
trait ServerLog[T]

Used by ServerLogInterceptor to log how a request was handled.

Type Params

Interpreter-specific value representing the log effect.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

Invoked when there's a decode failure for an input of the endpoint and the interpreter, or other interceptors, provided a response.

Invoked when there's a decode failure for an input of the endpoint and the interpreter, or other interceptors, provided a response.

Invoked when there's a decode failure for an input of the endpoint and the interpreter, or other interceptors, haven't provided a response.

Invoked when there's a decode failure for an input of the endpoint and the interpreter, or other interceptors, haven't provided a response.

def exception(e: AnyEndpoint, ex: Throwable): T

Invoked when an exception has been thrown when running the server logic or handling decode failures.

Invoked when an exception has been thrown when running the server logic or handling decode failures.

def requestHandled(e: AnyEndpoint, statusCode: Int): T

Invoked when all inputs of the request have been decoded successfully and the endpoint handles the request by providing a response, with the given status code.

Invoked when all inputs of the request have been decoded successfully and the endpoint handles the request by providing a response, with the given status code.

Invoked when the security logic fails and returns an error.

Invoked when the security logic fails and returns an error.