
trait SttpApi extends SttpExtensions, UriInterpolator


trait UriInterpolator
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
object quick.type

Members list

Type members

Inherited classlikes

implicit class UriContext(val sc: StringContext)


Inherited from:
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def asBoth[A, B](l: ResponseAs[A], r: ResponseAs[B]): ResponseAs[(A, B)]

Use both l and r to read the response body. Neither response specifications may use streaming or web sockets.

Use both l and r to read the response body. Neither response specifications may use streaming or web sockets.


def asBothOption[A, B](l: ResponseAs[A], r: ResponseAs[B]): ResponseAs[(A, Option[B])]

Use l to read the response body. If the raw body value which is used by l is replayable (a file or byte array), also use r to read the response body. Otherwise ignore r (if the raw body is a stream).

Use l to read the response body. If the raw body value which is used by l is replayable (a file or byte array), also use r to read the response body. Otherwise ignore r (if the raw body is a stream).


def asBothOption[A, B, S](l: StreamResponseAs[A, S], r: ResponseAs[B]): StreamResponseAs[(A, Option[B]), S]

Use l to read the response body. If the raw body value which is used by l is replayable (a file or byte array), also use r to read the response body. Otherwise ignore r (if the raw body is a stream).

Use l to read the response body. If the raw body value which is used by l is replayable (a file or byte array), also use r to read the response body. Otherwise ignore r (if the raw body is a stream).


def asByteArray: ResponseAs[Either[String, Array[Byte]]]
def asByteArrayAlways: ResponseAs[Array[Byte]]
def asEither[A, B](onError: ResponseAs[A], onSuccess: ResponseAs[B]): ResponseAs[Either[A, B]]

Uses the onSuccess response specification for successful responses (2xx), and the onError specification otherwise.

Uses the onSuccess response specification for successful responses (2xx), and the onError specification otherwise.


def asEither[A, B, S](onError: ResponseAs[A], onSuccess: StreamResponseAs[B, S]): StreamResponseAs[Either[A, B], S]

Uses the onSuccess response specification for successful responses (2xx), and the onError specification otherwise.

Uses the onSuccess response specification for successful responses (2xx), and the onError specification otherwise.


def asParams: ResponseAs[Either[String, Seq[(String, String)]]]

Use the utf-8 charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.

Use the utf-8 charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.


def asParams(charset: String): ResponseAs[Either[String, Seq[(String, String)]]]

Use the given charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.

Use the given charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.


def asParamsAlways: ResponseAs[Seq[(String, String)]]

Use the utf-8 charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.

Use the utf-8 charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.


def asParamsAlways(charset: String): ResponseAs[Seq[(String, String)]]

Use the given charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.

Use the given charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.


def asStream[F[_], T, S](s: Streams[S])(f: BinaryStream => F[T]): StreamResponseAs[Either[String, T], S & Effect[F]]
def asStreamAlways[F[_], T, S](s: Streams[S])(f: BinaryStream => F[T]): StreamResponseAs[T, S & Effect[F]]
def asStreamAlwaysUnsafe[S](s: Streams[S]): StreamResponseAs[BinaryStream, S]
def asStreamAlwaysWithMetadata[F[_], T, S](s: Streams[S])(f: (BinaryStream, ResponseMetadata) => F[T]): StreamResponseAs[T, S & Effect[F]]
def asStreamUnsafe[S](s: Streams[S]): StreamResponseAs[Either[String, BinaryStream], S]
def asStreamWithMetadata[F[_], T, S](s: Streams[S])(f: (BinaryStream, ResponseMetadata) => F[T]): StreamResponseAs[Either[String, T], S & Effect[F]]
def asString: ResponseAs[Either[String, String]]

Use the utf-8 charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.

Use the utf-8 charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.


def asString(charset: String): ResponseAs[Either[String, String]]

Use the given charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.

Use the given charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.


def asStringAlways: ResponseAs[String]

Use the utf-8 charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.

