Class CustomAudience

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CustomAudience extends NamedAdsObject
Represents the Custom Audience Marketing API type
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getAccountId

      public String getAccountId()
      Ad Account ID
    • setAccountId

      public void setAccountId(String accountId)
      Ad Account ID
    • getApproximateCount

      Approximate number of people in this audience
    • setApproximateCount

      public void setApproximateCount(Long approximateCount)
      Approximate number of people in this audience
    • getDataSource

      JSON dictionary of type, sub_type to indicate by which method the custom audience was created.
    • setDataSource

      public void setDataSource(CustomAudienceDataSource dataSource)
      JSON dictionary of type, sub_type to indicate by which method the custom audience was created.
    • getDeliveryStatus

      dictionary of code and description
    • setDeliveryStatus

      public void setDeliveryStatus(CustomAudienceStatus deliveryStatus)
      JSON dictionary of code and description. Indicates whether or not an audience can be used in ads. There are two situations that an audience will make ads not deliverable. First, if the size is smaller than 20 people, the audience can't be delivered. Second, if for some reason the audience is disabled (such as violation of policy, expired), validation will fail when it is used in ads.
    • getDescription

      Custom audience description
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(String description)
      Custom audience description
    • getExcludedCustomAudiences

    • setExcludedCustomAudiences

      public void setExcludedCustomAudiences(List<CustomAudience> excludedCustomAudiences)
    • getExternalEventSource

      Read-only JSON dictionary with key id containing the pixel id whose traffic generated this custom audience
    • setExternalEventSource

      public void setExternalEventSource(AdsPixel externalEventSource)
      Read-only JSON dictionary with key id containing the pixel id whose traffic generated this custom audience
    • getIncludedCustomAudiences

    • setIncludedCustomAudiences

      public void setIncludedCustomAudiences(List<CustomAudience> includedCustomAudiences)
    • getLastUsedTime

      last used time of this object by the current viewer
    • setLastUsedTime

      public void setLastUsedTime(String lastUsedTime)
      last used time of this object by the current viewer
    • getLookalikeAudienceIds

      The IDs of the lookalike audiences generated from this audience
    • setLookalikeAudienceIds

      public void setLookalikeAudienceIds(List<String> lookalikeAudienceIds)
      The IDs of the lookalike audiences generated from this audience
    • getLookalikeSpec

      Generated only when the subtype is LOOKALIKE.
    • setLookalikeSpec

      public void setLookalikeSpec(LookalikeSpec lookalikeSpec)
      Generated only when the subtype is LOOKALIKE.
    • getOperationStatus

      dictionary of code to int value and description to a description string
    • setOperationStatus

      public void setOperationStatus(CustomAudienceStatus operationStatus)
      JSON dictionary of code to int value and description to a description string. The operation status represents the status of the last operation performed on an audience. In general, it will have following states:
      • 0: Status not available
      • 200: Normal: there is no updating or issues found
      • 400: Warning: there is some message we would like advertisers to know
      • 410: No upload: no file has been uploaded
      • 411: Low match rate: low rate of matched people
      • 412: High invalid rate: high rate of invalid people
      • 421: No pixel: Your Facebook pixel hasn't been installed on your website yet
      • 422: Pixel not firing: Your Facebook pixel isn't firing
      • 423: Invalid pixel: Your Facebook pixel is invalid
      • 431: Lookalike Audience refresh failed
      • 432: Lookalike Audience build failed
      • 433: Lookalike Audience build failed
      • 434: Lookalike Audience build retrying
      • 500: Error: there is some error and advertisers need to take action items to fix the error
    • getOptOutLink

      Your opt-out URL so people can choose not to be targeted
    • setOptOutLink

      public void setOptOutLink(String optOutLink)
      Your opt-out URL so people can choose not to be targeted
    • getOriginAudienceId

      The ID of origin Custom Audience. The origin audience you create must have a minimum size of 100.
    • setOriginAudienceId

      public void setOriginAudienceId(Long originAudienceId)
      The ID of origin Custom Audience. The origin audience you create must have a minimum size of 100.
    • getOwnerBusiness

      owner business of this object
    • setOwnerBusiness

      public void setOwnerBusiness(Business ownerBusiness)
      owner business of this object
    • getPermissionForActions

      JSON dictionary of permissions (string) to boolean value if the custom audience has that permission
    • setPermissionForActions

      public void setPermissionForActions(CustomAudiencePermission permissionForActions)
      JSON dictionary of permissions (string) to boolean value if the custom audience has that permission
    • getPixelId

      public String getPixelId()
      ID of the pixel which is collecting events for this Website Custom audience
    • setPixelId

      public void setPixelId(String pixelId)
      ID of the pixel which is collecting events for this Website Custom audience
    • getRetentionDays

      Number of days to keep the user in this cluster.
    • setRetentionDays

      public void setRetentionDays(Long retentionDays)
      Number of days to keep the user in this cluster. You can use any value between 1 and 180 days. Defaults to 14 days if not specified
    • getRule

      public String getRule()
      Audience rules to be applied on the referrer URL
    • setRule

      public void setRule(String rule)
      Audience rules to be applied on the referrer URL
    • getSubtype

      public String getSubtype()
      Type of custom audience, derived from original data source
    • setSubtype

      public void setSubtype(String subtype)
      Type of custom audience, derived from original data source
    • getTimeContentUpdated

      Last update of people in this custom audience
    • setTimeContentUpdated

      public void setTimeContentUpdated(Long timeContentUpdated)
      Last update of people in this custom audience
    • getTimeCreated

      public Long getTimeCreated()
      Creation time
    • setTimeCreated

      public void setTimeCreated(Long timeCreated)
      Creation time
    • getTimeUpdated

      public Long getTimeUpdated()
      Last time this audience metadata was updated
    • setTimeUpdated

      public void setTimeUpdated(Long timeUpdated)
      Last time this audience metadata was updated