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abs(ToByte<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes an expression and returns its absolute (removing the negation sign if any).
abs(ToShort<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes an expression and returns its absolute (removing the negation sign if any).
abs(ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes an expression and returns its absolute (removing the negation sign if any).
abs(ToLong<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes an expression and returns its absolute (removing the negation sign if any).
abs(ToFloat<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes an expression and returns its absolute (removing the negation sign if any).
abs(ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes an expression and returns its absolute (removing the negation sign if any).
abs() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
abs() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
abs() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByteNullable
abs() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
abs() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDoubleNullable
abs() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
abs() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloatNullable
abs() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
abs() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToIntNullable
abs() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
abs() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLongNullable
abs() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
abs() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShortNullable
abs() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasAbs
Returns a new expression that returns the absolute value of the result of the current expression.
absOrNull(ToByteNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes an expression and returns its absolute (removing the negation sign if any).
absOrNull(ToShortNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes an expression and returns its absolute (removing the negation sign if any).
absOrNull(ToIntNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes an expression and returns its absolute (removing the negation sign if any).
absOrNull(ToLongNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes an expression and returns its absolute (removing the negation sign if any).
absOrNull(ToFloatNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes an expression and returns its absolute (removing the negation sign if any).
absOrNull(ToDoubleNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes an expression and returns its absolute (removing the negation sign if any).
AbstractApplicationBuilder<APP extends Speedment,BUILDER extends AbstractApplicationBuilder<APP,BUILDER>> - Class in com.speedment.runtime.application
This abstract class is implemented by classes that can build a Speedment application.
AbstractApplicationBuilder(Class<? extends APP>, Class<? extends ApplicationMetadata>) - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
AbstractApplicationBuilder(ClassLoader, Class<? extends APP>, Class<? extends ApplicationMetadata>) - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
AbstractApplicationBuilder(InjectorBuilder) - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
AbstractApplicationMetadata - Class in com.speedment.runtime.application
AbstractApplicationMetadata() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationMetadata
AbstractManager<ENTITY> - Class in com.speedment.runtime.core.manager
An abstract base implementation of all Managers.
AbstractManager() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.AbstractManager
AbstractSpeedment - Class in com.speedment.runtime.application
An abstract base implementation of the Speedment interface.
AbstractSpeedment() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractSpeedment
AbstractTestApplicationMetadata - Class in com.speedment.runtime.core.testsupport
AbstractTestApplicationMetadata() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.core.testsupport.AbstractTestApplicationMetadata
AbstractViewManager<ENTITY> - Class in com.speedment.runtime.core.manager
Abstract base class for VIEW Tables.
AbstractViewManager() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.AbstractViewManager
accept(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlConsumer
Performs this operation on the given argument.
accept(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.Persister
Persists the entity in the data store.
accept(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.Remover
Removes the entity from the data store.
accept(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.Updater
Updates the entity in the data store.
Action<T extends BaseStream<?,T>,R extends BaseStream<?,R>> - Class in
Action(Function<T, R>, Class<? extends BaseStream>, BasicAction) - Constructor for class
add(Object) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlPredicateFragment
add(Action<?, ?>) - Method in interface
add(int, Action<?, ?>) - Method in interface
addAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlPredicateFragment
addFirst(Action<?, ?>) - Method in interface
addGeneratedKey(Long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.sql.HasGeneratedKeys
Adds the specified key to the list of keys that has been generated.
addLast(Action<?, ?>) - Method in interface
addListener(Consumer<ProgressMeasure>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.util.ProgressMeasure
Adds a listener that will be called each time a value changes.
addNewColumn() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.TableMutator
addNewDbms() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.ProjectMutator
addNewForeignKey() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.TableMutator
addNewForeignKeyColumn() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.ForeignKeyMutator
addNewIndex() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.TableMutator
addNewIndexColumn() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.IndexMutator
addNewPrimaryKeyColumn() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.TableMutator
addNewSchema() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.DbmsMutator
addNewTable() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.SchemaMutator
addRule(JavaTypeMap.Rule) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.JavaTypeMap
Adds the specified rule to the rule engine.
ALIAS - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasAlias
The key of the alias property.
alive() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.StatisticsReporterComponent
allExcept(Field<ENTITY>...) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.FieldSet
Creates a new FieldSet that represents the set of all fields of an entity except for the given ones
allExcept(Collection<Field<ENTITY>>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.FieldSet
Creates a new FieldSet that represents the set of all fields of an entity except for the given ones
AllMatchTerminator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference
allOf(Class<ENTITY>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.FieldSet
Returns a FieldSet that represents all the fields of the given entity
ancestor(Document, Class<E>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentUtil
Returns the first ancestor found of the specified type to the specified document when walking up the tree.
ancestors() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Document
Returns a Stream of every ancestor to this Document, beginning with the first ancestor (the root) and ending with the parent of this Document.
and(SqlPredicate<? super T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlPredicate
and(Field<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.FieldSet
Creates a new FieldSet with the given field added to the original set.
and(Predicate<? super ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.CombinedPredicate
and(Predicate<ENTITY>, Predicate<? super ENTITY>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.CombinedPredicate
Creates and returns a new CombinedPredicate that is the logical AND combination of the given predicates.
and(List<Predicate<? super ENTITY>>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.CombinedPredicate
Creates and returns a new CombinedPredicate that is the logical AND combination of the given predicates.
and(Predicate<? super ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.SpeedmentPredicate
andThen(SqlFunction<? super R, ? extends V>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlFunction
AnyMatchTerminator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference
APP_ID - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Project
ApplicationBuilder<APP extends Speedment,BUILDER extends ApplicationBuilder<APP,BUILDER>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core
Builder class for producing new Speedment instances.
ApplicationBuilder.HasLoggerName - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core
Interface used for getting logger names.
ApplicationBuilder.LogType - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.core
The type of logging to change the settings for.
ApplicationBuilders - Class in com.speedment.runtime.application
Builder class for producing new Speedment instances.
ApplicationInfo - Class in com.speedment.runtime.config
ApplicationInfo() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.config.ApplicationInfo
ApplicationMetadata - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core
This interface defines how a Speedment application can obtain its configuration meta data.
apply(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
apply(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimalNullable
apply(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToEnum
apply(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToString
apply(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToStringNullable
apply(DbmsType, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.resultset.ResultSetMapperComponent
Gets the mapping from the javaClass to the ResultSetMapping.
apply(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.resultset.ResultSetMapperComponent
Gets the mapping from the javaClass to the ResultSetMapping.
apply(SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY>, SqlStreamTerminator<ENTITY>, DoublePipeline) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.doubles.DoubleCountTerminator
apply(SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY>, SqlStreamTerminator<ENTITY>, IntPipeline) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.ints.IntCountTerminator
apply(SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY>, SqlStreamTerminator<ENTITY>, LongPipeline) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.longs.LongCountTerminator
apply(SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY>, SqlStreamTerminator<ENTITY>, ReferencePipeline<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.AllMatchTerminator
apply(SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY>, SqlStreamTerminator<ENTITY>, ReferencePipeline<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.AnyMatchTerminator
apply(SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY>, SqlStreamTerminator<ENTITY>, ReferencePipeline<T>, Supplier<R>, BiConsumer<R, ? super T>, BiConsumer<R, R>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.CollectSupplierAccumulatorCombinerTerminator
apply(SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY>, SqlStreamTerminator<ENTITY>, ReferencePipeline<T>, Collector<? super T, A, R>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.CollectTerminator
apply(SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY>, SqlStreamTerminator<ENTITY>, ReferencePipeline<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.CountTerminator
apply(SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY>, SqlStreamTerminator<ENTITY>, ReferencePipeline<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.FindAnyTerminator
apply(SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY>, SqlStreamTerminator<ENTITY>, ReferencePipeline<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.FindFirstTerminator
apply(SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY>, SqlStreamTerminator<ENTITY>, ReferencePipeline<T>, Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ForEachOrderedTerminator
apply(SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY>, SqlStreamTerminator<ENTITY>, ReferencePipeline<T>, Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ForEachTerminator
apply(SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY>, SqlStreamTerminator<ENTITY>, ReferencePipeline<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.IteratorTerminator
apply(SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY>, SqlStreamTerminator<ENTITY>, ReferencePipeline<T>, Comparator<? super T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.MaxTerminator
apply(SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY>, SqlStreamTerminator<ENTITY>, ReferencePipeline<T>, Comparator<? super T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.MinTerminator
apply(SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY>, SqlStreamTerminator<ENTITY>, ReferencePipeline<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.NoneMatchTerminator
apply(SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY>, SqlStreamTerminator<ENTITY>, ReferencePipeline<T>, U, BiFunction<U, ? super T, U>, BinaryOperator<U>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReduceIdentityCombinerTerminator
apply(SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY>, SqlStreamTerminator<ENTITY>, ReferencePipeline<T>, T, BinaryOperator<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReduceIdentityTerminator
apply(SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY>, SqlStreamTerminator<ENTITY>, ReferencePipeline<T>, BinaryOperator<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReduceTerminator
apply(SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY>, SqlStreamTerminator<ENTITY>, ReferencePipeline<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.SpliteratorTerminator
apply(SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY>, SqlStreamTerminator<ENTITY>, ReferencePipeline<T>, IntFunction<A[]>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ToArrayGeneratorTerminator
apply(SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY>, SqlStreamTerminator<ENTITY>, ReferencePipeline<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ToArrayTerminator
apply(DB_TYPE) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.SqlTypeMapperHelper
Converts the specified value in JDBC form to the appropriate java type by using the TypeMapper contained in this helper.
apply(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlFunction
apply(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.Persister
Persists the provided entity to the underlying database and returns a potentially updated entity.
apply(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.Remover
Removes the provided entity from the underlying database and returns the provided entity instance.
apply(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.Updater
Updates the provided entity in the underlying database and returns a potentially updated entity.
apply(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumField
apply(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.BooleanGetter
apply(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.ByteGetter
apply(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.CharGetter
apply(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.DoubleGetter
apply(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.FindFromNullable
Applies this method, locating the referenced entity and returning it as a singleton stream if found.
apply(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.FloatGetter
apply(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.Getter
A generic (untyped) get method.
apply(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.IntGetter
apply(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.LongGetter
apply(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.ShortGetter
apply(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.StringField
applyAsBoolean(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBoolean
applyAsBoolean(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBooleanNullable
applyAsBoolean(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.BooleanField
applyAsBoolean(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.BooleanGetter
Returns the member represented by this getter in the specified instance.
applyAsBoolean(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.FieldIsNotNullPredicate
applyAsBoolean(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.FieldIsNullPredicate
applyAsByte(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
applyAsByte(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByteNullable
applyAsByte(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ByteField
applyAsByte(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.ByteGetter
Returns the member represented by this getter in the specified instance.
applyAsChar(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToCharNullable
applyAsChar(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.CharField
applyAsChar(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.CharGetter
Returns the member represented by this getter in the specified instance.
applyAsDouble(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
applyAsDouble(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDoubleNullable
applyAsDouble(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.DoubleField
applyAsDouble(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.DoubleGetter
Returns the member represented by this getter in the specified instance.
applyAsFloat(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
applyAsFloat(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloatNullable
applyAsFloat(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.FloatField
applyAsFloat(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.FloatGetter
Returns the member represented by this getter in the specified instance.
