


package tapir

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. tapir
  2. Tapir
  3. ModifyMacroSupport
  4. ModifyMacroFunctorSupport
  5. TapirStaticContentEndpoints
  6. TapirComputedInputs
  7. TapirExtensions
  8. AnyRef
  9. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. type AnyEndpoint = Endpoint[_, _, _, _, _]
  2. type AnyListCodec = Codec[_ <: List[_], _, _ <: CodecFormat]
  3. type AnyPart = Part[_]
  4. trait Codec[L, H, +CF <: CodecFormat] extends AnyRef

    A bi-directional mapping between low-level values of type L and high-level values of type H.

    A bi-directional mapping between low-level values of type L and high-level values of type H. Low level values are formatted as CF.

    The mapping consists of a pair of functions, one to decode (L => H), and one to encode (H => L) Decoding can fail, and this is represented as a result of type DecodeResult.

    A codec also contains optional meta-data on the schema of the high-level value, as well as an instance of the format (which determines the media type of the low-level value).

    Codec instances are used as implicit values, and are looked up when defining endpoint inputs/outputs. Depending on a particular endpoint input/output, it might require a codec which uses a specific format, or a specific low-level value.

    Codec instances can be derived basing on other values (e.g. such as json encoders/decoders when integrating with json libraries). Or, they can be defined by hand for custom types, usually customising an existing, simpler codec.

    Codecs can be chained with Mapping s using the map function.


    The type of the low-level value.


    The type of the high-level value.


    The format of encoded values. Corresponds to the media type.

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  5. trait CodecExtensions extends AnyRef
  6. trait CodecFormat extends AnyRef

    Specifies the format of the encoded values.

    Specifies the format of the encoded values. Each variant must be a proper type so that it can be used as a discriminator for different (implicit) instances of Codec values.

  7. sealed trait DecodeResult[+T] extends AnyRef
  8. case class DocsExtension[A](key: String, value: A, codec: JsonCodec[A]) extends Product with Serializable
  9. case class Endpoint[A, I, E, O, -R](securityInput: EndpointInput[A], input: EndpointInput[I], errorOutput: EndpointOutput[E], output: EndpointOutput[O], info: EndpointInfo) extends EndpointSecurityInputsOps[A, I, E, O, R] with EndpointInputsOps[A, I, E, O, R] with EndpointErrorOutputsOps[A, I, E, O, R] with EndpointErrorOutputVariantsOps[A, I, E, O, R] with EndpointOutputsOps[A, I, E, O, R] with EndpointInfoOps[R] with EndpointMetaOps with EndpointServerLogicOps[A, I, E, O, R] with Product with Serializable

    A description of an endpoint with the given inputs & outputs.

    A description of an endpoint with the given inputs & outputs. The inputs are divided into two parts: security (A) and regular inputs (I). There are also two kinds of outputs: error outputs (E) and regular outputs (O).

    In case there are no security inputs, the PublicEndpoint alias can be used, which omits the A parameter type.

    An endpoint can be interpreted as a server, client or documentation. The endpoint requires that server/client interpreters meet the capabilities specified by R (if any).

    When interpreting an endpoint as a server, the inputs are decoded and the security logic is run first, before decoding the body in the regular inputs. This allows short-circuiting further processing in case security checks fail. Server logic can be provided using EndpointServerLogicOps.serverSecurityLogic variants for secure endpoints, and EndpointServerLogicOps.serverLogic variants for public endpoints.

    A concise description of an endpoint can be generated using the EndpointMetaOps.show method.


    Security input parameter types.


    Input parameter types.


    Error output parameter types.


    Output parameter types.


    The capabilities that are required by this endpoint's inputs/outputs. This might be Any (no requirements), sttp.capabilities.Effect (the interpreter must support the given effect type), sttp.capabilities.Streams (the ability to send and receive streaming bodies) or sttp.capabilities.WebSockets (the ability to handle websocket requests).

  10. trait EndpointErrorOutputVariantsOps[A, I, E, O, -R] extends AnyRef
  11. trait EndpointErrorOutputsOps[A, I, E, O, -R] extends EndpointErrorOutputsMacros[A, I, E, O, R]
  12. sealed trait EndpointIO[T] extends EndpointInput[T] with EndpointOutput[T]
  13. case class EndpointInfo(name: Option[String], summary: Option[String], description: Option[String], tags: Vector[String], deprecated: Boolean, docsExtensions: Vector[DocsExtension[_]]) extends Product with Serializable
  14. trait EndpointInfoOps[-R] extends AnyRef
  15. sealed trait EndpointInput[T] extends EndpointTransput[T]
  16. trait EndpointInputsOps[A, I, E, O, -R] extends EndpointInputsMacros[A, I, E, O, R]
  17. trait EndpointMetaOps extends AnyRef
  18. sealed trait EndpointOutput[T] extends EndpointTransput[T]
  19. trait EndpointOutputsOps[A, I, E, O, -R] extends EndpointOutputsMacros[A, I, E, O, R]
  20. trait EndpointSecurityInputsOps[A, I, E, O, -R] extends EndpointSecurityInputsMacros[A, I, E, O, R]
  21. trait EndpointServerLogicOps[A, I, E, O, -R] extends AnyRef
  22. sealed trait EndpointTransput[T] extends EndpointTransputMacros[T]

    A transput is EITHER an input, or an output (see: https://ell.stackexchange.com/questions/21405/hypernym-for-input-and-output).

    A transput is EITHER an input, or an output (see: https://ell.stackexchange.com/questions/21405/hypernym-for-input-and-output). The transput traits contain common functionality, shared by all inputs and outputs.

    Note that implementations of EndpointIO can be used BOTH as inputs and outputs.

    The hierarchy is as follows:

    /---> EndpointInput >---\ EndpointTransput >--- ---> EndpointIO \---> EndpointOutput >---/

  23. case class FieldName(name: String, encodedName: String) extends Product with Serializable
  24. case class FileRange(file: tapir.TapirFile, range: Option[RangeValue] = None) extends Product with Serializable
  25. trait LowPriorityCodec extends AnyRef

    Lower-priority codec implicits, which transform other codecs.

    Lower-priority codec implicits, which transform other codecs. For example, when deriving a codec List[T] <-> Either[A, B], given codecs ca: T <-> A and cb: T <-> B, we want to get listHead(eitherRight(ca, cb)), not eitherRight(listHead(ca), listHead(cb)) (although they would function the same).

  26. trait LowPrioritySchema extends AnyRef
  27. trait Mapping[L, H] extends AnyRef

    A bi-directional mapping between values of type L and values of type H.

    A bi-directional mapping between values of type L and values of type H.

    Low-level values of type L can be **decoded** to a higher-level value of type H. The decoding can fail; this is represented by a result of type DecodeResult.Failure. Failures might occur due to format errors, wrong arity, exceptions, or validation errors. Validators can be added through the validate method.

    High-level values of type H can be **encoded** as a low-level value of type L.

    Mappings can be chained using one of the map functions.


    The type of the low-level value.


    The type of the high-level value.

  28. case class MultipartCodec[T](rawBodyType: MultipartBody, codec: Codec[Seq[RawPart], T, MultipartFormData]) extends Product with Serializable
  29. case class PartCodec[R, T](rawBodyType: RawBodyType[R], codec: Codec[List[R], T, _ <: CodecFormat]) extends Product with Serializable

    Information needed to read a single part of a multipart body: the raw type (rawBodyType), and the codec which further decodes it.

  30. type PublicEndpoint[I, E, O, -R] = Endpoint[Unit, I, E, O, R]
  31. case class RangeValue(start: Option[Long], end: Option[Long], fileSize: Long) extends Product with Serializable
  32. sealed trait RawBodyType[R] extends AnyRef

    The raw format of the body: what do we need to know, to read it and pass to a codec for further decoding.

