
See theCaseClass companion object
abstract class CaseClass[Typeclass[_], Type](val typeInfo: TypeInfo, val isObject: Boolean, val isValueClass: Boolean, val parameters: IArray[Param[Typeclass, Type]], val annotations: IArray[Any], val inheritedAnnotations: IArray[Any], val typeAnnotations: IArray[Any]) extends Serializable

In the terminology of Algebraic Data Types (ADTs), case classes are known as 'product types'.

Value parameters


an array giving information about the parameters of the case class. Each Param element has a very useful CaseClass.Param.typeclass field giving the constructed typeclass for the parameter's type. Eg for a case class Foo(bar: String, baz: Int), you can obtain Typeclass[String], Typeclass[Int].


trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class ProductCaseClass[Typeclass, A]

Members list

Type members


type Param = Param[Typeclass, Type]

Value members


def this(typeInfo: TypeInfo, isObject: Boolean, isValueClass: Boolean, parameters: IArray[Param[Typeclass, Type]], annotations: IArray[Any], typeAnnotations: IArray[Any])

Abstract methods

def construct[PType](makeParam: Param => PType)(using ClassTag[PType]): Type
def constructEither[Err, PType : ClassTag](makeParam: Param => Either[Err, PType]): Either[List[Err], Type]
def constructMonadic[Monad[_] : Monadic, PType : ClassTag](make: Param => Monad[PType]): Monad[Type]
def rawConstruct(fieldValues: Seq[Any]): Type

Concrete methods

def param[P](name: String, idx: Int, repeated: Boolean, cbn: CallByNeed[Typeclass[P]], defaultVal: CallByNeed[Option[P]], annotations: IArray[Any], inheritedAnns: IArray[Any], typeAnnotations: IArray[Any]): Param
def param[P](name: String, idx: Int, repeated: Boolean, cbn: CallByNeed[Typeclass[P]], defaultVal: CallByNeed[Option[P]], annotations: IArray[Any], typeAnnotations: IArray[Any]): Param
def params: IArray[Param[Typeclass, Type]]
override def toString: String

Returns a string representation of the object.

Returns a string representation of the object.

The default representation is platform dependent.



a string representation of the object.

Definition Classes

Concrete fields

val annotations: IArray[Any]
val inheritedAnnotations: IArray[Any]
val isObject: Boolean
val isValueClass: Boolean
val parameters: IArray[Param[Typeclass, Type]]
val typeAnnotations: IArray[Any]