applyAsInt(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
applyAsInt(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToIntNullable
applyAsInt(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.IntField
applyAsInt(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.IntGetter
Returns the member represented by this getter in the specified instance.
applyAsLong(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
applyAsLong(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLongNullable
applyAsLong(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.LongField
applyAsLong(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.LongGetter
Returns the member represented by this getter in the specified instance.
applyAsShort(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
applyAsShort(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShortNullable
applyAsShort(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.ShortGetter
Returns the member represented by this getter in the specified instance.
applyAsShort(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ShortField
applyOrThrow(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.FindFromNullable
Applies this method, returning the referenced entity.
applySkipLimit(String, List<Object>, long, long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns a new String and modifies the provided parameter list (side effect) so that the original SQL query will reflect a query that has an offset (skip) and a limit.
aquireSet(Verb) - Method in class
asBigDecimal() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
Returns an ToBigDecimalNullable expression that has the value of this field but casted to a BigDecimal.
asBoolean() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
Returns an ToBooleanNullable expression that has the value of this field, casted to a boolean by first casting it to Boolean.
asByte() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
Returns an ToByteNullable expression that has the value of this field, casted to a byte by first casting it to Number and then invoking Number.byteValue().
asChar() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
Returns an ToCharNullable expression that has the value of this field, casted to a char by first casting it to Number and then invoking Number.intValue() and casting it to a char.
asColumnIdentifier(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.TableIdentifier
Returns a ColumnIdentifier that represents a particular column in this table.
asDbmsIdentifier() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.SchemaIdentifier
asDouble() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
asDouble() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBoolean
asDouble() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
asDouble() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToChar
asDouble() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
asDouble() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
asDouble() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
asDouble() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
asDouble() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
asDouble() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasAsDouble
Returns an expression that casts the result of the current expression into a double.
asDouble() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
Returns an ToDoubleNullable expression that has the value of this field, casted to a double by first casting it to Number and then invoking Number.doubleValue().
asEnum(Class<E>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
Returns an ToBooleanNullable expression that has the value of this field, casted to a particular enum class.
asFloat() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
Returns an ToFloatNullable expression that has the value of this field, casted to a float by first casting it to Number and then invoking Number.floatValue().
asFunction() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.BooleanGetter
asFunction() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.ByteGetter
asFunction() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.CharGetter
asFunction() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.DoubleGetter
asFunction() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.FloatGetter
asFunction() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.Getter
Returns this object, typed as a Function method.
asFunction() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.IntGetter
asFunction() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.LongGetter
asFunction() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.ReferenceGetter
asFunction() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.ShortGetter
asInt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
asInt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBoolean
asInt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
asInt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToChar
asInt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
asInt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
asInt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
asInt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
asInt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
asInt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasAsInt
Returns an expression that casts the result of the current expression into an int.
asInt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
Returns an ToIntNullable expression that has the value of this field, casted to a int by first casting it to Number and then invoking Number.intValue().
asLong() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
asLong() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBoolean
asLong() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
asLong() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToChar
asLong() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
asLong() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
asLong() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
asLong() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
asLong() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
asLong() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasAsLong
Returns an expression that casts the result of the current expression into a long.
asLong() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
Returns an ToLongNullable expression that has the value of this field, casted to a long by first casting it to Number and then invoking Number.longValue().
asName() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToEnum
Returns an alternative expression that represents the of the enum that would otherwise have been returned by this expression.
asName() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToEnumNullable
Returns an alternative expression that represents the of the enum that would otherwise have been returned by this expression.
asOrdinal() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToEnum
Returns an alternative expression that represents the Enum.ordinal() of the enum that would otherwise have been returned by this expression.
asOrdinal() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToEnumNullable
Returns an alternative expression that represents the Enum.ordinal() of the enum that would otherwise have been returned by this expression.
asSchemaIdentifier() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.TableIdentifier
Returns a SchemaIdentifier that represents the schema that this table resides in.
assertAtLeast(FeatureReadinessLevel) - Method in enum com.speedment.runtime.core.util.FeatureReadinessLevel
Throw a SpeedmentException if the required FeatureReadinessLevel has not been met.
asShort() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
Returns an ToShortNullable expression that has the value of this field, casted to a short by first casting it to Number and then invoking Number.shortValue().
asString() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
Returns an ToBooleanNullable expression that has the value of this field, casted to a boolean by first casting it to Boolean.
asTableIdentifier() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.ColumnIdentifier
Returns a TableIdentifier that has the same dbmsId, schemaId and tableId as this ColumnIdentifier.
AsynchronousQueryResult<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.db
attachCurrentThread() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.Transaction
Attaches the current thread to this Transaction.
AUTO_INCREMENT - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Column
AutoClosingStream<T> - Interface in


BackwardFinder<ENTITY,FK_ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
An operation that can produce a Stream of foreign entities given a single entity.
backwardFinder(TableIdentifier<ENTITY>, Supplier<Stream<ENTITY>>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasFinder
Returns a function that can be used to find a stream of entities referencing this entity using the specified manager.
BasicAction - Interface in
beginner() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.DataSourceHandler
between(String, String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumField
Returns a new predicate that evaluates if entities has a enum value for this field with a value that is between the two specified values.
between(String, String, Inclusion) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumField
Returns a new predicate that evaluates if entities has a enum value for this field with a value that is between the two specified values.
between(V, V) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasComparableOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is between the given values (inclusive the start value but exclusive the end value).
between(V, V, Inclusion) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasComparableOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is between the given values and taking the Inclusion parameter into account when determining if either of the end points shall be included in the Field range or not.
BigDecimalToDouble - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.bigdecimal
BigDecimalToDouble() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.bigdecimal.BigDecimalToDouble
BinaryExpression<T,FIRST extends Expression<T>,SECOND extends Expression<T>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression
An Expression that has two operands, both are implementations of Expression.
BinaryExpression.Operator - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression
Operator types that could be returned by BinaryExpression.operator().
BinaryObjExpression<T,FIRST extends Expression<T>,V> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression
An Expression that has two operands, one is another Expression and the other is a primitive int.
BinaryObjExpression.Operator - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression
Operator types that could be returned by BinaryObjExpression.operator().
BinaryToBigIntegerMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.other
Maps between a large integer stored in binary form into a java BigDecimal.
BinaryToBigIntegerMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.other.BinaryToBigIntegerMapper
BinaryToByteArrayMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.other
Converts between a database type that is known to be a byte[] masked as an java.lang.Object and a properly typed byte[].
BinaryToByteArrayMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.other.BinaryToByteArrayMapper
BinaryToUuidMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.other
Speedment TypeMapper that maps from a MySQL BINARY type to a regular java java.util.UUID.
BinaryToUuidMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.other.BinaryToUuidMapper
BlobToBigIntegerMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject
Maps between a large integer stored in binary form into a java BigDecimal.
BlobToBigIntegerMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.BlobToBigIntegerMapper
BlobToByteArrayMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject
BlobToByteArrayMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.BlobToByteArrayMapper
BooleanField<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field
A field that represents a primitive boolean value.
BooleanFieldComparator<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator
A FieldComparator that compares values of a BooleanField.
BooleanGetter<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A short-cut functional reference to the getXXX(value) method for a particular field in an entity.
BooleanSetter<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A short-cut functional reference to the setXXX(value) method for a particular field in an entity.
build() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
build(Injector) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
Builds the application using the specified injector.
build() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.bulk.BulkOperation.Builder
Creates and returns a new immutable BulkOperation comprising all the steps defined by the Builder.
build() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Builds this application.
build() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.ManagerConfigurator
Builds a new manager that might delegate some methods to the pre-existing manager, but where the specified settings will be applied upon execution.
build() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder10
build(Function10<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder10
Creates and returns a new Join object where elements in the Join object's stream method is created using the provided constructor.
build() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder2
build(BiFunction<T0, T1, T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder2
Creates and returns a new Join object where elements in the Join object's stream method is created using the provided constructor.
build() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder3
build(TriFunction<T0, T1, T2, T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder3
Creates and returns a new Join object where elements in the Join object's stream method is created using the provided constructor.
build() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder4
build(QuadFunction<T0, T1, T2, T3, T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder4
Creates and returns a new Join object where elements in the Join object's stream method is created using the provided constructor.
build() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder5
build(Function5<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder5
Creates and returns a new Join object where elements in the Join object's stream method is created using the provided constructor.
build() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder6
build(Function6<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder6
Creates and returns a new Join object where elements in the Join object's stream method is created using the provided constructor.
build() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder7
build(Function7<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder7
Creates and returns a new Join object where elements in the Join object's stream method is created using the provided constructor.
build() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder8
build(Function8<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder8
Creates and returns a new Join object where elements in the Join object's stream method is created using the provided constructor.
build() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder9
build(Function9<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder9
Creates and returns a new Join object where elements in the Join object's stream method is created using the provided constructor.
build() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.trait.HasDefaultBuild
Creates and returns a new Join object where elements in the Join object's stream method is of a default Tuple type.
builder() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.bulk.BulkOperation
BulkOperation - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.bulk
BulkOperation.Builder - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.bulk
BulkOperation.Builder.HasSet<ENTITY,B> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.bulk
BulkOperation.Builder.HasValues<ENTITY,B> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.bulk
BulkOperation.Builder.HasWhere<ENTITY,B> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.bulk
BulkOperation.Builder.Persist<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.bulk
BulkOperation.Builder.Remove<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.bulk
BulkOperation.Builder.Update<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.bulk
ByteField<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field
A field that represents a primitive byte value.
ByteFieldComparator<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator
A FieldComparator that compares values of a ByteField.
ByteForeignKeyField<ENTITY,D,FK_ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field
A field that represents a primitive byte value that references another column using a foreign key.
ByteGetter<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A short-cut functional reference to the getXXX(value) method for a particular field in an entity.
ByteSetter<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A short-cut functional reference to the setXXX(value) method for a particular field in an entity.
byteToDouble(ToByte<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that converts the result of the specified expression into a double by casting.
byteToDoubleNullable(ToByteNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that converts the result of the specified expression into a double by casting.
ByteZeroOneToBooleanMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.bytes
ByteZeroOneToBooleanMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.bytes.ByteZeroOneToBooleanMapper


castToDocumentList(Object) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentUtil
Casts the specified object to a List<Map<String, Object>>.
CharField<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field
A field that represents a primitive char value.
CharFieldComparator<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator
A FieldComparator that compares values of a CharField.
CharForeignKeyField<ENTITY,D,FK_ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field
A field that represents a primitive char value that references another column using a foreign key.
CharGetter<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A short-cut functional reference to the getXXX(value) method for a particular field in an entity.
CharSetter<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A short-cut functional reference to the setXXX(value) method for a particular field in an entity.
checkDatabaseConnectivity(Injector) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
children(String, BiFunction<P, Map<String, Object>, T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Document
Returns the children on the specified key, instantiated using the specified constructor.
children() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Document
Returns a Stream of child documents, instantiated using the default document implementation.
childrenOf(Document, BiFunction<Document, Map<String, Object>, E>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentUtil
Returns a stream of child documents to a specified document by using the supplied constructor.
classFromString(String) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.ClassUtil
Attempts to find the specified class using the default class loader.
classFromString(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.ClassUtil
Attempts to find the specified class using the specified classLoader.
ClassMapper<V> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.util
A generic Class mapper interface.
classToString(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.ClassUtil
Returns the full name of the specified type (including the array brackets if it is an array class).
ClassUtil - Class in com.speedment.runtime.config.util
Utility class used to find the correct Class given a String, or to convert a class to the corresponding String.
cleanup(Connection) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.ConnectionDecorator
Cleans up a used connection before it is returned to a connection pool.
clear() - Method in interface
ClobToStringMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject
ClobToStringMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.ClobToStringMapper
close() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractSpeedment
close() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.AsynchronousQueryResult
close() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.Speedment
Closes the Speedment instance and deallocates any allocated resources.
closer() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.DataSourceHandler
CollectorUtil - Class in com.speedment.runtime.core.util
Utility methods for collecting Speedment streams in various ways.
CollectSupplierAccumulatorCombinerTerminator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference
CollectTerminator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference
Column - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config
A typed Document that represents a column in the database.
COLUMN_SIZE - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasColumnSize
The key of the columnSize property.
ColumnIdentifier<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier
Identifies a particular Column.
ColumnIdentifier.Hidden - Class in com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier
Internal class only used to hide a map of interned instances.
ColumnLabel - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier
ColumnMetaData - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata
ColumnMutator<DOC extends Column> - Class in com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator
ColumnMutator(DOC) - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.ColumnMutator
COLUMNS - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Table
columns() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Table
Creates a stream of columns located in this document.
com.speedment.runtime.application - package com.speedment.runtime.application
The runtime application package of Speedment.
com.speedment.runtime.bulk - package com.speedment.runtime.bulk
Bulk exposes interfaces to handle bulk modification operations on a data source such as a relational database.
com.speedment.runtime.bulk.trait - package com.speedment.runtime.bulk.trait
The bulk trait package exposes shared interfaces for bulk modification operations on a data source such as a relational database.
com.speedment.runtime.compute - package com.speedment.runtime.compute
The Runtime Compute module adds a large number of functional interfaces to the Speedment system that allows computations to be performed on entities in a Stream without loosing metadata required by Speedment to optimize the stream.
com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression - package com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression
Expression builders that can produce efficient and type-safe implementations of the interfaces in the com.speedment.enterprise.aggregator.function package.
com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse - package com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.predicate - package com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.predicate
Specializations of predicates that are returned by expressions.
com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait - package com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait
Traits used in the base package for functional interfaces.
com.speedment.runtime.config - package com.speedment.runtime.config
The configuration system is located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.config.exception - package com.speedment.runtime.config.exception
Exception thrown by classes in the Runtime Config module.
com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier - package com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier
Composite identifiers for database configuration objects such as tables and columns.
com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.trait - package com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.trait
Traits used by configuration identifiers.
com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator - package com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator
Implementations of the DocumentMutator interface that help modify a Document in a type-safe manner are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.trait - package com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.trait
Common traits used by the DocumentMutator implementations are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.config.parameter - package com.speedment.runtime.config.parameter
Classes that are used as parameters in the configuration model are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.config.trait - package com.speedment.runtime.config.trait
Common traits used in the typed configuration documents are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.config.util - package com.speedment.runtime.config.util
Utility methods for this module.
com.speedment.runtime.connector.mariadb - package com.speedment.runtime.connector.mariadb
Driver for the H2 database
com.speedment.runtime.connector.mysql - package com.speedment.runtime.connector.mysql
Driver for the H2 database
com.speedment.runtime.connector.postgres - package com.speedment.runtime.connector.postgres
Driver for the H2 database
com.speedment.runtime.connector.sqlite - package com.speedment.runtime.connector.sqlite
com.speedment.runtime.core - package com.speedment.runtime.core
The base package of Speedment.
com.speedment.runtime.core.annotation - package com.speedment.runtime.core.annotation
This package contains annotations
com.speedment.runtime.core.component - package com.speedment.runtime.core.component
The standard components of the Speedment platform.
com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool - package com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool
The ConnectionPoolComponent and related classes are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.core.component.resultset - package com.speedment.runtime.core.component.resultset
The ResultSetMapperComponent and related classes are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql - package com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql
The SqlPersistenceComponent, SqlPersistenceComponent and related classes are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override - package com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override
Pluggable terminating operation interfaces are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.doubles - package com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.doubles
Pluggable terminating operation interfaces of double type are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.ints - package com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.ints
Pluggable terminating operation interfaces of int type are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.longs - package com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.longs
Pluggable terminating operation interfaces of long type are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference - package com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference
Pluggable terminating operation interfaces of reference type are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction - package com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction
Classes related to transactions, such as Transaction and TransactionHandler are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.core.db - package com.speedment.runtime.core.db
Establishing and maintaining the database connection is handled by the classes in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata - package com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata
Utility classes expecially used by the SQL mapping system are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.core.exception - package com.speedment.runtime.core.exception
Custom Exceptions thrown by Speedment is located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.core.manager - package com.speedment.runtime.core.manager
The Manager interface and its related classes are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.sql - package com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.sql - package
Classes concerning the custom Stream implementation used in Speedment is located in this package. - package
The basic building blocks of the custom Stream implementation are located in this package. - package
Classes concerning parallel configuration of the Stream implementation used in Speedment is located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.core.testsupport - package com.speedment.runtime.core.testsupport
com.speedment.runtime.core.util - package com.speedment.runtime.core.util
Utility classes used both internally and in generated code is located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.field - package com.speedment.runtime.field
Fields expose handlers for accessing columns in generated classes and are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.field.collector - package com.speedment.runtime.field.collector
Collectors provided by the Runtime Field module.
com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator - package com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator
Comparators provided by the Runtime Field module.
com.speedment.runtime.field.exception - package com.speedment.runtime.field.exception
Exception thrown by classes in the Runtime Field module.
com.speedment.runtime.field.expression - package com.speedment.runtime.field.expression
com.speedment.runtime.field.method - package com.speedment.runtime.field.method
Functional interfaces used by Fields are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate - package com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate
The different types of predicates generated by Fields are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.trait - package com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.trait
Traits used in Speedment predicates are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.field.trait - package com.speedment.runtime.field.trait
Traits used in Speedment fields are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.field.util - package com.speedment.runtime.field.util
com.speedment.runtime.join - package com.speedment.runtime.join
Join exposes interfaces to handle join operations on tables.
com.speedment.runtime.join.builder - package com.speedment.runtime.join.builder
com.speedment.runtime.join.stage - package com.speedment.runtime.join.stage
The pipeline package exposes how tables are composed in a join operation.
com.speedment.runtime.join.trait - package com.speedment.runtime.join.trait
The join trait package exposes shared interfaces for join operations on tables.
com.speedment.runtime.typemapper - package com.speedment.runtime.typemapper
Interfaces used by the database specific document types to describe mappers should be located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.bigdecimal - package com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.bigdecimal
Implementations of the TypeMapper interface that map from BigDecimal to other types are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.bytes - package com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.bytes
Implementations of the TypeMapper interface that map from Byte to other types are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.doubles - package com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.doubles
Implementations of the TypeMapper interface that map from Double to other types are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.exception - package com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.exception
Exception thrown by classes in the Runtime Typemapper module.
com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer - package com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer
Implementations of the TypeMapper interface that map from Integer to other types are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject - package com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject
Implementations of the TypeMapper interface that map from Clob to other types are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs - package com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs
Implementations of the TypeMapper interface that map from Long to other types are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.other - package com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.other
Implementations of the TypeMapper interface that map from types that doesn't belong in any other package are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.primitive - package com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.primitive
Implementations of the TypeMapper interface that map from wrapper to primitive types are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.shorts - package com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.shorts
Implementations of the TypeMapper interface that map from Short to other types are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string - package com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string
Implementations of the TypeMapper interface that map from String to other types are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time - package com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time
Implementations of the TypeMapper interface that map from temporal types to other types are located in this package.
com.speedment.runtime.welcome - package com.speedment.runtime.welcome
The welcome package for Speedment used for welcome messages when Speedment starts
CombinedComparator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator
A combined Comparator that compares a number of FieldComparators in sequence.
CombinedPredicate<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate
Aggregation of a number of Predicates of the same type (e.g.
CombinedPredicate.Type - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate
This enum list all the different types of combinations
commit() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.Transaction
Makes all changes made since the previous commit/rollback permanent and releases any transaction domain locks currently affected by this Transaction object.
committer() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.DataSourceHandler
COMPANY_NAME - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Project
ComparableField<ENTITY,D,V extends Comparable<? super V>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field
A field that represents an object value that implements Comparable.
ComparableForeignKeyField<ENTITY,D,V extends Comparable<? super V>,FK> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field
A field that represents an object value that implements Comparable and that references another field using a foreign key.
COMPARATOR - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasOrdinalPosition
The default Comparator used for documents that implement the HasOrdinalPosition trait.
COMPARATOR - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
comparator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ByteField
comparator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.CharField
comparator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.DoubleField
comparator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.FloatField
comparator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.IntField
comparator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.LongField
comparator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ShortField
comparator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasComparableOperators
Returns a Comparator that will compare to this field using this fields natural order, null fields are sorted last.
COMPARATOR - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.TypeMapper
The standard comparator to use for instances of the TypeMapper interface.
comparatorNullFieldsFirst() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasComparableOperators
Returns a Comparator that will compare to this field using this fields natural order, null fields are sorted first.
compare(T, T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
compare(T, T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimalNullable
compare(T, T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBoolean
compare(T, T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBooleanNullable
compare(T, T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
compare(T, T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByteNullable
compare(T, T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToChar
compare(T, T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToCharNullable
compare(T, T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
compare(T, T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDoubleNullable
compare(T, T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToEnum
compare(T, T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToEnumNullable
compare(T, T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
compare(T, T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloatNullable
compare(T, T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
compare(T, T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToIntNullable
compare(T, T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
compare(T, T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLongNullable
compare(T, T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
compare(T, T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShortNullable
compare(T, T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToString
compare(T, T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToStringNullable
compare(T, T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasCompare
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimalNullable
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBoolean
Returns a composed expression that first applies the before function to its input, and then applies this function to the result.
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBooleanNullable
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByteNullable
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToChar
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToCharNullable
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDoubleNullable
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToEnum
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToEnumNullable
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloatNullable
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToIntNullable
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLongNullable
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShortNullable
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToString
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToStringNullable
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasCompose
Returns a composed expression that first applies the before function to its input, and then applies this function to the result.
compose(SqlFunction<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlFunction
compose(Function<? super T, ? extends ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.SpeedmentPredicate
composedClose(T...) - Static method in class
Given a number of streams, closes the streams in sequence, even if one or several throws an Exception.
ComposedExpression<T,A> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression
Specialized Expression interface used when a ComposedExpression.firstStep() function is first applied to an incomming entity, before a ComposedExpression.secondStep() expression is applied to get the result.
ComposedPredicate<ENTITY,A> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate
SpeedmentPredicate that composes a Function and another SpeedmentPredicate, testing the output of the function with the predicate to get the result.
composedRunnable(Collection<Runnable>) - Static method in class
Given a number of Runnables, runs the run() method in sequence, even if one or several throws an Exception.
composeNullable(Function<? super V, ? extends T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBoolean
Returns a composed expression that first applies the before function to its input, and then applies this function to the result.
