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Actor - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity
Represents an actor (1Password connect server) that performed an APIRequest.
add() - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Patch
ADD - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.PatchOperation
The "add" operation.
ADDRESS - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Type
allCharacters() - Static method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.CharacterSet
Returns a list of CharacterSet containing all characters.
allCharacters() - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.GeneratorRecipe
Create a new GeneratorRecipe.Builder with all characters allowed.
and(Filter) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Filter
Create a new Filter, concatenating the provided filter using the and operator.
API_CREDENTIAL - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
The API credential category.
APIRequest - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity
Represents an APIRequest made to 1Password.
APIRequestAction - Enum in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity
Represents an action that occurred from an APIRequest.
APIRequestResult - Enum in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity
Represents a result of an APIRequest.


BANK_ACCOUNT - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
The bank account category.
build() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field.Builder
Build a new Field instance based on the current configuration of the builder.
build() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.File.Builder
build() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
build() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Patch.Builder
build() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault.Builder
build() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClientBuilder
Builds a new instance of OPConnectClient.
builder() - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field
Create a new Field.Builder with no properties set.
builder() - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.File
builder() - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item
builder() - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Patch
builder() - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault
builder() - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClientBuilder
Creates a new OPConnectClientBuilder instance.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.File.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Patch.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault.Builder


Category - Enum in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model
Represents an item category.
CharacterSet - Enum in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model
Represents all allowed types of character sets.
close() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
Cleanly close the client and any open connections.
com.sanctionco.opconnect - package com.sanctionco.opconnect
com.sanctionco.opconnect.model - package com.sanctionco.opconnect.model
com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity - package com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity - package
CONCEALED - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Type
ConnectServer - Class in
Represents details on the 1Password Connect Server, including its dependencies.
contains(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Filter.Builder
Builds a new Filter with the 'co' operator.
CREATE - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.APIRequestAction
Represents a CREATE (i.e.
createItem(Item) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectVaultClient
Create a new item in the vault.
createItem(String, Item) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
Create a new item in the given vault.
CREDIT_CARD - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
The credit card category.
CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Type
CREDIT_CARD_TYPE - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Type
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
The custom category, used as the default for any unknown category.


DATABASE - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
The database category.
DATE - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Type
DELETE - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.APIRequestAction
Represents a DELETE (i.e.
deleteItem(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectVaultClient
Moves an item to the trash in the vault.
deleteItem(String, String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
Moves an item to the trash in the given vault.
DENY - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.APIRequestResult
Represents an API request that was denied.
Dependency - Class in
Represents a 1Password Connect Server dependency.
digits() - Static method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.CharacterSet
Returns a list of CharacterSet containing only digits.
digits() - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.GeneratorRecipe
Create a new GeneratorRecipe.Builder with only digit characters allowed.
DIGITS - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.CharacterSet
The character set consisting of only numerical digits.
digitsAndSymbols() - Static method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.CharacterSet
Returns a list of CharacterSet containing digits and symbols.
digitsAndSymbols() - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.GeneratorRecipe
Create a new GeneratorRecipe.Builder with digits and symbols allowed.
DOCUMENT - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
The document category.
DRIVER_LICENSE - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
The driver license category.


EMAIL - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Type
EMAIL_ACCOUNT - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
The email account category.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.Actor
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.APIRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.Resource
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.File
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Filter
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.GeneratorRecipe
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Id
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.PasswordDetails
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Patch
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Section
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.URL
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault
equals(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Filter.Builder
Builds a new Filter with the 'eq' operator.