  33. type RawPart = Part[_]
  34. case class Schema[T](schemaType: SchemaType[T], name: Option[SName] = None, isOptional: Boolean = false, description: Option[String] = None, default: Option[(T, Option[Any])] = None, format: Option[String] = None, encodedExample: Option[Any] = None, deprecated: Boolean = false, validator: Validator[T] = Validator.pass[T]) extends SchemaMacros[T] with Product with Serializable

    Describes the type T: its low-level representation, meta-data and validation rules.

    Describes the type T: its low-level representation, meta-data and validation rules.


    The name of the format of the low-level representation of T.

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  35. sealed trait SchemaType[T] extends AnyRef

    The type of the low-level representation of a T values.

    The type of the low-level representation of a T values. Part of Schemas.

  36. case class StreamBodyIO[BS, T, S](streams: Streams[S], codec: Codec[BS, T, CodecFormat], info: Info[T], charset: Option[Charset]) extends Basic[T] with Product with Serializable
  37. trait Tapir extends TapirExtensions with TapirComputedInputs with TapirStaticContentEndpoints with ModifyMacroSupport
  38. final class WebSocketBodyBuilder[REQ, REQ_CF <: CodecFormat, RESP, RESP_CF <: CodecFormat] extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  39. trait TapirAliases extends AnyRef

    Mixin containing aliases for top-level types and modules in the tapir package.

  40. trait TapirComputedInputs extends AnyRef
  41. trait TapirExtensions extends AnyRef
  42. type TapirFile = File
    Definition Classes
  43. class UnsupportedWebSocketFrameException extends WebSocketException
  44. sealed trait ValidationError[T] extends AnyRef
  45. sealed trait Validator[T] extends AnyRef
  46. case class WebSocketBodyOutput[PIPE_REQ_RESP, REQ, RESP, T, S](streams: Streams[S], requests: Codec[WebSocketFrame, REQ, CodecFormat], responses: Codec[WebSocketFrame, RESP, CodecFormat], codec: Codec[PIPE_REQ_RESP, T, CodecFormat], info: Info[T], requestsInfo: Info[REQ], responsesInfo: Info[RESP], concatenateFragmentedFrames: Boolean, ignorePong: Boolean, autoPongOnPing: Boolean, decodeCloseRequests: Boolean, decodeCloseResponses: Boolean, autoPing: Option[(FiniteDuration, Ping)]) extends Basic[T] with Product with Serializable
  47. class WebSocketFrameDecodeFailure extends WebSocketException
  48. implicit class ModifyEach[F[_], T] extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  49. trait ModifyFunctor[F[_], A] extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  50. implicit class ModifyEachMap[F[_, _], K, T] extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  51. trait ModifyMapAtFunctor[F[_, _], K, T] extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. def anyFromStringBody[T, CF <: CodecFormat](codec: Codec[String, T, CF], charset: Charset): Body[String, T]

    A body in any format, read using the given codec, from a raw string read using charset.

    A body in any format, read using the given codec, from a raw string read using charset.

    Definition Classes
  2. def anyFromUtf8StringBody[T, CF <: CodecFormat](codec: Codec[String, T, CF]): Body[String, T]

    A body in any format, read using the given codec, from a raw string read using UTF-8.

    A body in any format, read using the given codec, from a raw string read using UTF-8.

    Definition Classes
  3. def auth: TapirAuth.type

    Inputs which describe authentication credentials with metadata.

    Inputs which describe authentication credentials with metadata.

    Definition Classes
  4. def binaryBody[R, T](implicit arg0: Binary[R], arg1: Codec[R, T, OctetStream]): Body[R, T]
    Definition Classes
  5. def byteArrayBody: Body[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]
    Definition Classes
  6. def byteBufferBody: Body[ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer]
    Definition Classes
  7. def clientIp: EndpointInput[Option[String]]
    Definition Classes
  8. def cookie[T](name: String)(implicit arg0: Codec[Option[String], T, TextPlain]): Cookie[T]
    Definition Classes
  9. def cookies: Header[List[Cookie]]
    Definition Classes
  10. def customJsonBody[T](implicit arg0: JsonCodec[T]): Body[String, T]

    Requires an implicit Codec.JsonCodec in scope.

    Requires an implicit Codec.JsonCodec in scope. Such a codec can be created using Codec.json.

    However, json codecs are usually derived from json-library-specific implicits. That's why integrations with various json libraries define jsonBody methods, which directly require the library-specific implicits.

    Unless you have defined a custom json codec, the jsonBody methods should be used.

    Definition Classes
  11. val emptyOutput: Empty[Unit]

    An empty output.

    An empty output.

    Definition Classes
  12. def emptyOutputAs[T](value: T): Basic[T]

    An empty output.

    An empty output. Useful if one of the oneOf branches of a coproduct type is a case object that should be mapped to an empty body.

    Definition Classes
  13. val endpoint: PublicEndpoint[Unit, Unit, Unit, Any]
    Definition Classes
  14. def extractFromRequest[T](f: (ServerRequest) ⇒ T): ExtractFromRequest[T]

    Extract a value from a server request.

    Extract a value from a server request. This input is only used by server interpreters, it is ignored by documentation interpreters and the provided value is discarded by client interpreters.

    Definition Classes
  15. def fileBody: Body[FileRange, TapirFile]
    Definition Classes
  16. def fileGetServerEndpoint[F[_]](path: EndpointInput[Unit])(systemPath: String): ServerEndpoint[Any, F]

    A server endpoint, which exposes a single file from local storage found at systemPath, using the given path.

    A server endpoint, which exposes a single file from local storage found at systemPath, using the given path.

    fileGetServerEndpoint("static" / "hello.html")("/home/app/static/data.html")
    Definition Classes
  17. def fileRangeBody: Body[FileRange, FileRange]
    Definition Classes
  18. def fileServerEndpoints[F[_]](prefix: EndpointInput[Unit])(systemPath: String): List[ServerEndpoint[Any, F]]

    Create pair of endpoints (head, get) for particular file

    Create pair of endpoints (head, get) for particular file

    Definition Classes
  19. def filesGetEndpoint(prefix: EndpointInput[Unit]): PublicEndpoint[StaticInput, StaticErrorOutput, StaticOutput[FileRange], Any]
    Definition Classes
  20. def filesGetServerEndpoint[F[_]](prefix: EndpointInput[Unit])(systemPath: String): ServerEndpoint[Any, F]

    A server endpoint, which exposes files from local storage found at systemPath, using the given prefix.

    A server endpoint, which exposes files from local storage found at systemPath, using the given prefix. Typically, the prefix is a path, but it can also contain other inputs. For example:

    filesGetServerEndpoint("static" / "files")("/home/app/static")

    A request to /static/files/css/styles.css will try to read the /home/app/static/css/styles.css file.

    Definition Classes
  21. def filesHeadServerEndpoint[F[_]](prefix: EndpointInput[Unit])(systemPath: String): ServerEndpoint[Any, F]

    A server endpoint, used to verify if sever supports range requests for file under particular path Additionally it verify file existence and returns its size

    A server endpoint, used to verify if sever supports range requests for file under particular path Additionally it verify file existence and returns its size

    Definition Classes
  22. def formBody[T](charset: Charset)(implicit arg0: Codec[String, T, XWwwFormUrlencoded]): Body[String, T]
    Definition Classes
  23. def formBody[T](implicit arg0: Codec[String, T, XWwwFormUrlencoded]): Body[String, T]
    Definition Classes
  24. def header(name: String, value: String): FixedHeader[Unit]
    Definition Classes
  25. def header(h: Header): FixedHeader[Unit]
    Definition Classes
  26. def header[T](name: String)(implicit arg0: Codec[List[String], T, TextPlain]): Header[T]
    Definition Classes
  27. def headers: Headers[List[Header]]
    Definition Classes
  28. val htmlBodyUtf8: Body[String, String]
    Definition Classes
  29. val infallibleEndpoint: PublicEndpoint[Unit, Nothing, Unit, Any]
    Definition Classes
  30. def inputStreamBody: Body[InputStream, InputStream]
    Definition Classes
  31. def isWebSocket: EndpointInput[Boolean]
    Definition Classes
  32. implicit def mapModifyFunctor[M[KT, TT] <: Map[KT, TT], K, T](implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[M[K, T], (K, T), M[K, T]]): ModifyMapAtFunctor[M, K, T]
    Definition Classes
  33. def multipartBody[T](implicit multipartCodec: MultipartCodec[T]): Body[Seq[RawPart], T]
    Definition Classes
  34. val multipartBody: Body[Seq[RawPart], Seq[Part[Array[Byte]]]]
    Definition Classes
  35. def oneOf[T](firstVariant: OneOfVariant[_ <: T], otherVariants: OneOfVariant[_ <: T]*): OneOf[T, T]

    An output which contains a number of variant outputs.

    An output which contains a number of variant outputs.

    All possible outputs must have a common supertype (T). Typically, the supertype is a sealed trait, and the variants are implementing case classes.

    When encoding to a response, the first matching output is chosen, using the following rules:

    1. the variant's appliesTo method, applied to the output value (as returned by the server logic) must return true.
    2. when a fixed content type is specified by the output, it must match the request's Accept header (if present). This implements content negotiation.

    When decoding from a response, the first output which decodes successfully is chosen.

    The outputs might vary in status codes, headers (e.g. different content types), and body implementations. However, for bodies, only replayable ones can be used, and they need to have the same raw representation (e.g. all byte-array-base, or all file-based).

    Note that exhaustiveness of the variants (that all subtypes of T are covered) is not checked.

    Definition Classes
  36. def oneOfDefaultVariant[T](output: EndpointOutput[T]): OneOfVariant[T]

    Create a fallback variant to be used in oneOf output descriptions.

    Create a fallback variant to be used in oneOf output descriptions. Multiple such variants can be specified, with different body content types.

    Definition Classes
  37. def oneOfVariant[T](code: StatusCode, output: EndpointOutput[T])(implicit arg0: ClassTag[T], arg1: ErasureSameAsType[T]): OneOfVariant[T]

    Create a one-of-variant which uses output if the class of the provided value (when interpreting as a server) matches the runtime class of T.

    Create a one-of-variant which uses output if the class of the provided value (when interpreting as a server) matches the runtime class of T. Adds a fixed status-code output with the given value.

    This will fail at compile-time if the type erasure of T is different from T, as a runtime check in this situation would give invalid results. In such cases, use oneOfVariantClassMatcher, oneOfVariantValueMatcher or oneOfVariantFromMatchType instead.

    Should be used in oneOf output descriptions.

    Definition Classes
  38. def oneOfVariant[T](output: EndpointOutput[T])(implicit arg0: ClassTag[T], arg1: ErasureSameAsType[T]): OneOfVariant[T]

    Create a one-of-variant which uses output if the class of the provided value (when interpreting as a server) matches the runtime class of T.

    Create a one-of-variant which uses output if the class of the provided value (when interpreting as a server) matches the runtime class of T.

    This will fail at compile-time if the type erasure of T is different from T, as a runtime check in this situation would give invalid results. In such cases, use oneOfVariantClassMatcher, oneOfVariantValueMatcher or oneOfVariantFromMatchType instead.

    Should be used in oneOf output descriptions.

    Definition Classes
  39. def oneOfVariantClassMatcher[T](code: StatusCode, output: EndpointOutput[T], runtimeClass: Class[_]): OneOfVariant[T]

    Create a one-of-variant which uses output i the class of the provided value (when interpreting as a server) matches the given runtimeClass.

    Create a one-of-variant which uses output i the class of the provided value (when interpreting as a server) matches the given runtimeClass. Note that this does not take into account type erasure. Adds a fixed status-code output with the given value.

    Should be used in oneOf output descriptions.

    Definition Classes
  40. def oneOfVariantClassMatcher[T](output: EndpointOutput[T], runtimeClass: Class[_]): OneOfVariant[T]

    Create a one-of-variant which uses output if the class of the provided value (when interpreting as a server) matches the given runtimeClass.

    Create a one-of-variant which uses output if the class of the provided value (when interpreting as a server) matches the given runtimeClass. Note that this does not take into account type erasure.

    Should be used in oneOf output descriptions.

    Definition Classes
  41. def oneOfVariantExactMatcher[T](code: StatusCode, output: EndpointOutput[T])(firstExactValue: T, rest: T*)(implicit arg0: ClassTag[T]): OneOfVariant[T]

    Create a one-of-variant which uses output if the provided value exactly matches one of the values provided in the second argument list.

    Create a one-of-variant which uses output if the provided value exactly matches one of the values provided in the second argument list. Adds a fixed status-code output with the given value.

    Should be used in oneOf output descriptions.

    Definition Classes
  42. def oneOfVariantExactMatcher[T](output: EndpointOutput[T])(firstExactValue: T, rest: T*)(implicit arg0: ClassTag[T]): OneOfVariant[T]

    Create a one-of-variant which output if the provided value exactly matches one of the values provided in the second argument list.

    Create a one-of-variant which output if the provided value exactly matches one of the values provided in the second argument list.

    Should be used in oneOf output descriptions.

    Definition Classes
  43. def oneOfVariantFromMatchType[T](code: StatusCode, output: EndpointOutput[T])(implicit arg0: MatchType[T]): OneOfVariant[T]



    Create a one-of-variant which uses output if the provided value matches the target type, as checked by MatchType. Instances of MatchType are automatically derived and recursively check that classes of all fields match, to bypass issues caused by type erasure. Adds a fixed status-code output with the given value.

    Should be used in oneOf output descriptions.

    Definition Classes
  44. def oneOfVariantFromMatchType[T](output: EndpointOutput[T])(implicit arg0: MatchType[T]): OneOfVariant[T]



    Create a one-of-variant which uses output if the provided value matches the target type, as checked by MatchType. Instances of MatchType are automatically derived and recursively check that classes of all fields match, to bypass issues caused by type erasure.

    Should be used in oneOf output descriptions.

    Definition Classes
  45. def oneOfVariantValueMatcher[T](code: StatusCode, output: EndpointOutput[T])(matcher: PartialFunction[Any, Boolean]): OneOfVariant[T]

    Create a one-of-variant which uses output if the provided value (when interpreting as a server matches the matcher predicate.

    Create a one-of-variant which uses output if the provided value (when interpreting as a server matches the matcher predicate. Adds a fixed status-code output with the given value.

    Should be used in oneOf output descriptions.

    Definition Classes
  46. def oneOfVariantValueMatcher[T](output: EndpointOutput[T])(matcher: PartialFunction[Any, Boolean]): OneOfVariant[T]

    Create a one-of-variant which uses output if the provided value (when interpreting as a server matches the matcher predicate.

    Create a one-of-variant which uses output if the provided value (when interpreting as a server matches the matcher predicate.

    Should be used in oneOf output descriptions.

    Definition Classes
  47. implicit def optionModifyFunctor[A]: ModifyFunctor[Option, A]
    Definition Classes
  48. def path[T](name: String)(implicit arg0: Codec[String, T, TextPlain]): PathCapture[T]
    Definition Classes
  49. def path[T](implicit arg0: Codec[String, T, TextPlain]): PathCapture[T]
    Definition Classes
  50. def pathBody: Body[FileRange, Path]
    Definition Classes
  51. def paths: PathsCapture[List[String]]
    Definition Classes
  52. def plainBody[T](charset: Charset)(implicit arg0: Codec[String, T, TextPlain]): Body[String, T]
    Definition Classes
  53. def plainBody[T](implicit arg0: Codec[String, T, TextPlain]): Body[String, T]
    Definition Classes
  54. def query[T](name: String)(implicit arg0: Codec[List[String], T, TextPlain]): Query[T]
    Definition Classes
  55. def queryParams: QueryParams[QueryParams]
    Definition Classes
  56. def rawBinaryBody[R](implicit arg0: Binary[R], codec: Codec[R, R, OctetStream]): Body[R, R]
    Definition Classes
  57. def resourceGetServerEndpoint[F[_]](prefix: EndpointInput[Unit])(classLoader: ClassLoader, resourcePath: String, useGzippedIfAvailable: Boolean = false): ServerEndpoint[Any, F]

    A server endpoint, which exposes a single resource available from the given classLoader at resourcePath, using the given path.

    A server endpoint, which exposes a single resource available from the given classLoader at resourcePath, using the given path.

    resourceGetServerEndpoint("static" / "hello.html")(classOf[App].getClassLoader, "app/data.html")
    Definition Classes
  58. def resourcesGetEndpoint(prefix: EndpointInput[Unit]): PublicEndpoint[StaticInput, StaticErrorOutput, StaticOutput[InputStream], Any]
    Definition Classes
  59. def resourcesGetServerEndpoint[F[_]](prefix: EndpointInput[Unit])(classLoader: ClassLoader, resourcePrefix: String, useGzippedIfAvailable: Boolean = false): ServerEndpoint[Any, F]

    A server endpoint, which exposes resources available from the given classLoader, using the given prefix.

    A server endpoint, which exposes resources available from the given classLoader, using the given prefix. Typically, the prefix is a path, but it can also contain other inputs. For example:

    resourcesGetServerEndpoint("static" / "files")(classOf[App].getClassLoader, "app")

    A request to /static/files/css/styles.css will try to read the /app/css/styles.css resource.

    Definition Classes
  60. def setCookie(name: String): Header[CookieValueWithMeta]
    Definition Classes
  61. def setCookieOpt(name: String): Header[Option[CookieValueWithMeta]]
    Definition Classes
  62. def setCookies: Header[List[CookieWithMeta]]
    Definition Classes
  63. def statusCode(statusCode: StatusCode): FixedStatusCode[Unit]

    An fixed status code output.

    An fixed status code output.

    Definition Classes
  64. def statusCode: StatusCode[StatusCode]

    An output which maps to the status code in the response.

    An output which maps to the status code in the response.

    Definition Classes
  65. def streamBinaryBody[S](s: Streams[S]): StreamBodyIO[BinaryStream, BinaryStream, S]

    Creates a stream body with a binary schema.

    Creates a stream body with a binary schema. The application/octet-stream media type will be used by default, but can be later overridden by providing a custom Content-Type header value.


    A supported streams implementation.

    Definition Classes
  66. def streamBody[S, T](s: Streams[S])(schema: Schema[T], format: CodecFormat, charset: Option[Charset] = None): StreamBodyIO[BinaryStream, BinaryStream, S]

    Creates a stream body with a text schema.

    Creates a stream body with a text schema.


    A supported streams implementation.


    Schema of the body. This should be a schema for the "deserialized" stream.


    The media type to use by default. Can be later overridden by providing a custom Content-Type header.


    An optional charset of the resulting stream's data, to be used in the content type.

    Definition Classes
  67. def streamTextBody[S](s: Streams[S])(format: CodecFormat, charset: Option[Charset] = None): StreamBodyIO[BinaryStream, BinaryStream, S]

    Creates a stream body with a text schema.

    Creates a stream body with a text schema.


    A supported streams implementation.


    The media type to use by default. Can be later overridden by providing a custom Content-Type header.


    An optional charset of the resulting stream's data, to be used in the content type.

