



package scalacheck

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. scalacheck
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. type AbsDirOf[A] = PathOf[Abs, Dir, Sandboxed, A]
  2. type AbsFileOf[A] = PathOf[Abs, File, Sandboxed, A]
  3. final case class AlphaCharacters (value: slamdata.Predef.String) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  4. final case class DirNameOf [A](dirname: DirName) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a DirName indexed by another type A which is used to generate the segment.

    Represents a DirName indexed by another type A which is used to generate the segment.

    i.e. For some type A such that Arbitrary[A] and Show[A], Arbitrary[DirNameOf[A]] will generate an arbitrary DirName where the path segment is formed by the string representation of an arbitrary A.

  5. final case class FileNameOf [A](filename: FileName) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a FileName indexed by another type A which is used to generate the segment.

    Represents a FileName indexed by another type A which is used to generate the segment.

    i.e. For some type A such that Arbitrary[A] and Show[A], Arbitrary[FileNameOf[A]] will generate an arbitrary FileName where the path segment is formed by the string representation of an arbitrary A.

  6. final case class PathOf [B, T, S, A](path: Path[B, T, S]) extends slamdata.Predef.AnyVal with Product with Serializable

    Represents a Path[B,T,S] indexed by another type A which is used to generate path segments.

    Represents a Path[B,T,S] indexed by another type A which is used to generate path segments.

    i.e. For some type A such that Arbitrary[A] and Show[A], Arbitrary[PathOf[B,T,S,A]] will generate an arbitrary Path[B,T,S] where every path segment is formed by the string representation of an arbitrary A.

  7. type RelDirOf[A] = PathOf[Rel, Dir, Sandboxed, A]
  8. type RelFileOf[A] = PathOf[Rel, File, Sandboxed, A]

Value Members

  1. val MaxPrintableASCII: slamdata.Predef.Char
  2. val MinPrintableASCII: slamdata.Predef.Char
  3. def sizeDistributed[A, B, C](ga: Gen[A], gb: Gen[B])(f: (A, B) ⇒ C): Gen[C]

    Generator that distributes the available size to two component generators, and then combines the results.

    Generator that distributes the available size to two component generators, and then combines the results. Can be used to generate nested structures where the aggregate size of component/leaf elements is effectively controlled by the size parameter.

  4. def sizeDistributedListOfNonEmpty[A](g: Gen[A]): Gen[slamdata.Predef.List[A]]

    Generator for lists of non-atomic components, where the size parameter is spread across all the generated elements so that the aggregate size of component/leaf elements is effectively controlled by the size parameter.

    Generator for lists of non-atomic components, where the size parameter is spread across all the generated elements so that the aggregate size of component/leaf elements is effectively controlled by the size parameter. No element is ever generated with a size parameter of less than 1, and each "cons cell" consumes one unit of size.

  5. object AlphaCharacters extends Serializable
  6. object PathNameOf
  7. object PathOf extends Serializable
  8. object PathyArbitrary

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
