
object SwaggerUI
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[F[_]](yaml: String, prefix: List[String], yamlName: String, basePrefix: List[String]): List[ServerEndpoint[Any, F]]

Usage: pass SwaggerUI[F](yaml) endpoints to your server interpreter. Docs will be available using the /docs path.

Usage: pass SwaggerUI[F](yaml) endpoints to your server interpreter. Docs will be available using the /docs path.

Value Params

The base path prefix where the documentation routes are going to be attached. Unless the endpoint will served from /, the base path prefix must be specified for redirects and yaml reference to work correctly. Defaults to Nil, so it is assumed that the endpoint base path is /.


The path prefix for which the documentation endpoint will be created, as a list of path segments. Defaults to List(docs), so the address of the docs will be /docs (unless basePrefix is specified).


The yaml with the OpenAPI documentation.


The name of the file, through which the yaml documentation will be served. Defaults to docs.yaml.