ComposeRunnableUtil - Class in
compute(Function<? super ENTITY, ? extends ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.bulk.BulkOperation.Builder.HasSet
Specifies an entity mapper for the operation whereby the mapper will mutate the entity in some way when applied.
computeIntensityDefault() - Static method in interface
A Parallel Strategy that is Java's default Iterator to Spliterator converter.
computeIntensityExtreme() - Static method in interface
A Parallel Strategy that favors small sets with extremely high computational overhead.
computeIntensityHigh() - Static method in interface
A Parallel Strategy that favors relatively small to medium sets with high computational overhead.
computeIntensityMedium() - Static method in interface
A Parallel Strategy that favors relatively small to medium sets with medium computational overhead.
concat(Stream<T>...) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.StreamComposition
Creates a concatenated Stream whose elements are are all the elements of the streams in sequential order.
concatAndAutoClose(Stream<T>...) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.StreamComposition
Creates a lazily concatenated Stream whose elements are are all the elements of the streams in sequential order.
CONFIG_PATH - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Project
ConfigurableIteratorSpliterator<T> - Interface in
configure(Class<? extends Manager<ENTITY>>) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractSpeedment
configure(Connection) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.ConnectionDecorator
Configures a newly allocated connection before use.
configure(Class<? extends Manager<ENTITY>>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.Speedment
Creates and Returns a manager configurator that can be used to configure an existing manager.
configureSelect(PreparedStatement) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsOperationHandler
Configures a select statement for optimum read performance.
configureSelect(ResultSet) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsOperationHandler
Configures a ResultSet for optimum read performance.
CONNECTION_URL - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Dbms
ConnectionDecorator - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool
ConnectionPoolComponent - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool
This Component interface is used for holding the connection pool that is being used by Speedment.
ConnectionUrlGenerator - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.db
A functional interface that given a certain Dbms instance can produce a connection URL.
constant(double) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
Returns an implementation of this interface that regardless of input, always returns the value specified.
ConstantExpression<T,V> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression
Specialized Expression that always returns the same value, regardless of the input.
constants() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumField
Returns the set of possible values for this enum.
consumers() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.bulk.trait.HasConsumers
contains(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasStringOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field contains the given value.
containsIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasStringOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field contains the given value while ignoring the case of the Strings that are compared.
CountTerminator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference
create(Class<? extends ApplicationMetadata>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.ApplicationBuilders
Creates and returns a new ApplicationBuilder configured with the given ApplicationMetadata class.
create(Document, Map<String, Object>, Class<? extends Document>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.util.TraitUtil.TraitViewConstructor
create(Project, Field<ENTITY>, Class<ENTITY>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.SqlTypeMapperHelper
Creates a new SqlTypeMapperHelper by using the default implementation.
create() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.JavaTypeMap
Creates a new JavaTypeMap using the default implementation.
create() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.util.ProgressMeasure
create(ColumnIdentifier<ENTITY>, BooleanGetter<ENTITY>, BooleanSetter<ENTITY>, TypeMapper<D, Boolean>, boolean) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.BooleanField
Creates a new BooleanField using the default implementation.
create(ColumnIdentifier<ENTITY>, ByteGetter<ENTITY>, ByteSetter<ENTITY>, TypeMapper<D, Byte>, boolean) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ByteField
Creates a new ByteField using the default implementation.
create(ColumnIdentifier<ENTITY>, ByteGetter<ENTITY>, ByteSetter<ENTITY>, ByteField<FK_ENTITY, D>, TypeMapper<D, Byte>, boolean) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ByteForeignKeyField
Creates a new ByteForeignKeyField using the default implementation.
create(ColumnIdentifier<ENTITY>, CharGetter<ENTITY>, CharSetter<ENTITY>, TypeMapper<D, Character>, boolean) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.CharField
Creates a new CharField using the default implementation.
create(ColumnIdentifier<ENTITY>, CharGetter<ENTITY>, CharSetter<ENTITY>, CharField<FK_ENTITY, D>, TypeMapper<D, Character>, boolean) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.CharForeignKeyField
Creates a new CharForeignKeyField using the default implementation.
create(ColumnIdentifier<ENTITY>, ReferenceGetter<ENTITY, V>, ReferenceSetter<ENTITY, V>, TypeMapper<D, V>, boolean) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ComparableField
Creates a new ComparableField using the default implementation.
create(ColumnIdentifier<ENTITY>, ReferenceGetter<ENTITY, V>, ReferenceSetter<ENTITY, V>, HasComparableOperators<FK, V>, TypeMapper<D, V>, boolean) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ComparableForeignKeyField
Creates a new ComparableField using the default implementation.
create(ColumnIdentifier<ENTITY>, DoubleGetter<ENTITY>, DoubleSetter<ENTITY>, TypeMapper<D, Double>, boolean) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.DoubleField
Creates a new DoubleField using the default implementation.
create(ColumnIdentifier<ENTITY>, DoubleGetter<ENTITY>, DoubleSetter<ENTITY>, DoubleField<FK_ENTITY, D>, TypeMapper<D, Double>, boolean) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.DoubleForeignKeyField
Creates a new DoubleForeignKeyField using the default implementation.
create(ColumnIdentifier<ENTITY>, ReferenceGetter<ENTITY, E>, ReferenceSetter<ENTITY, E>, TypeMapper<D, E>, Function<E, String>, Function<String, E>, Class<E>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumField
Create a new instance of this interface using the default implementation.
create(ColumnIdentifier<ENTITY>, ReferenceGetter<ENTITY, E>, ReferenceSetter<ENTITY, E>, TypeMapper<D, E>, HasComparableOperators<FK, E>, Function<E, String>, Function<String, E>, Class<E>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumForeignKeyField
Create a new instance of this interface using the default implementation.
create(ColumnIdentifier<ENTITY>, FloatGetter<ENTITY>, FloatSetter<ENTITY>, TypeMapper<D, Float>, boolean) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.FloatField
Creates a new FloatField using the default implementation.
create(ColumnIdentifier<ENTITY>, FloatGetter<ENTITY>, FloatSetter<ENTITY>, FloatField<FK_ENTITY, D>, TypeMapper<D, Float>, boolean) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.FloatForeignKeyField
Creates a new FloatForeignKeyField using the default implementation.
create(ColumnIdentifier<ENTITY>, IntGetter<ENTITY>, IntSetter<ENTITY>, TypeMapper<D, Integer>, boolean) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.IntField
Creates a new IntField using the default implementation.
create(ColumnIdentifier<ENTITY>, IntGetter<ENTITY>, IntSetter<ENTITY>, IntField<FK_ENTITY, D>, TypeMapper<D, Integer>, boolean) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.IntForeignKeyField
Creates a new IntForeignKeyField using the default implementation.
create(ColumnIdentifier<ENTITY>, LongGetter<ENTITY>, LongSetter<ENTITY>, TypeMapper<D, Long>, boolean) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.LongField
Creates a new LongField using the default implementation.
create(ColumnIdentifier<ENTITY>, LongGetter<ENTITY>, LongSetter<ENTITY>, LongField<FK_ENTITY, D>, TypeMapper<D, Long>, boolean) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.LongForeignKeyField
Creates a new LongForeignKeyField using the default implementation.
create(ColumnIdentifier<ENTITY>, ReferenceGetter<ENTITY, V>, ReferenceSetter<ENTITY, V>, TypeMapper<D, V>, boolean) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
Creates a new ReferenceField using the default implementation.
create(ColumnIdentifier<ENTITY>, ShortGetter<ENTITY>, ShortSetter<ENTITY>, TypeMapper<D, Short>, boolean) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ShortField
Creates a new ShortField using the default implementation.
create(ColumnIdentifier<ENTITY>, ShortGetter<ENTITY>, ShortSetter<ENTITY>, ShortField<FK_ENTITY, D>, TypeMapper<D, Short>, boolean) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ShortForeignKeyField
Creates a new ShortForeignKeyField using the default implementation.
create(ColumnIdentifier<ENTITY>, ReferenceGetter<ENTITY, String>, ReferenceSetter<ENTITY, String>, TypeMapper<D, String>, boolean) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.StringField
Creates a new StringField using the default implementation.
create(ColumnIdentifier<ENTITY>, ReferenceGetter<ENTITY, String>, ReferenceSetter<ENTITY, String>, StringField<FK, D>, TypeMapper<D, String>, boolean) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.StringForeignKeyField
Creates a new StringForeignKeyField using the default implementation.
createAndAccept(Consumer<? super Transaction>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.TransactionHandler
Creates a new Transaction and invokes the provided action with the new transaction.
createAndApply(Function<? super Transaction, ? extends R>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.TransactionHandler
Creates a new Transaction and returns the value of applying the given function to the new transaction.
createArray(Dbms, String, Object[]) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsOperationHandler
Factory method for creating Array objects.
createBlob(Dbms) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsOperationHandler
Constructs an object that implements the Blob interface.
createClob(Dbms) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsOperationHandler
Constructs an object that implements the Clob interface.
createJoin(List<Stage<?>>, Function10<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T>, TableIdentifier<T0>, TableIdentifier<T1>, TableIdentifier<T2>, TableIdentifier<T3>, TableIdentifier<T4>, TableIdentifier<T5>, TableIdentifier<T6>, TableIdentifier<T7>, TableIdentifier<T8>, TableIdentifier<T9>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.trait.HasCreateJoin10
Creates and returns a new Join object using the provided pipeline whereby elements in the returned Join's method will be constructed using the provided constructor.
createJoin(List<Stage<?>>, BiFunction<T0, T1, T>, TableIdentifier<T0>, TableIdentifier<T1>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.trait.HasCreateJoin2
Creates and returns a new Join object using the provided pipeline whereby elements in the returned Join's method will be constructed using the provided constructor.
createJoin(List<Stage<?>>, TriFunction<T0, T1, T2, T>, TableIdentifier<T0>, TableIdentifier<T1>, TableIdentifier<T2>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.trait.HasCreateJoin3
Creates and returns a new Join object using the provided pipeline whereby elements in the returned Join's method will be constructed using the provided constructor.
createJoin(List<Stage<?>>, QuadFunction<T0, T1, T2, T3, T>, TableIdentifier<T0>, TableIdentifier<T1>, TableIdentifier<T2>, TableIdentifier<T3>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.trait.HasCreateJoin4
Creates and returns a new Join object using the provided pipeline whereby elements in the returned Join's method will be constructed using the provided constructor.
createJoin(List<Stage<?>>, Function5<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T>, TableIdentifier<T0>, TableIdentifier<T1>, TableIdentifier<T2>, TableIdentifier<T3>, TableIdentifier<T4>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.trait.HasCreateJoin5
Creates and returns a new Join object using the provided pipeline whereby elements in the returned Join's method will be constructed using the provided constructor.
createJoin(List<Stage<?>>, Function6<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T>, TableIdentifier<T0>, TableIdentifier<T1>, TableIdentifier<T2>, TableIdentifier<T3>, TableIdentifier<T4>, TableIdentifier<T5>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.trait.HasCreateJoin6
Creates and returns a new Join object using the provided pipeline whereby elements in the returned Join's method will be constructed using the provided constructor.
