Package com.slack.api

Class Slack

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Slack extends Object implements AutoCloseable
This class is a kind of facade of a variety of Slack API clients offered by this SDK. Any objects of this class and all the APIs this class provides are thread-safe. We recommend sharing an instance across your application.

This class internally uses the OkHttpClient and the client has its own daemon thread for realizing its optimal resource management. When your app needs to close all the threads when shutting down etc, call #close() method to terminate those threads.

If your application depends on the Gson library for JSON manipulation as with this SDK and the app uses the latest version for some reasons, just in case, you may need to check the binary-compatibility among their releases. We don't think any issues happened before but in general, some libraries may break bin-compatibility among major/minor releases.

See Also: