Interface Insert

    • Method Detail

      • into

        static Insert into​(String qualifiedName)
        Creates an insert statement to insert entries into a specified entity set.
        qualifiedName - the fully qualified name of the CDS entity set
        the insert statement
      • into

        static Insert into​(CqnStructuredTypeRef ref)
        Creates an insert statement to insert entries into a specified entity set.
        ref - the ref to the entity
        the insert statement
      • into

        static <E extends StructuredType<?>> Insert into​(E entity)
        Creates an insert statement to insert entries into a specified entity set.
        Type Parameters:
        E - the type of the entity set
        entity - the structured type representing the entity set
        the insert statement
      • into

        static Insert into​(String entityName,
                           UnaryOperator<StructuredType<?>> path)
        Creates an insert statement to insert entries into a specified entity set.
        entityName - the root entity name of the path expression
        path - a path expression navigating from the root entity to the target entity of the insert statement
        the insert statement
      • into

        static <E extends StructuredType<E>> Insert into​(Class<E> entity)
        Creates an insert statement to insert entries into a specified entity set.
        Type Parameters:
        E - the type of the entity set
        entity - the static model representation of the entity set
        the insert statement
      • into

        static <R extends StructuredType<R>,​T extends StructuredType<T>> Insert into​(Class<R> entity,
                                                                                           Function<R,​T> path)
        Creates an insert statement to insert entries into a specified entity set.
        Type Parameters:
        R - the type of the root entity
        T - the type of the target entity
        entity - the static model representation of the entity set
        path - a path expression navigating from the root entity to the target entity of the insert statement
        the insert statement
      • copy

        static Insert copy​(CqnInsert insert)
        Copies the given CqnInsert into an Insert builder.
        insert - the CqnInsert to be copied
        the modifiable insert statement copy
      • cqn

        static Insert cqn​(String cqnInsert)
        Creates an insert statement from a given CQN String.
        cqnInsert - the CQN representation of the insert statement
        the insert statement
      • entries

        Insert entries​(Iterable<? extends Map<String,​?>> entries)
        Sets the entries to be inserted into the entity set.
        entries - a collection of data where every element is the canonical representation
        the insert statement
      • entry

        Insert entry​(Map<String,​?> entry)
        Add a single entry to be inserted into the entity set. The data is given as a Map<String, Object> that maps element names of the target entity set to the values to be inserted.

        The value can be deeply structured to represent a structured document:

        • for single-valued relationships the value of the element is of type Map<String, Object>
        • for collection-valued relationships the value of the element is of type List<Map<String, Object>>
        entry - the data to be inserted as a map
        the insert statement
      • entry

        Insert entry​(String elementName,
                     Object value)
        Add a single entry to be inserted into the entity set.

        The value can be deeply structured to represent a structured document:

        • for single-valued relationships the value of the element is of type Map<String, Object>
        • for collection-valued relationships the value of the element is of type List<Map<String, Object>>
        elementName - the element name of the target entity for the value to be inserted
        value - the data to be inserted for the element
        the insert statement