


package elastic4s

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait BodyBuilder[R] extends AnyRef

    A typeclass that is used to build the json bodies for requests.

    A typeclass that is used to build the json bodies for requests.

    They accept a request instance, such as CountRequest or SearchRequest and return a JsonValue which models the json to be used.

  2. class DefaultResponseHandler[U] extends ResponseHandler[U]
  3. case class ElasticRequest(method: String, endpoint: String, params: Map[String, String], entity: Option[HttpEntity], headers: Map[String, String]) extends Product with Serializable

    An ElasticRequest models all the required fields for a request to be sent to Elasticsearch.

    An ElasticRequest models all the required fields for a request to be sent to Elasticsearch.

    Request types such as SearchRequest, etc, are ultimately converted into this class by means of a Handler typeclass instance.

  4. abstract class Handler[T, U] extends AnyRef

    A Handler is a typeclass used to create ElasticRequest instances from elastic4s models, which are the sent to the elasticsearch server, as well as returning a ResponseHandler which handles the response from the server.

    A Handler is a typeclass used to create ElasticRequest instances from elastic4s models, which are the sent to the elasticsearch server, as well as returning a ResponseHandler which handles the response from the server.


    the type of the request object handled by this handler


    the type of the response object returned by this handler

  5. sealed trait HttpEntity extends AnyRef
  6. case class HttpResponse(statusCode: Int, entity: Option[StringEntity], headers: Map[String, String]) extends Product with Serializable

    The response passed to the callabck of a HttpClient.

  7. class NotFound404ResponseHandler[U] extends DefaultResponseHandler[U]
  8. trait ResponseHandler[U] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object CountBodyBuilder
  2. object ElasticRequest extends Serializable
  3. object ElasticUrlEncoder
  4. object EnumConversions
  5. object HttpEntity
  6. object ResponseHandler