createJoin(List<Stage<?>>, Function7<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T>, TableIdentifier<T0>, TableIdentifier<T1>, TableIdentifier<T2>, TableIdentifier<T3>, TableIdentifier<T4>, TableIdentifier<T5>, TableIdentifier<T6>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.trait.HasCreateJoin7
Creates and returns a new Join object using the provided pipeline whereby elements in the returned Join's method will be constructed using the provided constructor.
createJoin(List<Stage<?>>, Function8<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T>, TableIdentifier<T0>, TableIdentifier<T1>, TableIdentifier<T2>, TableIdentifier<T3>, TableIdentifier<T4>, TableIdentifier<T5>, TableIdentifier<T6>, TableIdentifier<T7>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.trait.HasCreateJoin8
Creates and returns a new Join object using the provided pipeline whereby elements in the returned Join's method will be constructed using the provided constructor.
createJoin(List<Stage<?>>, Function9<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T>, TableIdentifier<T0>, TableIdentifier<T1>, TableIdentifier<T2>, TableIdentifier<T3>, TableIdentifier<T4>, TableIdentifier<T5>, TableIdentifier<T6>, TableIdentifier<T7>, TableIdentifier<T8>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.trait.HasCreateJoin9
Creates and returns a new Join object using the provided pipeline whereby elements in the returned Join's method will be constructed using the provided constructor.
createNClob(Dbms) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsOperationHandler
Constructs an object that implements the NClob interface.
createSQLXML(Dbms) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsOperationHandler
Constructs an object that implements the SQLXML interface.
createStruct(Dbms, String, Object[]) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsOperationHandler
Factory method for creating Struct objects.
createTransactionHandler() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.TransactionComponent
Creates and returns a new TransactionHandler for the single Dbms defined in the current Speedment Project.
createTransactionHandler(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.TransactionComponent
Creates and returns a new TransactionHandler for the provided transaction object (such as a database).
crossJoin(TableIdentifier<T1>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder1
crossJoin(TableIdentifier<T2>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder2
crossJoin(TableIdentifier<T3>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder3
crossJoin(TableIdentifier<T4>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder4
crossJoin(TableIdentifier<T5>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder5
crossJoin(TableIdentifier<T6>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder6
crossJoin(TableIdentifier<T7>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder7
crossJoin(TableIdentifier<T8>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder8
crossJoin(TableIdentifier<T9>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder9
crossJoin(TableIdentifier<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.trait.HasJoins
Adds the provided joinedTable to the collection of joined tables.


DATABASE_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasTypeMapper
The attribute under which the database type is stored in the configuration file.
DatabaseNamingConvention - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.db
Regulates how the full name of a database entity is constructed.
DatabaseUtil - Class in com.speedment.runtime.core.util
Utility methods for calculating values based on a configuration model.
DataSourceHandler<D,T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction
DateIntToPrimitiveShortMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer
Specialized Type Mapper that stores dates on the form YYYYMMDD as a single short value (the number of days since the beginning of epoch time).
DateIntToPrimitiveShortMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.DateIntToPrimitiveShortMapper
DateIntToShortMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer
Specialized Type Mapper that stores dates on the form YYYYMMDD as a single short value (the number of days since the beginning of epoch time).
DateIntToShortMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.DateIntToShortMapper
DateToIntMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time
DateToIntMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToIntMapper
DateToLocalDateMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time
A mapping from SQL's Date to Java's LocalDate.
DateToLocalDateMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToLocalDateMapper
DateToLongMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time
DateToLongMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToLongMapper
DateToPrimitiveIntMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time
DateToPrimitiveIntMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToPrimitiveIntMapper
DateToPrimitiveLongMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time
DateToPrimitiveLongMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToPrimitiveLongMapper
Dbms - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config
A typed Document that represents a dbms instance in the database.
DbmsColumnHandler - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.db
A DbmsColumnHandler governs selection of columns used in queries to the database
DBMSES - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Project
dbmses() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Project
Return a Stream of all dbmses that exists in this Project.
DbmsHandlerComponent - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component
This class holds the various DbmsTypes currently installed in the Speedment platform.
DbmsIdentifier<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier
Identifies a particular Schema.
DbmsIdentifier.Hidden - Class in com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier
DbmsMetadataHandler - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.db
A DbmsMetadataHandler provides the interface between Speedment and an underlying Dbms for when initially loading the metadata.
DbmsMutator<DOC extends Dbms> - Class in com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator
DbmsMutator(DOC) - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.DbmsMutator
DbmsOperationHandler - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.db
A DbmsOperationHandler provides the interface between Speedment and an underlying Dbms for when running queries.
DbmsType - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.db
The DbmsType interface defines unique properties for different Dbms types.
DbmsType.ConnectionType - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.core.db
The type of connection that this DbmsType uses.
DbmsType.SkipLimitSupport - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.core.db
DbmsType.SortByNullOrderInsertion - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.core.db
The sort by null order insertion.
DbmsType.SubSelectAlias - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.core.db
The sub-select alias mode.
dbmsTypeOf(DbmsHandlerComponent, Dbms) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.DatabaseUtil
Returns the DbmsType for the specified Dbms.
DECIMAL_DIGITS - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasDecimalDigits
The key of the decimalDigits property.
decode(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentTranscoder.Decoder
Decodes the specified JSON string into a map.
deepCopy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Column
deepCopy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Dbms
deepCopy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.ForeignKey
deepCopy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.ForeignKeyColumn
deepCopy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Index
deepCopy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.IndexColumn
deepCopy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.PrimaryKeyColumn
deepCopy(Project) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Project
Creates and returns a mutable deep-copy of the specified project.
deepCopy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Project
deepCopy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Schema
deepCopy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Table
deepCopy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasDeepCopy
Returns a mutable copy of this document.
deepCopy(DOC, Function<Map<String, Object>, DOC>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentUtil
Creates a deep copy of the raw map in the specified document and wrap it in a new typed document using the specified constructor.
deepCopy(DOC, BiFunction<P, Map<String, Object>, DOC>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentUtil
Creates a deep copy of the raw map in the specified document and wrap it in a new typed document using the specified constructor.
DEFAULT_COMPANY_NAME - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Project
DEFAULT_PACKAGE_LOCATION - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Project
DEFAULT_PACKAGE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Project
DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAME - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Project
DEFAULT_SCHEMA - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Schema
defaultNameFor(C) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasChildren
Generates a new default name for the specified child by appending an unique number to the HasMainInterface.mainInterface() of that document.
defaultTerminator() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.doubles.DoubleCountTerminator
defaultTerminator() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.ints.IntCountTerminator
defaultTerminator() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.longs.LongCountTerminator
defaultTerminator() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.AllMatchTerminator
defaultTerminator() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.AnyMatchTerminator
defaultTerminator() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.CollectSupplierAccumulatorCombinerTerminator
defaultTerminator() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.CollectTerminator
defaultTerminator() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.CountTerminator
defaultTerminator() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.FindAnyTerminator
defaultTerminator() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.FindFirstTerminator
defaultTerminator() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ForEachOrderedTerminator
defaultTerminator() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ForEachTerminator
defaultTerminator() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.IteratorTerminator
defaultTerminator() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.MaxTerminator
defaultTerminator() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.MinTerminator
defaultTerminator() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.NoneMatchTerminator
defaultTerminator() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReduceIdentityCombinerTerminator
defaultTerminator() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReduceIdentityTerminator
defaultTerminator() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReduceTerminator
defaultTerminator() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.SpliteratorTerminator
defaultTerminator() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ToArrayGeneratorTerminator
defaultTerminator() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ToArrayTerminator
defaultValue() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.ToBigDecimalOrElse
Returns the default value used when NonNullableExpression.innerNullable() would have returned null.
defaultValue() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.ToBooleanOrElse
Returns the default value used when NonNullableExpression.innerNullable() would have returned null.
defaultValue() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.ToByteOrElse
Returns the default value used when NonNullableExpression.innerNullable() would have returned null.
defaultValue() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.ToCharOrElse
Returns the default value used when NonNullableExpression.innerNullable() would have returned null.
defaultValue() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.ToDoubleOrElse
Returns the default value used when NonNullableExpression.innerNullable() would have returned null.
defaultValue() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.ToEnumOrElse
Returns the default value used when NonNullableExpression.innerNullable() would have returned null.
defaultValue() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.ToFloatOrElse
Returns the default value used when NonNullableExpression.innerNullable() would have returned null.
defaultValue() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.ToIntOrElse
Returns the default value used when NonNullableExpression.innerNullable() would have returned null.
defaultValue() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.ToLongOrElse
Returns the default value used when NonNullableExpression.innerNullable() would have returned null.
defaultValue() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.ToShortOrElse
Returns the default value used when NonNullableExpression.innerNullable() would have returned null.
defaultValue() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.ToStringOrElse
Returns the default value used when NonNullableExpression.innerNullable() would have returned null.
defaultValueGetter() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.OrElseGetExpression
Returns the default value used when NonNullableExpression.innerNullable() would have returned null.
detachCurrentThread() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.Transaction
Detaches the current thread from this Transaction.
divide(ToByte<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToByte<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToByte<T>, double) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToByte<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToByte<T>, ToLong<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToByte<T>, ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToShort<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToShort<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToShort<T>, double) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToShort<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToShort<T>, ToLong<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToShort<T>, ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToInt<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToInt<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToInt<T>, double) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToInt<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToInt<T>, ToLong<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToInt<T>, ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToLong<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToLong<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToLong<T>, double) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToLong<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToLong<T>, ToLong<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToLong<T>, ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToFloat<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToFloat<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToFloat<T>, double) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToFloat<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToFloat<T>, ToLong<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToFloat<T>, ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToDouble<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToDouble<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToDouble<T>, double) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToDouble<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToDouble<T>, ToLong<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(ToDouble<T>, ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that takes the result from the first expression and divides it with the result of the second expression.
divide(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
divide(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
divide(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
divide(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
divide(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
divide(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
divide(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
divide(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
divide(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
divide(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
divide(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
divide(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
divide(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
divide(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
divide(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
divide(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
divide(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
divide(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
divide(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
divide(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
divide(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
divide(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
divide(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
divide(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
divide(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
divide(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
divide(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
divide(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
divide(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
divide(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
divide(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
divide(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
divide(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
divide(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
divide(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
divide(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
divide(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
divide(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
divide(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
divide(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
divide(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
divide(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
divide(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasDivide
Creates and returns an expression that returns the quotient of the result from the current expression and the divisor.
divide(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasDivide
Creates and returns an expression that returns the quotient of the result from the current expression and the divisor.
divide(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasDivide
Creates and returns an expression that returns the quotient of the result from the current expression and the divisor.
divide(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasDivide
Creates and returns an expression that returns the quotient of the result from the current expression and the divisor.
divide(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasDivide
Creates and returns an expression that returns the quotient of the result from the current expression and the divisor.
divide(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasDivide
Creates and returns an expression that returns the quotient of the result from the current expression and the divisor.
Document - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config
The Document is the base structure for storing configuration parameters and can be seen as a hierarchical key-value store.
document() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.DocumentMutator
DocumentDbUtil - Class in com.speedment.runtime.config.util
Common utility methods specific to the database document model.
DocumentMutator<DOC extends Document> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator
DocumentTranscoder - Class in com.speedment.runtime.config.util
Various utility methods for transcoding and decoding documents into JSON.
