
object NoneSchemaFor extends SchemaFor[None]
trait SchemaFor[None]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

override def schema: Schema
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

final def forType[U]: SchemaFor[U]

Changes the type of this SchemaFor to the desired type U without any other modifications.

Changes the type of this SchemaFor to the desired type U without any other modifications.

Type Params

new type for SchemaFor.

Inherited from
final def map[U](fn: Schema => Schema): SchemaFor[U]

Creates a SchemaFor[U] by applying a function Schema => Schema to the schema generated by this instance.

Creates a SchemaFor[U] by applying a function Schema => Schema to the schema generated by this instance.

Inherited from
final def withFieldMapper(mapper: FieldMapper): SchemaFor[None]

Applies a FieldMapper to this typeclass, so that the returned schema has any fields transformed by the mapper.

Applies a FieldMapper to this typeclass, so that the returned schema has any fields transformed by the mapper.

Inherited from