the rating took place
getQrCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
getQrCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
getQualifiers() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
getQuantity() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
The quantity of the product contained in the order
getQuantity() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Item
The number of this item purchased.
getQuantity() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptElement
getQuantity() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ElementItem
getQuestion() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
getQuestion() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadGenQualifier
getQuestionCreator() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Question creator
getQuickReplies() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.Message
getQuickReply() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
getQuotedFieldsMode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeed
getQuotes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's favorite quotes.
getRadius() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getRadius() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCity
getRadius() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCustomLocation
getRadius() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationPlace
getRating() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphRating
getRating() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Review
The review rating.
getRating() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsRatingValue
getRatingCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Number of ratings for the page (limited to ratings that are publicly accessible
getRatingCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
Number of ratings for the Place
getRatingScale() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
getRatingValue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
getRatio() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LookalikeSpec
getRawError() - Method in class com.restfb.exception.ExceptionInformation
getRawErrorJson() - Method in exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookErrorMessageException
return the raw error as JSON, may be null
getRawGifImage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.ImageData
getRawJson() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FallBackChangeValue
getRawWebpImage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.ImageData
getReach() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The number of people your ad was served to.
getReach() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramStoryInsightsValue
getReactionCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url
getReactions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
The reactions for this post.
getReactions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
The reactions for this photo.
getReactions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The reactions for this post.
getReactions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The reactions for this video.
getReactionsCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The number of reactions on this post.
getReactionType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedReactionValue
getReactionType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsReactionValue
getRead() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
getReason() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Dispute
The reason the developer or Facebook gave to resolve the dispute, after it has been resolved.
getReason() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PolicyEnforcementItem
getReasonCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.VoipInfo
getReasonDescription() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.VoipInfo
getRecipient() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
getRecipientId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.SendResponse
getRecipientId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedPhotoRemoveValue
getRecipientId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedPostValue
getRecipientId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedVideoRemoveValue
getRecipientName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptTemplatePayload
getRecipientName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getRecommendationData() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdRecommendation
getRecommendationRating() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountTargetingInsights
getRecommendations() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getRecommendations() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getRecommendations() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
getRecommendationType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphRating
Recommendation field for change on August 17, 2018 for more information check here: https://www.facebook.com/business/recommendations
getRecommendationType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
getRecommendationType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsRatingValue
getRecordLabel() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Record label of the band.
getRecoveryMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.MobileSdkErrorCategory
The user facing message that can be shown before attempting recovery.
getRecoveryOptions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.MobileSdkErrorCategory
getRedemptionLink() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeOfferData
getRef() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.BasicRefData
getRef() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.OptinItem
getRef() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PostbackReferral
The arbitrary data that was originally passed in the ref param added to the m.me link.
getReferenceFileStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
getReferenceObjectType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
For reference properties, the object type associated with the property
getReferenceOwnerId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyright
The ID of the reference video owner
getReferral() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
getReferral() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PostbackItem
Comes only with Get Started postback and if an optional ref param was passed from the entry point, such as m.me link.
getRegion() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCity
getRegion() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
getRegion() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Location
The region of this location.
getRegion() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.MailingAddress
Region or state of the address.
getRegionId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCity
getRegionId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCustomLocation
getRegionId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationPlace
getRegionId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationZip
getRegionId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
getRegions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getRegions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocation
getRegions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographicMetadata
getRegions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Targeting
Values of targeting regions.
getRelationshipStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
getRelationshipStatuses() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getRelationshipStatuses() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getRelationshipStatuses() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
Array of integers for targeting based on relationship status.
getRelativeUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchRequest
The endpoint to hit, for example "me/friends?limit=10".
getReleaseDate() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The film's release date.
getRelevantUntilTs() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
getReligion() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
getReminderTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeOfferData
getRenderAsSticker() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.ImageData
getReplies() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgComment
getReplies() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramStoryInsightsValue
getRequestChangeReasons() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getRequestedOwnerAppId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.RequestThreadControlItem
getRequestedUserInfo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.PaymentSummary
getRequestedUserInfo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PaymentItem
Information that was requested from the user by the Buy Button.
getRequestId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
The unique, optional app-created identifier passed into the JS function (255 character maximum)
getRequestThreadControl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
getRequired() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
Whether the property is required
getRequiredGroup() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
If set, at least one property for each group needs to be set
getReservationStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Reservation status.
getReserve() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantServices
getResolved() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation
getResponse() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
getRestaurantServices() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Services the restaurant provides.
getRestaurantServices() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The services that the restaurant provides.
getRestaurantSpecialties() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The restaurant's specialties.
getRestaurantSpecialties() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The restaurant's specialties.
getRestrictions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Demographic restrictions for the app.
getResult() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.SendResponse
getResults() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudyObjective
getRetailerId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductGroup
getRetailerId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getRetailerItemIds() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
getRetailerItemIds() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
getRetailerProductGroupId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getRetentionDays() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
getRetentionSeconds() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingDynamicRule
getRetentionSeconds() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingProductAudienceSubSpec
getRev() - Method in class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo
get Facebook response header field x-fb-rev
getReviewer() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphRating
Person who rated the object
getReviewerId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsRatingValue
getReviewerName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsRatingValue
getReviewRejectionReasons() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getReviewStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getReviewText() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphRating
Review text included in the review
getReviewText() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
getReviewText() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsRatingValue
getReviewText() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsReactionValue
getRfPredictionId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getRfSpec() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getRidgeMonitoringStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
getRight() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsImageCrops.AdsImageCropsSpec
getRoasAverageFloor() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignBidConstraint
getRole() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountGroupUser
getRole() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdUser
getRole() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.UserPermission
getRoles(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AppRoles
get the roles to the given app id
getRotation() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.VideoData
getRsvpStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
The RSVP status of this event.
getRtbFlag() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getRtbFlag() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getRule() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
getRule() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingProductAudienceSubSpec
getRuleIds() - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyright
A list of matching rules applied to the copyrighted content
getRuleList() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.RuleOpAnd
getRuleList() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.RuleOpOr
getRules() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixel
getRulevalidation() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixel
getRunStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getSalePrice() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getSalePriceEndDate() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getSalePriceStartDate() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getScale() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.Thumbnail
The scale of the thumbnail
getSchedule() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeed
getSchedule() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The air schedule of the TV show.
getScheduledPublishTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
UNIX timestamp of the scheduled publish time for the post.
getScheduledPublishTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The time that the video is scheduled to be published.
getScheduleId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
getSchool() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Education
The school name and ID.
getScopes() - Method in class com.restfb.FacebookClient.DebugTokenInfo
List of scopes the access token 'contains'
getScreenNames() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
External accounts.
getScreenplayBy() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The screenwriter of the film.
getSearchTerms() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywords
getSeason() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The season information of the TV Show.
getSeat() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
getSeat() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.PassengerSegmentInfo
getSeat() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
getSeat() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PassengerSegmentInfoItem
getSeatType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.PassengerSegmentInfo
getSeatType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PassengerSegmentInfoItem
getSecond() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDuration
getSecondaryFields() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
getSecondaryFields() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
getSecondParameterizedTypeArgument(Field) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.ReflectionUtils
For a given field, get its second parameterized type argument.
getSecondsLeft() - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
getSecureBrowsing() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.SecuritySettings
Secure browsing settings
getSecureCanvasUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The secure URL from which Canvas app content is loaded.
getSecurePageTabUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The secure URL from which Page Tab app content is loaded.
getSecureStreamUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
getSecuritySettings() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Security settings
getSegmentId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.FlightInfo
getSegmentId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.PassengerSegmentInfo
getSegmentId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightInfoItem
getSegmentId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PassengerSegmentInfoItem
getSender() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
getSenderId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.base.AbstractFeedPostValue
returns the sender_id.
getSenderId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.MentionPostAddValue
getSenderName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.base.AbstractFeedPostValue
returns the sender_name.
getSenderName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.MentionPostAddValue
getSenders() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
Users who send a message on the conversation
getSeq() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.DeliveryItem
getSeq() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
https://messengerblog.com/platform-updates/introducing-messenger-platform-v1-3-and-new-ways-to-drive-the-conversation/ "Developers who previously relied on using seq ID for deduping can use mid instead, and those who were using it for ordering purposes can use timestamp instead."
getSeq() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ReadItem
getServerIpWhitelist() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
App requests must originate from this comma-separated list of IP addresses.
getServiceName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.ScreenName
getSetting() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Settings
getShareCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url
getSharedLoginUpgradeRequiredBy() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The time that the shared loginneeds to be upgraded to Business Manager by
getShareId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedShareValue
getShares() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
The shares associated with the message.
getShares() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Number of times the post has been shared.
getSharesCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The number of shares of this post.
getShippingAddress() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.CheckoutUpdateItem
getShippingAddress() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ReuqestedUserInfo
Person's shipping address
getShippingCost() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptSummary
getShippingCost() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.SummaryItem
getShippingWeightUnit() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getShippingWeightValue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getShortcode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMediaChild
getShortName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Shortened, locale-aware name for the person.
getShouldFallback() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.WebAppLink
getSignificantOther() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's significant other.
getSingleLineAddress() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The page address, if any, in a simple single line format.
getSingleLineAddress() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The Place's complete postal address, on a single line.
getSingular() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphObjectType
The singular form of the object
getSingularPast() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
The singular past form of the action
getSingularPresent() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
The singular present form of the action
getSiteCategory() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getSize() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.BroadTargetingCategories
getSize() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getSize() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.Attachment
The size of the attachment in bytes.
getSize() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.VideoUploadLimits
getSnippet() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
The title of a message in the conversation
getSocialDiscovery() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Indicates whether app usage stories show up in the Ticker or News Feed.
getSocialSentence() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Engagement
Text that the like button would currently display.
getSocialSentenceWithLike() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Engagement
Text that the like button would display if the viewer likes the object.
getSocialSentenceWithoutLike() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Engagement
Text that the like button would display if the viewer does not like the object.
getSource() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.BroadTargetingCategories
getSource() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.PartnerCategory
getSource() - Method in class com.restfb.types.CoverPhoto
Direct URL for the person's cover photo image
getSource() - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
getSource() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Cover
The URL for the cover photo.
getSource() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
Use images field instead
getSource() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo.Image
The source URL of the image.
getSource() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
If available, the source link attached to this post (for example, a flash or video file).
getSource() - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserProfile.LastAdReferral
getSource() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
A URL to the raw, playable video file.
getSource() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PostbackReferral
The source of this referral.
getSource() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PriorMessage
getSourceAd() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getSourceAdId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getSourceCampaign() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
getSources() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingProspectingAudience
getSpend() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The total amount you've spent so far.
getSpendCap() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getSpendCap() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
getSpendCap() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
getSpendCapNew() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getSpendCapOld() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getSponsorTags() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
A sponsor tag points to a Facebook Page.
getSports() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
A list of the sports from the user's profile.
getSrc() - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment.Image
getStandby() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.WebhookEntry
getStarring() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The cast of the film.
getStart() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.BaseNlpEntity
start position of the entity in the message
getStartDate() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getStartDate() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ProjectExperience
getStartDate() - Method in class com.restfb.types.WorkExperience
getStartInfo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Information about when the entity represented by the Page was started
getStartingRatio() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LookalikeSpec
getStartMinute() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.DayPart
getStartOffset() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ResumableUploadTransferResponse
getStartTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
getStartTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getStartTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
getStartTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
getStartTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedUpload
getStartTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
The start time of the event.
getStartTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Milestone
The start time of the milestone.
getStartTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLifeEvent
The time when this milestone was started.
getStartTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
Time the rating took place
getState() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Location
The state name of this location.
getState() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptAddress
getState() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AddressItem
getState() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ShippingAddress
Shipping address state
getStaticCard() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment
getStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountGroup
getStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountGroupAccount
getStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
Status of the image
getStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTransaction
Current status of the transaction
getStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
getStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.PartnerCategory
getStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Represents the status of the prediction, refer to Response Status
getStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.UserPermission
getStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
getStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Current running status of this action.
getStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Action
The status for this particular action. status can be: initiated: An initiated payment designates the payment was only initiated but not yet fully completed.
getStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Dispute
Current status of the dispute.
getStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserPermission
getStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Object describing the status attributes of a video.
getStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AccountLinkingItem
linked or unlinked
getStatusCode() - Method in class com.restfb.WebRequestor.Response
Gets the HTTP status code.
getStatuses() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getStatusNew() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getStatusOld() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getStatusType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The status_type of post this is, for example "approved_friend".
getSticker() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
Sticker contained in the message.
getStickerId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
getStickerId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getStopTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
getStopTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
getStoreCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Unique store code for this location Page
getStoreLocationDescriptor() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Location Page's store location descriptor
getStoreNumber() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Unique store number for this location Page.
getStory() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Text from stories not intentionally generated by users
getStory() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedEventValue
getStoryEventType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Used to indicated the prediction is for video ads or not.
getStoryTags() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Objects tagged in the story (Users, Pages, etc).
getStreamUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
getStreet() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Location
The street address of this location.
getStreet() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageParking
Whether street parking is available
getStreet1() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.MailingAddress
Street address.
getStreet1() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptAddress
getStreet1() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AddressItem
getStreet1() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ShippingAddress
Shipping address street, first line
getStreet2() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.MailingAddress
Second part of the street address - apt, suite, etc.
getStreet2() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptAddress
getStreet2() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AddressItem
getStreet2() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ShippingAddress
Shipping address street, second line
getString(String, String) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Returns the String value of the member with the specified name in this object.
getStructConfig() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
For struct properties, the config for the nested properties
getStudio() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The studio for the film production.
getSubAttachments() - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment
Returns list of subattachments that are associated with this attachment.
getSubcategory() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The subcategory the app can be found under.
getSubcode() - Method in class com.restfb.FacebookClient.DebugTokenError
The error subcode for the error.
getSubject() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
The subject of this conversation.
getSubject() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
The subject of the message.
getSubject() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Note
The title of the note.
getSubscribed() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
Whether you are subscribed to the conversation
getSubtext() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseEducation
getSubtitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.Bubble
getSubtitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ListViewElement
getSubtitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptElement
getSubtitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ElementItem
getSubtotal() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptSummary
getSubtotal() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.SummaryItem
getSubtype() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
getSubtype() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
getSubType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudienceDataSource
getSubtypeSupportsLookalike() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudiencePermission
getSubvertical() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getSuggested() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpReminder
getSuggestedRadius() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseRadiusSuggestion
getSummary() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdDeliveryCheck
getSummary() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.DeliveryCheck
getSummary() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptTemplatePayload
getSummary() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getSupportsApprequestsFastAppSwitch() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Indicates whether the app should do a fast-app-switch to the Facebook app to show the app requests dialog.
getSupportsAttribution() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Indicates whether the app has not opted out of app install tracking.
getSupportsCity() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
getSupportsImplicitSdkLogging() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Indicates whether the app has not opted out of the mobile SDKs sending data on SDK interactions
getSupportsRecipientLookalike() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudiencePermission
getSupportsRegion() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
getSuppressNativeIosGdp() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Whether to suppress the native iOS Login Dialog
getTag() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdConversionPixel
getTag() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.OffsitePixel
One of: checkout, registration, lead, key_page_view, add_to_cart, other
getTag() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.PageMessageTag
getTagged() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getTags() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountTargetingInsights
getTags() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Checkin
Tags for the check-in.
getTags() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
A list of tags indicating the message folder, and whether the conversation is read and seen.
getTags() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
A set of tags indicating the message folder and source of the message.
getTags() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
An array containing the users and their positions in this photo.
getTags() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Tags for the video.
getTakeout() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantServices
getTakeThreadControl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
getTalkingAboutCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The number of people that are talking about this page (last seven days).
getTapsBack() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramStoryInsightsValue
getTapsForward() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramStoryInsightsValue
getTarget() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The profile this was posted on if different from the author.
getTarget() - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment
Returns object that the attachment links to.
getTargetAudience() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.MessengerProfileProperties
getTargetAudienceSize() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Unique 30-day active users for given targetting specs.
getTargetCountries() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LookalikeSpec
getTargeting() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getTargeting() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
getTargeting() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getTargeting() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Ads targeting information of the post.
getTargetingOptimization() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getTargetingsentencelines() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getTargetingsentencelines() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingSentenceLine
getTargetingsentencelinesAsObjectList() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingSentenceLine
getTargetingType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.PartnerCategory
getTargetSpec() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
A string in JSON format representing the targeting specs specified on creation.
getTasks() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Account
A list of tasks allowed to perform for this page.
getTax() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
The tax parameter specifies if a payment is subject to VAT and, if so, how the tax was paid.
getTax() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineItineraryTemplatePayload
getTax() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getTaxAmount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Action
The amount reduced from your payout for any taxes remitted by Facebook.
getTaxCountry() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
The country determined by Facebook for tax calculation of this purchase, given as an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
getTaxId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getTaxIdStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getTaxIdType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getTcpaCompliance() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
getTelevision() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getTemplateData() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeObjectStorySpec
getTemplateType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.TemplatePayload
getTemplateType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getTemplateUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getTensesDisabled() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
Bitmap of tenses that are disabled (the least significant bit relates to past tense, the second least significant relates to present tense
getTerminal() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.FlightAirport
getTerminal() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightAirportItem
getTermsNew() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getTermsOfServiceUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
URL to Terms of Service that appears in the Login Dialog
getTermsOld() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getTest() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
Optional parameter that shows up when a payment is made by a payment tester listed in the app's dashboard.
getTesters() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.PaymentSettings
A list of IDs for people that will test payments in your bot.
getTestGroup() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Platform test group
getText() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgComment
Text of the comment
getText() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Property
The text of the property.
getText() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ButtonTemplatePayload
getText() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.Greeting
The greeting text for the specific locale.
getText() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.Message
getText() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramCommentsValue
getText() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
Text of message
getTextData() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeObjectStorySpec
getThemeColor() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineBoardingPassTemplatePayload
getThemeColor() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineCheckinTemplatePayload
getThemeColor() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineItineraryTemplatePayload
getThemeColor() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineUpdateTemplatePayload
getThemeColor() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getThirdPartyId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
An anonymous, but unique identifier for the user.
getThreadId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.PageConversation
getThreadKey() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
The new identifier for threads effective after September 24, 2017
getThreadKey() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.PageConversation
getThumb100x100() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsImageCrops
getThumb100x72() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsImageCrops
getThumb191x100() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsImageCrops
getThumb400x150() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsImageCrops
getThumb600x360() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsImageCrops
getThumbnailUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getThumbnailUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
getThumbnailUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMediaChild
getTicketNumber() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.PassengerInfo
getTicketNumber() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PassengerInfoItem
getTicketUri() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
The URL to a location to buy tickets for this event (on Events for Pages only).
getTierNew() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getTierOld() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTransaction
Time at which the transaction was created
getTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.WebhookEntry
getTimeCompleted() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
getTimeContentUpdated() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
getTimeCreated() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getTimeCreated() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
getTimeCreated() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
The time when this reach frequency prediction was created
getTimeCreated() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Action
When this action occurred.
getTimeCreated() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Dispute
The time the dispute was created.
getTimelineId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.GraphResponse
returns the id that is used for the post or comment.
getTimelineVisibility() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Timeline visibility information of the post.
getTimeRef() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixelStatsResult
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgComment
Timestamp of comment
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMediaChild
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptTemplatePayload
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getTimeUpdated() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
getTimeUpdated() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Unix timestamp when the row is updated
getTimeUpdated() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Action
When this action was last updated.
getTimeUpdatedNew() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getTimeUpdatedOld() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
getTimezone() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
the timezone of the event
getTimezone() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's timezone offset.
getTimezone() - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserProfile
getTimeZone() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.Place
getTimezoneAsString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.Place
getTimezoneId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getTimezoneId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Business
getTimezoneName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getTimezoneOffsetHoursUtc() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeOfferData
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdRecommendation
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Insight
The human-readable title of this Insight data.
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Milestone
The title of the milestone
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Notification
The message text in the notification.
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLifeEvent
The title of the milestone.
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SavedMessageResponse
The title of the saved response
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.AbstractButton
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.PriceInfo
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.ProductInfo
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.Bubble
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ListViewElement
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.QuickReply
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptElement
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment
Returns title of the attachment.
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url.OGObject
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The video title or caption
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoList
Title of the playlist
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PriceInfoItem
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.ProductInfoItem
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ButtonItem
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ElementItem
getTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingAttachment
getTo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.AppRequest
The recipient user associated with the request.
getTo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
A list of recipients of the message.
getTo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Notification
The entity that received the notification.
getTo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
A list of the profiles mentioned or targeted in this post.
getTo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Review
The app to which this review applies.
getTo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Thread
A list of the Thread subscriber
getTokenForBusiness() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
This returns a string which is the same for this person across all the apps managed by the same Business Manager.
getTokenType() - Method in class com.restfb.FacebookClient.AccessToken
The token type of this access token provided by Facebook
getTop() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsImageCrops.AdsImageCropsSpec
getTopElementStyle() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ListTemplatePayload
Value must be large or compact.
getTopic() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseDemographic
getTosAccepted() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getTotalActions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The number of actions taken on your ad, Page, app or event after your ad was served to someone, even if they didn't click on it.
getTotalCost() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptSummary
getTotalCost() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.SummaryItem
getTotalCount() - Method in class com.restfb.Connection
provides the total count of elements, if FB provides them (API >= v2.0)
getTotalCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comments
The count of comments on this node.
getTotalCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Likes
The number of likes.
getTotalCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Reactions
The number of reactions.
getTotalCputime() - Method in class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo.HeaderUsage
getTotalPrice() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineItineraryTemplatePayload
getTotalPrice() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getTotalTax() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptSummary
getTotalTax() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.SummaryItem
getTotalTime() - Method in class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo.HeaderUsage
getTotalUniqueActions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The number of unique people who took an action such as liking your Page or installing your app as a result of your ad.
getTraceId() - Method in class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo
get Facebook response header field x-fb-trace-id
getTrackingAndConversionWithDefaults() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getTrackingSpecs() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getTrackingSpecs() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
getTranslation() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Translation
The translated string.
getTravelClass() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
getTravelClass() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.FlightInfo
getTravelClass() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
getTravelClass() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightInfoItem
getTreatmentPercentage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudyCell
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.exception.ExceptionInformation
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountTargetingInsights
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToAction
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePlaceData
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudyObjective
The type of the objective
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.BroadTargetingCategories
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudienceDataSource
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LookalikeSpec
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LookalikeSpec.Origin
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.RuleData
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.RuleOp
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseDemographic
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
Type of the property
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageStartInfo
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Action
The type of this particular action. type can be: charge: This designates the type of action that was taken on this payment was a charge.
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Item
The type of this item.
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
A string indicating the object type of this post.
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Reactions.ReactionItem
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.AbstractButton
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.MessageAttachment
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.StatusMessage
The object type which is set to status.
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url.OGObject
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Education
Type of school, e.g.
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserProfile.LastAdReferral
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ButtonItem
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingAttachment
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.Place
getType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PostbackReferral
The identifier for the referral.
getTypeName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.BroadTargetingCategories
getUid() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountGroupUser
getUid() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.WebhookEntry
getUniqueActions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
getUniqueClicks() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The total number of unique people who have clicked on your ad.
getUniqueCtr() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The number of people who clicked on your ad divided by the number of people you reached.
getUniqueImpressions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The number of people your ad was served to.
getUnit() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDuration
getUnit() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDuration.NormalizedDuration
getUniversalContentId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
getUniversalVideoId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The publishers asset management code for this video.
getUnread() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
The "unread" count for this message.
getUnread() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Notification
Indicates that the notification is unread.
getUnread() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Thread
The amount of messages that are unread by the session profile.
getUnreadCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
The number of unread messages in the conversation Facebook does not send the unread count if there aren't any new messages.
getUnreadMessageCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Unread message count for the Page.
getUnreadNotifCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Number of unread notifications.
getUnseen() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
Whether this message has been seen.
getUnseen() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Thread
The amount of messages that are unseen by the session profile.
getUnseenMessageCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Unseen message count for the Page.
getUntranslatedName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.BroadTargetingCategories
getUntranslatedParentName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.BroadTargetingCategories
getUpdatedBy() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
getUpdatedBy() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Business
getUpdatedBy() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.UserPermission
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
Updated time
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
Time the image was updated
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdLabel
Updated time
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.UserPermission
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
The last time the photo album was updated.
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
Last update time of the conversation
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
The last time the event was updated.
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Group
The last time the group was updated.
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
The time of the last update to this message.
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Milestone
The update time of the milestone.
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Note
The time the note was last updated.
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Notification
When the notification was last updated.
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Time when the call-to-action was last updated.
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLifeEvent
The time when this milestone was updated.
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
The last time the photo or its caption was updated.
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The time of the last comment on this post.
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.StatusMessage
The time the message was published.
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Thread
The time of the last comment on this post.
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url.OGObject
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Date the user's profile was updated.
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The last time the video or its caption were updated.
getUpdateFlightInfo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineUpdateTemplatePayload
getUpdateFlightInfo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getUpdates() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getUpdateTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Business
getUpdateTime() - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
getUpdateType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineUpdateTemplatePayload
getUpdateType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getUploadSessionId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ResumableUploadStartResponse
getUri() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.Thumbnail
The uri of the thumbnail
getUri() - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCaption
getUrl() - Method in enum com.restfb.FacebookEndpoints.Endpoint
getUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePhotoData
getUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
A temporary URL which the image can be retrieved at.
getUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedSchedule
getUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedUpload
getUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.WindowsAppLink
getUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.AttachmentData
The image's url.
getUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ProfilePictureSource
URL of the profile picture
getUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.AccountLinkButton
getUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.HomeUrl
The URL to be invoked from drawer.
getUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.media.MediaTemplateUrlElement
getUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.OpenGraphTemplatePayload.Element
getUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.WebButton
getUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment
Returns URL of the attachment.
getUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment.Target
getUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url.OGObject
getUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ButtonItem
getUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingAttachment
getUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
getUrl128() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
A temporary URL pointing to a version of the image resized to fit withing a 128x128 pixel box
getUrlElement() - Method in enum com.restfb.Version
getUrlSchemeSuffix() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
URL scheme suffix
getUrlTags() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getUsedVersion() - Method in class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo
get the version, facebook used internally to fulfill the request
getUseLegacyAuth() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Does the app use the legacy auth method?
getUseNewAppClick() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
getUsePageActorOverride() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getUser() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.UserPermission
getUser() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgComment
User who made the comment
getUser() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageAdminNote
The user that this note is attached to.
getUser() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
The consumer's first and last name along with their user id.
getUserAdclusters() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getUserAdclusters() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getUserCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.DeviceCode
String to be shown to the user
getUserComment() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Dispute
Comment provided by the consumer when the dispute is initiated.
getUserCurrency() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Currency
The ISO-4217-3 code for the user's preferred currency (defaulting to USD if the user hasn't set one).
getUserDevice() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getUserEmail() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Dispute
Email provided by the consumer when the dispute is initiated.
getUserEvent() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getUserGroups() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdBidAdjustments
getUserId() - Method in class com.restfb.FacebookClient.DebugTokenInfo
The user id.
getUserId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.DeAuth
getUserId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedLikeValue
getUserLikes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
This field is returned only if the authenticated user likes this comment
getUserMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.exception.ExceptionInformation
getUsername() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedSchedule
getUsername() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgComment
User will only be returned when queried by owner of comment.
getUsername() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMediaChild
getUsername() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
Username handle of the user
getUsername() - Method in class com.restfb.types.InstagramUser
Instagram username
getUsername() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The page's username.
getUsername() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
since graph api 2.0
getUserOs() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getUserPrice() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.PaymentPricepoint
getUserRef() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.UserRefMessageRecipient
getUserRef() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.OptinItem
getUserRefMessageRecipient() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.OptinItem
getUserRole() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getUsers() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountGroup
getUsers() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLabel
getUserSupportEmail() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Main contact email for this app where people can receive support.
getUserSupportUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
URL shown in the Canvas footer that people can visit to get support for the app.
getUserTitle() - Method in class com.restfb.exception.ExceptionInformation
getValet() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageParking
Whether valet parking is available
getValue() - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchHeader
The value of the HTTP header.
getValue() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject.Member
Returns the value of this member.
getValue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdConversionPixel
getValue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToAction
getValue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
Metric value of default attribution window
getValue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixelStats
getValue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.RuleOp
getValue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.ScreenName
getValue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Settings
getValue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PostCallToAction
getValue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Privacy
The description of the privacy value.
getValue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineField
getValue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.ProductInfo
getValue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.Change
value of this change.
getValue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.ListJsonChangeValue
getValue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.AirlineFieldItem
getValue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.ProductInfoItem
getValue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.BaseNlpEntity
getValue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDuration.NormalizedDuration
getValue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.SimpleStringChangeValue
getValueAsBoolean() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Settings
convert the value field in a boolean and return it.
getValueAsJsonObject() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Settings
Takes the value and converts it into a json object if possible.
getValues() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FieldData
getValues() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Insight
Data for this Insight as a list of JsonObject because its structure can vary depending on which type of Insight you're looking at.
getVariants() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductGroup
getVenue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
with API version 2.3, use Event.getPlace() field instead
getVenue() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Group
The location of this group, a structured address object.
getVenueList() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
with API version 2.3, use Event.getPlace() instead
getVerb() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.base.BaseChangeValue
getVerb() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.UserVerbValue
getVerbAsString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.base.BaseChangeValue
getVerificationStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Showing whether this Page is verified and in what color e.g. blue verified, gray verified or not verified
getVerificationUri() - Method in class com.restfb.types.DeviceCode
Url the user should call.
getVerified() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Indicates whether the account has been verified.
getVersion() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Subscription.SubscriptionField
getVersionFromString(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.Version
converts a String (for example the url paramter) into a Version object
getVertical() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
getVerticalId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Business
getVerticalName() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
getVia() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
ID of the user or Page the post was shared from
getVideo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
getVideo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedCommentValue
getVideoAsset() - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
getVideoData() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeObjectStorySpec
getVideoData() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.Attachment
When the attached file is a video, Facebook will also send information about it's width, height and url.
getVideoFlagReason() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedVideoBlockMute
getVideoId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
getVideoId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment
getVideoId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
getVideoId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ResumableUploadStartResponse
getVideoId() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedVideoValue
getVideos() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
getVideoStatus() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.VideoStatus
getVideoType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.VideoData
getVideoUploadLimits() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Video upload limits
getView1d() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
Metric value of attribution window "1d_view"
getView28d() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
Metric value of attribution window "28d_view"
getView7d() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
Metric value of attribution window "7d_view"
getViewerCanSendGift() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Can the viewer send a gift to this person?
getViewerReaction() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Reactions
getVisa() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PagePaymentOptions
Whether the business accepts Visa as a payment option.
getVisibility() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
getVoipInfo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Voip info
getWaiter() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantServices
getWalkins() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantServices
getWallpaper() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
Wallpaper to display as a background for the thread
getWatermark() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.DeliveryItem
getWatermark() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ReadItem
getWeb() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AppLinks
getWebDestinationType() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Destination type for the call-to-action on desktop.
getWebRequestor() - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
getWebRequestor() - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
Gets the WebRequestor used to talk to the Facebook API endpoints.
getWebsite() - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
Url in the profile
getWebsite() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The website URL
getWebsite() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The URL of the Place's website.
getWebsite() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
getWebsiteUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
URL of a website that integrates with this app.
getWebUrl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Destination url for the call-to-action on desktop
getWebviewHeightRatio() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.HomeUrl
Controls the height of webview.
getWebviewHeightRatio() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.WebButton
getWebviewShareButton() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.HomeUrl
Controls whether the share button in the webview is enabled.
getWeeklyActiveUsers() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The number of weekly active users the app has.
getWereHereCount() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The number of visits to this Page's location.
getWhatsappNumber() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
whatsapp number
getWhitelist() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.TargetAudience.Countries
getWhitelistedDomains() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.MessengerProfileProperties
getWhitelistedFbUsers() - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
getWhitelistedIds() - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyright
A list of page IDs or user IDs, who are allowed to use the copyrighted content.
getWhitelistedIgUsers() - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
getWidth() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
The width of the image.
getWidth() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.AttachmentData
The image's width.
getWidth() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
The width of the photo, in pixels.
getWidth() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo.Image
The width of the image in pixels.
getWidth() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ProfilePictureSource
Picture width in pixels
getWidth() - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment.Image
getWidth() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.Thumbnail
The width of the thumbnail
getWidth() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.VideoFormat
The width of the video in this format.
getWikidata() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.External
getWikipedia() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.External
getWindows() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AppLinks
getWindowsPhone() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AppLinks
getWindowsUniversal() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AppLinks
getWirelessCarrier() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getWitAiKey() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpCustomWitAi
getWith() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ProjectExperience
getWith() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Education
Friends associated with this school.
getWith() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.EducationClass
Friends associated with this class.
getWith() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Experience
Tagged users
getWith() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Sport
Friends associated with this sport.
getWith() - Method in class com.restfb.types.WorkExperience
getWithTags() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Objects (Users, Pages, etc) tagged as being with the publisher of the post ("Who are you with?"
getWork() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
getWorkEmployers() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getWorkEmployers() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getWorkflows() - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The native component workflows for this Place.
getWorkNetworks() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
Company, organization, or other workplace.
getWorkPositions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
getWorkPositions() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getWriterNames() - Method in class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
getWrittenBy() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The writer of the TV show.
getX() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo.Tag
X coordinate (as a percentage of distance from left vs. width).
getY() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo.Tag
Y coordinate (as a percentage of distance from top vs. height).
getYear() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageStartDate
getYear() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Education
Graduation year.
getYear() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDuration
getYearAsString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Education
Description for this year.
getZip() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Location
The postal code of this location.
getZips() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
getZips() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocation
getZips() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographicMetadata
GRAPH - com.restfb.FacebookEndpoints.Endpoint
Graph API endpoint URL.
GRAPH_VIDEO - com.restfb.FacebookEndpoints.Endpoint
Video Upload API endpoint URL.
GraphAPI - Annotation Type in com.restfb.annotation
graphApi26LikesFallback() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
graphFacebookExceptionMapper - Variable in class com.restfb.exception.generator.DefaultFacebookExceptionGenerator
Knows how to map Graph API exceptions to formal Java exception types.
GraphResponse - Class in com.restfb.types
Type that can be used as return value for publishing new objects to Facebook.
GraphResponse() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.GraphResponse
greeting - com.restfb.types.send.SettingTypeEnum
Greeting - Class in com.restfb.types.send
Greeting(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.Greeting
Greeting(String, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.Greeting
Greeting(Locale, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.Greeting
Group - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Group Graph API type.
Group() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Group
GROUPS_ACCESS_MEMBER_INFO - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Gives your app the ability to receive member-related data on group content when a member has granted the app permission to do so.


