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All Classes|All Packages|Serialized Form


allowCommonMistakes() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto.PasswordHashConfiguration
allowSubset() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.validation.PropertyValidationConfiguration
allowSuperset() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.validation.PropertyValidationConfiguration
AuthConfiguration - Interface in com.sanctionco.thunder.authentication
Provides the base interface for AuthConfiguration objects.
authenticate(BasicCredentials) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.authentication.basic.BasicAuthenticator
Determines if the basic credentials are approved.


BasicAuthConfiguration - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.authentication.basic
Provides the HTTP Basic Authentication implementation of AuthConfiguration.
BasicAuthConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.authentication.basic.BasicAuthConfiguration
BasicAuthenticator - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.authentication.basic
Provides the Thunder implementation for Dropwizard authentication.
BasicAuthenticator(List<Key>) - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.authentication.basic.BasicAuthenticator
Constructs a new ThunderAuthenticator with the given keys.
BCRYPT - Enum constant in enum class com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto.HashAlgorithm
BCryptHashService - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto
Provides the BCrypt implementation for the HashService.
bodyHtml() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the bodyHtml record component.
bodyHtmlUrlPlaceholder() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the bodyHtmlUrlPlaceholder record component.
bodyText() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the bodyText record component.
bodyTextUrlPlaceholder() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the bodyTextUrlPlaceholder record component.
build() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi.OpenApiConfiguration
Builds the OpenAPI Swagger configuration for Thunder using the configuration options set in this class.
buildResponse(String) - Method in enum class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.DatabaseError
Builds a new HTTP Response object from the given email that describes the database error.


check() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.DatabaseHealthCheck
Implements the check() method for a Dropwizard HealthCheck.
check() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.dynamodb.DynamoDbHealthCheck
Checks the connected DynamoDB instance to ensure that it is healthy.
check() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.mongodb.MongoDbHealthCheck
Checks the connected MongoDB instance to ensure that it is healthy.
check() - Method in class
Implements the check() method for a Dropwizard HealthCheck.
check() - Method in class
Checks the connected SES account to ensure that sending emails is enabled.
com.sanctionco.thunder - package com.sanctionco.thunder
com.sanctionco.thunder.authentication - package com.sanctionco.thunder.authentication
com.sanctionco.thunder.authentication.basic - package com.sanctionco.thunder.authentication.basic
com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto - package com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto
com.sanctionco.thunder.dao - package com.sanctionco.thunder.dao
com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.dynamodb - package com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.dynamodb
com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.mongodb - package com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.mongodb - package - package - package
com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi - package com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi
com.sanctionco.thunder.resources - package com.sanctionco.thunder.resources
com.sanctionco.thunder.util - package com.sanctionco.thunder.util
com.sanctionco.thunder.validation - package com.sanctionco.thunder.validation
CONFLICT - Enum constant in enum class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.DatabaseError
createEmailService(MetricRegistry) - Method in class
createEmailService(MetricRegistry) - Method in class
Creates a new instance of EmailService.
createEmailService(MetricRegistry) - Method in class
createHealthCheck() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.dynamodb.DynamoDbUsersDaoFactory
Constructs a new DynamoDbHealthCheck instance.
createHealthCheck() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.mongodb.MongoDbUsersDaoFactory
Constructs a new MongoDbHealthCheck instance.
createHealthCheck() - Method in interface com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.UsersDaoFactory
Creates a new instance of DatabaseHealthCheck.
createHealthCheck() - Method in class
createHealthCheck() - Method in class
Creates a new instance of EmailHealthCheck.
createHealthCheck() - Method in class
createUsersDao(ObjectMapper) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.dynamodb.DynamoDbUsersDaoFactory
Constructs a new DynamoDbUsersDao instance.
createUsersDao(ObjectMapper) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.mongodb.MongoDbUsersDaoFactory
Constructs a new MongoDbUsersDao instance.
createUsersDao(ObjectMapper) - Method in interface com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.UsersDaoFactory
Creates a new instance of UsersDao.
createVerificationEmail(UriInfo, Principal, String, String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.resources.VerificationResource
Sends an email message to the given email address.