Field - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model
Represents a field contained in an Item.
Field.Builder - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model
The builder class used to build a new Field.
File - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model
Represents a file that is stored alongside an Item.
File.Builder - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model
Filter - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model
Represents SCIM-style filter that can be used to filter list requests server-side.
Filter.Builder - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model
The builder class used to build a new Filter.
fromItem(Item) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder


GENDER - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Type
generate() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field.Builder
Set that the value of the field should be generated.
generatedPassword() - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field
Create a new Field.Builder for a generated password field.
generatedPassword(GeneratorRecipe) - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field
Create a new Field.Builder for a generated password field.
GeneratorRecipe - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model
Represents a recipe for generating a password.
GeneratorRecipe.Builder - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model
The builder class used to build a new GeneratorRecipe.
getAccount() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.Actor
Get the 1Password account ID.
getAction() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.APIRequest
Get the action requested.
getActor() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.APIRequest
Get the actor who made the request.
getAdditionalInformation() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item
Get any additional information for this item.
getAttributeVersion() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault
Get the version of the vault metadata.
getCategory() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item
Get the category of the item.
getCharacterSets() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.GeneratorRecipe
Get the list of allowed characters.
getContent() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.File
Get the Base64-encoded content of this file, if inlineContent was set to true when getting the file details.
getContentPath() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.File
Get the URL path that the content of the file can be accessed at.
getContentVersion() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault
Get the version of the vault contents.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item
Ge the Instant this item was created at.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault
Get the Instant that the vault was created.
getDecodedContent() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.File
Get the decoded plaintext content of this file, if inlineContent was set to true when getting the file details.
getDependencies() - Method in class
The list of Dependency objects that the Connect server depends on.
getDescription() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault
Get the description of the vault.
getEntropy() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field
Get the entropy of the generated field value.
getEntropy() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.PasswordDetails
Get the entropy of the password if generated.
getFavorite() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item
Get whether or not the item has been marked as a favorite.
getFields() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item
Get the list of fields contained in this item.
getFile(String, String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectVaultClient
Get the details of a file from the given item.
getFile(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectVaultClient
Get the details of a file from the given item.
getFile(String, String, String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
Get the details of a file from the given item.
getFile(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
Get the details of a file from the given item.
getFileContent(String, String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectVaultClient
Get the content of a file.
getFileContent(String, String, String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
Get the content of a file.
getFiles() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item
Get the list of files attached to this item.
getFilter() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Filter
Get the string value of the filter.
getGenerate() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field
Get whether this field should have a generated value.
getGenerated() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.PasswordDetails
Get weather the password was generated or not.
getHistory() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.PasswordDetails
Get the historical values of the password.
getId() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.Actor
Get the ID of the Actor.
getId() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field
Get the ID of this field.
getId() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.File
Get the unique ID of the file.
getId() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Id
getId() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item
Get the unique ID of the item.
getId() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Section
Get the ID of this section.
getId() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault
Get the ID of the vault.
getIp() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.Actor
Get the IP address.
getItem(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectVaultClient
Get a full item from the vault.
getItem(String, String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
Get a full item from the given vault.
getItemId() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.Resource
Get the ID of the item requested.
getItems() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault
Get the number of active items in the vault.
getItemVersion() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.Resource
Get the version of the item requested.
getJti() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.Actor
Get the Access Token ID.
getLabel() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field
Get the label of this field.
getLabel() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Section
Get the label of this section.
getLabel() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.URL
Get the label associated with this URL.
getLastEditedBy() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item
Get the ID of the actor that this item was last edited by.
getLength() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.GeneratorRecipe
Get the length of the recipe.
getMessage() - Method in class
The latest message that describes the status of the dependency.
getName() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.File
Get the name of the file.
getName() - Method in class
The name of the Connect server.
getName() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault
Get the name of the vault.
getOp() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Patch
getPasswordDetails() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field
Get the password details for this field if it is a password field.
getPath() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Patch
getPrimary() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.URL
Get whether this URL is a primary URL address or not.
getPurpose() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field
Get the Purpose of this field.
getRecipe() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field
Get the GeneratorRecipe to use when generating the value, if Field.getGenerate() is set to true.
getRequestId() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.APIRequest
Get the id associated with this request.
getResource() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.APIRequest
Get the resource requested.
getResult() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.APIRequest
Get the result of the request.
getSection() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field
Get the Section that this field is contained in.
getSection() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.File
Get the Section that this file belongs to within its Item.
getSections() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item
Get the list of sections contained in this item.
getService() - Method in class
The name of the dependency service.
getSize() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.File
Get the size of the file in bytes.
getStatus() - Method in class
The current status of the dependency.
getStrength() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.PasswordDetails
Get the strength of the password.
getTags() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item
Get the list of tags associated with the item.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.APIRequest
Get the time this request was made.
getTitle() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item
Get the title of the item.
getTotp() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field
Get the TOTP value for this field if it is an OTP field.
getTrashed() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item
Get whether this item is in the trash.
getType() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.Resource
Get the type of the resource.
getType() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field
Get the Type of this field.
getType() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault
The type of vault.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item
Ge the Instant this item was last updated.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault
Get the Instant that the vault was last updated.
getUrl() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.URL
Get the actual string URL.
getUrls() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item
Get the list of URLs associated with the item.
getUserAgent() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.Actor
Get the user-agent string.
getValue() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field
Get the value of this field.
getValue() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Patch
getVault() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectVaultClient
Get the details of this vault.
getVault(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
Get the details of a specific vault.
getVaultClient(Vault) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
Provides a convenient wrapper client that interacts with a specific vault.
getVaultClient(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
Provides a convenient wrapper client that interacts with a specific vault.
getVaultId() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.Resource
Get the ID of the of the vault requested.
getVaultId() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item
Get the vault Id indicating the vault that this item belongs to.
getVersion() - Method in class
The current version of the Connect server.
getVersion() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item
Get the version of the item.
greaterThan(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Filter.Builder
Builds a new Filter with the 'gt' operator.
greaterThanOrEqual(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Filter.Builder
Builds a new Filter with the 'ge' operator.