hasActivities() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have an 'activities' connection?
hasAlbums() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have an 'albums' connection?
hasAttachment() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
Returns whether the message contains an attachment.
hasBooks() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have a 'books' connection?
hasErrors() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.NlpResult
checks if the returned JSON contains the error field
hasEvents() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have an 'events' connection?
hasFamily() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have a 'family' connection?
hasFeed() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have a 'feed' connection?
hasFriends() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have a 'friends' connection?
hasGroups() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have a 'groups' connection?
hashCode() - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchHeader
hashCode() - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchRequest
hashCode() - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.restfb.BinaryAttachment
hashCode() - Method in class com.restfb.Connection
hashCode() - Method in class com.restfb.FacebookClient.AccessToken
hashCode() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
hashCode() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
hashCode() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject.Member
hashCode() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
hashCode() - Method in class com.restfb.json.Location
hashCode() - Method in class com.restfb.Parameter
hashCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.AbstractFacebookType
hashCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.ChangeValue
hashCode() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpError
hashCode(Object) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.ReflectionUtils
Reflection-based implementation of Object.hashCode().
hasHome() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have a 'home' connection?
hasInbox() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have an 'inbox' connection?
hasInterests() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have an 'interests' connection?
hasLikes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have a 'likes' connection?
hasLinks() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have a 'links' connection?
hasMovies() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have a 'movies' connection?
hasMusic() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have a 'music' connection?
hasNext() - Method in class com.restfb.Connection
Does this connection have a next page of data?
hasNext() - Method in class com.restfb.Connection.Itr
hasNlp() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
Returns whether the message contains a NLP result.
hasNotes() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have a 'notes' connection?
hasOutbox() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have an 'outbox' connection?
hasPhotos() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have a 'photos' connection?
hasPicture() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have a 'picture' connection?
hasPosts() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have a 'posts' connection?
hasPrevious() - Method in class com.restfb.Connection
Does this connection have a previous page of data?
hasPriorMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
hasQuickReply() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
Returns whether the message contains a quick reply.
hasReusableAttachment() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.SendResponse
hasStandby() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.WebhookEntry
hasStatuses() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have a 'statuses' connection?
hasTagged() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have a 'tagged' connection?
hasTelevision() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have a 'television' connection?
hasUpdates() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have an 'updates' connection?
hasVideos() - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
Does this object have a 'videos' connection?
headers(BatchHeader...) - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchRequest.BatchRequestBuilder
Sets the list of HTTP headers for the request generated by this builder.
HIDE - com.restfb.types.webhook.ChangeValue.Verb
HomeUrl - Class in com.restfb.types.send
HomeUrl() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.HomeUrl
horizontal - com.restfb.types.send.ImageAspectRatioEnum
Hour() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Hours.Hour
Hours - Class in com.restfb.types
Hours() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Hours
Hours.DayOfWeek - Enum in com.restfb.types
Hours.Hour - Class in com.restfb.types
HTTP_LOGGER - Static variable in class com.restfb.logging.RestFBLogger
httpDeleteFallback - Variable in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
By default this is false, so real http DELETE is used


IdMessageRecipient - Class in com.restfb.types.send
IdMessageRecipient(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.IdMessageRecipient
IDName - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
IDName() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.IDName
IDName(String, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.IDName
IDS_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
Reserved "multiple IDs" parameter name.
IgComment - Class in com.restfb.types.instagram
Represents a Instagram Comment object
IgComment() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgComment
IgMedia - Class in com.restfb.types.instagram
Represents the instagram media type
IgMedia() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMedia
IgMediaChild - Class in com.restfb.types.instagram
IgMediaChild() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMediaChild
IgUser - Class in com.restfb.types.instagram
Represents the instagram user type used in the Graph API
IgUser() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
Image() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Photo.Image
Image() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment.Image
IMAGE - com.restfb.types.send.MediaAttachment.MediaType
IMAGE - com.restfb.types.send.MediaAttachment.Type
IMAGE - Static variable in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingAttachment
The "image" attachment type.
ImageAspectRatioEnum - Enum in com.restfb.types.send
ImageData() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Message.ImageData
indentWithSpaces(int) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.PrettyPrint
Print every value on a separate line.
indentWithTabs() - Static method in class com.restfb.json.PrettyPrint
Do not break lines, but still insert whitespace between values.
info(String, Object...) - Method in class com.restfb.logging.JulLogger
info(String, Object...) - Method in class com.restfb.logging.RestFBLogger
Log a message at the INFO level according to the specified format and arguments.
info(String, Object...) - Method in class com.restfb.logging.SLF4JLogger
InnerMessagingItem - Interface in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
Insight - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Insight Graph API type.
Insight() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Insight
INSTAGRAM - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions.Category
INSTAGRAM_BASIC - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides the ability to read Instagram accounts you have access to.
INSTAGRAM_CONTENT_PUBLISH - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides the ability to publish content to Instagram account you have access to.
INSTAGRAM_MANAGE_COMMENTS - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides the ability to read Instagram accounts you have access to.
INSTAGRAM_MANAGE_INSIGHTS - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides the ability to read insights of Instagram account you have access to.
InstagramCommentsValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram
InstagramCommentsValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramCommentsValue
InstagramMentionsValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram
InstagramMentionsValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramMentionsValue
InstagramStoryInsightsValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram
InstagramStoryInsightsValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramStoryInsightsValue
InstagramUser - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Instagram User API type.
InstagramUser() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.InstagramUser
invokeJsonMappingCompletedMethods(Object) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultJsonMapper
Finds and invokes methods on object that are annotated with the @JsonMappingCompleted annotation.
IosAppLink - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
IosAppLink() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.IosAppLink
isAccountLinking() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
isAdAccountHeader() - Method in class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo.HeaderUsage
isAppRoles() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
isArray() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
isArray() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Detects whether this value represents a JSON array.
isAudio() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingAttachment
convenience method to check if the attachment type is audio
isAutocloseBinaryAttachmentStream() - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultWebRequestor
returns if the binary attachment stream is closed automatically
isBlank(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.StringUtils
Is string blank (null or only whitespace)?
isBlock() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PolicyEnforcementItem
convenience method to check the action of the policy enforcement
isBoolean() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Detects whether this value represents a boolean value.
IsBroadcastPayload - Interface in com.restfb.types.send
Marker interface for all Payloads, that are allowed to be used in the Broadcast API, see here.
isCheckoutUpdate() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
isCommentLike() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedLikeValue
returns true if the liked item is a comment
isCommentReaction() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedReactionValue
returns true if the reaction was made on a Comment, false if the reaction was made on a post
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class com.restfb.logging.JulLogger
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class com.restfb.logging.RestFBLogger
Is the logger instance enabled for the DEBUG level?
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class com.restfb.logging.SLF4JLogger
isDelivery() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
isEcho() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
Indicates the message sent from the page itself
isEmpty() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Returns true if this array contains no elements.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Returns true if this object contains no members.
isEmptyCollectionOrMap(Object) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.ObjectUtil
Checks is the object is a empty 'collection' or 'map'.
isEmptyList(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.StringJsonUtils
Is the given JSON equivalent to the empty list ([])?
isEmptyObject(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.StringJsonUtils
Is the given JSON equivalent to the empty object ({})?
isEntityOnly() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.BaseNlpEntity
returns if the object contains only a nlp entity or if the nlp object contains body, start and end fields, too.
isFallback() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingAttachment
convenience method to check if the attachment type is fallback
isFalse() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Detects whether this value represents the JSON literal false.
isFalse(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.StringJsonUtils
Checks if the given String is equals to the String with the content "false"
isFile() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingAttachment
convenience method to check if the attachment type is file
isFinished() - Method in class com.restfb.types.ResumableUploadTransferResponse
Is true if Facebook don't want any other bytes and the video is transfered.
isHttpDeleteFallback() - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
returns if the fallback post method (true) is used or the http delete (false)
isImage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.Attachment
returns if the attachment is a image
isImage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingAttachment
convenience method to check if the attachment type is image
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class com.restfb.logging.JulLogger
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class com.restfb.logging.RestFBLogger
Is the logger instance enabled for the INFO level?
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class com.restfb.logging.SLF4JLogger
isLike() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
The user may send a like and this method can be used to discover the three know versions of the sticker
isLike() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
The user may send a like and this method can be used to discover the three know versions of the sticker
isLinked() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AccountLinkingItem
convenience method to check the status of the account linking
isList(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.StringJsonUtils
Checks if the given String start with a [ character, so it may be a JsonArray
isLocation() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingAttachment
convenience method to check if the attachment type is location
isMessage() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
isNull() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Detects whether this value represents the JSON literal null.
isNull(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.StringJsonUtils
Checks if the given String is equals to the String with the content "null"
isNumber() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Detects whether this value represents a JSON number.
isObject() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
isObject() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Detects whether this value represents a JSON object.
isObject(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.StringJsonUtils
Checks if the given String start with a { character, so it may be a JsonObject
isOmitResponseOnSuccess() - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchRequest
Will the batch response for this request be null?
isOptin() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
isPageLike() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedLikeValue
returns if the page is liked or a post.
isPassThreadControl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
isPayment() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
isPaypal() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.PaymentCredential
convenience method to check if the provider type is paypal
isPercentageOnly() - Method in class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo.HeaderUsage
isPolicyEnforcement() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
isPostback() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
isPostLike() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedLikeValue
returns true if the liked item is a post
isPostReaction() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedReactionValue
returns true if the reaction was made on a Post
isPrimitive(Object) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.ReflectionUtils
Is the given object a primitive type or wrapper for a primitive type?
isRead() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
isRecommendation() - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphRating
If OpenGraphRating is a new recommendation
isRecommendation() - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
isReferral() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
isReply() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedCommentValue
returns true if the added comment is a reply (a comment to a comment), false otherwise may be null, if it is not possible to check
isReply() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsCommentValue
returns true if the added comment is a reply (a comment to a comment), false otherwise may be null, if it is not possible to check
isReplyReaction() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedReactionValue
returns true if the reaction was made on a Reply (comment of a comment),
isRequestThreadControl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
isSharable() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.SharableTemplatePayload
isString() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Detects whether this value represents a JSON string.
isStripe() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.PaymentCredential
convenience method to check if the provider type is stripe
isSuccess() - Method in class com.restfb.types.GraphResponse
true if publishing of the object was successful, false otherwise.
isSuccessful() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.SendResponse
isTakeThreadControl() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
isTestPayment() - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.PaymentSummary
isToken() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.PaymentCredential
convenience method to check if the provider type is token
isTraceEnabled() - Method in class com.restfb.logging.JulLogger
isTraceEnabled() - Method in class com.restfb.logging.RestFBLogger
Is the logger instance enabled for the TRACE level?
isTraceEnabled() - Method in class com.restfb.logging.SLF4JLogger
isTrue() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Detects whether this value represents the JSON literal true.
isUnblock() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PolicyEnforcementItem
convenience method to check the action of the policy enforcement
isUnlinked() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AccountLinkingItem
convenience method to check the status of the account linking
isUrlElementRequired() - Method in enum com.restfb.Version
isUseCache() - Method in class com.restfb.ETagWebRequestor
return if cache is used.
isValid() - Method in class com.restfb.FacebookClient.DebugTokenInfo
Whether or not the token is valid.
isVideo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.Attachment
returns if the attachment is a video
isVideo() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingAttachment
convenience method to check if the attachment type is video
Item() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Payment.Item
iterator() - Method in class com.restfb.Connection
iterator() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Returns an iterator over the values of this array in document order.
iterator() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Returns an iterator over the members of this object in document order.
Itr(Connection<T>) - Constructor for class com.restfb.Connection.Itr
Creates a new iterator over the given connection.


join(String[]) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.StringUtils
Joins the given array into a comma-separated string.
join(List<String>) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.StringUtils
Joins the given list into a comma-separated string.
Json - Class in com.restfb.json
This class serves as the entry point to the minimal-json API.
JsonArray - Class in com.restfb.json
Represents a JSON array, an ordered collection of JSON values.
JsonArray() - Constructor for class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Creates a new empty JsonArray.
JsonArray(JsonArray) - Constructor for class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Creates a new JsonArray with the contents of the specified JSON array.
JsonHandler<A,​O> - Class in com.restfb.json
A handler for parser events.
JsonHandler() - Constructor for class com.restfb.json.JsonHandler
JsonMapper - Interface in com.restfb
Specifies how a Facebook JSON-to-Java (and vice-versa) mapper must operate.
JsonMapper.JsonMappingCompleted - Annotation Type in com.restfb
If you apply this annotation to a method of a type mapped by JsonMapper, it will be called after the mapping operation has been completed.
jsonMappingCompleted(JsonMapper) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Post-JSON-mapping operation that populates the messageTags field "by hand".
jsonMappingCompleted(JsonMapper) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
Post-JSON-mapping operation that populates the messageTags field "by hand".
jsonMappingCompleted(JsonMapper) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Post-JSON-mapping operation that populates the messageTags field "by hand".
jsonMappingCompleted(JsonMapper) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
JsonObject - Class in com.restfb.json
Represents a JSON object, a set of name/value pairs, where the names are strings and the values are JSON values.
JsonObject() - Constructor for class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Creates a new empty JsonObject.
JsonObject(JsonObject) - Constructor for class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Creates a new JsonObject, initialized with the contents of the specified JSON object.
JsonObject.Member - Class in com.restfb.json
Represents a member of a JSON object, a pair of a name and a value.
JsonParser - Class in com.restfb.json
A streaming parser for JSON text.
JsonParser(JsonHandler<?, ?>) - Constructor for class com.restfb.json.JsonParser
Creates a new JsonParser with the given handler.
JsonValue - Class in com.restfb.json
Represents a JSON value.
JulLogger - Class in com.restfb.logging
Logger implementation based on java.util.logging.
JulLogger(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.logging.JulLogger


KeyedType() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Post.KeyedType


large - com.restfb.types.send.ListTemplatePayload.TopElementStyleEnum
LastAdReferral() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.UserProfile.LastAdReferral
LATEST - com.restfb.Version
convenience enum to provide simple access to the latest supported Graph API Version.
Lead - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Lead() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
LeadgenForm - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
LeadgenForm() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
LeadGenQualifier - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
LeadGenQualifier() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadGenQualifier
LEADS_RETRIEVAL - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Grants your app permission to retrieve all the information captured within a lead.
LikeItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Likes.LikeItem
Likes - Class in com.restfb.types
Likes() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Likes
Likes.LikeItem - Class in com.restfb.types
line - Variable in class com.restfb.json.Location
The line number, starting at 1.
Link - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Link Graph API type.
Link() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Link
LINKED - Static variable in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AccountLinkingItem
The "linked" account linking status.
ListJsonChangeValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
ChangeValue that provides access to JsonObject lists, used in work history for example.
ListJsonChangeValue(List<JsonValue>) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.ListJsonChangeValue
ListTemplatePayload - Class in com.restfb.types.send
ListTemplatePayload(List<ListViewElement>) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.ListTemplatePayload
ListTemplatePayload.TopElementStyleEnum - Enum in com.restfb.types.send
ListViewElement - Class in com.restfb.types.send
ListViewElement(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.ListViewElement
LIVE_VIDEO - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions.Category
LiveVideo - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Live Video API type.
LiveVideo() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
locales - Variable in class com.restfb.types.Post.Targeting
Location - Class in com.restfb.json
An immutable object that represents a location in the parsed text.
Location - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents a location (address and latitude/longitude).
Location() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Location
LOCATION - com.restfb.types.send.QuickReply.QuickReplyType
LOCATION - Static variable in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingAttachment
The "location" attachment type.
LocationAttachment - Class in com.restfb.types.send
LocationAttachment(double, double) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.LocationAttachment
logMultipleMappingFailedForField(String, ReflectionUtils.FieldWithAnnotation<Facebook>, String) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultJsonMapper
Dumps out a log message when one of a multiple-mapped Facebook field name JSON-to-Java mapping operation fails.
LookalikeSpec - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
LookalikeSpec() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.LookalikeSpec
LookalikeSpec.Origin - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
LOWEST_COST_WITH_BID_CAP - com.restfb.types.ads.BidStrategyEnum
LOWEST_COST_WITHOUT_CAP - com.restfb.types.ads.BidStrategyEnum


MailingAddress() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Page.MailingAddress
makeRequest() - Method in interface com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient.Requestor
makeRequest(String, boolean, boolean, List<BinaryAttachment>, Parameter...) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
Coordinates the process of executing the API request GET/POST and processing the response we receive from the endpoint.
makeRequest(String, Parameter...) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
Coordinates the process of executing the API request GET/POST and processing the response we receive from the endpoint.
makeRequestAndProcessResponse(DefaultFacebookClient.Requestor) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
MANAGE_PAGES - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Enables your app to retrieve Page Access Tokens for the Pages and Apps that the person administrates.
MAPPER_LOGGER - Static variable in class com.restfb.logging.RestFBLogger
MappingUtils - Class in com.restfb.util
Utility class for often used mapping methods
MappingUtils(JsonMapper) - Constructor for class com.restfb.util.MappingUtils
mark_seen - com.restfb.types.send.SenderActionEnum
Media() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment.Media
MediaAttachment - Class in com.restfb.types.send
MediaAttachment(MediaAttachment.Type, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.MediaAttachment
MediaAttachment(List<MediaAttachment.MediaTemplateElement>) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.MediaAttachment
MediaAttachment.MediaTemplateElement - Interface in com.restfb.types.send
MediaAttachment.MediaType - Enum in com.restfb.types.send
MediaAttachment.Type - Enum in com.restfb.types.send
MediaTemplateAttachmentElement - Class in com.restfb.types.send.media
Represents the media template element that is used with the attachment id as defined here
MediaTemplateAttachmentElement(MediaAttachment.MediaType, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.media.MediaTemplateAttachmentElement
MediaTemplateUrlElement - Class in com.restfb.types.send.media
Represents the media template element that is used with the url as defined here Allowed urls are: https://business.facebook.com//videos/ https://www.facebook.com//videos// https://business.facebook.com//photos/ https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?
MediaTemplateUrlElement(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.media.MediaTemplateUrlElement
MentionPostAddValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
MentionPostAddValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.MentionPostAddValue
MenuItem - Interface in com.restfb.types.send
merge(JsonObject) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Copies all members of the specified object into this object.
Message - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Message Graph API type .
Message - Class in com.restfb.types.send
Message() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Message
Message(MessageAttachment) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.Message
Message(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.Message
MESSAGE_TAG - com.restfb.types.send.MessagingType
Message.Attachment - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents an attached file that you may find on a private message.
Message.AttachmentData - Class in com.restfb.types
Message.ImageData - Class in com.restfb.types
Additional attachment information, only present when an attached file is an image.
Message.Share - Class in com.restfb.types
Message.VideoData - Class in com.restfb.types
Additional attachment information, only present when an attached file is an video.
MessageAttachment - Class in com.restfb.types.send
MessageAttachment() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.MessageAttachment
MessageCreativeResponse - Class in com.restfb.types.send
MessageCreativeResponse() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.MessageCreativeResponse
MessageItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
Represents the Message Callback
MessageItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
MessageRecipient - Interface in com.restfb.types.send
Marker interface for all MesssageRecipient implementations
MessageTag - Class in com.restfb.types
MessageTag() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.MessageTag
MESSAGING - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions.Category
MessagingAttachment - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
MessagingAttachment() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingAttachment
MessagingItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
MessagingItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
MessagingParticipant - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
MessagingParticipant() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingParticipant
MessagingPayload - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
MessagingPayload() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
MessagingType - Enum in com.restfb.types.send
Represents the Messaging Type used to send message that are introduced with Messenger Platform 2.2
MessengerProfileProperties - Class in com.restfb.types.send
Represents the Messenger Profile
MessengerProfileProperties() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.MessengerProfileProperties
Metadata() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata
method(String) - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchRequest.BatchRequestBuilder
Sets the HTTP method for the request generated by this builder, for example "POST" (GET is the default value for this builder).
Milestone - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Milestone Graph API type.
Milestone() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Milestone
MINIMAL - Static variable in class com.restfb.json.WriterConfig
Write JSON in its minimal form, without any additional whitespace.
MinimumBudget - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
MinimumBudget() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.MinimumBudget
MobileSdkErrorCategory() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Application.MobileSdkErrorCategory
MON - com.restfb.types.Hours.DayOfWeek
MusicVideoCopyright - Class in com.restfb.types
MusicVideoCopyright() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
MUTE - com.restfb.types.webhook.ChangeValue.Verb


name - Variable in class com.restfb.Parameter
Parameter name.
name(String) - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchRequest.BatchRequestBuilder
Sets the logical name for the request generated by this builder.
Name(String, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.PhoneMessageRecipient.Name
NamedAdsObject - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Almost basic ad-type that provides a name and a id field.
NamedAdsObject() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.NamedAdsObject
NamedFacebookType - Class in com.restfb.types
Superclass for Graph API types that include a name field and (optionally) a created_time field.
NamedFacebookType() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.NamedFacebookType
names() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Returns a list of the names in this object in document order.
NEGATIVE - com.restfb.types.RecommendationType
NestedButton - Class in com.restfb.types.send
NestedButton(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.NestedButton
new_thread - com.restfb.types.send.ThreadStateEnum
next() - Method in class com.restfb.Connection.Itr
NlpAmountOfMoney - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp
NlpAmountOfMoney() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpAmountOfMoney
NlpBye - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp
NlpBye() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpBye
NlpCustomWitAi - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp
NlpCustomWitAi() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpCustomWitAi
NlpDatetime - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp
NlpDatetime() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDatetime
NlpDistance - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp
NlpDistance() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDistance
NlpDuration - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp
NlpDuration() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDuration
NlpDuration.NormalizedDuration - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp
NlpEmail - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp
NlpEmail() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpEmail
NlpError - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp
NlpError() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpError
NlpGreetings - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp
NlpGreetings() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpGreetings
NlpLocation - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp
NlpLocation() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation
NlpLocation.Coords - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp
NlpLocation.External - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp
NlpLocation.Place - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp
NlpPhoneNumber - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp
NlpPhoneNumber() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpPhoneNumber
NlpQuantity - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp
NlpQuantity() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpQuantity
NlpReminder - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp
NlpReminder() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpReminder
NlpResult - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
NlpResult() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.NlpResult
NlpSentiment - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp
NlpSentiment() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpSentiment
NlpTemperature - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp
NlpTemperature() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpTemperature
NlpUrl - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp
NlpUrl() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpUrl
NlpVolume - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp
NlpVolume() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpVolume
NO_PUSH - com.restfb.types.send.NotificationTypeEnum
NON_PROMOTIONAL_SUBSCRIPTION - com.restfb.types.send.MessagingType
NormalizedDuration() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDuration.NormalizedDuration
Note - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Note Graph API type.
Note() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Note
Notification - Class in com.restfb.types
Notification() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Notification
NotificationTypeEnum - Enum in com.restfb.types.send
Represents the push notification type as part of the Send API request
NULL - Static variable in class com.restfb.json.Json
Represents the JSON literal null.
NULL - Static variable in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Use Json.NULL instead


object() - Static method in class com.restfb.json.Json
Creates a new empty JsonObject.
ObjectUtil - Class in com.restfb.util
obtainAppAccessToken(String, String) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
obtainAppAccessToken(String, String) - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
Obtains an access token which can be used to perform Graph API operations on behalf of an application instead of a user.
obtainAppSecretProof(String, String) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
obtainAppSecretProof(String, String) - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
Generates an appsecret_proof value.
obtainDeviceAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
obtainDeviceAccessToken(String) - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
Method to poll Facebook and fetch the Device Access Token.
obtainExtendedAccessToken(String, String) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
obtainExtendedAccessToken(String, String) - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
Convenience method which invokes FacebookClient.obtainExtendedAccessToken(String, String, String) with the current access token.
obtainExtendedAccessToken(String, String, String) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
obtainExtendedAccessToken(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
Obtains an extended access token for the given existing, non-expired, short-lived access_token.
obtainUserAccessToken(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
obtainUserAccessToken(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
Obtains an access token which can be used to perform Graph API operations on behalf of a user.
offset - Variable in class com.restfb.json.Location
The absolute character index, starting at 0.
OffsitePixel - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the Offsite Pixel Marketing API Type
OffsitePixel() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.OffsitePixel
OGObject() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Url.OGObject
omitResponseOnSuccess(boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchRequest.BatchRequestBuilder
To make sure FB returns JSON in the event that this builder's request completes successfully, set this to false.
openConnection(URL) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultWebRequestor
Given a url, opens and returns a connection to it.
OpenGraphActionType - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Open Graph Action Type
OpenGraphActionType() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
OpenGraphObjectType - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Open Graph Object Type
OpenGraphObjectType() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphObjectType
OpenGraphPropertyConfig - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Open Graph Property Config type
OpenGraphPropertyConfig() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
OpenGraphRating - Class in com.restfb.types
OpenGraphRating() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphRating
OpenGraphTemplatePayload - Class in com.restfb.types.send
implementation of the Open Graph Template (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/send-messages/template/open-graph)
OpenGraphTemplatePayload() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.OpenGraphTemplatePayload
OpenGraphTemplatePayload.Element - Class in com.restfb.types.send
OptinItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
OptinItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.OptinItem
Origin() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.LookalikeSpec.Origin
OTHER - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions.Category
Owner() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Event.Owner


Page - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Page Graph API type.
Page() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Page
Page.Cover - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Cover Graph API type.
Page.Engagement - Class in com.restfb.types
Page.MailingAddress - Class in com.restfb.types
Page.PageParking - Class in com.restfb.types
Parking options for a Page.
Page.PagePaymentOptions - Class in com.restfb.types
Page.PageRestaurantServices - Class in com.restfb.types
Page.PageRestaurantSpecialties - Class in com.restfb.types
Page.PageStartDate - Class in com.restfb.types
Page.PageStartInfo - Class in com.restfb.types
Page.ScreenName - Class in com.restfb.types
Page.Settings - Class in com.restfb.types
Page.VoipInfo - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the VOIP Info Graph API type.
PageAdminNote - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Page Admin Note type
PageAdminNote() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.PageAdminNote
PageCallToAction - Class in com.restfb.types
PageCallToAction() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
PageConnection - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents a Connection to a Page Graph API type , for example the Pages returned from me/music.
PageConnection() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.PageConnection
PageConversation - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
for 3.3+ directly and for all other versions on December 31, 2019. Use the Messenger Webhook instead
PageConversation() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.PageConversation
PageLabel - Class in com.restfb.types
PageLabel() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.PageLabel
PageLeadgen - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
PageLeadgen() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.PageLeadgen
PageLifeEvent - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Life Event Graph API type.
PageLifeEvent() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.PageLifeEvent
PageMessageTag - Class in com.restfb.types.send
PageMessageTag() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.PageMessageTag
PageParking() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Page.PageParking
PagePaymentOptions() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Page.PagePaymentOptions
PageRating - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Cover Graph API type.
PageRating() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.PageRating
PageRestaurantServices() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantServices
PageRestaurantSpecialties() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantSpecialties
PAGES_MANAGE_CTA - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides the access to manage call to actions of the Pages that you manage.
PAGES_MANAGE_INSTANT_ARTICLES - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Lets your app manage Instant Articles on behalf of Facebook Pages administered by people using your app.
PAGES_MANAGE_LEADS - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides access to manage leads retrieved from Lead Ads of the Pages that you manage.
PAGES_MESSAGING - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
This allows you to send and receive messages through a Facebook Page.
PAGES_MESSAGING_PAYMENTS - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
This allows you to charge users in Messenger conversations on behalf of pages.
PAGES_MESSAGING_PHONE_NUMBER - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
This allows you to send and receive messages through a Facebook Page.
PAGES_MESSAGING_SUBSCRPTIONS - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
This allows you to send and receive messages through a Facebook Page out of the 24h window opened by a user action.
PAGES_SHOW_LIST - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides the access to show the list of the Pages that you manage.
PagesPlatformComponentFlowServiceConfig() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace.PagesPlatformComponentFlowServiceConfig
PageStartDate() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Page.PageStartDate
PageStartInfo() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Page.PageStartInfo
Parameter - Class in com.restfb
Representation of a Facebook API request parameter.
parameters(Parameter...) - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchRequest.BatchRequestBuilder
Specifies URL parameters for the request generated by this builder.
parse(Reader) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.Json
Reads the entire input from the given reader and parses it as JSON.
parse(Reader) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonParser
Reads the entire input from the given reader and parses it as JSON.
parse(Reader, int) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonParser
Reads the entire input from the given reader and parses it as JSON.
parse(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.Json
Parses the given input string as JSON.
parse(String) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonParser
Parses the given input string.
ParseException - Exception in com.restfb.json
An unchecked exception to indicate that an input does not qualify as valid JSON.
parseSignedRequest(String, String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
parseSignedRequest(String, String, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
Parses a signed request and verifies it against your App Secret.
PartnerCategory - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
PartnerCategory() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.PartnerCategory
PassengerInfo - Class in com.restfb.types.send.airline
PassengerInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.airline.PassengerInfo
PassengerInfoItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline
PassengerInfoItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PassengerInfoItem
PassengerSegmentInfo - Class in com.restfb.types.send.airline
PassengerSegmentInfo(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.airline.PassengerSegmentInfo
PassengerSegmentInfoItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline
PassengerSegmentInfoItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PassengerSegmentInfoItem
PassThreadControlItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
Represents the Pass Thread Control Callback
PassThreadControlItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PassThreadControlItem
payment - com.restfb.types.send.SettingTypeEnum
Payment - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Payment Graph API type.
Payment() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Payment
Payment.Action - Class in com.restfb.types
The list of different action types that have occurred in this payment.
Payment.Dispute - Class in com.restfb.types
Contains the information related to a dispute, including the user_comment and user_email which is provided by the consumer when the dispute is initiated.
Payment.Item - Class in com.restfb.types
The items associated with the payment.
PaymentCredential - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment
PaymentCredential() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.PaymentCredential
PaymentItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
Represents the Payment Callback
PaymentItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PaymentItem
PaymentPricepoint() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.User.PaymentPricepoint
PaymentPricepoints() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.User.PaymentPricepoints
PaymentSettings - Class in com.restfb.types.send
PaymentSettings() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.PaymentSettings
PaymentSummary - Class in com.restfb.types.send.buybutton
PaymentSummary() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.PaymentSummary
PaymentTypeEnum - Enum in com.restfb.types.send.buybutton
PAYPAL - Static variable in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.PaymentCredential
The "paypal" provider type.
PersistentMenu - Class in com.restfb.types.send
PersistentMenu() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.PersistentMenu
PersistentMenu(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.PersistentMenu
PersistentMenu(Locale) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.PersistentMenu
PhoneMessageRecipient - Class in com.restfb.types.send
PhoneMessageRecipient(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.PhoneMessageRecipient
PhoneMessageRecipient.Name - Class in com.restfb.types.send
Photo - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Photo Graph API type.
Photo() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Photo
Photo.Image - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Image Graph API type.
Photo.Tag - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Tag Graph API type.
Place - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents information about the place where an event occurred, for example a Checkin or Photo.
Place() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Place
Place() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.Place
PlaceTag - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Place Tag Graph API type.
PlaceTag() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.PlaceTag
PolicyEnforcementItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
Represents a receiving postback object as defined here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/webhook-reference/policy-enforcement
PolicyEnforcementItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PolicyEnforcementItem
POSITIVE - com.restfb.types.RecommendationType
Post - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Post Graph API type.
Post() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Post
POST - com.restfb.DefaultWebRequestor.HttpMethod
Post.Action - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Action Graph API type.
Post.Attachments - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the attachments included inGraph API Post type.
Post.FeedTargeting - Class in com.restfb.types
Object that controls news feed targeting for this post.
Post.KeyedType - Class in com.restfb.types
Post.Property - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the undocumented Property type.
Post.Shares - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Shares included the Post response.
Post.Targeting - Class in com.restfb.types
PostbackButton - Class in com.restfb.types.send
Represents the Postback Button type
PostbackButton(String, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.PostbackButton
PostbackItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
Represents a receiving postback object as defined here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/webhook-reference/postback
PostbackItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PostbackItem
PostbackReferral - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
Represents the referral sub object described here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/referral-params
PostbackReferral() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PostbackReferral
PostCallToAction - Class in com.restfb.types
PostCallToAction() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.PostCallToAction
PostCallToAction.PostCallToActionValue - Class in com.restfb.types
PostCallToActionValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.PostCallToAction.PostCallToActionValue
PrettyPrint - Class in com.restfb.json
Enables human readable JSON output by inserting whitespace between values.after commas and colons.
PrettyPrint(char[]) - Constructor for class com.restfb.json.PrettyPrint
PriceInfo - Class in com.restfb.types.send.airline
PriceInfo(String, double) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.airline.PriceInfo
PriceInfoItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline
PriceInfoItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PriceInfoItem
PriceListItem - Class in com.restfb.types.send.buybutton
PriceListItem(String, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.PriceListItem
PriorMessage - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
PriorMessage() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PriorMessage
Privacy - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Privacy Graph API type .
Privacy() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Privacy
ProductCatalog - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
ProductCatalog() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductCatalog
ProductFeed - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the Product Feed type
ProductFeed() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeed
ProductFeedSchedule - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
ProductFeedSchedule() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedSchedule
ProductFeedUpload - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
ProductFeedUpload() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedUpload
ProductGroup - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the Product Group type
ProductGroup() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductGroup
ProductInfo - Class in com.restfb.types.send.airline
ProductInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.airline.ProductInfo
ProductInfoItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline
ProductInfoItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.ProductInfoItem
ProductItem - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the Product Item type
ProductItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
ProductItemCommerceInsights - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
ProductItemCommerceInsights() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItemCommerceInsights
ProductSet - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the Product Set type
ProductSet() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductSet
ProductVariant - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Represents the Product Variant type
ProductVariant() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductVariant
ProfilePictureSource - Class in com.restfb.types
ProfilePictureSource() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ProfilePictureSource
ProjectExperience - Class in com.restfb.types
Represets the Project Experience type
ProjectExperience() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ProjectExperience
Property() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Post.Property
PUBLIC - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions.Category
PUBLIC_PROFILE - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides access to a subset of items that are part of a person's public profile.
publish(String, Class<T>, BinaryAttachment, Parameter...) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
publish(String, Class<T>, BinaryAttachment, Parameter...) - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
Performs a Graph API publish operation on the given connection and includes a file - a photo, for example - in the publish request, and mapping the result to an instance of objectType.
publish(String, Class<T>, Parameter...) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
publish(String, Class<T>, Parameter...) - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
Performs a Graph API publish operation on the given connection, mapping the result to an instance of objectType.
publish(String, Class<T>, List<BinaryAttachment>, Parameter...) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
publish(String, Class<T>, List<BinaryAttachment>, Parameter...) - Method in interface com.restfb.FacebookClient
Performs a Graph API publish operation on the given connection and includes some files - photos, for example - in the publish request, and mapping the result to an instance of objectType.
PUBLISH_ACTIONS - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
this permission is deprecated and it is not possible to publish anything to the user feed via Graph API since April 2018
PUBLISH_PAGES - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Gives your app the ability to post, comment and like as any of the Pages managed by a person using your app.
PUBLISH_TO_GROUPS - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Gives an app the ability to post content into a group on behalf of a user who has granted the app this permission.
PUBLISH_VIDEO - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Grants an app permission to publish live videos to the app User's timeline.
put(K, V) - Method in class com.restfb.util.SoftHashMap


QuickReply - Class in com.restfb.types.send
Represents the Quick Reply
QuickReply() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.QuickReply
QuickReply(QuickReply.QuickReplyType) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.QuickReply
QuickReply(String, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.QuickReply
QuickReply(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.QuickReply
use constructor without contenttype instead. If using content type 'text' use QuickReply(String,String) for 'location' use QuickReply()
QuickReply.QuickReplyType - Enum in com.restfb.types.send
QuickReplyItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
QuickReplyItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.QuickReplyItem


RatingsCommentValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
change value of the ratings comment
RatingsCommentValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsCommentValue
RatingsLikeValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
Change value for ratings like
RatingsLikeValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsLikeValue
RatingsRatingValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
change value of the ratings rating
RatingsRatingValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsRatingValue
RatingsReactionValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
RatingsReactionValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsReactionValue
ReachFrequencyPrediction - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
ReachFrequencyPrediction() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
ReachFrequencySpec - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
ReachFrequencySpec() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencySpec
ReactionItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Reactions.ReactionItem
Reactions - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Reactions Type
Reactions() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Reactions
Reactions.ReactionItem - Class in com.restfb.types
the reaction type
READ_AUDIENCE_NETWORK_INSIGHTS - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides read-only access to the Audience Network Insights data for Apps the person owns.
READ_CUSTOM_FRIENDLISTS - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
READ_FRIENDLISTS - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
not usable since Graph API 2.3, use READ_CUSTOM_FRIENDLISTS instead. If you use the Graph API before 2.3 ignore the deprecation warning
READ_INSIGHTS - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides read-only access to the Insights data for Pages, Apps and web domains the person owns.
READ_PAGE_MAILBOXES - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides the ability to read from the Page Inboxes of the Pages managed by a person.
readFrom(Reader) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
readFrom(Reader) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
readFrom(Reader) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Use Json.parse(Reader) instead
readFrom(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
readFrom(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
readFrom(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Use Json.parse(String) instead
ReadItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
ReadItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ReadItem
ReceiptAddress - Class in com.restfb.types.send
ReceiptAddress(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptAddress
ReceiptAdjustment - Class in com.restfb.types.send
ReceiptAdjustment() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptAdjustment
ReceiptElement - Class in com.restfb.types.send
ReceiptElement(String, double) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptElement
ReceiptSummary - Class in com.restfb.types.send
ReceiptSummary(double) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptSummary
ReceiptTemplatePayload - Class in com.restfb.types.send
Represents the Receipt Template Payload type
ReceiptTemplatePayload(String, String, String, String, ReceiptSummary) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptTemplatePayload
RecommendationType - Enum in com.restfb.types
ReferralItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
Represents the referral field from Scenario 2: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/referral-params
ReferralItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ReferralItem
ReflectionUtils - Class in com.restfb.util
A collection of reflection-related utility methods.
ReflectionUtils.FieldWithAnnotation<T extends Annotation> - Class in com.restfb.util
A field/annotation pair.
regions - Variable in class com.restfb.types.Post.Targeting
REGULAR - com.restfb.types.send.NotificationTypeEnum
remove - com.restfb.types.send.DomainActionTypeEnum
remove() - Method in class com.restfb.Connection.Itr
remove(int) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Removes the element at the specified index from this array.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.restfb.util.SoftHashMap
remove(String) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Removes a member with the specified name from this object.
REMOVE - com.restfb.types.webhook.ChangeValue.Verb
removeAccount(AdAccountGroupAccount) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountGroup
removeAction(AdsActionStats) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
removeAction(Payment.Action) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
removeAction(Post.Action) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
removeAdAccountGroup(AdAccountGroup) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
removeAdBreak(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
removeAdCampaign(BaseAdsObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTag
removeAdCampaignGroup(BaseAdsObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTag
removeAdGroup(BaseAdsObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTag
removeAdlabel(AdLabel) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
removeAdLabel(AdLabel) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
removeAdLabel(AdLabel) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
removeAdminNote(PageAdminNote) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
removeAllowedValue(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
removeAndroidMissingSetting(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
removeAndroidSdkErrorCategory(Application.MobileSdkErrorCategory) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
removeAppDomain(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
removeAttachment(Message.Attachment) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
removeAuthReferralExtendedPerm(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
removeAuthReferralFriendPerm(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
removeAuthReferralUserPerm(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
removeCapability(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
removeCaption(VideoCaption) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
removeCategory(Category) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
removeCategory(Category) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Place
removeCategory(Category) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
removeCategory(Event.Category) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event.Owner
removeChild(Insight) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMedia
removeChild(Insight) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
removeChild(IgMediaChild) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMedia
removes a new child from the children list
removeChildAttachment(Post) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
removeCity(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Targeting
removeClasses(User.EducationClass) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Education
removeCollegeMajor(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
removeCollegeNetwork(FacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
removeCollegeYear(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
removeComment(Comment) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Checkin
removeComment(Comment) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Note
removeComment(Comment) - Method in class com.restfb.types.StatusMessage
removeComment(Comment) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
work on the Comments object directly instead of using this method
removeComment(IgComment) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMedia
removeComment(Message) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Thread
removeConcentration(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Education
removeContentTag(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
removeConversionSpec(ConversionActionQuery) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
removeConversionSpec(ConversionActionQuery) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
removeCountry(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Targeting
removeCreative(AdCreative) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
removeCustomAttribute(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudyObjective
removeCustomLabel(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
removeData(Comment) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comments
removeData(Likes.LikeItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Likes
removeData(Reactions.ReactionItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Reactions
removeData(StoryAttachment) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Attachments
removeData(StoryAttachment) - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment.Attachments
removeDevice(User.UserDevice) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
removeDispute(Payment.Dispute) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
removeEducation(User.Education) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
removeEducationStatus(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
removeEmail(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
removeExclusion(TargetingProductAudienceSubSpec) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingProductAudienceSpec
removeFailedDeliveryCheck(AdDeliveryCheck) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
removeFanOf(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
removeFavoriteAthlete(User.Experience) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
removeFavoriteTeam(User.Experience) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
removeFbPageCategory(Category) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Category
removeField(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata
removeFoodStyle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
removeFormat(Video.VideoFormat) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
removeFormerParticipant(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
removeGender(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
removeIdsForApps(UserIDForApp) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
removeIdsForBusiness(UserIDForApp) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
removeIdsForPages(UserIDForPage) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
removeImage(Photo.Image) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
removeInclusion(TargetingProductAudienceSubSpec) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingProductAudienceSpec
removeInspirationalPeople(User.Experience) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
removeInterestedIn(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
removeInterestedIn(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
removeInterests(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
removeInvitableFriend(UserInvitableFriend) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
removeIosBundleId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
removeIosInstallInvalidationScheme(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
removeIosMissingSetting(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
removeIosSdkErrorCategory(Application.MobileSdkErrorCategory) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
removeItem(Payment.Item) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
removeLabels(PageLabel) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
removeLabels(PageLabel) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
removeLanguage(User.Experience) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
removeLike(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.StatusMessage
removeLineNumber(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
removeLocale(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Targeting
removeMedia(IgMedia) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
removeMeetingFor(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
removeMessage(Message) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
removeMessageTag(MessageTag) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
removeMessageTag(MessageTag) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
removeMobile(User.PaymentPricepoint) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.PaymentPricepoints
removeNameTag(EntityAtTextRange) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
removeObjectType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
removeOrigin(LookalikeSpec.Origin) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LookalikeSpec
removeOwnershipCountry(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
removeParticipant(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
removePath(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseDemographic
removePerm(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Account
since graph api v3.1, use Account.removeTask(java.lang.String) instead
removePermission(int) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdUser
removeProject(ProjectExperience) - Method in class com.restfb.types.WorkExperience
removeProperty(Post.Property) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
removePropertyConfig(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
removePropertyConfig(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphObjectType
removeQueryParameter(String, String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.UrlUtils
Remove the given key from the url query string and return the new URL as String.
removeRecommendation(AdRecommendation) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
removeRecoveryOption(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.MobileSdkErrorCategory
removeRegion(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Targeting
removeRelationshipStatus(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
removeReply(IgComment) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgComment
removeResult(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudyObjective
removeScreenName(Page.ScreenName) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
removeSender(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
removeShare(Message.Share) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
removeSponsorTag(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
removeSport(User.Sport) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
removeStoryTag(MessageTag) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
removeStructConfig(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
removeTag(Conversation.Tag) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
removeTag(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Checkin
removeTag(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
removeTag(Photo.Tag) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
removeTag(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
removeTargetCountry(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LookalikeSpec
removeTargetingsentenceline(TargetingSentenceLine) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
removeTask(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Account
Remove the task from the task list.
removeTo(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
removeTo(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
removeTo(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Thread
removeTrackingSpec(ConversionActionQuery) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
removeTrackingSpec(ConversionActionQuery) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
removeUniqueAction(AdsActionStats) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
removeUser(AdAccountGroupUser) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountGroup
removeUser(User) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLabel
removeValue(JsonObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Insight
removeWhitelistedFbUsers(User) - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
removeWhitelistedIgUsers(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
removeWith(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Education
removeWith(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.EducationClass
removeWith(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Sport
removeWith(User) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ProjectExperience
removeWith(User) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Experience
removeWith(User) - Method in class com.restfb.types.WorkExperience
removeWithTag(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
removeWork(WorkExperience) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
removeWorkNetwork(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
removeWriterName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
replaceOrAddQueryParameter(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.UrlUtils
Modify the query string in the given url and return the new url as String.
RequestedUserInfoEnum - Enum in com.restfb.types.send.buybutton
RequestThreadControlItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
RequestThreadControlItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.RequestThreadControlItem
requireNotEmpty(String, String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.ObjectUtil
Ensures that obj isn't null or an empty string.
Response(Integer, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.WebRequestor.Response
Creates a response with the given HTTP status code and response body as text.
RESPONSE - com.restfb.types.send.MessagingType
ResponseErrorJsonParsingException - Exception in com.restfb.exception
Exception is thrown if it makes no sense to parse a error json
ResponseErrorJsonParsingException() - Constructor for exception com.restfb.exception.ResponseErrorJsonParsingException
RestFBLogger - Class in com.restfb.logging
Abstract class that is the parent of all our logger implementations.
RestFBLogger() - Constructor for class com.restfb.logging.RestFBLogger
ResumableUploadStartResponse - Class in com.restfb.types
Response object that should be used as Response type for the upload initialisation (start phase) of a resumable upload.
ResumableUploadStartResponse() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ResumableUploadStartResponse
ResumableUploadTransferResponse - Class in com.restfb.types
Response object that should be used as Response type for the chunked upload (transfer phase) of a resumable upload.
ResumableUploadTransferResponse() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ResumableUploadTransferResponse
ReuqestedUserInfo - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment
ReuqestedUserInfo() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ReuqestedUserInfo
Review - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Review Graph API Type
Review() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Review
RSVP_EVENT - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides the ability to set a person's attendee status on Facebook Events (eg attending, maybe, or declined).
Rule - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Rule() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.Rule
RuleData - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
RuleData(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.RuleData
RuleFactory - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
RuleFactory() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.RuleFactory
RuleOp - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
RuleOp(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.RuleOp
RuleOpAnd - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
RuleOpAnd(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.RuleOpAnd
RuleOpOr - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
RuleOpOr(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.RuleOpOr