DaoModule - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.dao
Provides object dependencies, including the application's database access object.
DaoModule(UsersDaoFactory) - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.DaoModule
Constructs a new DaoModule object.
DATABASE_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.DatabaseError
DatabaseError - Enum Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.dao
Describes a specific database error.
DatabaseException - Exception in com.sanctionco.thunder.dao
Represents an exception that occurred during a database operation.
DatabaseException(DatabaseError) - Constructor for exception com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.DatabaseException
Constructs a new DatabaseException with the given database error.
DatabaseException(String, DatabaseError) - Constructor for exception com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.DatabaseException
Constructs a new DatabaseException with the given message and database error.
DatabaseException(String, Throwable, DatabaseError) - Constructor for exception com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.DatabaseException
Constructs a new DatabaseException with the given message, cause, and database error.
DatabaseException(Throwable, DatabaseError) - Constructor for exception com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.DatabaseException
Constructs a new DatabaseException with the given cause and database error.
DatabaseHealthCheck - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.dao
The base class for all database health check classes.
DatabaseHealthCheck() - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.DatabaseHealthCheck
delete(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.dynamodb.DynamoDbUsersDao
delete(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.mongodb.MongoDbUsersDao
delete(String) - Method in interface com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.UsersDao
Deletes the user with the given email in the DynamoDB database.
deleteUser(Principal, String, String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.resources.UserResource
Deletes the user with the given email from the database.
DisabledEmailServiceFactory - Class in
DisabledEmailServiceFactory() - Constructor for class
DynamoDbHealthCheck - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.dynamodb
Provides the health check service for DynamoDB.
DynamoDbHealthCheck(DynamoDbClient) - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.dynamodb.DynamoDbHealthCheck
DynamoDbUsersDao - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.dynamodb
Provides the Amazon DynamoDB implementation for the UsersDao.
DynamoDbUsersDao(DynamoDbClient, String, ObjectMapper) - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.dynamodb.DynamoDbUsersDao
Constructs a new DynamoDbUsersDao object with the given dynamoDbClient, table, and mapper.
DynamoDbUsersDaoFactory - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.dynamodb
Provides the Amazon DynamoDB implementation for the UsersDaoFactory.
DynamoDbUsersDaoFactory() - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.dynamodb.DynamoDbUsersDaoFactory


EmailHealthCheck - Class in
The base class for all email service health check classes.
EmailHealthCheck() - Constructor for class
EmailModule - Class in
Provides object dependencies needed to send verification emails, including the email service and message options.
EmailModule(EmailServiceFactory) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new EmailModule object with the given configuration.
EmailService - Class in
Provides the base interface for the EmailService.
EmailService(MessageOptions, MetricRegistry) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new instance of EmailService.
EmailServiceFactory - Class in
Provides the base interface for the EmailServiceFactory which allows for instance creation of EmailService objects and EmailHealthCheck objects.
EmailServiceFactory() - Constructor for class
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.sanctionco.thunder.authentication.basic.Key
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.validation.PropertyValidationRule


FileUtilities - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.util
FileUtilities() - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.util.FileUtilities
findByEmail(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.dynamodb.DynamoDbUsersDao
findByEmail(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.mongodb.MongoDbUsersDao
findByEmail(String) - Method in interface com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.UsersDao
Retrieves the user with the given email from the DynamoDB table.
fromJson(ObjectMapper, String) - Static method in interface com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.UsersDao
De-serializes a user from a JSON String.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum class com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto.HashAlgorithm
Provides a HashAlgorithm representation of the given text.


get() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi.SwaggerResource
Provides the HTML view.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto.PasswordHashConfiguration
getCollectionName() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.mongodb.MongoDbUsersDaoFactory
getConnectionString() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.mongodb.MongoDbUsersDaoFactory
getContact() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi.OpenApiConfiguration
getContactEmail() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi.OpenApiConfiguration
getContextPath() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi.SwaggerView
Returns the path with which all requests made by Swagger's UI to Resources need to be prefixed.
getDatabaseHealthCheck() - Method in interface com.sanctionco.thunder.ThunderComponent
getDatabaseName() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.mongodb.MongoDbUsersDaoFactory
getDescription() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi.OpenApiConfiguration
getEmailHealthCheck() - Method in interface com.sanctionco.thunder.ThunderComponent
getEndpoint() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.dynamodb.DynamoDbUsersDaoFactory
getEndpoint() - Method in class
getErrorKind() - Method in exception com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.DatabaseException
getFromAddress() - Method in class
getKeys() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.authentication.basic.BasicAuthConfiguration
getMessageOptions() - Method in class
Provides email message options to use for building emails.
getMessageOptionsConfiguration() - Method in class
getName() - Method in record class com.sanctionco.thunder.authentication.basic.Key
getName() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.validation.PropertyValidationRule
getOpenApiConfiguration(T) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi.OpenApiBundle
Returns the OpenApiConfiguration object used to configure the bundle.
getRegion() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.dynamodb.DynamoDbUsersDaoFactory
getRegion() - Method in class
getSuccessHtml() - Method in class
Provides the configured success HTML page to provide for successful email verification.
getSuccessHtml() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.resources.VerificationResource
Returns HTML to display as a success page after user verification.
getSwaggerAssetsPath() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi.SwaggerView
Returns the path with which all requests for Swagger's static content need to be prefixed.
getTableName() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.dynamodb.DynamoDbUsersDaoFactory
getTitle() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi.OpenApiConfiguration
getTitle() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi.SwaggerView
Returns the title for the browser header.
getType() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.validation.PropertyValidationRule
getUser(Principal, String, String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.resources.UserResource
Retrieves the user with the given email from the database.
getUserResource() - Method in interface com.sanctionco.thunder.ThunderComponent
getValidationRules() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.validation.PropertyValidationConfiguration
getValidatorUrl() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi.SwaggerView
Returns the location of the validator URL or null to disable.
getVerificationResource() - Method in interface com.sanctionco.thunder.ThunderComponent
getVersion() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi.OpenApiConfiguration


hash(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto.BCryptHashService
hash(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto.HashService
Performs a hash of the plaintext if server side hashing is enabled.
hash(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto.Sha256HashService
hash(String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto.SimpleHashService
HashAlgorithm - Enum Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto
Describes the supported password hashing algorithms available in Thunder.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.sanctionco.thunder.authentication.basic.Key
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.validation.PropertyValidationRule
HashService - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto
Provides the base interface for the HashService.
HashService(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto.HashService
HashUtilities - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.util
Provides utility methods related to hashing String values.
HashUtilities() - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.util.HashUtilities


initialize(Bootstrap<?>) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi.OpenApiBundle
initialize(Bootstrap<ThunderConfiguration>) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.ThunderApplication
insert(User) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.dynamodb.DynamoDbUsersDao
insert(User) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.mongodb.MongoDbUsersDao
insert(User) - Method in interface com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.UsersDao
Inserts the user into the DynamoDB table.
isEnabled() - Method in class
isEnabled() - Method in class
Returns whether or not email verification is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi.OpenApiConfiguration
isFilledOut() - Method in class
Validates the email configuration to ensure the configuration is correctly set.
isHeaderCheckEnabled() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto.PasswordHashConfiguration
isMatch(String, String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto.HashService
Determines if the plaintext matches the given hashed string.
isPasswordHeaderCheckEnabled() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.validation.RequestValidator
Returns true if the validator is checking for the password header; false otherwise.
isValidPropertiesMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.validation.PropertyValidator
Determines if a given property map is valid, based on the validation rules.


Key - Record Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.authentication.basic
Represents an authentication principal used to authenticate requests to the API, providing access to the name and secret.
Key(String, String) - Constructor for record class com.sanctionco.thunder.authentication.basic.Key
Creates an instance of a Key record class.


