All Classes and Interfaces

Represents an actor (1Password connect server) that performed an APIRequest.
Represents an APIRequest made to 1Password.
Represents an action that occurred from an APIRequest.
Represents a result of an APIRequest.
Represents an item category.
Represents all allowed types of character sets.
Represents details on the 1Password Connect Server, including its dependencies.
Represents a 1Password Connect Server dependency.
Represents a field contained in an Item.
The builder class used to build a new Field.
Represents a file that is stored alongside an Item.
Represents SCIM-style filter that can be used to filter list requests server-side.
The builder class used to build a new Filter.
Represents a recipe for generating a password.
The builder class used to build a new GeneratorRecipe.
Represents an item that is stored in a Vault.
The OPConnectClient provides access to the 1Password Connect API methods.
A builder class for OPConnectClient.
The OPConnectVaultClient is a convenient wrapper that provides access to 1Password Connect API methods that interact with a specific vault.
Contains the password details for a password Field.
Represents all possible patch operations that can be used when updating an item's details in OPConnectClient.patchItem(String, String, Patch...).
Describes the purpose of a Field.
Represents a resource that was specified in an APIRequest.
Represents a type of resource involved in an APIRequest.
Represents a section within an Item.
Represents a URL contained in an item.
Represents a Vault in 1Password.