hashCode() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.Actor
hashCode() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.APIRequest
hashCode() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.Resource
hashCode() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field
hashCode() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.File
hashCode() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Filter
hashCode() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.GeneratorRecipe
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Id
hashCode() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item
hashCode() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.PasswordDetails
hashCode() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Patch
hashCode() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Section
hashCode() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.URL
hashCode() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault
health() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
Retrieves the health of the 1Password connect server.
heartbeat() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
Checks the heartbeat of the 1Password connect server, completing exceptionally if the heartbeat fails.


Id - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model
Id(String, String) - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Id
IDENTITY - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
The identity category.
Item - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model
Represents an item that is stored in a Vault.
ITEM - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.ResourceType
Represents the Item resource.
Item.Builder - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model


labeled(String) - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field
Create a new Field.Builder for a field with the given label.
lessThan(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Filter.Builder
Builds a new Filter with the 'lt' operator.
lessThanOrEqual(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Filter.Builder
Builds a new Filter with the 'le' operator.
letters() - Static method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.CharacterSet
Returns a list of CharacterSet containing only letters.
letters() - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.GeneratorRecipe
Create a new GeneratorRecipe.Builder with only letter characters allowed.
LETTERS - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.CharacterSet
The character set consisting of only letters.
lettersAndDigits() - Static method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.CharacterSet
Returns a list of CharacterSet containing letters and digits.
lettersAndDigits() - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.GeneratorRecipe
Create a new GeneratorRecipe.Builder with letters and digits allowed.
lettersAndSymbols() - Static method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.CharacterSet
Returns a list of CharacterSet containing letters and symbols.
lettersAndSymbols() - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.GeneratorRecipe
Create a new GeneratorRecipe.Builder with letters and symbols allowed.
listAPIActivity() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
Provides a list of recent API activity.
listAPIActivity(Integer) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
Provides a list of recent API activity, limiting the results based on the given limit.
listAPIActivity(Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
Provides a list of recent API activity, starting at the given offset and limiting the results based on the given limit.
listFiles(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectVaultClient
List the files attached to the given item.
listFiles(String, boolean) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectVaultClient
List the files attached to the given item.
listFiles(String, String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
List the files attached to the given item.
listFiles(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
List the files attached to the given item.
listItems() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectVaultClient
List the items from the vault.
listItems(Filter) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectVaultClient
List the items from the given vault, filtering based on the filter.
listItems(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
List the items from the given vault.
listItems(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectVaultClient
List the items from the vault, filtering based on the filter.
listItems(String, Filter) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
List the items from the given vault, filtering based on the filter.
listItems(String, String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
List the items from the given vault, filtering based on the filter.
listVaults() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
List the available vaults in 1Password.
listVaults(Filter) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
List the available vaults in 1Password, filtering based on the filter.
listVaults(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
List the available vaults in 1Password, filtering based on the filter.
login() - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item
LOGIN - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
The login category.


