
case class SwaggerUIOptions(pathPrefix: List[String], yamlName: String, contextPath: List[String], useRelativePaths: Boolean)
Value parameters:

The context path in which the interpreted documentation endpoints are going to be attached. Only relevant when {{useRelativePaths == false}}. E.g. when context path is List("api", "v1"), useRelativePaths = false, and other parameters are left with default values, the generated full path to the yaml will be /api/v1/docs/docs.yaml, instead of ./docs/docs.yaml or ./docs.yaml (depending on the referrer's uri). Also used for creating redirects. Defaults to Nil.


The path prefix which will be added to the documentation endpoints, as a list of path segments. Defaults to List("docs"), so the address of the docs will be ./docs (relative to the context in which the interpreted docs endpoints are attached).


Should relative paths be used for yaml references and redirects. Defaults to true.


The name of the file, through which the yaml documentation will be served. Defaults to docs.yaml.

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def contextPath(contextPath: List[String]): SwaggerUIOptions
def pathPrefix(pathPrefix: List[String]): SwaggerUIOptions
def yamlName(yamlName: String): SwaggerUIOptions

Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from: