
See theSttpBackendStub companion object
class SttpBackendStub[F[_], +P](monad: MonadError[F], matchers: PartialFunction[RequestT[Identity, _, _], F[Response[_]]], fallback: Option[SttpBackend[F, P]]) extends SttpBackend[F, P]

A stub backend to use in tests.

The stub can be configured to respond with a given response if the request matches a predicate (see the whenRequestMatches method).

Note however, that this is not type-safe with respect to the type of the response body - the stub doesn't have a way to check if the type of the body in the configured response is the same as the one specified by the request. Some conversions will be attempted (e.g. from a String to a custom mapped type, as specified in the request, see the documentation for more details).

For web socket requests, the stub can be configured to returned both custom WebSocket implementations, as well as WebSocketStub instances.

For requests which return the response as a stream, if the stub should return a raw stream value (which should then be passed to the stream-consuming function, or mapped to another value), it should be wrapped with RawStream.

Predicates can match requests basing on the URI or headers. A ClassCastException might occur if for a given request, a response is specified with the incorrect or inconvertible body type.


trait SttpBackend[F, P]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Type members


class WhenRequest(p: RequestT[Identity, _, _] => Boolean)


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

override def close(): F[Unit]


Definition Classes
override def responseMonad: MonadError[F]

A monad instance for the effect type used when returning responses. Allows writing wrapper backends, which map/flatMap over the return value of send.

A monad instance for the effect type used when returning responses. Allows writing wrapper backends, which map/flatMap over the return value of send.


Definition Classes
override def send[T, R >: P & Effect[F]](request: Request[T, R]): F[Response[T]]

Type parameters


The capabilities required by the request. This must be a subset of the the capabilities supported by the backend (which always includes Effect[F]).


Definition Classes

Specify how the stub backend should respond to any request (catch-all).

Specify how the stub backend should respond to any request (catch-all).

Note that the stubs are immutable, and each new specification that is added yields a new stub instance.


def whenRequestMatches(p: RequestT[Identity, _, _] => Boolean): WhenRequest

Specify how the stub backend should respond to requests matching the given predicate.

Specify how the stub backend should respond to requests matching the given predicate.

Note that the stubs are immutable, and each new specification that is added yields a new stub instance.


def whenRequestMatchesPartial(partial: PartialFunction[RequestT[Identity, _, _], Response[_]]): SttpBackendStub[F, P]

Specify how the stub backend should respond to requests using the given partial function.

Specify how the stub backend should respond to requests using the given partial function.

Note that the stubs are immutable, and each new specification that is added yields a new stub instance.
