Interface MethodsCustomRateLimitResolver

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface MethodsCustomRateLimitResolver
    Custom rate limit resolver.

    When you need to adjust the rate limits for some reason, you can implement this interface and pass it to MethodsConfig#setCustomRateLimitResolver() method. With that, you can override the allowed requests per minute for selected methods.

    • Method Detail

      • getCustomAllowedRequestsPerMinute

        Optional<Integer> getCustomAllowedRequestsPerMinute​(String teamId,
                                                            String methodName)
        Return a present value only when you want to override the allowed requests per minute. Otherwise, returning Optional.empty() will result in falling back to the built-in calculation.
        teamId - the workspace ID
        methodName - the method name such as "auth.test"
        the number of allowed requests per minute
      • getCustomAllowedRequestsForChatPostMessagePerMinute

        Optional<Integer> getCustomAllowedRequestsForChatPostMessagePerMinute​(String teamId,
                                                                              String channel)
        Return a present value only when you want to override the allowed requests per minute. Otherwise, returning Optional.empty() will result in falling back to the built-in calculation.
        teamId - the workspace ID
        channel - either a channel ID or channel name
        the number of allowed requests per minute