Class DatabaseException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DatabaseException extends RuntimeException
Represents an exception that occurred during a database operation. Provides constructors that use DatabaseError in order to provide more detail about the database failure.
See Also:
Serialized Form
  • Constructor Details

    • DatabaseException

      public DatabaseException(DatabaseError error)
      Constructs a new DatabaseException with the given database error.
      error - the type of error that occurred
    • DatabaseException

      public DatabaseException(String message, DatabaseError error)
      Constructs a new DatabaseException with the given message and database error.
      message - the exception message
      error - the type of error that occurred
    • DatabaseException

      public DatabaseException(String message, Throwable cause, DatabaseError error)
      Constructs a new DatabaseException with the given message, cause, and database error.
      message - the exception message
      cause - the exception's cause
      error - the type of error that occurred
    • DatabaseException

      public DatabaseException(Throwable cause, DatabaseError error)
      Constructs a new DatabaseException with the given cause and database error.
      cause - the exception's cause
      error - the type of error that occurred
  • Method Details