SAT - com.restfb.types.Hours.DayOfWeek
SavedMessageResponse - Class in com.restfb.types
Respresents the Saved Message Response type
SavedMessageResponse() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.SavedMessageResponse
ScopeBuilder - Class in com.restfb.scope
ScopeBuilder() - Constructor for class com.restfb.scope.ScopeBuilder
ScopeBuilder(boolean) - Constructor for class com.restfb.scope.ScopeBuilder
ScreenName() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Page.ScreenName
SearchPlace - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the SearchPlace
SearchPlace() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
SearchPlace.PagesPlatformComponentFlowServiceConfig - Class in com.restfb.types
SecureBrowsing() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.User.SecureBrowsing
SecuritySettings() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.User.SecuritySettings
SenderActionEnum - Enum in com.restfb.types.send
Represents the sender action indicator
SendResponse - Class in com.restfb.types.send
SendResponse() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.SendResponse
SERVER - com.restfb.FacebookEndpoints.Endpoint
General Facebook endpoint URL.
set(int, boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Replaces the element at the specified position in this array with the JSON representation of the specified boolean value.
set(int, double) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Replaces the element at the specified position in this array with the JSON representation of the specified double value.
set(int, float) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Replaces the element at the specified position in this array with the JSON representation of the specified float value.
set(int, int) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Replaces the element at the specified position in this array with the JSON representation of the specified int value.
set(int, long) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Replaces the element at the specified position in this array with the JSON representation of the specified long value.
set(int, JsonValue) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Replaces the element at the specified position in this array with the specified JSON value.
set(int, String) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Replaces the element at the specified position in this array with the JSON representation of the specified string.
set(String, boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Sets the value of the member with the specified name to the JSON representation of the specified boolean value.
set(String, double) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Sets the value of the member with the specified name to the JSON representation of the specified double value.
set(String, float) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Sets the value of the member with the specified name to the JSON representation of the specified float value.
set(String, int) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Sets the value of the member with the specified name to the JSON representation of the specified int value.
set(String, long) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Sets the value of the member with the specified name to the JSON representation of the specified long value.
set(String, JsonValue) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Sets the value of the member with the specified name to the specified JSON value.
set(String, String) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Sets the value of the member with the specified name to the JSON representation of the specified string.
setAbout(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
General information about this page.
setAbout(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
Information about the Place provided by the Page administrator.
setAbout(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
setAboveBarCodeImageUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
An admin access_token for this page.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.TestUser
You can use this access token to make API calls on behalf of the test user.
setAccount(AdAccount) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdLabel
AdGroup Account
setAccountGroupId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountGroup
setAccountId(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
The ID of the Ad Account this reach frequency prediction belongs to
setAccountId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setAccountId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setAccountId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountGroupAccount
setAccountId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
setAccountId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
The ID of the ad account that this ad belongs to.
setAccountId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
The ad account that owns the image
setAccountId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
setAccountId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setAccountId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTransaction
ID of the source Ad Account
setAccountId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
ID of the ad account that owns this campaign
setAccountId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
Ad Account ID
setAccountLinking(AccountLinkingItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
setAccountLinkingUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.MessengerProfileProperties
setAccountStatus(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setAction(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PolicyEnforcementItem
setActionCarouselCardId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
The ID of the specific carousel card that people engaged with when they saw your ad.
setActionCarouselCardName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
The specific carousel card that people engaged with when they saw your ad.
setActionDestination(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
The destination where people go after clicking on your ad.
setActionDevice(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
The device on which the conversion event you are tracking occurred.
setActionTargetId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
The destination where people go after clicking on your ad.
setActionType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
The kind of actions taken on your ad, Page, app or event after your ad was served to someone, even if they didn't click on it.
setActionType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingDynamicRule
setActionType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.AppRequest
Request action type for structured request
setActionType(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Action type
setActionVideoType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
Video metrics breakdown.
setActive(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Subscription
Indicates whether or not the subscription is active.
setActivities(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setActorId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
The actor ID (Page ID) of this creative.
setActorImageHash(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
The image used for actor's icon.
setActorImageUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
The URL of the icon for the actor (Page ID) of this creative.
setActorName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
The title text used for actor.
setAdAccountCreationRequest(AdAccountCreationRequest) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setAdaccountPermissions(JsonObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.UserPermission
setAdAccountPromotableObjects(AdAccountPromotableObjects) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setAdAccountsCurrency(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setAdAccountsInfo(List<JsonObject>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setAdAccountUsage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo.DebugHeaderInfoFactory
setAdcampaignGroup(AdCampaignGroup) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setAdditionalComment(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setAdditionalImageIndex(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
The index (zero based) of the image from the additionalimages array to use as the ad image for a dynamic product ad
setAdditionalImageIndex(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
setAdditionalImageUrls(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setAddress(ReceiptAddress) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptTemplatePayload
setAddress(AddressItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setAddressInChinese(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setAddressInEnglish(JsonObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setAddressInLocalLanguage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setAddressString(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePlaceData
setAddressString(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCustomLocation
setAddressString(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
setAdEntitiesCount(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudyCell
setAdFormat(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPreview
setAdgroupId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setAdGroupId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingDynamicRule
setAdgroupIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.DeliveryCheckExtraInfo
setAdId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
setAdId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserProfile.LastAdReferral
setAdjustmentItems(List<AdjustmentItem>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setAdKeywords(AdKeywords) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setAdlabels(List<AdLabel>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
setAdlabels(List<AdLabel>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
Ad Labels that are associated with this creative
setAdlabels(List<AdLabel>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
Ad Labels associated with this campaign
setAdminCreator(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
ID of admin who created the post.
setAdName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
setAdReviewFeedback(AdgroupReviewFeedback) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setAdReviewFeedback(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
Review feedback for this ad.
setAdset(AdSet) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setAdset(AdSet) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
AdGroup set that contains this ad
setAdsetId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setAdsetId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
ID of the ad set that contains the ad
setAdsetId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
setAdsetName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
setAdsetSchedule(List<DayPart>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setAdvertiserBusiness(Business) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setAffiliation(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Affiliation of this person.
setAge(Float) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setAgeGroup(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setAgeMax(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
Maximum age.
setAgeMax(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setAgeMin(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
Must be 13 or higher.
setAgeMin(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setAgencyClientDeclaration(AgencyClientDeclaration) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setAgencyRepresentingClient(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
Whether this account is for an agency representing a client.
setAgeRange(User.AgeRange) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Unspecific age range that this person's age fits into.
setAgeRange(Map<String, Double>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdBidAdjustments
setAggregation(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixelStatsResult
setAircraftType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.FlightInfo
setAircraftType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightInfoItem
setAirportCode(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightAirportItem
setAlbum(Album) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
The album this photo is in
setAlbumId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedAlbumAddValue
setAlbumId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedAlbumEditedValue
setAlbums(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setAlgorithm(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.DeAuth
setAllow(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Privacy
For CUSTOM settings, a comma-separated list of user IDs and friend list IDs that "can" see the post.
setAllowedAdvertisingObjectives(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Objectives under which this post can be advertised
setAllowedAdvertisingObjects(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Objectives under which this post can be advertised
setAllowMultipleReferences(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
Whether multiple objects can be referenced by the action
setAmex(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PagePaymentOptions
Whether the business accepts American Express as a payment option.
setAmount(Amount) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PaymentItem
Total amount of transaction.
setAmount(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AdjustmentItem
setAmount(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PriceInfoItem
setAmount(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.Amount
Total amount
setAmount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FundingSourceDetailsCoupon
setAmount(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FundingSourceDetails
Amount of Facebook Ads Coupon
setAmount(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Action
The amount of money covered by this action.
setAmount(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptAdjustment
setAmountSpent(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setAndroid(List<AndroidAppLink>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataAppLinkSpec
setAndroid(List<AndroidAppLink>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AppLinks
setAndroidApp(Application) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
App that stores the destination info on Android.
setAndroidAppId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
ID of the App that stores the destination info on Android
setAndroidDeeplink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Destination deeplink for the call-to-action on Android
setAndroidDestinationType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Destination type for the call-to-action on Android.
setAndroidInstallsOverLastSevenDays(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Number of reported Android installs over the last seven days.
setAndroidKeyHash(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The app key hash for this app's Android native implementation.
setAndroidPackageName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Destination app for the call-to-action on Android
setAndroidSupportStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Status of iOS app ad support for this application.
setAndroidUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Destination url for the call-to-action on Android
setAnimatedGifPreviewUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.ImageData
setAnimatedGifUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.ImageData
setAnimatedWebpPreviewUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.ImageData
setAnimatedWebpUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.ImageData
setApiEnum(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Category
setApp(Application) - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserIDForApp
setAppAdDebugInfo(Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
App ad related information to help debugging.
setAppAmount(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTransaction
Monetary amount given to the app for this transaction
setAppDestination(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
The app destination type.
setAppealReason(JsonObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setAppEventsFeatureBitmask(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Bitmask of on/off settings for various App Events related features.
setAppId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.WindowsAppLink
setAppId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.WindowsPhoneAppLink
setAppId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
App ID for app-owned Pages and app Pages.
setAppId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
ID of the app from which the message was sent
setAppInstallState(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setAppInstallTracked(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Whether the app install is trackable or not.
setApplication(Application) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Notification
The app responsible for generating the notification.
setApplication(Application) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
setApplication(Application) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
The app associated with this payment
setApplication(AppRequest.Application) - Method in class com.restfb.types.AppRequest
App associated with the request.
setApplication(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Checkin
The ID and name of the application that made the check-in.
setApplication(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The application used to create this post.
setApplication(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
Application related to the action.
setApplication(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PostCallToAction.PostCallToActionValue
setApplication(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
setApplicationId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPromotedObject
setAppLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
Deep link to the app.
setApplinks(AppLinks) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setAppLinks(AppLinks) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
AppLinks to the Place on various devices.
setAppLinks(AppLinks) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url
AppLinks data associated with this URL.
setAppLinkSpec(AdCreativeLinkDataAppLinkSpec) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
Native deeplinks attached to the post
setApplinkTreatment(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
Deep link fallback behavior for dynamic product ads if the app is not installed.
setAppName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.WindowsAppLink
setAppName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
App name.
setAppPreposition(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
The preposition used to address the app
setAppRoles(AppRoles) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
setApprovalStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Translation
The approval status of the string.
setApproximateCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
Approximate number of people in this audience
setApproximateCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.PartnerCategory
setAppStoreId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.IosAppLink
setAppType(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
App type.
setAppUsage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo.DebugHeaderInfoFactory
setArrivalAirport(FlightAirportItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightInfoItem
setArrivalTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightScheduleItem
Timestamp for arrival time.
setArticle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphObjectType
An article for the type name
setArtistsWeLike(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Artists the band likes.
setAssetFeedId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setAssetScore(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
relevance score of an asset.
setAssetScore(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
relevance score of an asset.
setAsyncPercentCompletion(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
setAsyncStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
setAttachment(StoryAttachment) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Attachment (image) added to a comment.
setAttachmentId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.SendResponse
setAttachments(Post.Attachments) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Attachments added to a post.
setAttachments(List<MessagingAttachment>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
Array containing attachment data
setAttachmentStyle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
The style of the attachment.
setAttendingCount(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Number of people attending the event
setAttire(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Dress code of the business.
setAttributionSpec(List<JsonObject>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setAudienceNetworkPositions(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setAudienceSize(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountTargetingInsights
setAudienceSize(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseDemographic
setAudienceType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.TargetAudience
Audience type.
setAuthDialogDataHelpUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The URL of a special landing page that helps people who are using an app begin publishing Open Graph activity activity
setAuthDialogHeadline(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
One line description of an app that appears in the Login Dialog
setAuthDialogPermsExplanation(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The text to explain why an app needs additional permissions.
setAuthorizationCode(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AccountLinkingItem
Value of pass-through authorization_code provided in the Linking Account flow
setAuthReferralDefaultActivityPrivacy(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The default privacy setting selected for Open Graph activities in the Auth Dialog.
setAuthReferralEnabled(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Indicates whether Authenticated Referrals are enabled.
setAuthReferralResponseType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The format that an app receives for the authentication token from the Login Dialog
setAutocloseBinaryAttachmentStream(boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultWebRequestor
define if the binary attachment stream is closed automatically after sending the content to facebook
setAutoEnroll(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ExtendedCreditInvoiceGroup
setAuxiliaryFields(List<AirlineField>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
setAuxiliaryFields(List<AirlineFieldItem>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
setAvailability(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setAwards(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The awards information of the film.
setBackdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
Back dated time
setBackdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Back dated time
setBackdatedTimeGranularity(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
String that represents the back dated time granularity
setBackdatedTimeGranularity(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
String that represents the back dated time granularity
setBalance(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setBandInterests(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Band interests.
setBandMembers(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Members of the band.
setBarcodeImageUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
setBarcodeImageUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
setBasePrice(double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineItineraryTemplatePayload
setBasePrice(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setBehaviors(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setBehaviors(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setBestCreative(AdDynamicCreative) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setBestPage(Page) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The best available Page on Facebook for the concept represented by this Page.
setBidAdjustments(AdBidAdjustments) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setBidAmount(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
Bid amount for this ad
setBidAmount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setBidAmount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setBidConstraints(AdCampaignBidConstraint) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setBidInfo(Map<String, Long>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setBidInfo(Map<String, Long>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setBidStrategy(BidStrategyEnum) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setBidType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setBidType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
Bid type
setBillingAddressNew(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setBillingAddressOld(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setBillingEndTime(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTransaction
End time of the transaction's billing period
setBillingEvent(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setBillingStartTime(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTransaction
Start time of the transaction's billing period
setBio(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Biography of the band.
setBio(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's biographical snippet.
setBiography(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
Biography of the user
setBirthday(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Birthday of this person.
setBirthday(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's birthday as a String.
setBlacklist(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.TargetAudience.Countries
setBlameField(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdRecommendation
setBoardingPassItems(List<BoardingPassItem>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setBoardingTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.FlightSchedule
setBoardingTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightScheduleItem
Timestamp for boarding time.
setBody(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
The body of the ad
setBody(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPreview
setBody(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageAdminNote
Content of this note.
setBody(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.BaseNlpEntity
body of this entity.
setBookingAgent(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Booking agent of the band.
setBooks(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setBottom(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsImageCrops.AdsImageCropsSpec
setBrand(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setBrandedContentSponsorPageId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
The branded content sponsor page id.
setBrandedContentSponsorPageId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePhotoData
setBrandedContentSponsorPageId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
setBrandedContentSponsorRelationship(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
The branded content sponsor relationship option.
setBrandedContentSponsorRelationship(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
setBrands(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywords
setBreakfast(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantSpecialties
setBroadcastId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.SponsoredMessageResponse
setBroadcastStartTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
setBudgetRemaining(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setBuilt(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Year vehicle was built.
setBusiness(Business) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setBusiness(Business) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setBusiness(Business) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
setBusiness(Business) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductCatalog
setBusiness(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The Business associated with this Page.
setBusinessCity(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setBusinessCountryCode(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setBusinessDiscovery(IgUser) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
Loads business discovery information
setBusinessName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setBusinessPersona(NamedAdsObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.UserPermission
setBusinessRegistrationId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setBusinessState(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setBusinessStreet(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setBusinessStreet2(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setBusinessZip(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setButtons(List<ButtonItem>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ElementItem
setButtons(List<ButtonItem>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setButtonText(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
Button text
setBuyingType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
setBuyingType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
Buying type, possible values are: AUCTION: default RESERVED: for reach and frequency ads
setCallbackUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Subscription
The URL that will receive the POST request when an update is triggered.
setCallToAction(AdCreativeLinkDataCallToAction) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
An optional call to action button.
setCallToAction(AdCreativeLinkDataCallToAction) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment
setCallToAction(AdCreativeLinkDataCallToAction) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
setCallToAction(PostCallToAction) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The call to action type used in any Page posts for mobile app engagement ads
setCallToActionType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
The call to action button text and header text of legacy ads.
setCampaign(AdCampaignGroup) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
AdGroup campaign that contains this ad
setCampaign(Campaign) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setCampaign(Campaign) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setCampaignGroupId(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
The id of the campaign which this prediction belongs to
setCampaignGroupId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingDynamicRule
setCampaignGroupStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
setCampaignId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setCampaignId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
ID of the ad campaign that contains this ad
setCampaignId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setCampaignId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
setCampaignId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
The ID of the ad set to which this reach frequency prediction is assigned
setCampaignId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingDynamicRule
setCampaignIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.DeliveryCheckExtraInfo
setCampaignName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
setCampaignTimeStart(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Unix timestamp of the ad set start time
setCampaignTimeStop(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Unix timestamp of the ad set stop time
setCanceledTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
setCanCheckin(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Whether this page has checkin functionality enabled.
setCanComment(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Specifies whether you can reply to this comment
setCanComment(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comments
setCanDelete(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
A boolean indicating if the viewer can delete the photo
setCanEdit(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudiencePermission
Permission to edit the audience
setCanGuestsInvite(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Can guests invite friends.
setCanHide(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Whether the viewer can hide this comment
setCanLike(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Whether the viewer can like this comment
setCanLike(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Likes
returns if the user can like the object
setCanPost(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Indicates whether the current session user can post on this page.
setCanRemove(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
This field is returned only if the authenticated user can remove this comment.
setCanReply(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
Whether The Page can reply to the conversation
setCanReplyPrivately(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Whether the viewer can send a private reply to this comment (Page viewers only)
setCanReplyPrivately(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Whether the viewer can send a private reply to this post (Page viewers only)
setCanSeeInsight(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudiencePermission
Permission to see insight of the audience
setCanShare(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudiencePermission
Capability to share audience based on gatekeeper
setCanTag(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
A boolean indicating if the viewer can tag the photo
setCanUpload(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
Whether or not the user has permission to upload to this album.
setCanUseSpendCap(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
Whether the campaign can set the spend cap
setCanvasEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
If canvas experience is enabled post click
setCanvasFluidHeight(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Indicates whether the app uses fluid or settable height values for Canvas.
setCanvasFluidWidth(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Indicates whether the app uses fluid or fixed width values for Canvas.
setCanvasName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.AppRequest.Application
setCanvasUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The non-secure URL from which Canvas app content is loaded.
setCaption(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
Link caption.
setCaption(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePhotoData
setCaption(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMedia
setCaption(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The caption of the link (appears beneath the link name).
setCashOnly(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PagePaymentOptions
Whether the business accepts cash only as a payment option.
setCategory(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadGenQualifier
setCategory(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setCategory(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.CategorizedFacebookType
The category field for this type.
setCategory(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event.Owner
The category for this owner.
setCategory(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
The category of the event.
setCategory(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The Page's category. e.g.
setCategory(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SavedMessageResponse
The message category of the saved response
setCategoryDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.BroadTargetingCategories
setCatering(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantServices
setChangedFields(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.WebhookEntry
setChanges(List<Change>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.WebhookEntry
setChargeId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.PaymentCredential
Payment provider charge id
setChargeType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTransaction
Type of charge involved in the transaction
setCheckins(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The total number of users who have checked in to the Page.
setCheckins(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The number of checkins at this Place.
setCheckinUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setCheckName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdDeliveryCheck
setCheckName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.DeliveryCheck
setCheckoutUpdate(CheckoutUpdateItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
setChildAttachments(List<AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
setChildren(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingSentenceLine.TargetingSentenceLineItem
setChineseLegalEntityName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setCities(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setCities(List<TargetingGeoLocationCity>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocation
setCity(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Location
The city name of this location.
setCity(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.MailingAddress
Address city name.
setCity(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AddressItem
setCity(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightAirportItem
setCity(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ShippingAddress
Shipping address city
setCityPage(Page) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.MailingAddress
Page representing the address city.
setClaimLimit(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeOfferData
setClazz(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AndroidAppLink
setClick1d(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
Metric value of attribution window "1d_click"
setClick28d(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
Metric value of attribution window "28d_click"
setClick7d(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
Metric value of attribution window "7d_click"
setClicks(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The total number of clicks on your ad.
setClientBasedInFrance(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
Whether the client is based in France.
setClientCity(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
Client's city.
setClientCountryCode(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
Client's country code.
setClientEmailAddress(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
Client's email address.
setClientName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
Name of the client.
setClientPostalCode(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
Client's postal code.
setClientProvince(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
Client's province.
setClientStreet(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
First line of client's street address.
setClientStreet2(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
Second line of client's street address.
setClose(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Hours.Hour
setCode(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdRecommendation
setCode(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudienceStatus
setCode(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixel
setCode(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.DeviceCode
Code used in the authorization poll
setCode(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpError
setCoffee(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantSpecialties
setCollegeYears(List<Long>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setCollegeYears(List<Long>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setColor(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setCommentCount(int) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url
The sum of comments on posts containing this URL on Facebook.
setCommentCount(long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Number of replies to this comment.
setCommentId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedCommentValue
setCommentId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedLikeValue
setCommentId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedReactionValue
setCommentId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramMentionsValue
setCommentId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsCommentValue
setCommentId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsRatingValue
setCommentId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsReactionValue
setCommentPluginCount(int) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url
The number shown in the comments plugin associated with the URL.
setComments(Comments) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
The comments for this album.
setComments(Comments) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
The replies to this comment
setComments(Comments) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
setComments(Comments) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
All of the comments on this photo.
setComments(Comments) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The comments for this post.
setComments(Comments) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The comments for this video.
setCommentsAsObject(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Note
setCommentsCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMedia
setCommentsMirroringDomain(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
If comments are being mirrored to an external site, this function returns the domain of that external site.
setCommerceInsights(ProductItemCommerceInsights) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setCompany(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The company the app belongs to.
setCompanyOverview(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Overview of the page's company.
setComposerInputDisabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.PersistentMenu
Set to true to disable user input in the menu.
setCondition(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setConfidence(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.BaseNlpEntity
setConfidence(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdRecommendation
setConfiguredIosSso(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
True if the app has configured Single Sign On on iOS.
setConfiguredStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setConfiguredStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
The configured status of the ad.
setConfiguredStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setConfiguredStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
If this status is PAUSED, all its active ad sets and ads will be paused and have an effective status CAMPAIGN_PAUSED.
setConnectedInstagramAccount(IgUser) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Instagram account connected to page via page settings
setConnectionId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightInfoItem
setConnections(FacebookType.Metadata.Connections) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata
setConnections(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setConnections(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setContact(JsonObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setContactAddress(Page.MailingAddress) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The mailing or contact address for this page.
setContactEmail(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Email address listed for people using the app to contact developers.
setContactEmail(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ReuqestedUserInfo
Person's email
setContactName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ReuqestedUserInfo
Person's name
setContactPhone(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ReuqestedUserInfo
Person's phone number
setContent(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingSentenceLine.TargetingSentenceLineItem
setContentCategory(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The content category of this video.
setContentType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
setContext(Application.ApplicationContext) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Social context for the app.
setContext(FacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Social context for this person
setControlPercentage(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudyCell
setConversionId(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Rule based offsite conversion
setConvertLowercase(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
For string properties, whether the value is always lowercase
setConvertUppercase(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
For string properties, whether the value is always uppercase
setCooldownStartTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
setCoordinates(CoordinatesItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setCoords(NlpLocation.Coords) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.Place
setCopyrightContentId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyright
The copyright content ID
setCopyrightCreationTime(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
setCopyrights(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyrightRule
Copyrights associated with this copyright rules object
setCostPerTotalAction(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The average you've spent on actions.
setCostPerUniqueClick(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The average cost per unique click for these ads, calculated as the amount spent divided by the number of unique clicks received.
setCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixelStats
setCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
The number of photos in this album.
setCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Engagement
Number of people who like this.
setCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Shares
The number of shares.
setCountries(TargetAudience.Countries) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.TargetAudience
country object.
setCountries(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.DeliveryCheckExtraInfo
setCountries(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencySpec
setCountries(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setCountries(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocation
setCountry(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LookalikeSpec
setCountry(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.PartnerCategory
setCountry(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeed
An ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 country code
setCountry(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationElectoralDistrict
setCountry(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationMarket
setCountry(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationRegion
setCountry(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationZip
setCountry(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Location
The country name of this location.
setCountry(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.MailingAddress
Country of the address.
setCountry(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
Buyer's ISO Country Code, for tax purposes.
setCountry(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AddressItem
setCountry(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ShippingAddress
Shipping address country
setCountry(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setCountryCode(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
setCountryGroups(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setCountryGroups(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocation
setCountryName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
setCountryPageLikes(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
If this is a Page in a Global Pages hierarchy, the number of people who are being directed to this Page.
setCountString(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Engagement
Abbreviated string representation of count.
setCountStringWithLike(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Engagement
Abbreviated string representation of count if the viewer likes the object.
setCountStringWithoutLike(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Engagement
Abbreviated string representation of count if the viewer does not like the object.
setCoupon(FundingSourceDetailsCoupon) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FundingSourceDetails
Details of the Facebook Ads Coupon from the payment method
setCouponType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeOfferData
setCover(CoverPhoto) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Cover picture
setCover(CoverPhoto) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Group
Information about the group's cover photo.
setCover(CoverPhoto) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
Information about the cover photo.
setCover(CoverPhoto) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The person's cover photo
setCover(Page.Cover) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The cover photo.
setCoverage(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseEducation
setCoverId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.CoverPhoto
setCoverId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Cover
The ID of the photo.
setCoverPhoto(Photo) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
The album cover photo ID.
setCpc(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The average cost per click for these ads, calculated as the amount spent divided by the number of clicks received.
setCpm(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The average cost you've paid to have 1,000 impressions on your ad.
setCpp(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The average cost you've paid to have your ad served to 1,000 unique people.
setCreatedBy(NamedAdsObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Business
setCreatedBy(User) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
setCreatedBy(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setCreatedBy(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.UserPermission
setCreatedDate(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyrightRule
The date on which the rule was created
setCreatedTime(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
Created time
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
Time the image was created
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdLabel
Created time
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
Created Time
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeed
Creation time of the product feed
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.UserPermission
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
The time the photo album was initially created.
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Timestamp that indicates when the app was created.
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.AppRequest
Timestamp when the request was created.
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Checkin
The time the check-in was created.
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Date on which the comment was created.
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Likes.LikeItem
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Link
The time at which this object was created, if available.
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
The time the message was initially created.
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Milestone
The creation time of the milestone.
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Note
The time the note was initially published.
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Notification
When the notification was created.
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphRating
When the reviewer rated this object.
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Time when the call-to-action was created.
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageConnection
The time the connection was initially created.
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLifeEvent
The time when this milestone was published
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
The time the payment was originally created.
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
The time the photo was initially published.
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo.Tag
Date this tag was created.
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PlaceTag
Time when the place was visited
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The time the post was initially published.
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Review
When the review was created.
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The time the video was initially published.
setCreatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.base.BaseChangeValue
setCreateTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCaption
setCreationParams(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudienceDataSource
setCreationTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixel
setCreationTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Business
setCreationTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
setCreationTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
setCreationTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLabel
setCreationTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoList
The time when the playlist was created
setCreative(AdCreative) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setCreative(AdCreative) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
This field is required for create.
setCreative(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPreview
setCreativeId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
setCreativeSequence(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setCreator(User) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setCreator(User) - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyright
The account that created the copyright
setCreator(User) - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyrightRule
The person who created the match rule
setCreator(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdConversionPixel
setCreator(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.OffsitePixel
ID and name of the ad account that first created the pixel
setCreatorId(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLabel
setCreatorUid(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
User ID of the creator of this app
setCreditCardId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setCreditNew(JsonObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setCreditOld(JsonObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setCredits(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.PaymentPricepoint
setCreditStatusNew(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setCreditStatusOld(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setCtr(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The number of clicks you received divided by the number of impressions.
setCulinaryTeam(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Culinary team of the business.
setCurrency(User.Currency) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's currency preferences.
setCurrency(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setCurrency(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FundingSourceDetails
Currency of the Facebook Ads Coupon
setCurrency(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FundingSourceDetailsCoupon
setCurrency(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.MinimumBudget
setCurrency(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Action
The currency of the above amount in this action.
setCurrency(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.PriceInfo
setCurrency(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.PaymentSummary
setCurrency(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptElement
setCurrency(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PriceInfoItem
setCurrency(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ElementItem
setCurrency(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setCurrency(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.Amount
Currency of amount
setCurrencyExchange(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Currency
The number of Facebook Credits that equate in value to one unit of user_currency.
setCurrencyExchangeInverse(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Currency
The number of units of user_currency that equate in value to one Credit.
setCurrencyNew(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setCurrencyOffset(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Currency
The number by which a price should be divided for display in user_currency units.
setCurrencyOld(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setCurrentLocation(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Current location of the Page.
setCurveBudgetReach(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
The curve for budget and reach.
setCusomizedTcpaContent(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
setCustomAudiences(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setCustomAudiences(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setCustomConversion(List<JsonObject>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TrackingAndConversionWithDefaults
setCustomData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setCustomDisclaimerResponses(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
setCustomerPoNumber(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ExtendedCreditInvoiceGroup
setCustomEventType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPromotedObject
setCustomLabel0(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setCustomLabel1(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setCustomLabel2(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setCustomLabel3(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setCustomLabel4(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setCustomLocations(List<TargetingGeoLocationCustomLocation>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocation
setCustomTracking(List<JsonObject>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TrackingAndConversionWithDefaults
setDailyActiveUsers(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The number of daily active users the app has.
setDailyActiveUsersRank(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Ranking of this app vs other apps comparing daily active users.
setDailyBudget(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setDailyImpressionCurve(List<Double>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Daily Impression field represents a vector of predicted daily impressions for every single day.
setDailyMinSpendTarget(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setDailySpendCap(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setDailySpendLimitNew(JsonObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setDailySpendLimitOld(JsonObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setData(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.AppRequest
Optional data passed with the request for tracking purposes
setData(List<AdsPixelStats>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixelStatsResult
setDataSource(CustomAudienceDataSource) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
JSON dictionary of type, sub_type to indicate by which method the custom audience was created.
setDate(Page.PageStartDate) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageStartInfo
setDateFormatStrategy(DateFormatStrategy) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.DateUtils
setDateStart(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
setDateStop(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
setDay(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageStartDate
setDay(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDuration
setDayOfWeek(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedSchedule
The day of week to fetch feed, for weekly schedules.
setDays(List<Long>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.DayPart
setDeauthCallbackUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
URL that is pinged whenever a person removes the app.
setDebug(String) - Method in class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo.DebugHeaderInfoFactory
setDeclinedCount(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Number of people who declined the event
setDeeplink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace.PagesPlatformComponentFlowServiceConfig
setDefaultAction(DefaultAction) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.Bubble
setDefaultAction(DefaultAction) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ListViewElement
setDefaultConversion(List<JsonObject>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TrackingAndConversionWithDefaults
setDefaultCurrency(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeed
Default currency for products.
setDefaultShareMode(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The platform that should be used to share content.
setDefaultTracking(List<JsonObject>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TrackingAndConversionWithDefaults
setDegree(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Education
Degree acquired.
setDeleted(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LookalikeSpec.Origin
setDeletionEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeed
Allows products to be deleted if they are no longer included in a product feed
setDelimiter(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeed
The delimiter used in product feed file possible values: AUTODETECT, BAR, COMMA, TAB, TILDE, SEMICOLON
setDelivery(DeliveryItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
setDelivery(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantServices
setDeliveryStatus(CustomAudienceStatus) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
JSON dictionary of code and description.
setDemolinkHash(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setDeny(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Privacy
For CUSTOM settings, a comma-separated list of user IDs and friend list IDs that "cannot" see the post.
setDepartureAirport(FlightAirportItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightInfoItem
setDepartureTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightScheduleItem
Timestamp for departure time.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
Link description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdDeliveryCheck
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
Custom audience description
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudienceStatus
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.DeliveryCheck
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.PartnerCategory
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseDemographic
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
The description of the album.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The description of the app, as provided by the developer.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
The long-form HTML description of the event.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Group
The group description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Insight
The human-readable description of this Insight data.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Link
The link description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.Share
The description of the shared item.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Milestone
The description of the milestone.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
A description of this page.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLifeEvent
Description of the milestone.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
A description of the link (appears beneath the link caption).
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Privacy
The privacy description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ProjectExperience
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The description of the Place provided by the Page administrator.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.PageMessageTag
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment
Returns text accompanying the attachment.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Translation
The provided description of the string.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url.OGObject
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.EducationClass
The description of this class.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Experience
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The long-form HTML description of the video.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoList
Description of the playlist
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.WorkExperience
setDescriptionHtml(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The description of the Page in raw HTML.
setDestinationId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
The ID of the Page or the ID of the app which the ad promotes.
setDestinationType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setDetails(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.PartnerCategory
setDevicePlatforms(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setDinner(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantSpecialties
setDirectedBy(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The director of the film.
setDisableReason(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setDisableSharing(boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.WebButton
Set to true to disable sharing in the webview (for sensitive info).
setDisambiguationCategory(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseDemographic
setDiscover(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PagePaymentOptions
Whether the business accepts Discover as a payment option.
setDisplayAmount(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FundingSourceDetails
How the amount of Facebook Ads Coupon is displayed
setDisplayAmount(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FundingSourceDetailsCoupon
setDisplayedMatchesCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
Human-readable name of the property
setDisplaySequence(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setDisplayString(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FundingSourceDetails
How the payment method is shown
setDisplaySubtext(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Subtext about the Page being viewed.
setDistanceUnit(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseRadiusSuggestion
setDomain(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpUrl
setDownloadHdUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
setDrinks(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantSpecialties
setDurationInSec(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
setDynamicAudienceIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setEcho(boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
Indicates the message sent from the page itself
setEducationMajors(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setEducationMajors(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setEducationSchools(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setEducationSchools(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setEducationStatuses(List<Long>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setEducationStatuses(List<Long>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setEffectiveAudienceNetworkPositions(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setEffectiveDevicePlatforms(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setEffectiveFacebookPositions(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setEffectiveInstagramPositions(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setEffectiveMessengerPositions(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setEffectivePublisherPlatforms(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setEffectiveStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setEffectiveStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
The effective status of the ad.
setEffectiveStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setEffectiveStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
The effective status of this campaign.
setElectoralDistrict(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationElectoralDistrict
setElectoralDistricts(List<TargetingGeoLocationElectoralDistrict>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocation
setElements(List<ElementItem>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setEmail(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ExtendedCreditInvoiceGroup
setEmail(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.UserPermission
setEmail(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Group
The email address to upload content to the group.
setEmail(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.TestUser
If logging in manually (that is, not using the login_url), you can use this as the user's email address.
setEmail(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The proxied or contact email address granted by the user.
setEmailAddress(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Email address that can be contacted by a user.
setEmails(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
setEmails(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ExtendedCreditInvoiceGroup
setEmbeddable(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Whether the video is embeddable.
setEmbedHtml(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
setEmbedHtml(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
HTML that may be used to embed the video on another website.
setEmbedHtml(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.VideoFormat
HTML to embed the video in this format.
setEmployer(Page) - Method in class com.restfb.types.WorkExperience
setEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.SecureBrowsing
setEncoding(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeed
The character encoding used by provided feed possible values: AUTODETECT, LATIN1, UTF8, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF32LE, UTF32BE
setEnd(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.BaseNlpEntity
end position of the entity in the message
setEndAdvertiser(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setEndAdvertiserName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setEndDate(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ProjectExperience
setEndDate(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.WorkExperience
setEndMinute(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.DayPart
setEndTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setEndTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
setEndTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedUpload
The time the upload was completed
setEndTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
The end time of the event.
setEndTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Milestone
The end time of the milestone.
setEndTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLifeEvent
The time when this milestone came to an end.
setEngagement(Page.Engagement) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The social sentence and like count information for this Page.
setEngagement(Page.Engagement) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The social sentence and the like count information for this Place.
setEngagementAudience(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setEngagementSpecs(List<TargetingDynamicRule>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setEnglishLegalEntityName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setEntity(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.BaseNlpEntity
setEntryList(List<WebhookEntry>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.WebhookObject
setErrorCode(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignIssuesInfo
setErrorCode(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdgroupIssuesInfo
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignIssuesInfo
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdgroupIssuesInfo
setErrorSummary(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignIssuesInfo
setErrorSummary(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdgroupIssuesInfo
setEthnicAffinity(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setEthnicAffinity(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setEvent(Event) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
The event associated with this album.
setEvent(Event) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
If this object has a place, the event associated with the place
setEvent(Event) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
If this object has a place, the event associated with the place.
setEvent(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignFrequencyControlSpecs
Event name, only IMPRESSIONS currently.
setEvent(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
setEventCreator(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Event creator
setEventId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
The id of a Facebook event.
setEventId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
ID of the Facebook event which the attachment show event info
setEventId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedEventValue
setEvents(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setEventTime(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setEventType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setEventType(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Event Type
setExcludedConnections(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setExcludedCustomAudiences(List<CustomAudience>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
setExcludedCustomAudiences(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setExcludedDynamicAudienceIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setExcludedEngagementSpecs(List<TargetingDynamicRule>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setExcludedGeoLocations(TargetingGeoLocation) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setExcludedProductAudienceSpecs(List<TargetingProductAudienceSpec>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setExcludedPublisherCategories(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setExcludedPublisherListIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setExcludeReachedSince(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setExclusions(FlexibleTargeting) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setExits(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramStoryInsightsValue
setExpiration(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FundingSourceDetails
When the coupon will expire
setExpiration(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FundingSourceDetailsCoupon
setExpirationDate(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setExpirationTime(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeOfferData
setExpirationTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Unix timestamp of the expiration time of prediction, if applicable
setExpiredLeadsCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
setExpiresIn(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.DeviceCode
The code expires in these seconds.
setExplorationRatio(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountTargetingInsights
setExtendedCreditId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setExtendedCreditInvoiceGroup(ExtendedCreditInvoiceGroup) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setExternal(NlpLocation.External) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.Place
setExternalBudget(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Predicted budget in cents for the ad set, relevant if prediction mode is 0
setExternalEventSource(AdsPixel) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
Read-only JSON dictionary with key id containing the pixel id whose traffic generated this custom audience
setExternalImpression(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Predicted impressions for the ad set
setExternalMaximumBudget(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Maximum budget given the target, in cents
setExternalMaximumImpression(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Maximum number of impressions given the target
setExternalMaximumReach(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Maximum reach given the target
setExternalMinimumBudget(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Minimum budget given the target, in cents
setExternalMinimumImpression(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Minimum impressions given the target
setExternalMinimumReach(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Minimum reach given the target
setExternalReach(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Predicted reach for the ad set, relevant if prediction mode is 1
setExtraInfo(DeliveryCheckExtraInfo) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.DeliveryCheck
setFacebook(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdgroupPlacementSpecificReviewFeedback
setFacebookEndpointUrls(FacebookEndpoints) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
setFacebookExceptionGenerator(FacebookExceptionGenerator) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
override the default facebook exception generator to provide a custom handling for the facebook error objects
setFacebookPositions(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setFailedDeliveryChecks(List<DeliveryCheck>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setFallback(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setFamily(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setFamilyStatuses(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setFamilyStatuses(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setFanCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The number of likes the page has.
setFaturaId(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTransaction
ID for the Brazilian invoice (if transaction was made in Brazil) else 0
setFbDealId(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setFbPixel(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Facebook pixel id
setFbPixelEvent(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Facebook pixel event
setFeaturedVideo(Video) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Video Featured by the Page.
setFeatures(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Features of the vehicle.
setFeed(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setFeedCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductCatalog
setFeedTargeting(Post.FeedTargeting) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Object that controls news feed targeting for this post.
setFeedType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Whether or not the video is highlighted in Video Channel.
setField(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.Change
the subscribed field.
setField(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.ChangeValueFactory
setFieldData(List<FieldData>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
setFieldKey(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadGenQualifier
setFields(List<Subscription.SubscriptionField>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Subscription
One or more of the set of valid fields in this object to subscribe to.
setFileName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeed
File name of the product feed.
setFileUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.Attachment
setFilter(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductSet
setFilter(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.VideoFormat
The filter applied to this video format.
setFingerprintValidity(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
setFirstName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's first name.
setFirstName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserInvitableFriend
setFirstName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserProfile
setFlexibleSpec(List<FlexibleTargeting>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setFlightInfo(FlightInfoItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
setFlightInfoItems(List<FlightInfoItem>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setFlightNumber(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightInfoItem
setFlightSchedule(FlightScheduleItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightInfoItem
setFlowCategory(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace.PagesPlatformComponentFlowServiceConfig
setFollowCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.InstagramUser
Number of Instagram users that this Instagram user follows
setFollowedByCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.InstagramUser
Number of Instagram users that follow this Instagram user
setFollowersCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
Active follower count of the user
setFollowsCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
Active follows count of the user
setFollowUpActionText(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
The caption of the follow up action text on the final screen of the form.
setFollowUpActionUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
The destination of the follow up action text on the final screen of the form.
setForceSingleLink(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
Whether to force the post to render in a single link format
setFormalName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
The name of the property to use in markup and API
setFormId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
The ID of the form.
setFounded(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
When the page was founded.
setFrequency(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The average number of times your ad was served to each person.
setFrequencyCap(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setFrequencyCap(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Lifetime frequency cap per user, always relevant, 0 means no frequncy cap
setFrequencyCapResetPeriod(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setFrequencyControlSpecs(List<AdCampaignFrequencyControlSpecs>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setFriendlyName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
setFriends(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setFriends(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Privacy
The privacy friends restriction.
setFriendsOfConnections(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setFriendsOfConnections(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setFrom(CategorizedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
An object containing the ID and name of the profile who posted this album.
setFrom(CategorizedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
User who posted the comment.
setFrom(CategorizedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
An object containing the name and ID of the user who posted the photo.
setFrom(CategorizedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
An object containing the ID and name of the user who posted the message.
setFrom(CategorizedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
An object containing the name and ID of the user who posted the video.
setFrom(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.AppRequest
The sender user associated with the request.
setFrom(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Checkin
The ID and name of the user who made the check-in.
setFrom(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Link
An object containing the name and ID of the user who posted the link.
setFrom(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
The sender of this message
setFrom(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Note
The ID of the user who posted the note.
setFrom(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Notification
The entity (user, page, app, etc.) that 'sent', or is the source of the notification.
setFrom(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
Person who rated the page
setFrom(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Review
The user that created the review.
setFrom(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.StatusMessage
The user who posted the message.
setFrom(Page) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Milestone
The Page that posted the milestone.
setFrom(Page) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageAdminNote
Page that owns the note.
setFrom(Page) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Page that owns the call-to-action.
setFrom(Page) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLabel
setFrom(User) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ProjectExperience
setFrom(User) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Experience
setFrom(User) - Method in class com.restfb.types.WorkExperience
setFromPage(Page) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLifeEvent
The information of the Page that owns the milestone.
setFullPicture(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Full picture URL.
setFundingIdNew(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setFundingIdOld(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setFundingSource(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setFundingSourceDetails(FundingSourceDetails) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setGate(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.FlightAirport
setGate(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightAirportItem
setGdpv4Enabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Indicates whether Login Version 4 is enabled for this app.
setGdpv4NuxContent(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Localized content for the login new user experience.
setGdpv4NuxEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Indicates whether the New User Experience for login button must be shown or not.
setGender(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setGender(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's gender.
setGender(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserProfile
setGenders(List<Long>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setGeneralInfo(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The general information for a page.
setGeneralManager(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
General manager of the business.
setGeneration(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setGeneration(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setGenre(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The genre of the film.
setGeoLocations(TargetingGeoLocation) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setGeoLocations(Post.FeedTargeting) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Targeting
setGeoMarkets(List<TargetingGeoLocationMarket>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocation
setGeonames(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.External
setGetStarted(CallToAction) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.MessengerProfileProperties
setGlobal(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdgroupReviewFeedback
setGlobalBrandPageName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The name of the Page with country codes appended for Global Brand Pages.
setGlobalBrandParentPage(Page) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
This brand's global (parent) Page.
setGlobalBrandRootId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
This brand's global Root ID.
setGracePeriodTimeNew(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setGracePeriodTimeOld(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setGrain(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDatetime
setGrain(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.Place
setGreeting(List<Greeting>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.MessengerProfileProperties
setGroups(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantServices
setGroups(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setGrpDmasAudienceSize(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
GRP: Audience size within DMAs based on Nielsen definition
setGtin(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setGuestListEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Can see guest list.
setHardware(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.UserDevice
setHasAddedApp(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Indicates whether this Page has added the app making the query in a Page tab.
setHash(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
The hash which uniquely identifies the image.
setHasLiked(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Likes
returns if the user has liked the object
setHasMigratedPermissions(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setHasMobileApp(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.VoipInfo
setHasPermission(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.VoipInfo
setHasProfilePicture(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.InstagramUser
Indicates whether Instagram Account has a profile picture
setHasRating(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphRating
Was a rating included
setHasReview(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphRating
Was there text in the rating
setHasWhatsappNumber(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
has whatsapp number
setHasWrittenMandateFromAdvertiser(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
Whether the agency has a written mandate to advertise on behalf of this client.
setHeaderImageUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
setHeaderImageUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
setHeaderTextField(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
setHeaderTextField(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
setHeight(int) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.AttachmentData
The image's height.
setHeight(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo.Image
The height of the image in pixels.
setHeight(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
The height of the photo, in pixels.
setHeight(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ProfilePictureSource
Picture height in pixels
setHeight(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment.Image
setHeight(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.Thumbnail
The height of the thumbnail
setHeight(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.VideoFormat
The height of the video in this format.
setHeight(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
The height of the image.
setHidden(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgComment
Whether the comment is hidden
setHideFromNewsFeed(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
Whether the property is hidden from News Feed
setHoldoutPercentage(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Percent of users in holdout
setHome(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setHomeOwnership(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setHomeOwnership(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setHometown(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Duplicate mapping for "hometown" since FB can return it differently in different situations. -- GETTER -- The user's hometown.
setHometown(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Hometown of the band.
setHomeType(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setHomeType(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setHomeUrl(HomeUrl) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.MessengerProfileProperties
setHomeValue(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setHomeValue(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setHostingUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Webspace created with one of our hosting partners for this app.
setHour(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedSchedule
Hour of the day to fetch the product feed, 0-23 PST
setHour(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDuration
setHours(Hours) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Opening hours
setHours(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
setHouseholdComposition(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setHouseholdComposition(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setHref(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Property
The URL of the property.
setHttpDeleteFallback(boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
Set to true if the facebook http delete fallback should be used.
setIcon(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Group
The URL of the group's icon
setIcon(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Link
The link icon.
setIcon(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Note
The note icon.
setIcon(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
The icon-sized source of the photo.
setIcon(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
A link to an icon representing the type of this post.
setIcon(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
An icon URL which represents the video.
setIconUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The URL of this app's icon.
setId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.BaseAdsObject
setId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event.Category
The unique identifier for this category.
setId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event.Owner
The unique identifier for this owner.
setId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType
This object's unique Facebook ID.
setId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.GraphResponse
setId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.MailingAddress
The mailing address ID.
setId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Reactions.ReactionItem
setId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.base.From
setId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramCommentsValue
setId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingParticipant
setId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ShippingAddress
ID of shipping address
setId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.WebhookEntry
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PriorMessage
setIgId(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
Ig Id of the user
setIgId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMediaChild
setImage(StoryAttachment.Image) - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment.Media
setImage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SavedMessageResponse
The image attached to this save response
setImage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url.OGObject
setImageAspectRatio(ImageAspectRatioEnum) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.GenericTemplatePayload
setImageCrops(AdsImageCrops) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
A JSON object defining crop dimensions for the image specified.
setImageCrops(AdsImageCrops) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
How to the image should be cropped.
setImageCrops(AdsImageCrops) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment
setImageData(Message.ImageData) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.Attachment
When the attached file is an image, Facebook will also send information about it's width, height and url.
setImageHash(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
Image hash for an image you can use in creatives.
setImageHash(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
Hash of an image in your image library with Facebook.
setImageHash(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment
setImageHash(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
setImageType(int) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.ImageData
setImageUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
A URL for the image for this creative.
setImageUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeOfferData
setImageUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
setImageUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setImageUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.Bubble
setImageUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ListViewElement
setImageUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.QuickReply
setImageUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptElement
setImageUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ElementItem
setImportance(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdRecommendation
setImpressionCount(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingDynamicRule
setImpressions(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The number of times your ad was served.
setImpressions(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramStoryInsightsValue
setImpressum(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Legal information about the Page publishers.
setInbox(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setIncludedCustomAudiences(List<CustomAudience>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
setIncome(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setIncome(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setInConflict(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
setIndustries(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setIndustries(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setInfluences(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Influences on the band.
setInputMethod(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedUpload
The input method the product feed was obtained with possible values: Manual Upload, Server Fetch
setInstagram(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdgroupPlacementSpecificReviewFeedback
setInstagramActorId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
Instagram actor ID
setInstagramActorId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeObjectStorySpec
The Instagram user account that the story will be posted to
setInstagramBusinessAccount(IgUser) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Instagram account linked to page during Instagram business conversion flow
setInstagramDestinationId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
The Instagram account id if instagramstream placement is used, except in the case of Mobile App Installs ads.
setInstagramEligibility(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Whether the post can be promoted on Instagram.
setInstagramPermalinkUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
Instagram permalink
setInstagramPositions(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setInstagramStoryId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
Instagram Story ID -- GETTER
setInstalled(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Is the app making the request installed?
setInstallType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Install type.
setInstantArticlesReviewStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Indicates the current Instant Articles review status for this page
setInstreamVideoSponsorshipPlacements(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setInteractiveComponentsSpec(AdCreativeInteractiveComponentsSpec) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
setInterestedCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Number of people interested in the event.
setInterestedIn(List<Long>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setInterestedIn(List<Long>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setInterests(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setInterests(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setInterests(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setInterval(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.DeviceCode
Your device should poll the Device Login API every interval seconds to see if the authorization has been successful
setInterval(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedSchedule
The interval at which the product feed gets fetched
setIntervalDays(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignFrequencyControlSpecs
Interval period in days, between 1 and 90 (inclusive)
setIntervalFrequencyCap(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Interval frequency cap which is set for a custom period
setIntervalFrequencyCapResetPeriod(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Custom reset period (hours) for interval frequency cap
setInTest(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.HomeUrl
Controls whether users not assigned a role for your bot or its Facebook page can see the Chat Extension.
setIntlNumberWithPlus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
International phone number with plus that can be called through a phone
setIntroMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineUpdateTemplatePayload
setIntroMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setIoNumber(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setIos(List<IosAppLink>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataAppLinkSpec
setIos(List<IosAppLink>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AppLinks
setIosInstallsOverLastSevenDays(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Number of reported iOS installs over the last seven days.
setIosSupportsNativeProxyAuthFlow(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Whether to support the native proxy login flow.
setIosSupportsSystemAuth(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Whether to support the iOS integrated Login Dialog.
setIosSupportStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Status of iOS app ad support for this application.
setIpad(List<IosAppLink>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataAppLinkSpec
setIpad(List<IosAppLink>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AppLinks
setIpadAppStoreId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
ID of the app in the iPad App Store.
setIphone(List<IosAppLink>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataAppLinkSpec
setIphone(List<IosAppLink>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AppLinks
setIphoneApp(Application) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
App that stores the destination info on iPhone.
setIphoneAppId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
ID fo the App that stores the destination info on iPhone
setIphoneAppStoreId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
ID of the app in the iPhone App Store.
setIphoneDeeplink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Destination deeplink for the call-to-action on iPhone.
setIphoneDestinationType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Destination type for the call-to-action on iPhone.
setIphoneUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Destination url for the call-to-action on iPhone.
setIsAlwaysOpen(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Indicates whether this location is always open.
setIsAlwaysOpen(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
Indicates whether this Place is always open.
setIsAppChildApp(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Is the application childred of aonther application, i.e. is it a test application
setIsAppInDevMode(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Is the application in development mode.
setIsAppSecretRequired(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
Whether the app secret is required for API calls related to actions of this type
setIsAppShare(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Whether or not the post references an app.
setIsArray(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
Whether the property takes multiple values
setIsAutobid(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setIsAutoGenerated(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCaption
setIsBookmarked(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
setIsCallable(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.VoipInfo
setIsCallableWebrtc(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.VoipInfo
setIsCanceled(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Whether or not the event has been marked as canceled
setIsChain(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Indicates whether location is part of a chain
setIsClientPayingInvoices(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AgencyClientDeclaration
Whether the client is paying via invoice.
setIsCommentEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMedia
setIsCommunityPage(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Is this a community page?
setIsCompleted(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
setIsContinuedFlow(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
setIsCpaEnabledForAndroid(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Is the application allowed to use CPA bidding for Android.
setIsCpaEnabledForIos(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Is the application allowed to use CPA bidding for iOS
setIsCrosspostingEligible(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Specifies if the video is eligible for crossposting.
setIsCrosspostVideo(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
setIsDateOnly(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Should the time information be ignored in the dates for this event?
setIsDefault(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCaption
setIsDraft(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
setIsEligibleForPromotion(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
setIsEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SavedMessageResponse
Toggle whether to enable the message
setIsEpisode(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Whether this video is episode or not.
setIsExpired(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Whether the post has expiration time that has passed
setIsFinancialService(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LookalikeSpec
setIsHidden(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Whether this comment is hidden.
setIsHidden(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLifeEvent
Whether the milestone is hidden or not.
setIsHidden(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
If this post is marked as hidden (applies to Pages only).
setIsHidden(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedPostValue
setIsInstagramEligible(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Whether this post can be promoted in Instagram.
setIsInstagramEligible(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Whether the video is eligible to be promoted on Instagram
setIsManualMode(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
setIsOcpmEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Is the application allowed to use optimized CPM bidding.
setIsOrganic(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
setIsPageOwned(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Whether the event is created by page or not.
setIsPaymentEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserProfile
setIsPermanentlyClosed(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Whether the business corresponding to this Page is permanently closed.
setIsPermanentlyClosed(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
Indicates whether this Place is permanently closed.
setIsPersonal(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setIsPopular(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Whether the post is currently popular.
setIsPreferred(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.Thumbnail
Whether this is the preferred thumbnail for the video
setIsPrepayAccount(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setIsPrimary(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudyObjective
Is this the primary objective of the study
setIsPrivate(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.PartnerCategory
setIsPrivate(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.InstagramUser
Whether the Instagram user is private
setIsPublished(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.InstagramUser
Whether the Instagram user is published
setIsPublished(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Indicates whether the page is published and visible to non-admins.
setIsPublished(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Indicates whether a scheduled post was published.
setIsPushable(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.VoipInfo
setIsrc(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
setIsReferenceOnly(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
setIsReferenceOnly(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Whether the video is exclusively used for copyright monitoring.
setIsReusable(boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.MediaAttachment
setIsRunning(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
setIsSharedLogin(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Is this a shared login (e.g. a gray user)
setIsSilhouette(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ProfilePictureSource
Indicates whether the profile photo is the default 'silhouette' picture, or has been replaced
setIsSmb(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setIsSpherical(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Whether the post is a spherical video post.
setIssuedAt(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.DeAuth
setIssuesInfo(List<AdCampaignIssuesInfo>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setIssuesInfo(List<AdCampaignIssuesInfo>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
Issues for this campaign that prevented it from deliverying.
setIssuesInfo(List<AdgroupIssuesInfo>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setIsTaxIdRequired(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setIsTest(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setIsUnclaimed(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Indicates whether the Page is unclaimed.
setIsUnderAuthorization(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setIsVerified(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Pages with a large number of followers can be manually verified by Facebook as having an authentic identity.
setIsVerified(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
Pages with a large number of followers can be manually verified by Facebook as having an authentic identity.
setIsVerified(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
People with large numbers of followers can have the authenticity of their identity manually verified by Facebook.
setIsViewerAdmin(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
since January 30, 2018
setIswc(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
setIsWebhooksSubscribed(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Indicates whether the application is subscribed for real time updates from this page
setIsWhatsappDestinationAd(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setItem(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.base.BaseChangeValue
setItemUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.Bubble
setJsPixel(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdConversionPixel
setJsPixel(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.OffsitePixel
JavaScript code for the pixel that you should place in the head of the conversion page
setKey(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationElectoralDistrict
setKey(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationMarket
setKey(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationRegion
setKey(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationZip
setKey(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
setKey(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.KeyedType
setKeywords(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setKids(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantServices
setLabel(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePlaceData
setLabel(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadGenQualifier
setLabel(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductVariant
Name of the variant to be displayed on the UI.
setLabel(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace.PagesPlatformComponentFlowServiceConfig
setLabel(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.AirlineFieldItem
setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
setLastAdReferral(UserProfile.LastAdReferral) - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserProfile
setLastAndroidDeferredDeepLinkCall(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Timestamp of most recent Android deferred deep link request.
setLastAndroidInstall(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Timestamp of most recent install event reported by Android SDK.
setLastFiredTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixel
setLastFiringTime(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdConversionPixel
setLastFiringTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.OffsitePixel
Last time the pixel was fired
setLastIosDeferredDeepLinkCall(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Timestamp of most recent iOS deferred deep link request.
setLastIosInstall(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.ApplicationAppAdDebugInfo
Timestamp of most recent install event reported by iOS SDK.
setLastModified(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoList
The time when the contents of the playlist was last changed
setLastName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's last name.
setLastName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserInvitableFriend
setLastName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserProfile
setLastUpdatedByAppId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setLastUpdatedByAppId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
Last Updated By App ID
setLastUsedTime(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
last used time of this object by the current viewer
setLastUsedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setLastUsedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
last used time of this object by the current viewer
setLastUsedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
last used time of this object by the current viewer
setLat(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.CoordinatesItem
setLatestUpload(ProductFeedUpload) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeed
The latest upload session of the product feed
setLatitude(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePlaceData
setLatitude(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCustomLocation
setLatitude(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationPlace
setLatitude(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Location
The latitude of this location.
setLatitude(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.Coords
setLatitude(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
setLeadgenExportCsvUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
setLeadGenFormId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
The Lead Ad form id.
setLeadGenFormId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PostCallToAction.PostCallToActionValue
setLeadgenTosAccepted(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Indicates whether a user has accepted the TOS for running LeadGen Ads on the Page.
setLeadsCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
setLeft(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsImageCrops.AdsImageCropsSpec
setLegalEntityNameInLocalLanguage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setLength(int) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.VideoData
setLength(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The length of the video, in seconds.
setLength(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.EntityAtTextRange
The length, within the message field, of the object mentioned.
setLength(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.MessageTag
The length, within the message field, of the object mentioned.
setLength(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.VideoUploadLimits
setLevel(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignIssuesInfo
setLevel(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdgroupIssuesInfo
setLifeEvents(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setLifeEvents(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setLifetimeBudget(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setLifetimeFrequencyCap(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setLifetimeImps(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setLikeCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
The number of likes on this comment.
setLikeCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgComment
Number of likes on the comment
setLikeCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMedia
setLikes(Likes) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
People who like this.
setLikes(Likes) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Duplicate mapping for "likes" since FB can return it differently in different situations. -- GETTER -- The likes on this post.
setLikes(Likes) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The Pages that this Page Likes.
setLikes(Likes) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
setLikes(Likes) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
setLikes(Likes) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Duplicate mapping for "likes" since FB can return it differently in different situations. -- GETTER -- The likes on this post.
setLikes(Likes) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's Likes
setLikes(Likes) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
People who like this.
setLikes(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setLikesCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The number of likes the page has.
setLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
Link url.
setLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
The destination link when the CTA button is clicked.
setLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment
setLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdRecommendationData
setLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
A link to this album on Facebook.
setLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
A link to the app on Facebook.
setLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
A URL for this conversation.
setLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Group
The URL for the group's website.
setLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Link
The actual URL that was shared.
setLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.Share
The URL to the shared item.
setLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Notification
The URL that clicking on the notification would take someone.
setLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The page's link.
setLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
A link to the photo on Facebook.
setLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Action
The link for the action.
setLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The link attached to this post.
setLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PostCallToAction.PostCallToActionValue
setLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The URL of the Facebook Page.
setLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
A link to the user's profile.
setLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedPhotoAddValue
setLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedShareValue
setLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedVideoValue
setLinkCaption(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
Caption shown in the attachment.
setLinkCaption(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PostCallToAction.PostCallToActionValue
setLinkData(AdCreativeLinkData) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeObjectStorySpec
The spec for a link page post or carousel ad
setLinkDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
Description of the link shown in the attachment.
setLinkDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
setLinkDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PostCallToAction.PostCallToActionValue
setLinkFormat(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
Link format of video.
setLinkFormat(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PostCallToAction.PostCallToActionValue
setLinkOgId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
The Open Graph (OG) ID for the link in this creative if the landing page has OG tags
setLinks(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setLinkTitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
Title of the link shown in the attachment.
setLinkTitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PostCallToAction.PostCallToActionValue
setLinkUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
Used to identify a specific landing tab on the Page (e.g. a Page tab app) by the Page tab's URL.
setListType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FriendList
The type of the friends list; Possible values are: close_friends, acquaintances, restricted , user_created, education, work, current_city or family.
setLiveAudienceCount(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Number of unique people who watched the video broadcast when it was live.
setLiveStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The live status of the video.
setLiveViews(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
setLocalCurrency(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.PaymentPricepoint
setLocale(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
setLocale(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's locale.
setLocale(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserProfile
setLocale(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCaption
setLocale(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setLocaleName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCaption
setLocales(List<Long>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setLocatedIn(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Location
The parent location if this location is located within another location.
setLocation(Location) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The location of the place this page represents.
setLocation(Location) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Place
Location containing geographic information such as latitude, longitude, country, and other fields (fields will vary based on geography and availability of information).
setLocation(Location) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
Location information about the Place.
setLocation(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's current location.
setLocation(Page) - Method in class com.restfb.types.WorkExperience
setLocation(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
The location of the album.
setLocation(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
with API version 2.3, use place field instead
setLocationAsString(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Place
Description for this location.
setLocationSourceId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePlaceData
setLocationTypes(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocation
setLoginUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.TestUser
You can login as the test user by going to this url.
setLogoImageUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
setLogoUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The URL of the app's logo.
setLongitude(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePlaceData
setLongitude(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCustomLocation
setLongitude(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationPlace
setLongitude(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Location
The longitude of this location.
setLongitude(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.Coords
setLongitude(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
setLongVal(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.CoordinatesItem
setLookalikeAudienceIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
The IDs of the lookalike audiences generated from this audience
setLookalikeSpec(LookalikeSpec) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
Generated only when the subtype is LOOKALIKE.
setLot(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageParking
Whether lot parking is available
setLunch(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantSpecialties
setManagerIdNew(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setManagerIdOld(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setManufacturerPartNumber(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setMarketType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationMarket
setMastercard(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PagePaymentOptions
Whether the business accepts MasterCard as a payment option.
setMatchRule(VideoCopyrightRule) - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
setMaterial(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setMax(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.AgeRange
The upper bounds of the range for this person's age.
setMaxAllowed(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
For numeric properties, the upper bound on the value
setMaxCampaignDuration(JsonObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencySpec
setMaxDaysToFinish(JsonObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencySpec
setMaxFrequency(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignFrequencyControlSpecs
The maximum frequency, only 1 is allowed now.
setMaxHeight(int) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.ImageData
The image's max height.
setMaxLength(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
For string properties, the upper bound on the value length
setMaxPopulation(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCustomLocation
setMaxWidth(int) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.ImageData
The image's max width.
setMaybeCount(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Number of people who maybe going to the event
setMBidInfo(Map<String, Long>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setMComponents(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeInteractiveComponentsSpec
setMDayOfMonth(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedSchedule
The day of month to fetch feed, for monthly schedules e.g., 1 for first of month
setMDisapprovalReasons(List<JsonObject>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setMedia(IgMedia) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgComment
Media on which the comment is made
setMedia(StoryAttachment.Media) - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment
Returns media object (photo, link etc.) contained in the attachment.
setMediaAgency(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setMediaCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
Filtered media count of the user
setMediaCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.InstagramUser
Number of active media posted by this Instagram user
setMediaId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramMentionsValue
setMediaId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramStoryInsightsValue
setMediaType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMediaChild
setMediaUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMediaChild
setMemberRequestCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Group
The number of pending member requests.
setMembers(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Members of this org.
setMerchantName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.PaymentSummary
setMerchantName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptTemplatePayload
setMessage(MessageItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
The main body of the post.
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeOfferData
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeTextData
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdRecommendation
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.AppRequest
A string describing the request.
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Checkin
The message the user added to the check-in.
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Text contents of the comment.
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Link
The link message content.
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
The text of the message
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Note
The note content, an HTML string.
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The message.
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Review
The review text, if any.
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SavedMessageResponse
The message body of the saved response
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.StatusMessage
The status message content.
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
FB seems to have removed this field.
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedCommentValue
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedPhotoAddValue
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedPostValue
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedShareValue
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedStatusValue
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedVideoValue
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpError
setMessageCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
The number of messages in the conversation
setMessageCreativeId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.MessageCreativeResponse
setMessageId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.SendResponse
setMessageSends(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItemCommerceInsights
setMessaging(List<MessagingItem>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.WebhookEntry
setMessengerExtensions(boolean, String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.WebButton
setMessengerPositions(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setMetadata(FacebookType.Metadata) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType
This object's metadata, available by including the metadata=1 URL parameter in an API request.
setMetadata(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.Message
setMetadata(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
Custom string passed to the Send API as the metadata field
setMetadata(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PassThreadControlItem
setMetadata(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.RequestThreadControlItem
setMetadata(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.TakeThreadControlItem
setMid(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
Message ID
setMiddleName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's middle name.
setMiddleName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserInvitableFriend
setMids(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.DeliveryItem
setMImageHash(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePhotoData
setMimeType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.Attachment
The attachment's mime type, for example image/jpeg.
setMin(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.AgeRange
The lower bounds of the range for this person's age.
setMinAllowed(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
For numeric properties, the lower bound on the value
setMinCampaignDuration(JsonObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencySpec
setMinCampaignGroupSpendCap(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setMinDailyBudget(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setMinDailyBudgetHighFreq(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.MinimumBudget
setMinDailyBudgetImp(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.MinimumBudget
setMinDailyBudgetLowFreq(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.MinimumBudget
setMinDailyBudgetVideoViews(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.MinimumBudget
setMinLength(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
For string properties, the lower bound on the value length
setMinPopulation(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCustomLocation
setMinReachLimits(JsonObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencySpec
setMinute(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedSchedule
Minute of the hour to fetch the product feed, 0-59
setMinute(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDuration
setMission(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The company mission.
setMobileProfileSectionUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Mobile URL of the app section on a person's profile.
setMobileWebUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
URL to which Mobile users will be directed when using the app.
setMoms(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setMoms(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setMonitoringStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyright
Whether the video is monitored successfully for copyright.
setMonitoringType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyright
Whether the video is monitored for video, audio, or both
setMonth(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageStartDate
setMonth(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDuration
setMonthlyActiveUsers(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The number of monthly active users the app has.
setMonthlyActiveUsersRank(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Ranking of this app vs other apps comparing monthly active users.
setMovies(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setMPageTypes(JsonObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdBidAdjustments
setMpg(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
MPG of the vehicle.
setMPromotableAppIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountPromotableObjects
setMPromotablePageIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountPromotableObjects
setMPromotableUrls(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountPromotableObjects
setMProspectingAudience(TargetingProspectingAudience) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setMPublisherVisibilityCategories(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setMStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setMultiShareEndCard(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
If set to false, removes the end card which displays the page icon.
setMultiShareEndCard(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Whether display the end card for a multi-link share post
setMultiShareOptimized(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
If set to true, automatically select and order images and links.
setMultiShareOptimized(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Whether automatically select the order of the links in multi-link share post when used in an ad
setMusic(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setMusicVideoCopyright(MusicVideoCopyright) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The music video copyright of this video because of a missing object description in the graph reference, we use a Map here
setName(PhoneMessageRecipient.Name) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.PhoneMessageRecipient
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
Name of the link.
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FieldData
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.NamedAdsObject
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationElectoralDistrict
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationMarket
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationRegion
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationZip
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.MobileSdkErrorCategory
The name for the category.
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
The name of the message folder or source.
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation.Tag
The name field for this type.
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event.Category
The name of this category.
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event.Owner
The name of this owner.
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Location
The name of this location.
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.Attachment
The attachment's filename, for example 121423423.jpg.
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.NamedFacebookType
The name field for this type.
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Action
Gets the name of the action.
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Property
The name of the property.
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The name of the link.
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Reactions.ReactionItem
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptAdjustment
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Subscription.SubscriptionField
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.Thumbnail
The name of the thumbnail
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.base.From
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AdjustmentItem
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PassengerInfoItem
setName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.Place
setNameFormat(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The person's name formatted to correctly handle Chinese, Japanese, or Korean ordering.
setNameNew(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setNameOld(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setNamespace(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The string appended to apps.facebook.com/ to navigate to the app's canvas page
setNamespace(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.AppRequest.Application
setNameWithLocationDescriptor(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The name of a Location Page that provides additional location information for that Page beside its name.
setNativeString(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Translation
The original string that was translated.
setNetwork(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The TV network for the TV show.
setNetworks(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Privacy
The privacy networks restriction.
setNetWorth(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setNetWorth(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setNewLikeCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The number of people who have liked the Page, since the last login.
setNewOwnerAppId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PassThreadControlItem
setNextPageUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.Connection
overrides the "next page" URL with the given value
setNoFeedStory(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
setNoreplyCount(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Number of people who did not reply to the event
setNormalized(NlpDuration.NormalizedDuration) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDuration
setNotes(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setObject(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
Parent object this comment was made on.
setObject(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.EntityAtTextRange
The object itself
setObject(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Notification
The object (this can be a post, a photo, a comment, etc.) that was the subject of the notification.
setObject(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Subscription
Indicates the object type that this subscription applies to.
setObject(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.WebhookObject
top object that receives the changes, possible values are page, permissions and user
setObject(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
setObjectDomain(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Object domain
setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
The ID of the promoted_object or object that is relevant to the ad and ad type
setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The Facebook object id for an uploaded photo or video.
setObjective(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
setObjective(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
Campaign's objective
setObjectStoreUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPromotedObject
setObjectStoreUrls(Application.ApplicationObjectStoreURLs) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Mobile store URLs for the app.
setObjectStoryId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
The ID of a page post to use in an ad.
setObjectStorySpec(AdCreativeObjectStorySpec) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
The page id and the content to create a new unpublished page post specified using one of link_data, photo_data, video_data, offer_data, text_data or template_data
setObjectType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
The type of object that is being advertised.
setObjectUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
Destination URL for a link ads not connected to a page
setObservationEndTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
setOeRequestId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setOffer(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
setOfferCreator(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Offer creator
setOfferData(AdCreativeOfferData) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeObjectStorySpec
The spec for an offer page post.
setOfferEligible(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Offer eligibility status.
setOfferId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
The id of a Facebook native offer.
setOfferId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
setOfferId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPromotedObject
setOfficeType(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setOfficeType(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setOfficialWebsiteUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setOffset(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.EntityAtTextRange
The offset, within the message field, of the object mentioned.
setOffset(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.MessageTag
The offset, within the message field, of the object mentioned.
setOffsetX(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.CoverPhoto
When non-zero, the cover image overflows horizontally.
setOffsetY(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.CoverPhoto
When non-zero, the cover photo overflows vertically.
setOffsetY(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Cover
The percentage offset from top [0-100].
setOffsitePixel(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Offsite pixel
setOffsitePixelsTosAccepted(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setOgObject(Url.OGObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url
The Open Graph object that is canonically associated with this URL.
setOpen(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Hours.Hour
setOpenGraphStory(PageRating) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphRating
Open Graph story generated by the rating action
setOpenGraphStoryId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsCommentValue
setOpenGraphStoryId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsRatingValue
setOpenGraphStoryId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsReactionValue
setOperationStatus(CustomAudienceStatus) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
JSON dictionary of code to int value and description to a description string.
setOperator(RuleOp) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.RuleData
setOptimizationGoal(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setOptin(OptinItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
setOptions(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductVariant
A vector of possible options of the variant in the order by which they will be shown on the UI.
setOptOutLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
Your opt-out URL so people can choose not to be targeted
setOrder(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comments
Order in which comments were returned.
setOrderingIndex(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setOrderNumber(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setOrderUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptTemplatePayload
setOrderUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setOrganicImpressions(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItemCommerceInsights
setOriginalHeight(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
The height of the image that was originally uploaded.
setOriginalWidth(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
The width of the image that was originally uploaded.
setOriginAudienceId(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
The ID of origin Custom Audience.
setOs(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.UserDevice
setOutbox(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setOutdoor(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantServices
setOverallRating(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Place
Overall Rating of Place, on a 5-star scale. 0 means not enough data to get a combined rating.
setOverallStarRating(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Overall page rating based on rating survey from users on a scale of 1-5.
setOverallStarRating(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The overall page rating, based on rating survey from users, on a scale of 1-5.
setOwner(CategorizedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoList
Owner of the playlist
setOwner(Event.Owner) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
The user who owns the event.
setOwner(IgUser) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMediaChild
setOwner(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Group
An object containing the name and ID of the user who owns the group.
setOwner(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setOwnerAdAccount(AdAccount) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixel
setOwnerBusiness(Business) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setOwnerBusiness(Business) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixel
setOwnerBusiness(Business) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
owner business of this object
setOwnerBusiness(Business) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
owner business of this object
setOwnershipCountries(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyright
A string array of ISO 3166 format country codes, where the owner owns the rights of the content
setPacingType(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setPackage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AndroidAppLink
setPackageFamilyName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.WindowsAppLink
setPage(Page) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
setPage(Page) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The Page node corresponding to the Place.
setPage(Page) - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserIDForPage
setPage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
ID of the Facebook page which the CTA button links to
setPage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PostCallToAction.PostCallToActionValue
setPage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.UserPageValue
setPage(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
setPageId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeObjectStorySpec
ID of a Facebook page.
setPageId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPromotedObject
setPageId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
The ID of the page to which this form belongs.
setPageId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingDynamicRule
setPageId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.PageConversation
setPageParent(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Page parent
setPagePermissions(JsonObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.UserPermission
setPageStoryId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
ID of the page story this corresponds to.
setPageTabDefaultName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The title of the app when used in a Page Tab.
setPageTabUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The non-secure URL from which Page Tab app content is loaded.
setPageTypes(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setPageUsage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo.DebugHeaderInfoFactory
setPageWelcomeMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
A welcome text from page to user on Messenger once a user performs send message action on an ad.
setPageWelcomeMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
setPaidImpressions(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItemCommerceInsights
setParams(Targeting) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingSentenceLine
setParent(Comment) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
If this comment is a reply, this field returns the parent comment, otherwise no value
setParent(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Group
The parent of this group, if it exists.
setParentCategory(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.BroadTargetingCategories
setParentCategory(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.PartnerCategory
setParentGroup(Group) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
The group the event belongs to, if any.
setParentId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
ID of the parent post
setParentId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedCommentValue
setParentId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedLikeValue
setParentId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedReactionValue
setParentId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsCommentValue
setParentId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsLikeValue
setParentId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsReactionValue
setParking(Page.PageParking) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Parking information.
setParking(Page.PageParking) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
Parking information about the Place.
setPartner(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setPassengerId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PassengerInfoItem
setPassengerId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PassengerSegmentInfoItem
setPassengerInfoItems(List<PassengerInfoItem>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setPassengerName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
setPassengerSegmentInfoItems(List<PassengerSegmentInfoItem>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setPassThreadControl(PassThreadControlItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedSchedule
undocumented field according to GitHub issue #497
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.TestUser
If logging in manually (that is, not using the login_url), you can use this as the user's password.
setPath(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountTargetingInsights
setPath(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.BroadTargetingCategories
setPattern(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setPausePeriods(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
A list of time periods the associated campaign has been paused.
setPayload(MessagingPayload) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingAttachment
setPayload(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ButtonItem
setPayload(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.CheckoutUpdateItem
setPayload(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PaymentItem
Metadata defined in the Buy Button.
setPayload(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PostbackItem
payload parameter that was defined with the button
setPayload(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.QuickReplyItem
setPayment(PaymentItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
setPaymentCredential(PaymentCredential) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PaymentItem
Payment credentials.
setPaymentMethod(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setPaymentOption(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTransaction
Method used to pay for the transaction
setPaymentOptions(Page.PagePaymentOptions) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Payment options accepted by the business.
setPaymentOptions(Page.PagePaymentOptions) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
Payment options accepted by the Place.
setPaymentPricepoints(User.PaymentPricepoints) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The person's payment pricepoints
setPaymentSettings(PaymentSettings) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.MessengerProfileProperties
setPaymentType(PaymentTypeEnum) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.PaymentSummary
setPayoutForeignExchangeRate(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
Exchange rate used to calculate payout amount which is remitted in USD.
setPerformanceRating(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountTargetingInsights
setPeriod(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Insight
Length of the period during which the insights were collected, e.g.
setPermalink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMediaChild
setPermalinkUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
A permanent URL of the image to use in story creatives.
setPermalinkUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
The permanent static URL to the comment
setPermalinkUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
setPermalinkUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The permanent static URL to the post on www.facebook.com.
setPermalinkUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
URL to the permalink page of the video
setPermission(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserPermission
setPermissionForActions(CustomAudiencePermission) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
JSON dictionary of permissions (string) to boolean value if the custom audience has that permission
setPersistentMenu(PersistentMenu) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.MessengerProfileProperties
setPersonalInfo(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Personal information.
setPersonalInterests(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Personal interests.
setPharmaSafetyInfo(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Pharmacy safety information.
setPhone(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The phone number (not always normalized for country code) for the Page.
setPhone(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The Place's telephone number.
setPhoto(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedCommentValue
setPhotoData(AdCreativePhotoData) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeObjectStorySpec
The spec for a photo page post.
setPhotoId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedPhotoAddValue
setPhotoIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedAlbumAddValue
setPhotos(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setPhotos(List<Photo>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
Photos for the Place.
setPhotos(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedStatusValue
setPicture(ProfilePictureSource) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
The album's picture, if provided.
setPicture(ProfilePictureSource) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
The event's picture. ?
setPicture(ProfilePictureSource) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The pages's profile picture, if provided.
setPicture(ProfilePictureSource) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The pages's profile picture, if provided.
setPicture(ProfilePictureSource) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's picture, if provided.
setPicture(ProfilePictureSource) - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserInvitableFriend
setPicture(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
URL of a picture to use in the post.
setPicture(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment
setPicture(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setPicture(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Link
The picture associated with the link.
setPicture(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.Share
setPicture(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
The album-sized view of the photo.
setPicture(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
If available, a link to the picture included with this post.
setPicture(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
A URL for the thumbnail picture of the video.
setPicture(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.VideoFormat
The thumbnail for the video in this format.
setPixelId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPromotedObject
setPixelId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
ID of the pixel which is collecting events for this Website Custom audience
setPlace(Page) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PlaceTag
The place that was visited
setPlace(Place) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
The place associated with this album.
setPlace(Place) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Checkin
The ID, name, and location of the Facebook Page that represents the location of the check-in.
setPlace(Place) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
Location associated with the event, if any.
setPlace(Place) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
setPlace(Place) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
The location associated with this photo, if any.
setPlace(Place) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The place where this post occurred.
setPlace(Place) - Method in class com.restfb.types.StatusMessage
The place where status message is attached.
setPlace(Place) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Location associated with the video, if any.
setPlaceData(AdCreativePlaceData) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment
setPlacementBreakdown(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Predicted impression distribution on different placements, including: msite: Facebook mobile sites
android: Facebook android
ios: Facebook ios
desktop: Facebook desktop news feed and right hand column
ig_android: Instagram android
ig_ios: Instagram ios
ig_others: Other Instagram placements ## ReachFrequencyEstimatesPlacementBreakdown
setPlacementSpecific(AdgroupPlacementSpecificReviewFeedback) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdgroupReviewFeedback
setPlacePageSetIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setPlaces(List<TargetingGeoLocationPlace>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocation
setPlaceType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
For places, the category of the place.
setPlannedStartTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
setPlanningAgencyBusiness(Business) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setPlanningAgencyBusinessId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setPlatformCustomizations(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
Use this field to customize the media for different Facebook placements.
setPlatforms(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setPlotOutline(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The plot outline of the film.
setPlural(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphObjectType
The plural form of the object
setPluralPast(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
The plural past form of the action
setPluralPresent(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
The plural present form of the action
setPnrNumber(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
setPnrNumber(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setPolicyEnforcement(PolicyEnforcementItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
setPolitical(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
setPoliticalViews(List<Long>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setPolitics(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setPolitics(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setPosition(Page) - Method in class com.restfb.types.WorkExperience
setPosition(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
Facebook will start returning 0 for this field starting on October 3, 2012.
setPost(Post) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Lead
setPost(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPreview
setPost(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingDynamicRule
setPost(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
setPostalCode(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.MailingAddress
Postal code of the address.
setPostalCode(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AddressItem
setPostalCode(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ShippingAddress
Shipping address postal code
setPostback(PostbackItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
setPostClickConfiguration(AdCreativePostClickConfiguration) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
setPostClickConfiguration(AdCreativePostClickConfiguration) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
setPostClickItemDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePostClickConfiguration
setPostClickItemHeadline(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePostClickConfiguration
setPostId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.GraphResponse
setPostId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.base.AbstractFeedPostValue
setPostId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedEventValue
setPostId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.MentionPostAddValue
setPostObject(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Post object
setPostObjectWall(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Post object wall
setPosts(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setPostWall(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Post wall
setPredictionMode(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
The prediction mode, 0 = given reach, predict budget,
1 = given budget, predict reach
setPredictionProgress(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Represents percentage value indicating the prediction progress (values 0-100).
setPremiereLivingRoomStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The status of the Premiere Watch Party, if any
setPressContact(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Press contact information of the band.
setPreviewUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdDynamicCreative
setPreviewUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
setPreviewUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.AttachmentData
The image's preview url.
setPreviousOwnerAppId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.TakeThreadControlItem
setPreviousPageUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.Connection
overrides the "previous page" URL with the given value
setPrice(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ElementItem
setPrice(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setPriceInfoItems(List<PriceInfoItem>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setPriceRange(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Price range of the business.
setPriceRange(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
Price range of the business.
setPrimaryCity(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
setPrimaryCityId(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCustomLocation
setPrimaryCityId(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationPlace
setPrimaryCityId(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationZip
setPrimaryCityId(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
setPrimaryPage(Page) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Business
setPriority(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setPriorMessage(PriorMessage) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
setPrivacy(Privacy) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The privacy settings for this post.
setPrivacy(Privacy) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Privacy setting for the video.
setPrivacy(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
The privacy settings for the album.
setPrivacy(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
The visibility of this event.
setPrivacy(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Group
The privacy setting of the group, either 'OPEN', 'CLOSED', or 'SECRET'.
setPrivacyPolicyUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
The supplied privacy policy URL.
setPrivacyPolicyUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The URL that links to a Privacy Policy for the app.
setPrivacyUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.PaymentSettings
The URL of the privacy policy for your bot.
setPrivateReplyConversation(Conversation) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
For comments with private replies, gets conversation between the Page and author of the comment (Page viewers only)
setProcessingProgress(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.VideoStatus
setProducedBy(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The productor of the film.
setProduct(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Item
The product URL of this item.
setProductAudienceSpecs(List<TargetingProductAudienceSpec>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setProductCatalog(ProductCatalog) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductSet
setProductCategories(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywords
setProductCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductCatalog
setProductCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeed
The total products of this product catalog
setProductCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductSet
setProductFeed(ProductFeed) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setProductField(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductVariant
Name of the first-class or custom-data product item field describing a variant of the product.
setProductInfo(List<ProductInfoItem>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PassengerSegmentInfoItem
setProductItemIds(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPreview
setProductLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue
Open graph object url for canvas virtual good ads.
setProductNames(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywords
setProducts(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The page's products.
setProductSetId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
The ID of the product set for this creative.
setProductSetId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdPromotedObject
setProductSetId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingProductAudienceSpec
setProductSetId(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Product set id
setProductType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTransaction
The type of ads included in this transaction
setProductType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setProfileId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.DeAuth
setProfilePic(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.InstagramUser
URI to user's Instagram profile picture
setProfilePic(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserProfile
setProfilePictureUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
The cdn url to query the raw profile picture of the user
setProfileSectionUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
URL of the app section on a user's profile for the desktop site.
setPromotableAppIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setPromotablePageIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setPromotableUrls(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setPromotedObject(AdPromotedObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
setPromotedObject(AdPromotedObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setPromotionEligible(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Reason why a post isn't eligible for boosting.
setPromotionIneligibleReason(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Reason, for which boosted posts are not eligible.
setPromotionStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Status of the promotion, if the post was promoted.
setProviderAmount(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTransaction
Monetary amount charged to the user for this transaction
setProviderType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.PaymentCredential
Payment provider type
setPublicKey(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.PaymentSettings
Your public key.
setPublicKey(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The person's PGP public key
setPublicTransit(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Public transit to the business.
setPublished(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Whether a post about this video is published.
setPublished(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedAlbumAddValue
setPublished(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedAlbumEditedValue
setPublished(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedPhotoAddValue
setPublished(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedShareValue
setPublished(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedStatusValue
setPublished(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedVideoValue
setPublishedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
setPublisherPlatforms(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setPublishTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
Time the rating took place
setQrCode(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
setQrCode(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
setQualifiers(List<LeadGenQualifier>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
setQuantity(int) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptElement
setQuantity(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Item
The number of this item purchased.
setQuantity(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
The quantity of the product contained in the order
setQuantity(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ElementItem
setQuestion(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadGenQualifier
setQuestion(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
setQuestionCreator(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
Question creator
setQuickReply(QuickReplyItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
setQuotedFieldsMode(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeed
Allows tabs and newlines within fields possible values: AUTODETECT, ON, OFF
setQuotes(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's favorite quotes.
setRadius(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCustomLocation
setRadius(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationPlace
setRadius(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCity
setRadius(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setRating(int) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Review
The review rating.
setRating(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphRating
setRating(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsRatingValue
setRatingCount(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Number of ratings for the page (limited to ratings that are publicly accessible
setRatingCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
Number of ratings for the Place
setRatingScale(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
setRatingValue(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
setRatio(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LookalikeSpec
setRawErrorJson(JsonObject) - Method in exception com.restfb.exception.FacebookErrorMessageException
setRawGifImage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.ImageData
setRawJson(JsonObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FallBackChangeValue
setRawWebpImage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.ImageData
setReach(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The number of people your ad was served to.
setReach(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramStoryInsightsValue
setReactionCount(int) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url
The sum of reactions across all posts containing the URL on Facebook.
setReactions(Reactions) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
The reactions for this post.
setReactions(Reactions) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
The reactions for this photo.
setReactions(Reactions) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The reactions for this post.
setReactions(Reactions) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The reactions for this video.
setReactionType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedReactionValue
setReactionType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsReactionValue
setRead(ReadItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
setReason(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Dispute
The reason the developer or Facebook gave to resolve the dispute, after it has been resolved.
setReason(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PolicyEnforcementItem
setReasonCode(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.VoipInfo
setReasonDescription(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.VoipInfo
setRecipient(MessagingParticipant) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
setRecipientId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.SendResponse
setRecipientId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedPhotoRemoveValue
setRecipientId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedPostValue
setRecipientId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedVideoRemoveValue
setRecipientName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setRecommendationData(AdRecommendationData) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdRecommendation
setRecommendationRating(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountTargetingInsights
setRecommendations(List<AdRecommendation>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setRecommendations(List<AdRecommendation>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
If there are recommendations for this campaign, this field includes them.
setRecommendationType(RecommendationType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphRating
Recommendation field for change on August 17, 2018 for more information check here: https://www.facebook.com/business/recommendations
setRecommendationType(RecommendationType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
setRecommendationType(RecommendationType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsRatingValue
setRecordLabel(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Record label of the band.
setRecoveryMessage(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application.MobileSdkErrorCategory
The user facing message that can be shown before attempting recovery.
setRedemptionLink(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeOfferData
setRef(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.OptinItem
setRef(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PostbackReferral
The arbitrary data that was originally passed in the ref param added to the m.me link.
setReferenceFileStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
setReferenceObjectType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
For reference properties, the object type associated with the property
setReferenceOwnerId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyright
The ID of the reference video owner
setReferral(PostbackReferral) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PostbackItem
Comes only with Get Started postback and if an optional ref param was passed from the entry point, such as m.me link.
setReferral(ReferralItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
setRegion(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCity
setRegion(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
setRegion(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Location
The region of this location.
setRegion(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.MailingAddress
Region or state of the address.
setRegionId(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCustomLocation
setRegionId(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationPlace
setRegionId(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationZip
setRegionId(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
setRegionId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCity
setRegions(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setRegions(List<TargetingGeoLocationRegion>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocation
setRelationshipStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
setRelationshipStatuses(List<Long>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setRelationshipStatuses(List<Long>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setReleaseDate(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The film's release date.
setRelevantUntilTs(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.FeedTargeting
setReligion(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
setReminderTime(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeOfferData
setRenderAsSticker(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.ImageData
setReplies(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramStoryInsightsValue
setRequestChangeReasons(List<JsonObject>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setRequestedOwnerAppId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.RequestThreadControlItem
setRequestedUserInfo(ReuqestedUserInfo) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PaymentItem
Information that was requested from the user by the Buy Button.
setRequestId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
The unique, optional app-created identifier passed into the JS function (255 character maximum)
setRequestThreadControl(RequestThreadControlItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
setRequired(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
Whether the property is required
setRequiredGroup(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
If set, at least one property for each group needs to be set
setReservationStatus(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Reservation status.
setReserve(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantServices
setResponse(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
setRestaurantServices(Page.PageRestaurantServices) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Services the restaurant provides.
setRestaurantServices(Page.PageRestaurantServices) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The services that the restaurant provides.
setRestaurantSpecialties(Page.PageRestaurantSpecialties) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The restaurant's specialties.
setRestaurantSpecialties(Page.PageRestaurantSpecialties) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The restaurant's specialties.
setRestrictions(Application.ApplicationRestrictionInfo) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Demographic restrictions for the app.
setResult(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.SendResponse
setRetailerId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductGroup
Retailer ID of the product group
setRetailerId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setRetailerItemIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkData
List of product IDs provided by the advertiser for Collections
setRetailerItemIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
setRetailerProductGroupId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setRetentionDays(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
Number of days to keep the user in this cluster.
setRetentionSeconds(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingProductAudienceSubSpec
setRetentionSeconds(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingDynamicRule
setRev(String) - Method in class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo.DebugHeaderInfoFactory
setReviewer(User) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphRating
Person who rated the object
setReviewerId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsRatingValue
setReviewerName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsRatingValue
setReviewRejectionReasons(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setReviewStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setReviewText(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphRating
Review text included in the review
setReviewText(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
setReviewText(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsRatingValue
setReviewText(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.RatingsReactionValue
setRfPredictionId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setRfSpec(ReachFrequencySpec) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setRidgeMonitoringStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
setRight(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsImageCrops.AdsImageCropsSpec
setRoasAverageFloor(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignBidConstraint
setRole(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdUser
setRole(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountGroupUser
setRole(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.UserPermission
setRotation(int) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.VideoData
setRsvpStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
The RSVP status of this event.
setRtbFlag(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setRtbFlag(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setRule(Rule) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingProductAudienceSubSpec
setRule(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
Audience rules to be applied on the referrer URL
setRuleIds(List<VideoCopyrightRule>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyright
A list of matching rules applied to the copyrighted content
setRuleList(List<Rule>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.RuleOpAnd
setRuleList(List<Rule>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.RuleOpOr
setRules(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixel
setRulevalidation(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixel
setRunStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
The run status of this creative.
setSalePrice(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setSalePriceEndDate(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setSalePriceStartDate(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setScale(Float) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.Thumbnail
The scale of the thumbnail
setSchedule(ProductFeedSchedule) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeed
The configuration for fetching a feed in a recurrant manner
setSchedule(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The air schedule of the TV show.
setScheduledPublishTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
UNIX timestamp of the scheduled publish time for the post.
setScheduledPublishTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The time that the video is scheduled to be published.
setScheduleId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
setSchool(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Education
The school name and ID.
setScreenplayBy(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The screenwriter of the film.
setSearchTerms(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywords
setSeason(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The season information of the TV Show.
setSeat(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
setSeat(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
setSeat(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PassengerSegmentInfoItem
setSeatType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PassengerSegmentInfoItem
setSecond(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDuration
setSecondaryFields(List<AirlineField>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
setSecondaryFields(List<AirlineFieldItem>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
setSecondsLeft(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
setSecureBrowsing(User.SecureBrowsing) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.SecuritySettings
Secure browsing settings
setSecureCanvasUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The secure URL from which Canvas app content is loaded.
setSecurePageTabUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The secure URL from which Page Tab app content is loaded.
setSecureStreamUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
setSecuritySettings(User.SecuritySettings) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Security settings
setSegmentId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightInfoItem
setSegmentId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PassengerSegmentInfoItem
setSender(MessagingParticipant) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
setSenderId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.base.AbstractFeedPostValue
setSenderId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.MentionPostAddValue
setSenderName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.base.AbstractFeedPostValue
setSenderName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.MentionPostAddValue
setSeq(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.DeliveryItem
setSeq(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
https://messengerblog.com/platform-updates/introducing-messenger-platform-v1-3-and-new-ways-to-drive-the-conversation/ "Developers who previously relied on using seq ID for deduping can use mid instead, and those who were using it for ordering purposes can use timestamp instead."
setSeq(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ReadItem
setServerIpWhitelist(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
App requests must originate from this comma-separated list of IP addresses.
setServiceName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.ScreenName
setSetting(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Settings
setSharable(boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.SharableTemplatePayload
setShareCount(int) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url
The total shares of this URL all over Facebook.
setSharedLoginUpgradeRequiredBy(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The time that the shared loginneeds to be upgraded to Business Manager by
setShareId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedShareValue
setShares(Post.Shares) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Number of times the post has been shared.
setShippingAddress(ShippingAddress) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.CheckoutUpdateItem
setShippingAddress(ShippingAddress) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ReuqestedUserInfo
Person's shipping address
setShippingCost(double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptSummary
setShippingCost(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.SummaryItem
setShippingWeightUnit(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setShippingWeightValue(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setShortcode(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMediaChild
setShortName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Shortened, locale-aware name for the person.
setShouldFallback(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.WebAppLink
setSignificantOther(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's significant other.
setSingleLineAddress(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The page address, if any, in a simple single line format.
setSingleLineAddress(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The Place's complete postal address, on a single line.
setSingular(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphObjectType
The singular form of the object
setSingularPast(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
The singular past form of the action
setSingularPresent(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
The singular present form of the action
setSiteCategory(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setSize(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.BroadTargetingCategories
setSize(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.Attachment
The size of the attachment in bytes.
setSize(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.VideoUploadLimits
setSize(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setSnippet(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
The title of a message in the conversation
setSocialDiscovery(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Indicates whether app usage stories show up in the Ticker or News Feed.
setSocialSentence(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Engagement
Text that the like button would currently display.
setSocialSentenceWithLike(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Engagement
Text that the like button would display if the viewer likes the object.
setSocialSentenceWithoutLike(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Engagement
Text that the like button would display if the viewer does not like the object.
setSource(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.BroadTargetingCategories
setSource(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.PartnerCategory
setSource(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.CoverPhoto
Direct URL for the person's cover photo image
setSource(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
setSource(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Cover
The URL for the cover photo.
setSource(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo.Image
The source URL of the image.
setSource(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
Use images field instead
setSource(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
If available, the source link attached to this post (for example, a flash or video file).
setSource(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserProfile.LastAdReferral
setSource(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
A URL to the raw, playable video file.
setSource(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PostbackReferral
The source of this referral.
setSource(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PriorMessage
setSourceAd(Ad) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setSourceAdId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setSourceCampaign(Campaign) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
setSources(List<JsonObject>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingProspectingAudience
setSpend(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The total amount you've spent so far.
setSpendCap(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setSpendCap(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
setSpendCap(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
A spend cap for the campaign, such that it will not spend more than this cap.
setSpendCapNew(JsonObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setSpendCapOld(JsonObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setSrc(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment.Image
setStandby(List<MessagingItem>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.WebhookEntry
setStarring(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The cast of the film.
setStart(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.BaseNlpEntity
start position of the entity in the message
setStartDate(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setStartDate(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ProjectExperience
setStartDate(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.WorkExperience
setStartInfo(Page.PageStartInfo) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Information about when the entity represented by the Page was started
setStartingRatio(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LookalikeSpec
setStartMinute(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.DayPart
setStartTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
setStartTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setStartTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
setStartTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
Start Time
setStartTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedUpload
The time the upload process started
setStartTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
The start time of the event.
setStartTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Milestone
The start time of the milestone.
setStartTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLifeEvent
The time when this milestone was started.
setStartTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageRating
Time the rating took place
setState(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Location
The state name of this location.
setState(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AddressItem
setState(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ShippingAddress
Shipping address state
setStaticCard(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment
setStatus(Video.VideoStatus) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
Object describing the status attributes of a video.
setStatus(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountGroup
setStatus(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Represents the status of the prediction, refer to Response Status
setStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountGroupAccount
setStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
Status of the image
setStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTransaction
Current status of the transaction
setStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
If this status is PAUSED, all its active ad sets and ads will be paused and have an effective status CAMPAIGN_PAUSED.
setStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.PartnerCategory
setStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.UserPermission
setStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
setStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Current running status of this action.
setStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Action
The status for this particular action. status can be: initiated: An initiated payment designates the payment was only initiated but not yet fully completed.
setStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Dispute
Current status of the dispute.
setStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserPermission
setStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AccountLinkingItem
linked or unlinked
setStatuses(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setStatusNew(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setStatusOld(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setStatusType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The status_type of post this is, for example "approved_friend".
setSticker(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
Sticker contained in the message.
setStickerId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
setStickerId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setStopTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
setStopTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
Stop Time
setStoreCode(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Unique store code for this location Page
setStoreLocationDescriptor(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Location Page's store location descriptor
setStoreNumber(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Unique store number for this location Page.
setStory(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Text from stories not intentionally generated by users
setStory(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedEventValue
setStoryEventType(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Used to indicated the prediction is for video ads or not.
setStreamUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
setStreet(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageParking
Whether street parking is available
setStreet(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Location
The street address of this location.
setStreet1(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.MailingAddress
Street address.
setStreet1(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AddressItem
setStreet1(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ShippingAddress
Shipping address street, first line
setStreet2(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.MailingAddress
Second part of the street address - apt, suite, etc.
setStreet2(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptAddress
setStreet2(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AddressItem
setStreet2(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ShippingAddress
Shipping address street, second line
setStudio(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The studio for the film production.
setSubAttachments(StoryAttachment.Attachments) - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment
Returns list of subattachments that are associated with this attachment.
setSubcategory(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The subcategory the app can be found under.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
The subject of this conversation.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
The subject of the message.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Note
The title of the note.
setSubscribed(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
Whether you are subscribed to the conversation
setSubtext(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseEducation
setSubtitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.Bubble
setSubtitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ListViewElement
setSubtitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptElement
setSubtitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ElementItem
setSubtotal(double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptSummary
setSubtotal(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.SummaryItem
setSubtype(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
Type of custom audience, derived from original data source
setSubtype(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ConversionActionQuery
setSubType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudienceDataSource
setSubtypeSupportsLookalike(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudiencePermission
Capability to be used as seed for lookalike audience
setSubvertical(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setSuccess(boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.GraphResponse
true if publishing of the object was successful, false otherwise.
setSuggested(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpReminder
setSuggestedRadius(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseRadiusSuggestion
setSummary(SummaryItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setSummary(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdDeliveryCheck
setSummary(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.DeliveryCheck
setSupportsApprequestsFastAppSwitch(Application.ApplicationFastAppSwitch) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Indicates whether the app should do a fast-app-switch to the Facebook app to show the app requests dialog.
setSupportsAttribution(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Indicates whether the app has not opted out of app install tracking.
setSupportsCity(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
setSupportsImplicitSdkLogging(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Indicates whether the app has not opted out of the mobile SDKs sending data on SDK interactions
setSupportsRecipientLookalike(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudiencePermission
Capability to be used as seed for lookalike audience for recipient ad accounts
setSupportsRegion(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
setSuppressNativeIosGdp(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Whether to suppress the native iOS Login Dialog
setTag(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdConversionPixel
setTag(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.OffsitePixel
One of: checkout, registration, lead, key_page_view, add_to_cart, other
setTag(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.PageMessageTag
setTagged(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setTags(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountTargetingInsights
setTakeout(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantServices
setTakeThreadControl(TakeThreadControlItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
setTalkingAboutCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The number of people that are talking about this page (last seven days).
setTapsBack(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramStoryInsightsValue
setTapsForward(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramStoryInsightsValue
setTarget(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The profile this was posted on if different from the author.
setTarget(StoryAttachment.Target) - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment
Returns object that the attachment links to.
setTargetAudience(TargetAudience) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.MessengerProfileProperties
setTargetAudienceSize(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Unique 30-day active users for given targetting specs.
setTargeting(Targeting) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setTargeting(Targeting) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
setTargeting(Targeting) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setTargeting(Post.Targeting) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Ads targeting information of the post.
setTargetingOptimization(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setTargetingsentencelines(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingSentenceLine
setTargetingsentencelinesAsObjectList(List<TargetingSentenceLine.TargetingSentenceLineItem>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingSentenceLine
setTargetingType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.PartnerCategory
setTargetSpec(Targeting) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
A string in JSON format representing the targeting specs specified on creation.
setTax(double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineItineraryTemplatePayload
setTax(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setTax(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
The tax parameter specifies if a payment is subject to VAT and, if so, how the tax was paid.
setTaxAmount(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Action
The amount reduced from your payout for any taxes remitted by Facebook.
setTaxCountry(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
The country determined by Facebook for tax calculation of this purchase, given as an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
setTaxId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setTaxIdStatus(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setTaxIdType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setTcpaCompliance(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LeadgenForm
setTelevision(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setTemplateData(AdCreativeLinkData) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeObjectStorySpec
The spec for a template link page post as used in Dynamic Product Ads.
setTemplateType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.TemplatePayload
setTemplateType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setTemplateUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
The Tracking URL for dynamic product ads.
setTensesDisabled(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphActionType
Bitmap of tenses that are disabled (the least significant bit relates to past tense, the second least significant relates to present tense
setTerminal(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.FlightAirport
setTerminal(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightAirportItem
setTermsNew(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setTermsOfServiceUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
URL to Terms of Service that appears in the Login Dialog
setTermsOld(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setTest(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
Optional parameter that shows up when a payment is made by a payment tester listed in the app's dashboard.
setTesters(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.PaymentSettings
A list of IDs for people that will test payments in your bot.
setTestGroup(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Platform test group
setTestPayment(boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.PaymentSummary
setText(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgComment
Text of the comment
setText(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post.Property
The text of the property.
setText(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.instagram.InstagramCommentsValue
setText(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
Text of message
setTextData(AdCreativeTextData) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeObjectStorySpec
The spec for a text page post.
setThemeColor(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineBoardingPassTemplatePayload
setThemeColor(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineCheckinTemplatePayload
setThemeColor(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineItineraryTemplatePayload
setThemeColor(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineUpdateTemplatePayload
setThemeColor(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setThirdPartyId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
An anonymous, but unique identifier for the user.
setThreadId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.PageConversation
setThreadKey(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
The new identifier for threads effective after September 24, 2017
setThreadKey(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.PageConversation
setThumb100x100(AdsImageCrops.AdsImageCropsSpec) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsImageCrops
setThumb100x72(AdsImageCrops.AdsImageCropsSpec) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsImageCrops
setThumb191x100(AdsImageCrops.AdsImageCropsSpec) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsImageCrops
setThumb400x150(AdsImageCrops.AdsImageCropsSpec) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsImageCrops
setThumb600x360(AdsImageCrops.AdsImageCropsSpec) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsImageCrops
setThumbnailUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
The URL to a thumbnail for this creative.
setThumbnailUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
setThumbnailUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMediaChild
setTicketNumber(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.PassengerInfo
setTicketNumber(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PassengerInfoItem
setTicketUri(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
The URL to a location to buy tickets for this event (on Events for Pages only).
setTierNew(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setTierOld(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setTime(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdTransaction
Time at which the transaction was created
setTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.WebhookEntry
setTimeCompleted(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
setTimeContentUpdated(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
Last update of people in this custom audience
setTimeCreated(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
Creation time
setTimeCreated(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setTimeCreated(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
The time when this reach frequency prediction was created
setTimeCreated(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Action
When this action occurred.
setTimeCreated(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Dispute
The time the dispute was created.
setTimelineVisibility(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
Timeline visibility information of the post.
setTimeRef(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdReportRun
setTimestamp(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptTemplatePayload
setTimestamp(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setTimestamp(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixelStatsResult
setTimestamp(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgComment
Timestamp of comment
setTimestamp(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMediaChild
setTimestamp(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
setTimeUpdated(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudience
Last time this audience metadata was updated
setTimeUpdated(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ReachFrequencyPrediction
Unix timestamp when the row is updated
setTimeUpdated(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Action
When this action was last updated.
setTimeUpdatedNew(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setTimeUpdatedOld(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountActivity
setTimezone(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
The user's timezone offset.
setTimezone(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
the timezone of the event
setTimezone(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserProfile
setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.Place
setTimezoneAsString(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.Place
setTimezoneId(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setTimezoneId(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Business
setTimezoneName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setTimezoneOffsetHoursUtc(Float) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
Settings() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Page.Settings
SettingTypeEnum - Enum in com.restfb.types.send
Represents the thread settings setting type
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
Title for a link ad (not connected to a Page)
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeOfferData
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdRecommendation
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Insight
The human-readable title of this Insight data.
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Milestone
The title of the milestone
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Notification
The message text in the notification.
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLifeEvent
The title of the milestone.
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SavedMessageResponse
The title of the saved response
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.DefaultAction
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment
Returns title of the attachment.
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url.OGObject
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The video title or caption
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoList
Title of the playlist
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PriceInfoItem
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.ProductInfoItem
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ButtonItem
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ElementItem
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingAttachment
setTo(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.AppRequest
The recipient user associated with the request.
setTo(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Notification
The entity that received the notification.
setTo(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Review
The app to which this review applies.
setTokenForBusiness(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
This returns a string which is the same for this person across all the apps managed by the same Business Manager.
setTop(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsImageCrops.AdsImageCropsSpec
setTopElementStyle(ListTemplatePayload.TopElementStyleEnum) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ListTemplatePayload
Value must be large or compact.
setTopic(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseDemographic
setTosAccepted(JsonObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setTotalActions(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The number of actions taken on your ad, Page, app or event after your ad was served to someone, even if they didn't click on it.
setTotalCost(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.SummaryItem
setTotalCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comments
The count of comments on this node.
setTotalCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Likes
The number of likes.
setTotalCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Reactions
The number of reactions.
setTotalPrice(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setTotalTax(double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.ReceiptSummary
setTotalTax(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.SummaryItem
setTotalUniqueActions(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The number of unique people who took an action such as liking your Page or installing your app as a result of your ad.
setTraceId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo.DebugHeaderInfoFactory
setTrackingAndConversionWithDefaults(TrackingAndConversionWithDefaults) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setTranslation(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Translation
The translated string.
setTravelClass(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.BoardingPass
setTravelClass(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
setTravelClass(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightInfoItem
setTreatmentPercentage(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudyCell
setType(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.BroadTargetingCategories
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountTargetingInsights
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToAction
The type of the action.
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePlaceData
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudyObjective
The type of the objective
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.CustomAudienceDataSource
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LookalikeSpec.Origin
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.LookalikeSpec
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.RuleData
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.RuleOp
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseDemographic
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.OpenGraphPropertyConfig
Type of the property
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageStartInfo
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Action
The type of this particular action. type can be: charge: This designates the type of action that was taken on this payment was a charge.
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Item
The type of this item.
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Reactions.ReactionItem
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.AbstractButton
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.MessageAttachment
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.StatusMessage
The object type which is set to status.
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url.OGObject
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Education
Type of school, e.g.
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.UserProfile.LastAdReferral
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ButtonItem
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingAttachment
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.Place
setType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PostbackReferral
The identifier for the referral.
setTypeName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.BroadTargetingCategories
setUid(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountGroupUser
setUid(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.WebhookEntry
setUniqueClicks(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The total number of unique people who have clicked on your ad.
setUniqueCtr(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The number of people who clicked on your ad divided by the number of people you reached.
setUniqueImpressions(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdKeywordStats
The number of people your ad was served to.
setUnit(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDuration.NormalizedDuration
setUnit(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDuration
setUniversalContentId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.CopyrightReferenceContainer
setUniversalVideoId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The publishers asset management code for this video.
setUnread(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
The "unread" count for this message.
setUnread(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Notification
Indicates that the notification is unread.
setUnread(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Thread
The amount of messages that are unread by the session profile.
setUnreadCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
The number of unread messages in the conversation Facebook does not send the unread count if there aren't any new messages.
setUnreadMessageCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Unread message count for the Page.
setUnreadNotifCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Number of unread notifications.
setUnseen(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
Whether this message has been seen.
setUnseen(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Thread
The amount of messages that are unseen by the session profile.
setUnseenMessageCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Unseen message count for the Page.
setUntranslatedName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.BroadTargetingCategories
setUntranslatedParentName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.BroadTargetingCategories
setUpdatedBy(NamedAdsObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Business
setUpdatedBy(User) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
setUpdatedBy(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.UserPermission
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Ad
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCampaignGroup
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdGroup
Updated time
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
Time the image was updated
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdLabel
Updated time
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdStudy
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Campaign
Updated Time
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.UserPermission
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Album
The last time the photo album was updated.
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
Last update time of the conversation
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
The last time the event was updated.
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Group
The last time the group was updated.
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message
The time of the last update to this message.
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Milestone
The update time of the milestone.
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Note
The time the note was last updated.
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Notification
When the notification was last updated.
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Time when the call-to-action was last updated.
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageLifeEvent
The time when this milestone was updated.
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
The last time the photo or its caption was updated.
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
The time of the last comment on this post.
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.StatusMessage
The time the message was published.
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Thread
The time of the last comment on this post.
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url.OGObject
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Date the user's profile was updated.
setUpdatedTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video
The last time the video or its caption were updated.
setUpdateFlightInfo(FlightInfoItem) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setUpdates(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setUpdateTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Business
setUpdateTime(Date) - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
setUpdateType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.airline.AirlineUpdateTemplatePayload
setUpdateType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setUri(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.Thumbnail
The uri of the thumbnail
setUri(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCaption
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativePhotoData
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
A temporary URL which the image can be retrieved at.
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedSchedule
The location of the product feed to fetch
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedUpload
The url to fetch the products from
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.WindowsAppLink
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.AttachmentData
The image's url.
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ProfilePictureSource
URL of the profile picture
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.HomeUrl
The URL to be invoked from drawer.
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment
Returns URL of the attachment.
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment.Target
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Url.OGObject
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ButtonItem
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingAttachment
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
setUrl128(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
A temporary URL pointing to a version of the image resized to fit withing a 128x128 pixel box
setUrlSchemeSuffix(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
URL scheme suffix
setUrlTags(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
A set of query string parameters which will replace or be appended to urls clicked from page post ads, and canvas app install creatives only
setUseCache(boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.ETagWebRequestor
activate/deactivate the ETag-Cache for the next request.
setUseLegacyAuth(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Does the app use the legacy auth method?
setUseNewAppClick(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdSet
setUsePageActorOverride(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
setUser(NamedAdsObject) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.UserPermission
setUser(IgUser) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgComment
User who made the comment
setUser(User) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageAdminNote
The user that this note is attached to.
setUser(User) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment
The consumer's first and last name along with their user id.
setUserAdclusters(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setUserAdclusters(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setUserCode(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.DeviceCode
String to be shown to the user
setUserComment(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Dispute
Comment provided by the consumer when the dispute is initiated.
setUserCurrency(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Currency
The ISO-4217-3 code for the user's preferred currency (defaulting to USD if the user hasn't set one).
setUserDevice(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setUserEmail(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Payment.Dispute
Email provided by the consumer when the dispute is initiated.
setUserEvent(List<Long>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setUserGroups(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdBidAdjustments
setUserId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.DeAuth
setUserId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedLikeValue
setUserLikes(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Comment
This field is returned only if the authenticated user likes this comment
setUsername(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductFeedSchedule
The username that is needed to access the url
setUsername(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgComment
User will only be returned when queried by owner of comment.
setUsername(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgMediaChild
setUsername(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
Username handle of the user
setUsername(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.InstagramUser
Instagram username
setUsername(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The page's username.
setUsername(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
since graph api 2.0
setUserObjectVerb(ChangeValue.Verb) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.ChangeValueFactory
setUserOs(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setUserPrice(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.PaymentPricepoint
setUserRef(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.OptinItem
setUserRole(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setUserSupportEmail(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
Main contact email for this app where people can receive support.
setUserSupportUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
URL shown in the Canvas footer that people can visit to get support for the app.
setValet(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageParking
Whether valet parking is available
setValue(AdCreativeLinkDataCallToActionValue) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataCallToAction
JSON containing the call to action data.
setValue(PostCallToAction.PostCallToActionValue) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PostCallToAction
setValue(ChangeValue) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.Change
value of this change.
setValue(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
Metric value of default attribution window
setValue(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdConversionPixel
setValue(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsPixelStats
setValue(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.RuleOp
setValue(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.ScreenName
setValue(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.Settings
setValue(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Privacy
The description of the privacy value.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.ChangeValueFactory
setValue(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.AirlineFieldItem
setValue(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.ProductInfoItem
setValue(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.BaseNlpEntity
setValue(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDuration.NormalizedDuration
setValue(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.SimpleStringChangeValue
setValue(List<JsonObject>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.ListJsonChangeValue
setValues(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FieldData
setVariants(List<ProductVariant>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductGroup
The list of product variants and their options in the order they need to be displayed on the UI
setVenue(Location) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
with API version 2.3, use Event.getPlace() field instead
setVenue(Location) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Group
The location of this group, a structured address object.
setVenueList(List<Location>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Event
with API version 2.3, use Event.getPlace() instead
setVerb(ChangeValue.Verb) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.base.BaseChangeValue
setVerb(ChangeValue.Verb) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.UserVerbValue
setVerbAsString(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.base.BaseChangeValue
setVerificationStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Showing whether this Page is verified and in what color e.g. blue verified, gray verified or not verified
setVerificationUri(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.DeviceCode
Url the user should call.
setVerified(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Indicates whether the account has been verified.
setVersion(Version) - Method in class com.restfb.DebugHeaderInfo.DebugHeaderInfoFactory
setVersion(Version) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Subscription.SubscriptionField
setVertical(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccountCreationRequest
setVerticalId(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Business
setVerticalName(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdAccount
setVia(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Post
ID of the user or Page the post was shared from
setVideo(Video) - Method in class com.restfb.types.LiveVideo
setVideo(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedCommentValue
setVideoAsset(CopyrightReferenceContainer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.MusicVideoCopyright
setVideoData(AdCreativeVideoData) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeObjectStorySpec
The spec for a video page post.
setVideoData(Message.VideoData) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.Attachment
When the attached file is a video, Facebook will also send information about it's width, height and url.
setVideoFlagReason(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedVideoBlockMute
setVideoId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreative
setVideoId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeLinkDataChildAttachment
setVideoId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdCreativeVideoData
setVideoId(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FeedVideoValue
setVideos(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.FacebookType.Metadata.Connections
setVideoStatus(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.VideoStatus
setVideoType(int) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.VideoData
setVideoUploadLimits(User.VideoUploadLimits) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Video upload limits
setView1d(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
Metric value of attribution window "1d_view"
setView28d(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
Metric value of attribution window "28d_view"
setView7d(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdsActionStats
Metric value of attribution window "7d_view"
setViewerCanSendGift(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
Can the viewer send a gift to this person?
setViewerReaction(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Reactions
returns the user reaction to the object
setVisa(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PagePaymentOptions
Whether the business accepts Visa as a payment option.
setVisibility(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.ProductItem
setVoipInfo(Page.VoipInfo) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
Voip info
setWaiter(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantServices
setWalkins(Boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageRestaurantServices
setWallpaper(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Conversation
Wallpaper to display as a background for the thread
setWatermark(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.DeliveryItem
setWatermark(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ReadItem
setWeb(WebAppLink) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AppLinks
setWebDestinationType(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Destination type for the call-to-action on desktop.
setWebsite(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.instagram.IgUser
Url in the profile
setWebsite(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The website URL
setWebsite(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The URL of the Place's website.
setWebsite(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
setWebsiteUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
URL of a website that integrates with this app.
setWebUrl(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.PageCallToAction
Destination url for the call-to-action on desktop
setWebviewHeightRatio(WebviewHeightEnum) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.WebButton
setWebviewHeightRatio(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.HomeUrl
Controls the height of webview.
setWebviewShareButton(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.HomeUrl
Controls whether the share button in the webview is enabled.
setWeeklyActiveUsers(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Application
The number of weekly active users the app has.
setWereHereCount(Long) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The number of visits to this Page's location.
setWhatsappNumber(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
whatsapp number
setWhitelist(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.TargetAudience.Countries
setWhitelistedDomains(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.send.MessengerProfileProperties
setWhitelistedIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyright
A list of page IDs or user IDs, who are allowed to use the copyrighted content.
setWidth(int) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Message.AttachmentData
The image's width.
setWidth(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo.Image
The width of the image in pixels.
setWidth(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo
The width of the photo, in pixels.
setWidth(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ProfilePictureSource
Picture width in pixels
setWidth(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment.Image
setWidth(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.Thumbnail
The width of the thumbnail
setWidth(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Video.VideoFormat
The width of the video in this format.
setWidth(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AdImage
The width of the image.
setWikidata(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.External
setWikipedia(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpLocation.External
setWindows(List<WindowsAppLink>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AppLinks
setWindowsPhone(List<WindowsPhoneAppLink>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AppLinks
setWindowsUniversal(List<WindowsAppLink>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.AppLinks
setWirelessCarrier(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setWitAiKey(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpCustomWitAi
setWorkEmployers(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setWorkEmployers(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setWorkflows(List<SearchPlace.PagesPlatformComponentFlowServiceConfig>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.SearchPlace
The native component workflows for this Place.
setWorkPositions(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.FlexibleTargeting
setWorkPositions(List<IDName>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
setWrittenBy(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page
The writer of the TV show.
setX(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo.Tag
X coordinate (as a percentage of distance from left vs. width).
setY(Double) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Photo.Tag
Y coordinate (as a percentage of distance from top vs. height).
setYear(NamedFacebookType) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Education
Graduation year.
setYear(Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Page.PageStartDate
setYear(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpDuration
setYearAsString(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.User.Education
Description for this year.
setZip(String) - Method in class com.restfb.types.Location
The postal code of this location.
setZips(List<TargetingGeoLocationZip>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocation
setZips(List<String>) - Method in class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
SharableTemplatePayload - Class in com.restfb.types.send
Abstract class to provide access to the sharable field.
SharableTemplatePayload() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.SharableTemplatePayload
Share() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Message.Share
ShareButton - Class in com.restfb.types.send
Represents the Share Button
ShareButton() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.ShareButton
Shares() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Post.Shares
shipping_address - com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.RequestedUserInfoEnum
ShippingAddress - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment
ShippingAddress() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ShippingAddress
SILENT_PUSH - com.restfb.types.send.NotificationTypeEnum
silentlyCreateObjectFromString(String) - Method in class com.restfb.exception.generator.DefaultFacebookExceptionGenerator
create a JsonObject from String and swallow possible JsonException
SimpleDateFormatStrategy - Class in com.restfb.util
a simple DateFormat strategy.
SimpleDateFormatStrategy() - Constructor for class com.restfb.util.SimpleDateFormatStrategy
SimpleStringChangeValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
Simple Change value to access values that are simple Strings, e.g. user email is changed and the INCLUDE VALUES feature is activated in the subscription
SimpleStringChangeValue(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.SimpleStringChangeValue
since() - Method in annotation type com.restfb.annotation.GraphAPI
singleLine() - Static method in class com.restfb.json.PrettyPrint
Print every value on a separate line.
size() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Returns the number of elements in this array.
size() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Returns the number of members (name/value pairs) in this object.
size() - Method in class com.restfb.util.SoftHashMap
skipResponseStatusExceptionParsing(String) - Method in class com.restfb.exception.generator.DefaultFacebookExceptionGenerator
checks if a string may be a json and contains a error string somewhere, this is used for speedup the error parsing
SLF4JLogger - Class in com.restfb.logging
Logger implementation based on org.slf4j.Logger.
SLF4JLogger(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.logging.SLF4JLogger
snapshot() - Method in class com.restfb.Connection.Itr
snapshot() - Method in interface com.restfb.ConnectionIterator
gets the connection of the current iteration step.
SoftHashMap<K,​V> - Class in com.restfb.util
SoftHashMap() - Constructor for class com.restfb.util.SoftHashMap
SponsoredMessageResponse - Class in com.restfb.types.send
SponsoredMessageResponse() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.SponsoredMessageResponse
Sport() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.User.Sport
square - com.restfb.types.send.ImageAspectRatioEnum
startArray() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonHandler
Indicates the beginning of an array in the JSON input.
startArrayValue(A) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonHandler
Indicates the beginning of an array element in the JSON input.
startBoolean() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonHandler
Indicates the beginning of a boolean literal (true or false) in the JSON input.
startNull() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonHandler
Indicates the beginning of a null literal in the JSON input.
startNumber() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonHandler
Indicates the beginning of a number in the JSON input.
startObject() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonHandler
Indicates the beginning of an object in the JSON input.
startObjectName(O) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonHandler
Indicates the beginning of the name of an object member in the JSON input.
startObjectValue(O, String) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonHandler
Indicates the beginning of the name of an object member in the JSON input.
startString() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonHandler
Indicates the beginning of a string in the JSON input.
StatusMessage - Class in com.restfb.types
removed after Graph API 2.0
StatusMessage() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.StatusMessage
StoryAttachment - Class in com.restfb.types
StoryAttachment() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment
StoryAttachment.Attachments - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the list of subattachments that are associated with this attachment.
StoryAttachment.Image - Class in com.restfb.types
Image data as applicable for the attachment
StoryAttachment.Media - Class in com.restfb.types
Media data as applicable for the attachment.
StoryAttachment.Target - Class in com.restfb.types
Target data as applicable for the attachment
StringJsonUtils - Class in com.restfb.util
Helper class to encapsulate simple checks used in the DefaultJsonMapper.
StringUtils - Class in com.restfb.util
A collection of string-handling utility methods.
STRIPE - Static variable in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.PaymentCredential
The "stripe" provider type.
Subscription - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the App Subscription type.
Subscription() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Subscription
Subscription.SubscriptionField - Class in com.restfb.types
SubscriptionField() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Subscription.SubscriptionField
SummaryItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
SummaryItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.SummaryItem
SUN - com.restfb.types.Hours.DayOfWeek


