

package stamina

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. stamina
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. type ByteString = akka.util.ByteString

    Type alias for Akka's ByteSttring so we don't have to import it everywhere.

  2. sealed trait IsNextVersionAfter[A <: Version, B <: Version] extends AnyRef

    Type class used by the API to enforce two Version subclasses to be sequential.

    Type class used by the API to enforce two Version subclasses to be sequential.

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  3. sealed trait MigratableVersion[V <: Version] extends AnyRef

    Type class used to indicate that a Version subclass can be migrated (i.e.

    Type class used to indicate that a Version subclass can be migrated (i.e. it is higher than V1)

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  4. trait Persistable extends Serializable

    Marker trait for classes that should be persisted using the StaminaAkkaSerializer.

    Marker trait for classes that should be persisted using the StaminaAkkaSerializer.

    This marker trait can be used to mark all your top-level persistable classes (i.e. events, snapshots, etc.) so that you will only need a few lines of configuration in your application.conf, namely:

    akka.actor.serializers.stamina = <FQCN of your subclass of StaminaAkkaSerializer>
    akka.actor.serialization-bindings {
      "stamina.Persistable" = stamina
  5. case class Persisted(key: String, version: Int, bytes: ByteString) extends Product with Serializable

    A simple container holding a persistence key, a version number, and the associated serialized bytes.

  6. trait PersistedCodec extends AnyRef

    The encoding used to translate an instance of Persisted to a byte array and back.

  7. abstract class Persister[T, V <: Version] extends AnyRef

    A Persister[T, V] provides a type-safe API for persisting instances of T at version V and unpersisting persisted instances of T for all versions up to and including version V.

  8. case class Persisters(persisters: List[Persister[_, _]]) extends Product with Serializable

    Persisters is the bridge between the type-safe world of Persister[T, V] and the untyped, AnyRef world of Akka serializers.

    Persisters is the bridge between the type-safe world of Persister[T, V] and the untyped, AnyRef world of Akka serializers. It wraps one or more instances of Persister[_, _] and combines them together to form one single entry-point for subclasses of StaminaAkkaSerializer

  9. abstract class StaminaAkkaSerializer extends Serializer

    A custom Akka Serializer specifically designed for use with Akka Persistence.

  10. case class UnrecoverableDataException(persisted: Persisted, error: Throwable) extends RuntimeException with NoStackTrace with Product with Serializable
  11. case class UnregisteredTypeException(obj: AnyRef) extends RuntimeException with NoStackTrace with Product with Serializable
  12. case class UnsupportedDataException(persisted: Persisted) extends RuntimeException with NoStackTrace with Product with Serializable
  13. sealed trait V1 extends Version
  14. sealed trait V10 extends Version
  15. sealed trait V11 extends Version
  16. sealed trait V12 extends Version
  17. sealed trait V13 extends Version
  18. sealed trait V14 extends Version
  19. sealed trait V15 extends Version
  20. sealed trait V16 extends Version
  21. sealed trait V17 extends Version
  22. sealed trait V18 extends Version
  23. sealed trait V19 extends Version
  24. sealed trait V2 extends Version
  25. sealed trait V20 extends Version
  26. sealed trait V21 extends Version
  27. sealed trait V22 extends Version
  28. sealed trait V23 extends Version
  29. sealed trait V24 extends Version
  30. sealed trait V25 extends Version
  31. sealed trait V26 extends Version
  32. sealed trait V27 extends Version
  33. sealed trait V28 extends Version
  34. sealed trait V29 extends Version
  35. sealed trait V3 extends Version
  36. sealed trait V30 extends Version
  37. sealed trait V31 extends Version
  38. sealed trait V32 extends Version
  39. sealed trait V33 extends Version
  40. sealed trait V34 extends Version
  41. sealed trait V35 extends Version
  42. sealed trait V36 extends Version
  43. sealed trait V37 extends Version
  44. sealed trait V38 extends Version
  45. sealed trait V39 extends Version
  46. sealed trait V4 extends Version
  47. sealed trait V40 extends Version
  48. sealed trait V41 extends Version
  49. sealed trait V42 extends Version
  50. sealed trait V43 extends Version
  51. sealed trait V44 extends Version
  52. sealed trait V45 extends Version
  53. sealed trait V46 extends Version
  54. sealed trait V47 extends Version
  55. sealed trait V48 extends Version
  56. sealed trait V49 extends Version
  57. sealed trait V5 extends Version
  58. sealed trait V50 extends Version
  59. sealed trait V6 extends Version
  60. sealed trait V7 extends Version
  61. sealed trait V8 extends Version
  62. sealed trait V9 extends Version
  63. sealed abstract class Version extends AnyRef

    Superclass of all version classes.

    Superclass of all version classes. Represents a version number as a type.

  64. abstract class VersionInfo[V <: Version] extends AnyRef

    Type class that supplies relevant information for a specific Version subclass.

    Type class that supplies relevant information for a specific Version subclass.

    @implicitNotFound( ... )

Value Members

  1. val ByteString: akka.util.ByteString.type
  2. object DefaultPersistedCodec extends PersistedCodec

    Uses the following structure:

    Uses the following structure:

    • length of key (4 bytes),
    • key bytes (n bytes),
    • version (4 bytes)
    • persisted data (n bytes)
  3. object Persisted extends Serializable
  4. object Persisters extends Serializable
  5. object V1
  6. object V10
  7. object V11
  8. object V12
  9. object V13
  10. object V14
  11. object V15
  12. object V16
  13. object V17
  14. object V18
  15. object V19
  16. object V2
  17. object V20
  18. object V21
  19. object V22
  20. object V23
  21. object V24
  22. object V25
  23. object V26
  24. object V27
  25. object V28
  26. object V29
  27. object V3
  28. object V30
  29. object V31
  30. object V32
  31. object V33
  32. object V34
  33. object V35
  34. object V36
  35. object V37
  36. object V38
  37. object V39
  38. object V4
  39. object V40
  40. object V41
  41. object V42
  42. object V43
  43. object V44
  44. object V45
  45. object V46
  46. object V47
  47. object V48
  48. object V49
  49. object V5
  50. object V50
  51. object V6
  52. object V7
  53. object V8
  54. object V9
  55. object Version

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