DocumentTranscoder.Decoder - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.util
A functional interface describing a method that decodes a JSON String into a map of key-value pairs.
DocumentTranscoder.Encoder - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.util
A functional interface describing a method that encodes a map of key-value pairs into a JSON String.
DocumentUtil - Class in com.speedment.runtime.config.util
Common utility methods for working with instances of the Document interface.
DocumentUtil.Name - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.config.util
An enumeration of the types of names that documents can have.
DONE - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.util.ProgressMeasure
DoubleCountTerminator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.doubles
DoubleField<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field
A field that represents a primitive double value.
DoubleFieldComparator<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator
A FieldComparator that compares values of a DoubleField.
DoubleForeignKeyField<ENTITY,D,FK_ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field
A field that represents a primitive double value that references another column using a foreign key.
DoubleGetter<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A short-cut functional reference to the getXXX(value) method for a particular field in an entity.
DoubleSetter<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A short-cut functional reference to the setXXX(value) method for a particular field in an entity.
DoubleSqlStreamTerminatorOverride - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.doubles
An interface used for overriding a DoubleStream's terminating operations.
DoubleTerminator - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.doubles
DoubleToFloatMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.doubles
Maps between Double and Float values by simply casting to lower precision.
DoubleToFloatMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.doubles.DoubleToFloatMapper
driver(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DriverComponent
Returns the Driver with the specified class name if it exists on the class path, and otherwise an empty optional.
DriverComponent - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.db
Component used by connectors to obtain a Driver instance.


effectiveType(boolean) - Method in enum com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.PredicateType
EmailUtil - Class in com.speedment.runtime.core.util
Reads and writes to the internal file where a user's email address is stored.
empty() - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.ApplicationBuilders
Creates and returns a new empty ApplicationBuilder.
empty(ClassLoader) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.ApplicationBuilders
Creates and returns a new empty ApplicationBuilder.
empty() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.Metrics
Returns an empty metrics.
ENABLED - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasEnabled
The key of the enabled property.
ENABLED_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasEnabled
If a Document should be considered true if it is not specified in the map.
encloseField(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DatabaseNamingConvention
Encloses the specified database name field in accordance to this database naming convention.
encode(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentTranscoder.Encoder
Encodes the specified map into a JSON string.
endsWith(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasStringOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field ends with the given value.
endsWithIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasStringOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field ends with the given value while ignoring the case of the Strings that are compared.
EntityManager - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component
An Entity Manager is be used to handle persistence for any Entity.
entityMapper() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.SqlAdapter
Returns an entity mapper for this SqlAdapter.
entityMapper(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.SqlAdapter
Returns an entity mapper for this SqlAdapter.
ENUM_CONSTANTS - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasEnumConstants
The attribute for the 'enumConstants' field in the JSON Configuration file.
enumClass() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.ToEnumOrThrow
enumClass() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToEnum
Returns the class of the enum that this expression returns.
enumClass() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToEnumNullable
Returns the class of the enum that this expression returns.
enumClass() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumField
Returns the enum class of this field.
EnumField<ENTITY,D,E extends Enum<E>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field
A field representing an Enum value in the entity.
EnumForeignKeyField<ENTITY,D,E extends Enum<E>,FK> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field
A field representing an Enum value in the entity that has a finder to another entity.
enumToString() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumField
A method that takes an enum and converts it into a String.
enumToString() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumForeignKeyField
A method that takes an enum and converts it into a String.
equal(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumField
Returns a new predicate that evaluates if entities has a enum value for this field with a value that is equal to the specified value.
equal(boolean) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasBooleanOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is equal to the given value.
equal(V) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasComparableOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is equal to the given value.
equal(HasComparableOperators<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.trait.HasOnPredicates
Adds an operation where a previous field is compared to the given joinedField and whereby the operation returns true if and only the previous field is equal to the given joinedField.
equalIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasStringOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is equal to the given value while ignoring the case of the Strings that are compared.
equals(Object) - Method in class
except(Field<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.FieldSet
Creates a new FieldSet with the given field removed from the original set.
excludedInInsertStatement() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsColumnHandler
By default, all columns are included in SQL INSERT statements, this predicate allows exclusion from that rule in order to for example exclude auto incremented fields.
excludedInUpdateStatement() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsColumnHandler
By default, all columns are included in SQL UPDATE statements, this predicate allows exclusion from that rule in order to for example exclude auto incremented fields.
executeDelete(Dbms, String, List<?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsOperationHandler
Executes an SQL delete command.
executeInsert(Dbms, String, List<?>, Collection<Field<ENTITY>>, Consumer<List<Long>>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsOperationHandler
Executes an SQL update command.
executeQuery(Dbms, String, SqlFunction<ResultSet, T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsOperationHandler
Eagerly executes a SQL query and subsequently maps each row in the ResultSet using a provided mapper and return a Stream of the mapped objects.
executeQuery(Dbms, String, List<?>, SqlFunction<ResultSet, T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsOperationHandler
Eagerly executes a SQL query and subsequently maps each row in the ResultSet using a provided mapper and return a stream of the mapped objects.
executeQueryAsync(Dbms, String, List<?>, SqlFunction<ResultSet, T>, ParallelStrategy) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsOperationHandler
Lazily Executes a SQL query and subsequently maps each row in the ResultSet using a provided mapper and return a stream of the mapped objects.
executeUpdate(Dbms, String, List<?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsOperationHandler
Executes an SQL update command.
Expression<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression
The base interface for all expressions.
expression() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.predicate.NullPredicate
The expression that is invoked in an incoming entity to get the value that the predicate should test.
Expressions - Class in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression
Common mathematical expressions often used on Speedment entities.
expressions() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.JoiningExpression
Returns an unmodifiable list of the expressions that are joined together in this expression.
expressionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expression
Returns the expression type of this expression.
ExpressionType - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression
Every expression type has a corresponding interface to get a type-safe way of applying the expression without boxing any values.
expressionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
expressionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimalNullable
expressionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBoolean
expressionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBooleanNullable
expressionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
expressionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByteNullable
expressionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToChar
expressionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToCharNullable
expressionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
expressionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDoubleNullable
expressionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToEnum
expressionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToEnumNullable
expressionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
expressionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloatNullable
expressionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
expressionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToIntNullable
expressionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
expressionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLongNullable
expressionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
expressionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShortNullable
expressionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToString
expressionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToStringNullable
extractor() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.DataSourceHandler


FeatureReadinessLevel - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.core.util
Enumeration of the readiness of a particular feature.
Field<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field
The base interface for all fields.
field() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.stage.Stage
Returns a Field that belongs to the table of this Stage, or empty() if no Field is defined (i.e.
FieldCollector<T,A,R> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.collector
FieldCollectors - Class in com.speedment.runtime.field.collector
A number of collectors specialized for entities.
FieldComparator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator
A specialized Comparator that contains meta data information about the field that is being compared.
FieldIsNotNullPredicate<ENTITY,T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate
Specialized FieldPredicate that also implements IsNotNull from the runtime-compute-module.
FieldIsNullPredicate<ENTITY,T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate
Specialized FieldPredicate that also implements IsNotNull from the runtime-compute-module.
FieldMapper<ENTITY,T,R,NON_NULLABLE extends Expression<ENTITY>,MAPPER> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.expression
Specialized expression that takes the value of a particular Speedment field and maps it to a specific type.
FieldPredicate<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate
The base interface for all predicates generated by Speedment entity fields.
FieldPredicateView - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.db
fields() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.PersistenceTableInfo
Returns a stream of the fields of the table.
FieldSet<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.manager
FieldToBigDecimal<ENTITY,T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.expression
Specific FieldMapper implementation that also implements ToBigDecimalNullable.
FieldToBoolean<ENTITY,T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.expression
Specific FieldMapper implementation that also implements ToBooleanNullable.
FieldToByte<ENTITY,T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.expression
Specific FieldMapper implementation that also implements ToByteNullable.
FieldToChar<ENTITY,T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.expression
Specific FieldMapper implementation that also implements ToCharNullable.
FieldToDouble<ENTITY,T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.expression
Specific FieldMapper implementation that also implements ToDoubleNullable.
FieldToEnum<ENTITY,T,E extends Enum<E>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.expression
Specific FieldMapper implementation that also implements ToStringNullable.
FieldToFloat<ENTITY,T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.expression
Specific FieldMapper implementation that also implements ToFloatNullable.
FieldToInt<ENTITY,T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.expression
Specific FieldMapper implementation that also implements ToIntNullable.
FieldToLong<ENTITY,T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.expression
Specific FieldMapper implementation that also implements ToLongNullable.
FieldToShort<ENTITY,T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.expression
Specific FieldMapper implementation that also implements ToShortNullable.
FieldToString<ENTITY,T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.expression
Specific FieldMapper implementation that also implements ToStringNullable.
findAny(TableIdentifier<ENTITY>, HasComparableOperators<ENTITY, V>, V) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.StreamSupplierComponent
Finds a particular entity in the source where the specified field has the specified value.
FindAnyTerminator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference
findBackwardsBy(HasFinder<ENTITY, FK_ENTITY>, FK_ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.Manager
Retrieves and returns a stream of matching entities that matches the given a foreign key relation (foreign field and entity).
findBy(HasFinder<FK_ENTITY, ENTITY>, FK_ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.Manager
Retrieves and returns an Entity that matches the given a foreign key relation (foreign field and entity).
findByName(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.DbmsHandlerComponent
Searches for the specified DbmsType by its name as defined by DbmsType.getName().
findByNullable(HasNullableFinder<FK_ENTITY, ENTITY>, FK_ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.Manager
Retrieves and returns a stream of Entities (with one or zero elements) that matches the given a foreign key relation (foreign field and entity).
findColumn(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Table
Locate the Column child with the specified id if it exists, else return an empty Optional.
findColumn() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasColumn
Locates and returns the column referenced by the HasId.getId() method.
findColumn(Project) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasIdentifier
Locates the column that this field is referencing by using the specified Project instance.
findConnectionUrl(DbmsHandlerComponent, Dbms) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.DatabaseUtil
Determines the connection URL to use for the specified Dbms by first: checking if the CONNECTION_URL property is set; otherwise, calculate it using the DbmsType.
findDatabaseType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasTypeMapper
Returns the class that represents the database type.
findDbmsType(DbmsHandlerComponent, Dbms) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.DatabaseUtil
Locates the DbmsType corresponding to the specified Dbms, or throws a SpeedmentException if it can not be found.
finder(TableIdentifier<FK_ENTITY>, Supplier<Stream<FK_ENTITY>>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasFinder
Returns a function that can be used to find referenced entities using the specified manager.
finderBackwardsBy(HasFinder<ENTITY, FK_ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.Manager
Returns a Function that, when it is applied, will produce an equivalent result as if Manager.findBackwardsBy(HasFinder, Object) was called.
finderBy(HasFinder<FK_ENTITY, ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.Manager
Returns a Function that, when it is applied, will produce an equivalent result as if Manager.finderByNullable(HasNullableFinder) was called.
finderByNullable(HasNullableFinder<FK_ENTITY, ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.Manager
Returns a Function that, when it is applied, will produce an equivalent result as if Manager.findByNullable(HasNullableFinder, Object) was called.
