
It allows the tracker configuration from the emission perspective. The EmitterConfiguration can be used to setup details about how the tracker should treat the events to emit to the collector.

Default values: bufferOption = BufferOption.DefaultGroup; emitRange = 150; threadPoolSize = 15; byteLimitGet = 40000; byteLimitPost = 40000; serverAnonymisation = false;


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Sets whether the buffer should send events instantly or after the buffer has reached it's limit. By default, this is set to BufferOption Default.

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Maximum amount of bytes allowed to be sent in a payload in a GET request.

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Maximum amount of bytes allowed to be sent in a payload in a POST request.

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open override fun copy(): EmitterConfiguration
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fun customRetryForStatusCodes(customRetryForStatusCodes: Map<Int, Boolean>?): EmitterConfiguration

Custom retry rules for HTTP status codes returned from the Collector. The dictionary is a mapping of integers (status codes) to booleans (true for retry and false for not retry).

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Maximum number of events collected from the EventStore to be sent in a request.

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Custom component with full ownership for persisting events before to be sent to the collector. If it's not set the tracker will use a SQLite database as default EventStore.

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Callback called for each request performed by the tracker to the collector.

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Whether to anonymise server-side user identifiers including the network_userid and user_ipaddress

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Maximum number of threads working in parallel in the tracker to send requests.


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open override var bufferOption: BufferOption
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open override var byteLimitGet: Long
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open override var byteLimitPost: Long
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open override var customRetryForStatusCodes: Map<Int, Boolean>? = null
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open override var emitRange: Int
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open override var eventStore: EventStore? = null
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open override var requestCallback: RequestCallback? = null
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open override var serverAnonymisation: Boolean
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open override var threadPoolSize: Int


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