Tag() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Conversation.Tag
Tag() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Photo.Tag
TakeThreadControlItem - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
Represents the Take Thread Control Callback
TakeThreadControlItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.TakeThreadControlItem
tall - com.restfb.types.send.WebviewHeightEnum
Target() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.StoryAttachment.Target
TARGET_COST - com.restfb.types.ads.BidStrategyEnum
TargetAudience - Class in com.restfb.types.send
TargetAudience() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.TargetAudience
TargetAudience.Countries - Class in com.restfb.types.send
Targeting - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
Targeting() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.Targeting
Targeting() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Post.Targeting
TargetingDynamicRule - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
TargetingDynamicRule() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingDynamicRule
TargetingGeoLocation - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
TargetingGeoLocation() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocation
TargetingGeoLocationCity - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
TargetingGeoLocationCity() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCity
TargetingGeoLocationCustomLocation - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
TargetingGeoLocationCustomLocation() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationCustomLocation
TargetingGeoLocationElectoralDistrict - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
TargetingGeoLocationElectoralDistrict() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationElectoralDistrict
TargetingGeoLocationMarket - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
TargetingGeoLocationMarket() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationMarket
TargetingGeoLocationPlace - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
TargetingGeoLocationPlace() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationPlace
TargetingGeoLocationRegion - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
TargetingGeoLocationRegion() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationRegion
TargetingGeoLocationZip - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
TargetingGeoLocationZip() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingGeoLocationZip
TargetingProductAudienceSpec - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
TargetingProductAudienceSpec() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingProductAudienceSpec
TargetingProductAudienceSubSpec - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
TargetingProductAudienceSubSpec() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingProductAudienceSubSpec
TargetingProspectingAudience - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
TargetingProspectingAudience() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingProspectingAudience
TargetingResponseDemographic - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
TargetingResponseDemographic() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseDemographic
TargetingResponseEducation - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
TargetingResponseEducation() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseEducation
TargetingResponseGeographic - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
TargetingResponseGeographic() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographic
TargetingResponseGeographicMetadata - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
TargetingResponseGeographicMetadata() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseGeographicMetadata
TargetingResponseRadiusSuggestion - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
TargetingResponseRadiusSuggestion() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingResponseRadiusSuggestion
TargetingSentenceLine - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
TargetingSentenceLine() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingSentenceLine
TargetingSentenceLine.TargetingSentenceLineItem - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
TargetingSentenceLineItem() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.TargetingSentenceLine.TargetingSentenceLineItem
TEMPLATE - com.restfb.types.send.MediaAttachment.Type
TemplateAttachment - Class in com.restfb.types.send
TemplateAttachment(TemplatePayload) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.TemplateAttachment
TemplatePayload - Class in com.restfb.types.send
TemplatePayload() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.TemplatePayload
TestUser - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Test User type.
TestUser() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.TestUser
Thread - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Thread Graph API type.
Thread() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Thread
ThreadStateEnum - Enum in com.restfb.types.send
Represents the thread settings thread state
throwBatchFacebookResponseStatusExceptionIfNecessary(String, Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.exception.generator.DefaultFacebookExceptionGenerator
throwBatchFacebookResponseStatusExceptionIfNecessary(String, Integer) - Method in interface com.restfb.exception.generator.FacebookExceptionGenerator
If the error and error_description JSON fields are present, we've got a response status error for this batch API call.
throwFacebookResponseStatusExceptionIfNecessary(String, Integer) - Method in class com.restfb.exception.generator.DefaultFacebookExceptionGenerator
throwFacebookResponseStatusExceptionIfNecessary(String, Integer) - Method in interface com.restfb.exception.generator.FacebookExceptionGenerator
Throws an exception if Facebook returned an error response.
THU - com.restfb.types.Hours.DayOfWeek
Thumbnail() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Video.Thumbnail
title - Variable in class com.restfb.types.send.AbstractButton
toBytes(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.StringUtils
Converts string to a byte array.
toDateFromLongFormat(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.DateUtils
Returns a Java representation of a Facebook "long" date string, or the number of seconds since the epoch.
toDateFromMonthYearFormat(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.DateUtils
Returns a Java representation of a Facebook "month-year" date string.
toDateFromShortFormat(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.DateUtils
Returns a Java representation of a Facebook "short" date string.
toInteger(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.StringUtils
Returns an Integer representation of the given string, or null if it's not a valid Integer.
toJavaList(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultJsonMapper
toJavaList(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.restfb.JsonMapper
Given a JSON string, create and return a new instance of a corresponding Java List which contains elements of type type.
toJavaObject(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultJsonMapper
toJavaObject(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.restfb.JsonMapper
Given a JSON string, create and return a new instance of a corresponding Java object of type type.
toJavaType(ReflectionUtils.FieldWithAnnotation<Facebook>, JsonObject, String) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultJsonMapper
Extracts JSON data for a field according to its Facebook annotation and returns it converted to the proper Java type.
toJson(Object) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultJsonMapper
toJson(Object) - Method in interface com.restfb.JsonMapper
Given a Java object, create and return a JSON string that represents it.
toJson(Object, boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultJsonMapper
toJson(Object, boolean) - Method in interface com.restfb.JsonMapper
Given a Java object, create and return a JSON string that represents it.
toJsonInternal(Object, boolean) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultJsonMapper
Recursively marshal the given object to JSON.
TOKEN - Static variable in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.PaymentCredential
The "token" provider type.
toLongFormatFromDate(Date) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.DateUtils
Returns a String representation of a date object
toParameterString(boolean, Parameter...) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
Generate the parameter string to be included in the Facebook API request.
toParameterString(Parameter...) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
Generate the parameter string to be included in the Facebook API request.
toPrimitiveJavaType(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultJsonMapper
Given a json value of something like MyValue or 123 , return a representation of that value of type type.
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchHeader
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchRequest
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.batch.BatchResponse
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.BinaryAttachment
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.Connection
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.FacebookClient.AccessToken
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Returns the JSON string for this value in its minimal form, without any additional whitespace.
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.json.Location
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.Parameter
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.scope.ScopeBuilder
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.AbstractFacebookType
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.Change
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.ChangeValue
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.FallBackChangeValue
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AccountLinkingItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AddressItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AdjustmentItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.AirlineFieldItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.BoardingPassItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightAirportItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightInfoItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.FlightScheduleItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PassengerInfoItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PassengerSegmentInfoItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.PriceInfoItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.airline.ProductInfoItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ButtonItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.CheckoutUpdateItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.CoordinatesItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.DeliveryItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ElementItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessageItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingAttachment
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingParticipant
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingPayload
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.nlp.NlpError
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.OptinItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.Amount
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.PaymentCredential
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ReuqestedUserInfo
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.payment.ShippingAddress
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PaymentItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PostbackItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PostbackReferral
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PriorMessage
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.QuickReplyItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.ReadItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.SummaryItem
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.WebhookEntry
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.types.webhook.WebhookObject
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.util.ReflectionUtils.FieldWithAnnotation
toString() - Method in class com.restfb.WebRequestor.Response
toString(byte[]) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.StringUtils
Converts data to a string in StringUtils.ENCODING_CHARSET format.
toString(WriterConfig) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Returns the JSON string for this value using the given formatting.
toString(Object) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.ReflectionUtils
Reflection-based implementation of Object.toString().
trace(String, Object...) - Method in class com.restfb.logging.JulLogger
trace(String, Object...) - Method in class com.restfb.logging.RestFBLogger
Log a message at the TRACE level according to the specified format and arguments.
trace(String, Object...) - Method in class com.restfb.logging.SLF4JLogger
TrackingAndConversionWithDefaults - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
TrackingAndConversionWithDefaults() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.TrackingAndConversionWithDefaults
Translation - Class in com.restfb.types
Translation() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Translation
trimToEmpty(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.StringUtils
Returns a trimmed version of string, or an empty string if string is null or the trimmed version is a blank string.
trimToNull(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.StringUtils
Returns a trimmed version of string, or null if string is null or the trimmed version is a blank string.
TRUE - Static variable in class com.restfb.json.Json
Represents the JSON literal true.
TRUE - Static variable in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Use Json.TRUE instead
TUE - com.restfb.types.Hours.DayOfWeek
typing_off - com.restfb.types.send.SenderActionEnum
typing_on - com.restfb.types.send.SenderActionEnum