FindFirstTerminator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference
findForeignColumn() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.ForeignKeyColumn
A helper method for accessing the foreign Column referenced by this key.
findForeignKey(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Table
Locate the ForeignKey child with the specified id if it exists, else return an empty Optional.
findForeignTable() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.ForeignKeyColumn
A helper method for accessing the foreign Table referenced by this key.
FindFrom<ENTITY,FK_ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A handle for a find-operation that can be replaced runtime to optimize a Stream.
FindFromNullable<ENTITY,FK_ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A handle for a find-operation that can be replaced runtime to optimize a Stream.
findIndex(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Table
Locate the Index child with the specified id if it exists, else return an empty Optional.
findJdbcType(Map<String, Class<?>>, ColumnMetaData) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.JavaTypeMap
Looks through all the rules that has been installed into this rule engine to try and find one that returns something other than an empty Optional.
findJdbcType(Map<String, Class<?>>, ColumnMetaData) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.JavaTypeMap.Rule
Returns the java type that should be used to represent the column with the specified metadata.
findPrimaryKeyColumn(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Table
Locate the PrimaryKeyColumn child with the specified id if it exists, else return an empty Optional.
findTableByName(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Project
Locates the table with the specified full name in this project.
first() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.BinaryExpression
Returns the first operand, an inner expression.
first() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.BinaryObjExpression
Returns the first operand, an inner expression.
firstStep() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.ComposedExpression
The function that is applied to incoming entities to get the value that is to be passed to ComposedExpression.secondStep().
FloatField<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field
A field that represents a primitive float value.
FloatFieldComparator<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator
A FieldComparator that compares values of a FloatField.
FloatForeignKeyField<ENTITY,D,FK_ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field
A field that represents a primitive float value that references another column using a foreign key.
FloatGetter<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A short-cut functional reference to the getXXX(value) method for a particular field in an entity.
FloatSetter<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A short-cut functional reference to the setXXX(value) method for a particular field in an entity.
floatToDouble(ToFloat<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that converts the result of the specified expression into a double by casting.
floatToDoubleNullable(ToFloatNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that converts the result of the specified expression into a double by casting.
ForEachOrderedTerminator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference
ForEachTerminator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference
FOREIGN_COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.ForeignKeyColumn
FOREIGN_DATABASE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.ForeignKeyColumn
FOREIGN_KEY_COLUMNS - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.ForeignKey
FOREIGN_KEYS - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Table
FOREIGN_SCHEMA_NAME - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.ForeignKeyColumn
FOREIGN_TABLE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.ForeignKeyColumn
foreignField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.stage.Stage
Returns a Field that belongs to a table from a previous stage, or empty() if no Field is defined (i.e.
ForeignKey - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config
A typed Document that represents a foreign key instance in the database.
ForeignKeyColumn - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config
A typed Document that represents the column referenced by a foreign key instance in the database.
ForeignKeyColumnMutator<DOC extends ForeignKeyColumn> - Class in com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator
ForeignKeyColumnMutator(DOC) - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.ForeignKeyColumnMutator
foreignKeyColumns() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.ForeignKey
Creates a stream of foreign key columns located in this document.
ForeignKeyMutator<DOC extends ForeignKey> - Class in com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator
ForeignKeyMutator(DOC) - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.ForeignKeyMutator
foreignKeys() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Table
Creates a stream of foreign keys located in this document.
free() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.StringClob
from(Dbms) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.ConnectionUrlGenerator
Returns the connection URL for the specified database information.
from(TableIdentifier<T0>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.JoinComponent
Adds a provided firstManager to the collection of joined managers.
fromSqlIsolationLevel(int) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.Isolation
fullNameOf(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DatabaseNamingConvention
Returns the full name used in the database for the specified column.
fullNameOf(String, String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DatabaseNamingConvention
Returns the full name used in the database for the specified parameters.
fullNameOf(ColumnIdentifier<?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DatabaseNamingConvention
Returns the full name used in the database for the specified ColumnIdentifier.
fullNameOf(PrimaryKeyColumn) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DatabaseNamingConvention
Returns the full name used in the database for the specified PrimaryKeyColumn.
fullNameOf(Column) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DatabaseNamingConvention
Returns the full name used in the database for the specified Column.
fullNameOf(Table) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DatabaseNamingConvention
Returns the full name used in the database for the specified Table.


GeneratedCode - Annotation Type in com.speedment.runtime.core.annotation
This annotation class has been replaced by com.speedment.common.annotation.GeneratedCode. Please re-generate your classes
generatorSuppliers() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.bulk.trait.HasGeneratorSuppliers
get(Class<T>) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractSpeedment
get(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Document
Returns the value mapped to the specified key, or an empty Optional if no value was found.
get(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.PasswordComponent
Returns the password associated with the specified dbms.
get(Dbms) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.PasswordComponent
Returns the password associated with the specified dbms.
get(Pipeline, DbmsType) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.SqlStreamOptimizerComponent
get(Thread) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.TransactionComponent
Returns a transaction aware object (if any) for the given thread.
get(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.JavaTypeMap
Returns the mapped type for the particular key.
get() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlSupplier
get(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.Speedment
Returns the specified component from the platform, or if it does not exist, an empty Optional.
get() - Method in class
get(int) - Method in interface
get(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasReferenceValue
Gets the value form the Entity field.
getAlias() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasAlias
Returns the alias of the specified document.
getAllMatchTerminator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
getAnyMatchTerminator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
getAppId() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Project
Returns the unique id for this application.
getAsBoolean(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Document
Returns the boolean mapped to the specified key, or an empty OptionalBoolean if no value was found.
getAsBoolean(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasBooleanValue
Gets the value from the Entity field.
getAsByte(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasByteValue
Gets the value from the Entity field.
getAsChar(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasCharValue
Gets the value from the Entity field.
getAsciiStream() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.StringClob
getAsDouble(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Document
Returns the double mapped to the specified key, or an empty OptionalDouble if no value was found.
getAsDouble(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasDoubleValue
Gets the value from the Entity field.
getAsFloat(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasFloatValue
Gets the value from the Entity field.
getAsInt(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Document
Returns the int mapped to the specified key, or an empty OptionalInt if no value was found.
getAsInt(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasIntValue
Gets the value from the Entity field.
getAsLong(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Document
Returns the long mapped to the specified key, or an empty OptionalLong if no value was found.
getAsLong(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasLongValue
Gets the value from the Entity field.
getAsShort(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasShortValue
Gets the value from the Entity field.
getAsString(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Document
Returns the String mapped to the specified key, or an empty Optional if no value was found.
GetBoolean<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A more detailed BooleanGetter that also contains information about the field that created it.
GetByte<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A more detailed ByteGetter that also contains information about the field that created it.
GetChar<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A more detailed CharGetter that also contains information about the field that created it.
getCharacterStream() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.StringClob
getCharacterStream(long, long) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.StringClob
getCharOctetLength() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Return (for char types) the maximum number of bytes in the column.
getCollateFragment() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns the COLLATE fragment needed to make ORDER BY statements sort correctly, using default collation
getCollectSupplierAccumulatorCombinerTerminator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
getCollectTerminator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
getColumnDef() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Returns the default value for the column, which should be interpreted as a string when the value is enclosed in single quotes (may be null).
getColumnHandler() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns the handler responsible for column inclusion/exclusion in queries to databases
getColumnId() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.trait.HasColumnId
Returns the database id of the Column that this configuration object is in.
getColumnName() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Returns the column name.
getColumnSize() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasColumnSize
Gets the column size of this Document.
getColumnSize() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Returns the column size.
getCompanyName() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Project
Returns the name of the company that should be used in generated code.
getConfigPath() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Project
Returns the path to the configuration file for this project.
getConnection(String, String, char[]) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.ConnectionPoolComponent
Returns a {link PoolableConnection} from this connection pool.
getConnection(Dbms) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.ConnectionPoolComponent
Returns a {link PoolableConnection} from this connection pool.
getConnection(Dbms) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.SingletonConnectionPoolComponent
getConnection(String, String, char[]) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.SingletonConnectionPoolComponent
getConnectionType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns the connection type used in this DbmsType.
getConnectionUrl() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Dbms
Returns the explicit connection URL to use for this Dbms if the user has specified one, or an empty Optional if one should be generated automatically by the DbmsType.
getConnectionUrlGenerator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns the ConnectionUrlGenerator for this database.
getCounter() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.SqlStreamOptimizerInfo
Returns a BiFunction that will read in the count long value from the database.
getCountTerminator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
getCreated() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.PoolableConnection
getCurrentAction() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.util.ProgressMeasure
Gets the current action.
getData() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Document
Returns the raw data-map used in this Document.
getDatabaseNamingConvention() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns the naming convention used by this database.
getDatabaseType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasTypeMapper
Returns the name of the class that represents the database type.
getDataType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Returns the SQL type from java.sql.Types.
getDataTypes() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns a pre-defined Set for the TypeInfoMetaData for this database type.
getDbmsId() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.trait.HasDbmsId
Returns the database id of the Dbms that this configuration object is in.
getDbmsInfoString(Dbms) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsMetadataHandler
Returns a string with information on the current dbms.
getDbmsNameMeaning() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns a textual representation of what the database name is used for.
getDbmsType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.SqlStreamOptimizerInfo
Returns the DbmsType.
getDecimalDigits() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasDecimalDigits
Gets the decimal digits of this Document.
getDecimalDigits() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Returns the number of fractional digits.
getDecimals() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.TypeInfoMetaData
getDefaultDbmsName() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns the default name for this DbmsType.
getDefaultPort() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns the default port for this DbmsType.
getDefaultSchemaName() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns the default name for the Schema when this DbmsType is used.
GetDouble<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A more detailed DoubleGetter that also contains information about the field that created it.
getDoubleCountTerminator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.doubles.DoubleSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
getDriverManagerName() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns the non-null Driver Manager Name for this DbmsType.
getDriverName() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns the non-null fully qualified JDBC class name for this DbmsType.
getEditionAndVersionString() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.InfoComponent
getEmail() - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.EmailUtil
Returns the email address of the current user.
getEntityClass() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.PersistenceTableInfo
Returns the entity class for this Manager.
getEnumConstants() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasEnumConstants
Returns a comma separated string of the possible values that this column may have.
getExpires() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.PoolableConnection
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.BooleanField
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ByteField
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.CharField
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.collector.FieldCollector
Returns the field that this collector is associated with.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.BooleanFieldComparator
Gets the field that is being compared.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.ByteFieldComparator
Gets the field that is being compared.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.CharFieldComparator
Gets the field that is being compared.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.DoubleFieldComparator
Gets the field that is being compared.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.FieldComparator
Returns the field that created this comparator.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.FloatFieldComparator
Gets the field that is being compared.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.IntFieldComparator
Gets the field that is being compared.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.LongFieldComparator
Gets the field that is being compared.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.ReferenceFieldComparator
Gets the field that is being compared.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.ShortFieldComparator
Gets the field that is being compared.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.DoubleField
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.expression.FieldMapper
The field that is being mapped.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.FloatField
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.IntField
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.LongField
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.BackwardFinder
Returns the field that the stream references.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.GetBoolean
Returns the field that created the get()-operation.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.GetByte
Returns the field that created the get()-operation.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.GetChar
Returns the field that created the get()-operation.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.GetDouble
Returns the field that created the get()-operation.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.GetFloat
Returns the field that created the get()-operation.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.GetInt
Returns the field that created the get()-operation.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.GetLong
Returns the field that created the get()-operation.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.GetReference
Returns the field that created the get()-operation.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.GetShort
Returns the field that created the get()-operation.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.SetToBoolean
Returns the field that this setter sets.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.SetToByte
Returns the field that this setter sets.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.SetToChar
Returns the field that this setter sets.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.SetToDouble
Returns the field that this setter sets.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.SetToFloat
Returns the field that this setter sets.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.SetToInt
Returns the field that this setter sets.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.SetToLong
Returns the field that this setter sets.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.SetToReference
Returns the field that this setter sets.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.SetToShort
Returns the field that this setter sets.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.trait.HasField
Returns the Field that was used to generate this predicate.
getField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ShortField
getFieldPredicateView() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns the FieldPredicateView for this database.
getFindAnyTerminator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
getFindFirstTerminator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
getFirst() - Method in interface
getFirstOperandAsRaw(FieldPredicate<?>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.util.PredicateOperandUtil
Returns the first operand of the specified FieldPredicate, throwing an exception if it doesn't exist.
getFirstOperandAsRawSet(FieldPredicate<?>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.util.PredicateOperandUtil
Returns the first operand of the specified FieldPredicate as a java.util.Set, throwing an exception if it doesn't exist or if it wasn't a Set.