    Definition Classes
  68. def stringBody(charset: Charset): Body[String, String]
    Definition Classes
  69. def stringBody(charset: String): Body[String, String]
    Definition Classes
  70. def stringBody: Body[String, String]
    Definition Classes
  71. implicit def stringToPath(s: String): FixedPath[Unit]
    Definition Classes
  72. implicit def traversableModifyFunctor[F[_], A](implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[F[A], A, F[A]], ev: (F[A]) ⇒ TraversableLike[A, F[A]]): ModifyFunctor[F, A]
    Definition Classes
  73. def webSocketBody[REQ, REQ_CF <: CodecFormat, RESP, RESP_CF <: CodecFormat]: WebSocketBodyBuilder[REQ, REQ_CF, RESP, RESP_CF]


    The type of messages that are sent to the server.


    The codec format (media type) of messages that are sent to the server.


    The type of messages that are received from the server.


    The codec format (media type) of messages that are received from the server.

    Definition Classes
  74. def webSocketBodyRaw[S](s: Streams[S]): WebSocketBodyOutput[Pipe[WebSocketFrame, WebSocketFrame], WebSocketFrame, WebSocketFrame, Pipe[WebSocketFrame, WebSocketFrame], S]
    Definition Classes
  75. def xmlBody[T](implicit arg0: XmlCodec[T]): Body[String, T]

    Requires an implicit Codec.XmlCodec in scope.

    Requires an implicit Codec.XmlCodec in scope. Such a codec can be created using Codec.xml.

    Definition Classes
  76. object Codec extends CodecExtensions with FormCodecMacros with CodecMacros with LowPriorityCodec
  77. object CodecFormat
  78. object DecodeResult
  79. object Defaults
  80. object DocsExtension extends Serializable
  81. object EndpointIO
  82. object EndpointInput extends EndpointInputMacros
  83. object EndpointOutput extends EndpointOutputMacros
  84. object EndpointTransput
  85. object FieldName extends Serializable
  86. object Mapping
  87. object MultipartCodec extends MultipartCodecMacros with Serializable
  88. object RawBodyType
  89. object RenderPathTemplate
  90. object Schema extends LowPrioritySchema with SchemaCompanionMacros with Serializable
  91. object SchemaType
  92. object TapirAuth
  93. object ValidationError
  94. object Validator extends ValidatorMacros

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def anyJsonBody[T](implicit arg0: JsonCodec[T]): Body[String, T]
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.18.0) Use customJsonBody

  2. def oneOfDefaultMapping[T](output: EndpointOutput[T]): OneOfVariant[T]
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.19.0) Use oneOfDefaultVariant

  3. def oneOfMapping[T](code: StatusCode, output: EndpointOutput[T])(implicit arg0: ClassTag[T], arg1: ErasureSameAsType[T]): OneOfVariant[T]
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.19.0) Use oneOfVariant

  4. def oneOfMappingClassMatcher[T](code: StatusCode, output: EndpointOutput[T], runtimeClass: Class[_]): OneOfVariant[T]
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.19.0) Use oneOfVariantClassMatcher

  5. def oneOfMappingExactMatcher[T](code: StatusCode, output: EndpointOutput[T])(firstExactValue: T, rest: T*)(implicit arg0: ClassTag[T]): OneOfVariant[T]
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.19.0) Use oneOfVariantExactMatcher

  6. def oneOfMappingFromMatchType[T](code: StatusCode, output: EndpointOutput[T])(implicit arg0: MatchType[T]): OneOfVariant[T]
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.19.0) Use oneOfVariantFromMatchType

  7. def oneOfMappingValueMatcher[T](code: StatusCode, output: EndpointOutput[T])(matcher: PartialFunction[Any, Boolean]): OneOfVariant[T]
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.19.0) Use oneOfVariantValueMatcher

Inherited from Tapir

Inherited from ModifyMacroSupport

Inherited from ModifyMacroFunctorSupport

Inherited from TapirComputedInputs

Inherited from TapirExtensions

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