Use the utf-8 charset by default, unless specified otherwise in the response headers.


def asStringAlways(charset: String): ResponseAs[String]
def fromMetadata[T](default: ResponseAs[T], conditions: ConditionalResponseAs[ResponseAs[T]]*): ResponseAs[T]
def fromMetadata[T, S](default: ResponseAs[T], conditions: ConditionalResponseAs[StreamResponseAs[T, S]]*): StreamResponseAs[T, S]
def ignore: ResponseAs[Unit]
def multipart(name: String, data: String): Part[BasicBodyPart]

Content type will be set to text/plain with utf-8 encoding, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

Content type will be set to text/plain with utf-8 encoding, can be overridden later using the contentType method.


def multipart(name: String, data: String, encoding: String): Part[BasicBodyPart]

Content type will be set to text/plain with given encoding, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

Content type will be set to text/plain with given encoding, can be overridden later using the contentType method.


def multipart(name: String, data: Array[Byte]): Part[BasicBodyPart]

Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.


def multipart(name: String, data: ByteBuffer): Part[BasicBodyPart]

Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.


def multipart(name: String, data: InputStream): Part[BasicBodyPart]

Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.


def multipart(name: String, fs: Map[String, String]): Part[BasicBodyPart]

Encodes the given parameters as form data using utf-8.

Encodes the given parameters as form data using utf-8.

Content type will be set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded, can be overridden later using the contentType method.


def multipart(name: String, fs: Map[String, String], encoding: String): Part[BasicBodyPart]

Encodes the given parameters as form data.

Encodes the given parameters as form data.

Content type will be set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded, can be overridden later using the contentType method.


def multipart(name: String, fs: Seq[(String, String)]): Part[BasicBodyPart]

Encodes the given parameters as form data using utf-8.

Encodes the given parameters as form data using utf-8.

Content type will be set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded, can be overridden later using the contentType method.


def multipart(name: String, fs: Seq[(String, String)], encoding: String): Part[BasicBodyPart]

Encodes the given parameters as form data.

Encodes the given parameters as form data.

Content type will be set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded, can be overridden later using the contentType method.


def multipart[B : BodySerializer](name: String, b: B): Part[BasicBodyPart]

Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.


def multipartStream[S](s: Streams[S])(name: String, b: BinaryStream): Part[StreamBody[BinaryStream, S]]

Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.


Inherited methods

def asFile(file: File): ResponseAs[Either[String, File]]


Inherited from:
def asFileAlways(file: File): ResponseAs[File]


Inherited from:
def asPath(path: Path): ResponseAs[Either[String, Path]]


Inherited from:
def asPathAlways(path: Path): ResponseAs[Path]


Inherited from:
def multipartFile(name: String, data: Path): Part[BasicBodyPart]

Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

File name will be set to the name of the file.


Inherited from:
def multipartFile(name: String, data: File): Part[BasicBodyPart]

Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

Content type will be set to application/octet-stream, can be overridden later using the contentType method.

File name will be set to the name of the file.


Inherited from:

Concrete fields

val DefaultReadTimeout: Duration
val basicRequest: PartialRequest[Either[String, String]]

A starting request, with the following modification comparing to emptyRequest: Accept-Encoding is set to gzip, deflate (compression/decompression is handled automatically by the library).

A starting request, with the following modification comparing to emptyRequest: Accept-Encoding is set to gzip, deflate (compression/decompression is handled automatically by the library).

Reads the response body as an Either[String, String], where Left is used if the status code is non-2xx, and Right otherwise.


val emptyRequest: PartialRequest[Either[String, String]]

An empty request with no headers.

An empty request with no headers.

Reads the response body as an Either[String, String], where Left is used if the status code is non-2xx, and Right otherwise.


A starting request which always reads the response body as a string, regardless of the status code.

A starting request which always reads the response body as a string, regardless of the status code.



Inherited implicits

final implicit def UriContext(sc: StringContext): UriContext


Inherited from: