
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(docsExtensions: List[DocsExtension[_]], docsOptions: OpenAPIDocsOptions, prefix: List[String], yamlName: String, basePrefix: List[String]): SwaggerInterpreter

Allows interpreting lists of sttp.tapir.Endpoints or ServerEndpoints as Swagger UI docs. The docs will be serialised in the yaml format, and will be available using the configured prefix path, by default /docs.

Allows interpreting lists of sttp.tapir.Endpoints or ServerEndpoints as Swagger UI docs. The docs will be serialised in the yaml format, and will be available using the configured prefix path, by default /docs.

Usage: pass the result of SwaggerInterpreter().fromEndpoints[F] to your server interpreter.

Value Params

The base path prefix where the documentation routes are going to be attached. Unless the endpoint will served from /, the base path prefix must be specified for redirect to work correctly. Defaults to Nil, so it is assumed that the endpoint base path is /.


The top-level documentation extensions to be included in the generated OpenAPI docs.


The path prefix for which the documentation endpoint will be created, as a list of path segments. Defaults to List(docs), so the address of the docs will be /docs (unless basePrefix is specified)


The name of the file, through which the yaml documentation will be served. Defaults to docs.yaml.