MEDICAL_RECORD - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
The medical record category.
MEMBERSHIP - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
The membership category.
MENU - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Type
metrics() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
Retrieves Prometheus metrics collected by the server.
MONTH_YEAR - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Type


name() - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Filter
Create a new name Filter builder.
note(String) - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field
Create a new Field.Builder for a note field.
NOTES - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Purpose
A field that holds notes.


ofLength(int) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.GeneratorRecipe.Builder
Create a new GeneratorRecipe with the given length.
onProperty(String) - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Filter
Create a new Filter builder on the given property.
OPConnectClient - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect
The OPConnectClient provides access to the 1Password Connect API methods.
OPConnectClientBuilder - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect
A builder class for OPConnectClient.
OPConnectVaultClient - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect
The OPConnectVaultClient is a convenient wrapper that provides access to 1Password Connect API methods that interact with a specific vault.
OPConnectVaultClient(OPConnectClient, String) - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectVaultClient
Creates a new instance of OPConnectVaultClient.
or(Filter) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Filter
Create a new Filter, concatenating the provided filter using the or operator.
OTP - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Type
OUTDOOR_LICENSE - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
The outdoor license category.


PASSPORT - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
The passport category.
password() - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item
password(String) - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field
Create a new Field.Builder for a password field.
PASSWORD - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
The password category.
PASSWORD - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Purpose
A field that holds a password.
PasswordDetails - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model
Contains the password details for a password Field.
PasswordDetails(Double, Boolean, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.PasswordDetails
Patch - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model
Patch.Builder - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model
patchItem(String, Patch) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectVaultClient
Applies an add, remove, or replace operation on an item or the fields of an item.
patchItem(String, String, Patch...) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
Applies one or more of add, remove, or replace operation on an item or the fields of an item.
patchItem(String, String, List<Patch>) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
Applies a list of add, remove, or replace operations on an item or the fields of an item.
patchItem(String, List<Patch>) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectVaultClient
Applies a list of add, remove, or replace operations on an item or the fields of an item.
PatchOperation - Enum in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model
Represents all possible patch operations that can be used when updating an item's details in OPConnectClient.patchItem(String, String, Patch...).
PHONE - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Type
present() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Filter.Builder
Builds a new Filter with the 'pr' operator.
primary(String) - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.URL
Create a new primary URL from the given string.
Purpose - Enum in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model
Describes the purpose of a Field.


READ - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.APIRequestAction
Represents a READ (i.e.
remove() - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Patch
REMOVE - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.PatchOperation
The "remove" operation.
replace() - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Patch
REPLACE - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.PatchOperation
The "replace" operation.
replaceItem(String, Item) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectVaultClient
Replace an entire item in the vault.
replaceItem(String, String, Item) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClient
Replace an entire item in the given vault.
Resource - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity
Represents a resource that was specified in an APIRequest.
ResourceType - Enum in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity
Represents a type of resource involved in an APIRequest.
REWARD_PROGRAM - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
The reward program category.


