
See theAsyncHttpClientCatsBackend companion class


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[F[_] : ContextShift](options: BackendOptions, customizeRequest: BoundRequestBuilder => BoundRequestBuilder): F[Backend[F]]

After sending a request, always shifts to the thread pool backing the given ContextShift[F].

After sending a request, always shifts to the thread pool backing the given ContextShift[F].


def resource[F[_] : ContextShift](options: BackendOptions, customizeRequest: BoundRequestBuilder => BoundRequestBuilder): Resource[F, Backend[F]]

Makes sure the backend is closed after usage. After sending a request, always shifts to the thread pool backing the given ContextShift[F].

Makes sure the backend is closed after usage. After sending a request, always shifts to the thread pool backing the given ContextShift[F].


def resourceUsingConfig[F[_] : ContextShift](cfg: AsyncHttpClientConfig, customizeRequest: BoundRequestBuilder => BoundRequestBuilder): Resource[F, Backend[F]]

Makes sure the backend is closed after usage. After sending a request, always shifts to the thread pool backing the given ContextShift[F].

Makes sure the backend is closed after usage. After sending a request, always shifts to the thread pool backing the given ContextShift[F].


def resourceUsingConfigBuilder[F[_] : ContextShift](updateConfig: Builder => Builder, options: BackendOptions, customizeRequest: BoundRequestBuilder => BoundRequestBuilder): Resource[F, Backend[F]]

Makes sure the backend is closed after usage. After sending a request, always shifts to the thread pool backing the given ContextShift[F].

Makes sure the backend is closed after usage. After sending a request, always shifts to the thread pool backing the given ContextShift[F].

Value parameters


A function which updates the default configuration (created basing on options).


def stub[F[_] : Concurrent]: BackendStub[F]

Create a stub backend for testing, which uses the F response wrapper, and doesn't support streaming.

Create a stub backend for testing, which uses the F response wrapper, and doesn't support streaming.

See SttpBackendStub for details on how to configure stub responses.


def usingClient[F[_] : ContextShift](client: AsyncHttpClient, customizeRequest: BoundRequestBuilder => BoundRequestBuilder): Backend[F]

After sending a request, always shifts to the thread pool backing the given ContextShift[F].

After sending a request, always shifts to the thread pool backing the given ContextShift[F].


def usingConfig[F[_] : ContextShift](cfg: AsyncHttpClientConfig, customizeRequest: BoundRequestBuilder => BoundRequestBuilder): F[Backend[F]]

After sending a request, always shifts to the thread pool backing the given ContextShift[F].

After sending a request, always shifts to the thread pool backing the given ContextShift[F].


def usingConfigBuilder[F[_] : ContextShift](updateConfig: Builder => Builder, options: BackendOptions, customizeRequest: BoundRequestBuilder => BoundRequestBuilder): F[Backend[F]]

After sending a request, always shifts to the thread pool backing the given ContextShift[F].

After sending a request, always shifts to the thread pool backing the given ContextShift[F].

Value parameters


A function which updates the default configuration (created basing on options).
