


package scoins

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class EnumBase extends AnyRef
  2. class EnumHelper[+T <: EnumBase] extends AnyRef
  3. class ImmutableByteArray extends AnyRef
  4. final case class Percent(value: Double) extends AnyVal with Ordered[Percent] with Product with Serializable
  5. class ResourceWrapper[T] extends AutoCloseable

    If there is a case where your application does not open the resource, use this wrapper.

    If there is a case where your application does not open the resource, use this wrapper. The wrapper keeps track with the resource is used (opened) and closes the resource if it is opened or just ignores the close request. Resource wrapper is not thread safe.

  6. sealed trait Version extends AnyRef
  7. case class VersionMajor(majorVersion: VersionNo, isSnapshot: Boolean) extends Version with Product with Serializable
  8. case class VersionMajorMinor(majorVersion: VersionNo, minor: VersionNo, isSnapshot: Boolean) extends Version with Product with Serializable
  9. case class VersionMajorMinorPatch(majorVersion: VersionNo, minor: VersionNo, patch: VersionNo, isSnapshot: Boolean) extends Version with Product with Serializable
  10. final class VersionNo extends AnyVal

Value Members

  1. object Base64
  2. object Conversions
  3. object Formatting
  4. object ImmutableByteArray
  5. object PathUtil
  6. object Percent extends Serializable
  7. object Scoping
  8. object StreamUtil
  9. object Throwables
  10. object Version extends Ordering[Version]
  11. object VersionNo
  12. object Zip

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object LoanPattern

    Use scala.util.Using instead.