UNBLOCK - com.restfb.types.webhook.ChangeValue.Verb
UNBLOCK - Static variable in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.PolicyEnforcementItem
The "unblock" action.
UNHIDE - com.restfb.types.webhook.ChangeValue.Verb
UNICODE - Static variable in class com.restfb.json.WriterConfig
Write JSON in its minimal form, but escape almost all unicode signs; umlauts, smileys and more are escaped
UnicodeJsonWriter - Class in com.restfb.json
UNLINKED - Static variable in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.AccountLinkingItem
The "unlinked" account linking status.
unmodifiableArray(JsonArray) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Returns an unmodifiable wrapper for the specified JsonArray.
unmodifiableObject(JsonObject) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.JsonObject
Returns an unmodifiable JsonObject for the specified one.
until() - Method in annotation type com.restfb.annotation.GraphAPI
UNVERSIONED - com.restfb.Version
unversiond api
UPDATE - com.restfb.types.send.MessagingType
Url - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents an external URL as it relates to the Facebook social graph - shares and comments from the URL on Facebook, and any Open Graph objects associated with the URL.
Url() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Url
Url.OGObject - Class in com.restfb.types
The Open Graph object that is canonically associated with this URL.
urlDecode(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.UrlUtils
URL-decodes a string.
urlDecodeSignedRequestToken(String) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
Decodes a component of a signed request received from Facebook using FB's special URL-encoding strategy.
urlEncode(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.UrlUtils
URL-encodes a string.
UrlUtils - Class in com.restfb.util
User - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the User Graph API type.
User() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.User
USER_ABOUT_ME - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
USER_ACTIONS_BOOKS - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
USER_ACTIONS_FITNESS - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
USER_ACTIONS_MUSIC - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
USER_ACTIONS_NEWS - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
USER_ACTIONS_VIDEO - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
USER_AGE_RANGE - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides access to a person's age range.
USER_BIRTHDAY - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Access the date and month of a person's birthday.
USER_DATA - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions.Category
USER_EDUCATION_HISTORY - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
USER_EMAIL - com.restfb.types.send.QuickReply.QuickReplyType
USER_EVENTS - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides read-only access to the Events a person is hosting or has RSVP'd to.
USER_FRIENDS - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides access the list of friends that also use your app.
USER_GAMES_ACTIVITY - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
USER_GENDER - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides access to a person's gender.
USER_HOMETOWN - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides access to a person's hometown location through the hometown field on the User object.
USER_LIKES - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides access to the list of all Facebook Pages and Open Graph objects that a person has liked.
USER_LINK - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides access to the Facebook profile URL for another user of the app.
USER_LOCATION - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides access to a person's current city through the location field on the User object.
USER_MANAGED_GROUPS - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Enables your app to read the Groups a person is an admin of through the groups edge on the User object.
USER_PHONE_NUMBER - com.restfb.types.send.QuickReply.QuickReplyType
USER_PHOTOS - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides access to the photos a person has uploaded or been tagged in.
USER_POSTS - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides access to the posts on a person's Timeline.
USER_RELATIONSHIP_DETAILS - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
USER_RELATIONSHIPS - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
USER_RELIGION_POLITICS - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
USER_TAGGED_PLACES - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides access to the Places a person has been tagged at in photos, videos, statuses and links.
USER_VIDEOS - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Provides access to the videos a person has uploaded or been tagged in.
USER_WEBSITE - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
USER_WORK_HISTORY - com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
User.AgeRange - Class in com.restfb.types
User.Currency - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Currency Graph API type.
User.Education - Class in com.restfb.types
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
User.EducationClass - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Class Graph API type.
User.Experience - Class in com.restfb.types
User.PaymentPricepoint - Class in com.restfb.types
User.PaymentPricepoints - Class in com.restfb.types
User.SecureBrowsing - Class in com.restfb.types
User.SecuritySettings - Class in com.restfb.types
User.Sport - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Sport Graph API type.
User.UserDevice - Class in com.restfb.types
User.VideoUploadLimits - Class in com.restfb.types
UserDevice() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.User.UserDevice
UserIDForApp - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the UserIDForApp type
UserIDForApp() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.UserIDForApp
UserIDForPage - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the UserIDForPage type
UserIDForPage() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.UserIDForPage
UserInvitableFriend - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the User Invitable Friend Graph API type.
UserInvitableFriend() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.UserInvitableFriend
UserPageValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
UserPageValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.UserPageValue
UserPermission - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
UserPermission - Class in com.restfb.types
UserPermission() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.UserPermission
UserPermission() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.UserPermission
UserProfile - Class in com.restfb.types
Respresents the User Profile object as defined here
UserProfile() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.UserProfile
UserProfile.LastAdReferral - Class in com.restfb.types
UserRefMessageRecipient - Class in com.restfb.types.send
UserRefMessageRecipient(String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.UserRefMessageRecipient
UserVerbValue - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging
UserVerbValue() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.UserVerbValue
UTILS_LOGGER - Static variable in class com.restfb.logging.RestFBLogger