Section - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model
Represents a section within an Item.
Section(String, String) - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Section
SECURE_NOTE - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
The secure note category.
SERVER - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
The server category.
SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
The social security number category.
SOFTWARE_LICENSE - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
The software license category.
SSH_KEY - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
The SSH key category.
standard(String) - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.URL
Create a new non-primary URL from the given string.
startsWith(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Filter.Builder
Builds a new Filter with the 'sw' operator.
STRING - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Type
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.APIRequestResult
Represents a successful API request.
symbols() - Static method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.CharacterSet
Returns a list of CharacterSet containing only symbols.
symbols() - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.GeneratorRecipe
Create a new GeneratorRecipe.Builder with only symbol characters allowed.
SYMBOLS - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.CharacterSet
The character set consisting of only symbols.


title() - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Filter
Create a new title Filter builder.
toString() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.Actor
toString() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.APIRequest
toString() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.Resource
toString() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field
toString() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.File
toString() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Filter
toString() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.GeneratorRecipe
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Id
toString() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item
toString() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.PasswordDetails
toString() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Patch
toString() - Method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.PatchOperation
toString() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Section
toString() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.URL
toString() - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault
Type - Enum in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model


UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Type
UPDATE - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.APIRequestAction
Represents an UPDATE (i.e.
URL - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model
Represents a URL contained in an item.
URL - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Type
username(String) - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field
Create a new Field.Builder for a username field.
USERNAME - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Purpose
A field that holds a username.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.APIRequestAction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.APIRequestResult
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.ResourceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.CharacterSet
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.PatchOperation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Purpose
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.APIRequestAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.APIRequestResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.ResourceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.CharacterSet
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.PatchOperation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Purpose
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Vault - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model
Represents a Vault in 1Password.
VAULT - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.apiactivity.ResourceType
Represents the Vault resource.
Vault.Builder - Class in com.sanctionco.opconnect.model


WIRELESS_ROUTER - Enum constant in enum com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Category
The wireless router category.
withAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClientBuilder
Set the access token to use when making requests to 1Password Connect.
withAdditionalInformation(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
withAllowedCharacters(List<CharacterSet>) - Static method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.GeneratorRecipe
Create a new GeneratorRecipe.Builder with the given list of characters.
withAttributeVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault.Builder
withCategory(Category) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
withContent(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.File.Builder
withContentPath(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.File.Builder
withContentVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault.Builder
withCreatedAt(Instant) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
withCreatedAt(Instant) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault.Builder
withDescription(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault.Builder
withEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClientBuilder
Set the endpoint to use when connecting to 1Password Connect.
withEntropy(Double) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field.Builder
Set the entropy of the generated value.
withFavorite(Boolean) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
withField(Field) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
withFields(List<Field>) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
withFile(File) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
withFiles(List<File>) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
withGenerate(Boolean) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field.Builder
Set to true in order to generate the value of the field.
withId(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field.Builder
Set the ID of the field.
withId(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.File.Builder
withId(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
withId(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault.Builder
withItems(Integer) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault.Builder
withLabel(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field.Builder
Set the label for the field.
withLastEditedBy(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
withName(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.File.Builder
withName(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault.Builder
withOp(PatchOperation) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Patch.Builder
withPasswordDetails(PasswordDetails) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field.Builder
Set the PasswordDetails when this field is a password field.
withPath(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Patch.Builder
withPurpose(Purpose) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field.Builder
Set the Purpose of the field.
withRecipe(GeneratorRecipe) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field.Builder
Set the GeneratorRecipe to use when generating the value of the field.
withSection(Section) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field.Builder
Set the Section that this field should be a part of.
withSection(Section) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.File.Builder
withSection(Section) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
withSections(List<Section>) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
withSize(int) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.File.Builder
withTag(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
withTags(List<String>) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
withTimeoutInMilliseconds(long) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.OPConnectClientBuilder
Set the timeout in milliseconds.
withTitle(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
withTotp(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field.Builder
Set the current TOTP value when this field is an OTP type field.
withTrashed(Boolean) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
withType(Type) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field.Builder
Set the Type of the field.
withType(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault.Builder
withUpdatedAt(Instant) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
withUpdatedAt(Instant) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Vault.Builder
withUrl(URL) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
withUrls(List<URL>) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
withValue(Object) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Patch.Builder
withValue(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Field.Builder
Set the value of the field.
withVault(Vault) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
withVaultId(Id) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
withVaultId(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
withVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.sanctionco.opconnect.model.Item.Builder
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