



package monad

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. case class Canceler(cancel: () => Unit) extends Product with Serializable
  2. class FutureMonad extends MonadAsyncError[Future]
  3. trait MonadAsyncError[F[_]] extends MonadError[F]
  4. trait MonadError[F[_]] extends AnyRef

    A basic monad interface, allowing abstract manipulation of effectful values, represented using the type constructor F.

    A basic monad interface, allowing abstract manipulation of effectful values, represented using the type constructor F.

    A computation yielding results of type T is represented as a value of type F[T]. Such values: * can be transformed using map * can be run in sequence using flatMap * errors can be handled using handleError * and new computations can be created using unit, eval and suspend

    To use convenient .map, .flatMap syntax, make sure an implicit instance of MonadError is in scope, and import: import sttp.monad.syntax._. This adds the appropriate extension methods.

Value Members

  1. object EitherMonad extends MonadError[[β$0$]Either[Throwable, β$0$]]
  2. object MonadError
  3. object TryMonad extends MonadError[Try]
  4. object syntax