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.ThunderApplication
MessageOptions - Record Class in
Provides email message configuration, including email content and the HTML to display upon successful verification.
MessageOptions(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a MessageOptions record class.
MongoDbHealthCheck - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.mongodb
Provides the health check service for MongoDB.
MongoDbHealthCheck(MongoClient) - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.mongodb.MongoDbHealthCheck
MongoDbUsersDao - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.mongodb
Provides the MongoDB implementation for the UsersDao.
MongoDbUsersDao(MongoCollection<Document>, ObjectMapper) - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.mongodb.MongoDbUsersDao
Constructs a new MongoDbUsersDao object with the given mongoCollection and mapper.
MongoDbUsersDaoFactory - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.mongodb
Provides the MongoDB implementation for the UsersDaoFactory.
MongoDbUsersDaoFactory() - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.mongodb.MongoDbUsersDaoFactory


name() - Method in record class com.sanctionco.thunder.authentication.basic.Key
Returns the value of the name record component.
newHashService(boolean, boolean) - Method in enum class com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto.HashAlgorithm
Creates a new hash service that can be used to verify passwords.


OpenApiBundle<T extends io.dropwizard.Configuration> - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi
A ConfiguredBundle that provides configuration of Swagger and Swagger UI on top of Dropwizard.
OpenApiBundle() - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi.OpenApiBundle
OpenApiConfiguration - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi
Provides optional configuration options for generating OpenAPI documentation, including enabling/disabling OpenAPI generation.
OpenApiConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi.OpenApiConfiguration
Constructs a new instance of OpenApiConfiguration with default values.


PasswordHashConfiguration - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto
Provides optional configuration options for password hashing, including the hash algorithm.
PasswordHashConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto.PasswordHashConfiguration
Constructs a new instance of PasswordHashConfiguration with default values.
performHash(String, String) - Static method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.util.HashUtilities
Performs a hash of the given plaintext using the given hash algorithm.
postUser(Principal, User) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.resources.UserResource
Creates the new user in the database.
PropertyValidationConfiguration - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.validation
Provides optional configuration options for property validation, including the validated properties.
PropertyValidationConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.validation.PropertyValidationConfiguration
Constructs a new instance of PropertyValidationConfiguration with default values.
PropertyValidationRule - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.validation
Represents a rule for User (in the api module) property validation.
PropertyValidationRule(String, String) - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.validation.PropertyValidationRule
Constructs a new PropertyValidationRule with the given name and type.
PropertyValidator - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.validation
Provides validation methods for User (in the api module) properties.
PropertyValidator(PropertyValidationConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.validation.PropertyValidator
Constructs a new PropertyValidator with the given validation configuration.


readFileAsResources(String) - Static method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.util.FileUtilities
Reads a file from the resources folder.
registerAuthentication(Environment) - Method in interface com.sanctionco.thunder.authentication.AuthConfiguration
Registers all necessary authentication objects with the Dropwizard environment.
registerAuthentication(Environment) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.authentication.basic.BasicAuthConfiguration
REQUEST_REJECTED - Enum constant in enum class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.DatabaseError
RequestValidator - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.validation
Provides methods to validate incoming HTTP requests.
RequestValidator(PropertyValidator, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.validation.RequestValidator
Constructs a new RequestValidator with the given property validator.
resetVerificationStatus(Principal, String, String) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.resources.VerificationResource
Resets the verification status of the user with the given email and password.
run(ThunderConfiguration, Environment) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.ThunderApplication
run(T, Environment) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi.OpenApiBundle


secret() - Method in record class com.sanctionco.thunder.authentication.basic.Key
Returns the value of the secret record component.
sendEmail(Email, String, String, String) - Method in class
Sends an email with the given subject and body to the given email address.
sendEmail(Email, String, String, String) - Method in class
sendVerificationEmail(Email, String) - Method in class
Sends a verification email to the provided email address.
serverSideHash() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto.PasswordHashConfiguration
SesEmailService - Class in
Provides the Amazon Simple Email Service implementation for the EmailService.
SesEmailService(SesClient, String, MessageOptions, MetricRegistry) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new SesEmailService with the given AWS email service and sender address.
SesEmailServiceFactory - Class in
Provides the Amazon SES implementation for the EmailServiceFactory.
SesEmailServiceFactory() - Constructor for class
SesHealthCheck - Class in
Provides the health check service for AWS SES.
SesHealthCheck(SesClient) - Constructor for class
SHA256 - Enum constant in enum class com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto.HashAlgorithm
Sha256HashService - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto
Provides the MD5 implementation for the HashService.
SIMPLE - Enum constant in enum class com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto.HashAlgorithm
SimpleHashService - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto
Provides a simple implementation for the HashService.
subject() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the subject record component.
successHtml() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the successHtml record component.
SwaggerResource - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi
Provides a API method to get Swagger UI for all available endpoints.
SwaggerView - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi
Serves the content of Swagger's index page which has been templatized to support replacing the directory in which Swagger's static content is located (i.e.
SwaggerView() - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.openapi.SwaggerView


ThunderApplication - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder
Starts up the Thunder application.
ThunderApplication() - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.ThunderApplication
ThunderComponent - Interface in com.sanctionco.thunder
Provides access to objects that need to be constructed through dependency injection.
ThunderConfiguration - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder
Provides Thunder configuration options that are defined in the configuration file.
ThunderConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.ThunderConfiguration
toJson(ObjectMapper, User) - Static method in interface com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.UsersDao
Serializes a user to a JSON String.
toString() - Method in record class com.sanctionco.thunder.authentication.basic.Key
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in enum class com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto.HashAlgorithm
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.validation.PropertyValidationRule


update(String, User) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.dynamodb.DynamoDbUsersDao
update(String, User) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.mongodb.MongoDbUsersDao
update(String, User) - Method in interface com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.UsersDao
Updates the user in the DynamoDB database.
updateEmail(String, User) - Method in interface com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.UsersDao
Updates a user's email by first inserting a new user with the updated email in the database, then deleting the old user.
updateUser(Principal, String, String, User) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.resources.UserResource
Updates the user in the database.
USER_NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.DatabaseError
UserResource - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.resources
Provides API methods to create, fetch, update, and delete User (in the api module) objects.
UserResource(UsersDao, RequestValidator, HashService) - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.resources.UserResource
Constructs a new UserResource with the given users DAO, request validator, hash service, and metrics.
UsersDao - Interface in com.sanctionco.thunder.dao
Provides the base interface for the UsersDao.
UsersDaoFactory - Interface in com.sanctionco.thunder.dao
Provides the base interface for the UsersDaoFactory which allows for instance creation of UsersDao objects and DatabaseHealthCheck objects.


validate(User) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.validation.RequestValidator
Determines if the user object is valid.
validate(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.validation.RequestValidator
Determines if the given password and email are valid.
validate(String, String, User) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.validation.RequestValidator
Determines if the given password, email, and User object are valid.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto.HashAlgorithm
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.DatabaseError
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.sanctionco.thunder.crypto.HashAlgorithm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.sanctionco.thunder.dao.DatabaseError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VerificationResource - Class in com.sanctionco.thunder.resources
Provides API methods to send a verification email, verify a user's email address, and display a success page.
VerificationResource(UsersDao, RequestValidator, EmailService, HashService) - Constructor for class com.sanctionco.thunder.resources.VerificationResource
Constructs a new VerificationResource with the given users DAO, metrics, email service, hash service, and message options.
verifyEmail(String, String, ResponseType) - Method in class com.sanctionco.thunder.resources.VerificationResource
Verifies the given email, marking it as verified in the database if the token matches the stored verification token.
A B C D E F G H I K M N O P R S T U V 
All Classes|All Packages|Serialized Form