value - Variable in class com.restfb.Parameter
Parameter value.
value() - Method in annotation type com.restfb.Facebook
Name of the Facebook API result attribute to map to - affiliation, for example.
value(boolean) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.Json
Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given boolean value.
value(double) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.Json
Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given double value.
value(float) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.Json
Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given float value.
value(int) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.Json
Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given int value.
value(long) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.Json
Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given long value.
value(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.Json
Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given string.
VALUE_FACTORY_LOGGER - Static variable in class com.restfb.logging.RestFBLogger
valueOf(boolean) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Use Json.value() instead
valueOf(double) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Use Json.value() instead
valueOf(float) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Use Json.value() instead
valueOf(int) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Use Json.value() instead
valueOf(long) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Use Json.value() instead
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.DefaultWebRequestor.HttpMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.FacebookEndpoints.Endpoint
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Use Json.value() instead
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions.Category
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.ads.BidStrategyEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.Hours.DayOfWeek
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.RecommendationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.PaymentTypeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.RequestedUserInfoEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.DomainActionTypeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.ImageAspectRatioEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.ListTemplatePayload.TopElementStyleEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.MediaAttachment.MediaType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.MediaAttachment.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.MessagingType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.NotificationTypeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.QuickReply.QuickReplyType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.SenderActionEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.SettingTypeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.ThreadStateEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.WebviewHeightEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.webhook.ChangeValue.Verb
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.restfb.Version
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.restfb.DefaultWebRequestor.HttpMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.restfb.FacebookEndpoints.Endpoint
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonArray
Returns a list of the values in this array in document order.
values() - Static method in enum com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions.Category
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.restfb.scope.FacebookPermissions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.ads.BidStrategyEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.Hours.DayOfWeek
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.RecommendationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.PaymentTypeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.buybutton.RequestedUserInfoEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.DomainActionTypeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.ImageAspectRatioEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.ListTemplatePayload.TopElementStyleEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.MediaAttachment.MediaType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.MediaAttachment.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.MessagingType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.NotificationTypeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.QuickReply.QuickReplyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.SenderActionEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.SettingTypeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.ThreadStateEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.send.WebviewHeightEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.restfb.types.webhook.ChangeValue.Verb
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.restfb.Version
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verifyParameterPresence(String, Object) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.ObjectUtil
Ensures that parameter isn't null.
verifyParameterPresence(String, String) - Static method in class com.restfb.util.ObjectUtil
Ensures that parameter isn't null or an empty string.
verifySignedRequest(String, String, String, byte[]) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient
Verifies that the signed request is really from Facebook.
Version - Enum in com.restfb
VERSION_2_10 - com.restfb.Version
Graph API 2.10, available until November 7, 2019
VERSION_2_11 - com.restfb.Version
Graph API 2.11, available until January 30, 2020
VERSION_2_12 - com.restfb.Version
Graph API 2.12, available until May 1, 2020
VERSION_2_7 - com.restfb.Version
VERSION_2_8 - com.restfb.Version
VERSION_2_9 - com.restfb.Version
Graph API 2.9, available until July 18th, 2019
VERSION_3_0 - com.restfb.Version
Graph API 3.0, available until July 26, 2020
VERSION_3_1 - com.restfb.Version
Graph API 3.1, available until October 23, 2020
VERSION_3_2 - com.restfb.Version
Graph API 3.2, available until April 30, 2021
VERSION_3_3 - com.restfb.Version
Graph API 3.3, available at least until April, 2021
Video - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Video Graph API type.
Video() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Video
VIDEO - com.restfb.types.send.MediaAttachment.MediaType
VIDEO - com.restfb.types.send.MediaAttachment.Type
VIDEO - Static variable in class com.restfb.types.webhook.messaging.MessagingAttachment
The "video" attachment type.
Video.Thumbnail - Class in com.restfb.types
Video.VideoFormat - Class in com.restfb.types
Video.VideoStatus - Class in com.restfb.types
VideoCaption - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Video Caption API type.
VideoCaption() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.VideoCaption
VideoCopyright - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Video Copyright type
VideoCopyright() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyright
VideoCopyrightRule - Class in com.restfb.types
Represents the Video Copyright Rule type
VideoCopyrightRule() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.VideoCopyrightRule
VideoData() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Message.VideoData
VideoFormat() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Video.VideoFormat
VideoList - Class in com.restfb.types
VideoList() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.VideoList
VideoStatus() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Video.VideoStatus
VideoUploadLimits() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.User.VideoUploadLimits
VoipInfo() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.Page.VoipInfo


warn(String, Object...) - Method in class com.restfb.logging.JulLogger
warn(String, Object...) - Method in class com.restfb.logging.RestFBLogger
Log a message at the WARN level according to the specified format and arguments.
warn(String, Object...) - Method in class com.restfb.logging.SLF4JLogger
WebAppLink - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
WebAppLink() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.WebAppLink
WebButton - Class in com.restfb.types.send
WebButton(String, String) - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.send.WebButton
WebhookEntry - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
WebhookEntry() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.WebhookEntry
WebhookObject - Class in com.restfb.types.webhook
root object to fetch information provided by a webhook call
WebhookObject() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.webhook.WebhookObject
WebRequestor - Interface in com.restfb
Specifies how a class that sends HTTP requests to the Facebook API endpoint must operate.
WebRequestor.Response - Class in com.restfb
Encapsulates an HTTP response body and status code.
WebviewHeightEnum - Enum in com.restfb.types.send
WED - com.restfb.types.Hours.DayOfWeek
WindowsAppLink - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
WindowsAppLink() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.WindowsAppLink
WindowsPhoneAppLink - Class in com.restfb.types.ads
WindowsPhoneAppLink() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.ads.WindowsPhoneAppLink
with(String, byte[]) - Static method in class com.restfb.BinaryAttachment
Creates a binary attachment.
with(String, byte[], String) - Static method in class com.restfb.BinaryAttachment
Creates a binary attachment.
with(String, InputStream) - Static method in class com.restfb.BinaryAttachment
use the stream-less API passing a byte[] for data
with(String, InputStream, String) - Static method in class com.restfb.BinaryAttachment
use the stream-less API passing a byte[] for data instead
with(String, Object) - Static method in class com.restfb.Parameter
Factory method which provides an instance with the given name and value.
with(String, Object, JsonMapper) - Static method in class com.restfb.Parameter
Factory method which provides an instance with the given name and value, using the provided jsonMapper to turn value into a JSON string.
with(String, String, byte[]) - Static method in class com.restfb.BinaryAttachment
Creates a binary attachment.
with(String, String, byte[], String) - Static method in class com.restfb.BinaryAttachment
Creates a binary attachment.
with(String, String, InputStream) - Static method in class com.restfb.BinaryAttachment
use the stream-less API passing a byte[] for data
with(String, String, InputStream, String) - Static method in class com.restfb.BinaryAttachment
use the stream-less API passing a byte[] for data
WorkExperience - Class in com.restfb.types
since breaking change on 4 April, 2018
WorkExperience() - Constructor for class com.restfb.types.WorkExperience
write(InputStream, OutputStream, int) - Method in class com.restfb.DefaultWebRequestor
Writes the contents of the source stream to the destination stream using the given bufferSize.
writeJsonString(String) - Method in class com.restfb.json.UnicodeJsonWriter
WriterConfig - Class in com.restfb.json
Controls the formatting of the JSON output.
WriterConfig() - Constructor for class com.restfb.json.WriterConfig
writeTo(Writer) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Writes the JSON representation of this value to the given writer in its minimal form, without any additional whitespace.
writeTo(Writer, WriterConfig) - Method in class com.restfb.json.JsonValue
Writes the JSON representation of this value to the given writer using the given formatting.
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