
A SelfDescribing event.


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Creates a SelfDescribing event from a SelfDescribingJson.

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fun SelfDescribing(schema: String, payload: Map<String, Any?>)

Creates a SelfDescribing event.


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open override fun beginProcessing(tracker: Tracker)

Hook method called just before the event processing in order to execute special operations.

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Adds a list of contexts.

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open override fun endProcessing(tracker: Tracker)

Hook method called just after the event processing in order to execute special operations.

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Adds a list of contexts.

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fun trueTimestamp(trueTimestamp: Long?): AbstractEvent

Set the custom timestamp of the event.


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open override val contexts: List<SelfDescribingJson>
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List of custom contexts associated with the event.

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open override val dataPayload: Map<String, Any?>

A "data" field containing the event properties.

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open override val entities: List<SelfDescribingJson>
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The properties of the event. Has two fields:

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open override val schema: String

A "schema" field identifying the schema against which the data is validated.

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open override var trueTimestamp: Long? = null