GetFloat<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A more detailed FloatGetter that also contains information about the field that created it.
getForEachOrderedTerminator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
getForEachTerminator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
getForeignColumnName() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.ForeignKeyColumn
Returns the name of the foreign table referenced by this column.
getForeignDatabaseName() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.ForeignKeyColumn
Returns the name of the foreign database referenced by this column.
getForeignSchemaName() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.ForeignKeyColumn
Returns the name of the foreign schema(depends on DBMS type) referenced by this column.
getForeignTableName() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.ForeignKeyColumn
Returns the name of the foreign column referenced by this column.
getGeneratedColumnFields() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.sql.HasGeneratedKeys
Returns a list with the fields that are generated automatically by this insert statement.
getId() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasId
Gets the id of this Document.
getId() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.PoolableConnection
getImplementationVersion() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.InfoComponent
Return the non-null version of this Speedment implementation.
getInclusionOperand(FieldPredicate<?>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.util.PredicateOperandUtil
Returns the Inclusion operand of the specified FieldPredicate, throwing an exception if it doesn't exist.
getInitialQuery() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns the initial SQL connection verification query to send to the database during speedment startup.
getInitialSupplier() - Method in interface
GetInt<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A more detailed IntGetter that also contains information about the field that created it.
getIntCountTerminator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.ints.IntSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
getIpAddress() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Dbms
Returns the address of the database host if it is specified.
getIsAutoincrement() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Returns whether this column is auto incremented.
getIsGeneratedcolumn() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Returns whether this is a generated column.
getIsolation() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.TransactionHandler
Returns the current isolation level used for new transactions.
getIteratorTerminator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
getJavaClass() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.resultset.ResultSetMapping
Returns the Java Class to use for this type mapping.
getJavaName() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasAlias
Returns the java name of this Document.
getJavaSqlTypeInt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.TypeInfoMetaData
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.bigdecimal.BigDecimalToDouble
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.bytes.ByteZeroOneToBooleanMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.doubles.DoubleToFloatMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.doubles.PrimitiveDoubleToFloatMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.DateIntToPrimitiveShortMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.DateIntToShortMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.IntegerToByteMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.IntegerToShortMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.IntegerZeroOneToBooleanMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.PrimitiveIntegerToByteMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.PrimitiveIntegerToShortMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.PrimitiveIntegerZeroOneToBooleanMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.BlobToBigIntegerMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.BlobToByteArrayMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.ClobToStringMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.LongToByteMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.LongToIntegerMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.LongToShortMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.PrimitiveLongToByteMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.PrimitiveLongToIntegerMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.PrimitiveLongToShortMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.other.BinaryToBigIntegerMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.other.BinaryToByteArrayMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.other.BinaryToUuidMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.primitive.PrimitiveTypeMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.shorts.PrimitiveShortToByteMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.shorts.ShortToByteMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.StringToBigDecimalMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.StringToBigIntegerMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.StringToLocaleMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.TrueFalseStringToBooleanMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.YesNoStringToBooleanMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.YNStringToBooleanMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToIntMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToLocalDateMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToLongMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToPrimitiveIntMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToPrimitiveLongMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.IntEpochDaysToLocalDateMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.ShortEpochDaysToLocalDateMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToIntMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToLocalDateTimeMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToLongMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToPrimitiveIntMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToPrimitiveLongMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToIntMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToLocalTimeMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToLongMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToPrimitiveIntMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToPrimitiveLongMapper
getJavaType(Column) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.TypeMapper
Returns a type describing the resulting java type when this mapper is applied to a database result.
getJavaTypeCategory(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.BlobToBigIntegerMapper
getJavaTypeCategory(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.other.BinaryToBigIntegerMapper
getJavaTypeCategory(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.other.BinaryToByteArrayMapper
getJavaTypeCategory(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.StringToBigDecimalMapper
getJavaTypeCategory(Column) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.StringToBigIntegerMapper
getJavaTypeCategory(Column) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.TypeMapper
Returns the TypeMapper.Category of the type returned by TypeMapper.getJavaType(Column).
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.bigdecimal.BigDecimalToDouble
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.bytes.ByteZeroOneToBooleanMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.doubles.DoubleToFloatMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.doubles.PrimitiveDoubleToFloatMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.DateIntToPrimitiveShortMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.DateIntToShortMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.IntegerToByteMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.IntegerToShortMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.IntegerZeroOneToBooleanMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.PrimitiveIntegerToByteMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.PrimitiveIntegerToShortMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.PrimitiveIntegerZeroOneToBooleanMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.BlobToBigIntegerMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.BlobToByteArrayMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.ClobToStringMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.LongToByteMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.LongToIntegerMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.LongToShortMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.PrimitiveLongToByteMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.PrimitiveLongToIntegerMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.PrimitiveLongToShortMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.other.BinaryToBigIntegerMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.other.BinaryToByteArrayMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.other.BinaryToUuidMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.primitive.PrimitiveTypeMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.shorts.PrimitiveShortToByteMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.shorts.ShortToByteMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.StringToBigDecimalMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.StringToBigIntegerMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.StringToLocaleMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.TrueFalseStringToBooleanMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.YesNoStringToBooleanMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.YNStringToBooleanMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToIntMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToLocalDateMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToLongMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToPrimitiveIntMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToPrimitiveLongMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.IntEpochDaysToLocalDateMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.ShortEpochDaysToLocalDateMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToIntMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToLocalDateTimeMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToLongMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToPrimitiveIntMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToPrimitiveLongMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToIntMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToLocalTimeMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToLongMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToPrimitiveIntMapper
getLabel() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToPrimitiveLongMapper
getLabel() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.TypeMapper
Returns the label for this mapper that should appear to the end user.
getLast() - Method in interface
getLicenseName() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.InfoComponent
getLocalPath() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Dbms
Returns the local path to the file where the data of this Dbms is stored.
getLoggerName() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder.HasLoggerName
getLoggerName() - Method in enum com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder.LogType
GetLong<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A more detailed LongGetter that also contains information about the field that created it.
getLongCountTerminator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.longs.LongSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
getMapper() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.expression.FieldMapper
Returns the functional interface implementation that is used when doing the mapping.
getMaxAge() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.ConnectionPoolComponent
Returns the maximum age for recyclable connections.
getMaxAge() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.SingletonConnectionPoolComponent
getMaxRetainSize() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.ConnectionPoolComponent
Returns the maximum number of connection this pool will retain when connections are returned.
getMaxRetainSize() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.SingletonConnectionPoolComponent
getMaxTerminator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
getMetadata() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationMetadata
Returns the meta data as a String that shall be used to build up the complete Project meta data.
getMetadata() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.testsupport.AbstractTestApplicationMetadata
Returns the meta data as a String that shall be used to build up the complete Project meta data.
getMetadataHandler() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns the handler responsible for loading the metadata when running this type of database.
getMinTerminator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
getName() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasName
Gets the name of this Document.
getName() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns the non-null name for this DbmsType.
getNoneMatchTerminator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
getNullable() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Return is NULL allowed value as defined in DatabaseMetaData
getNullable() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.TypeInfoMetaData
getNullableImplementation() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasNullable
Returns the implementation that should be used when generating getters for this column.
getNullOrder() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.FieldComparator
Returns the strategy used when null values are encountered.
getNumPrecRadix() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Returns the Radix (typically either 10 or 2).
getOperationHandler() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns the handler responsible for running queries to databases of this type.
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.bigdecimal.BigDecimalToDouble
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.doubles.DoubleToFloatMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.doubles.PrimitiveDoubleToFloatMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.IntegerToByteMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.IntegerToShortMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.PrimitiveIntegerToByteMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.PrimitiveIntegerToShortMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.PrimitiveIntegerZeroOneToBooleanMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.BlobToBigIntegerMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.LongToByteMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.LongToIntegerMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.LongToShortMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.PrimitiveLongToByteMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.PrimitiveLongToIntegerMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.PrimitiveLongToShortMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.other.BinaryToBigIntegerMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.primitive.PrimitiveTypeMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.shorts.PrimitiveShortToByteMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.shorts.ShortToByteMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.StringToBigDecimalMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.StringToBigIntegerMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToIntMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToLocalDateMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToLongMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToPrimitiveIntMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToPrimitiveLongMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.IntEpochDaysToLocalDateMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.ShortEpochDaysToLocalDateMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToIntMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToLocalDateTimeMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToLongMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToPrimitiveIntMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToPrimitiveLongMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToIntMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToLocalTimeMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToLongMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToPrimitiveIntMapper
getOrdering() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToPrimitiveLongMapper
getOrdering() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.TypeMapper
Returns how the TypeMapper.Ordering of mapped and un-mapped types relate to each other.
getOrderType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasOrderType
Returns the type of the ordering used in this Document.
getOrdinalPosition() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasOrdinalPosition
Returns the position to use when ordering this node.
getOrdinalPosition() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Returns the ordinal position of column in the table (starting at 1).
getOrThrow(Class<T>) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractSpeedment
getOrThrow(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.Speedment
Returns the specified component from the platform, or if it does not exist, throws a SpeedmentException.
getOrThrow(Class<R>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.util.ClassMapper
Puts a new mapping and returns the mapping for the given class, or throws an exception if no mapping exists.
getPackageLocation() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Project
Returns where the code generated for this project will be located.
getPackageName() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasPackageName
Returns the name of the generated package where this document will be located.
getParent() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Document
Returns the parent of this Document or Optional.empty() if the Document does not have a parent.
getParent() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasParent
Returns the parent of this document.
getParentOrThrow() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasParent
Returns the parent of this document or throws an exception if this was the root.
getPassword() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.PoolableConnection
getPipelineReductions() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.Metrics
Returns the number of pipeline reductions an optimizer was able to do.
getPort() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Dbms
Returns the port number of the database on the database host.
getPrecision() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.TypeInfoMetaData
getPredicateType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.FieldIsNotNullPredicate
getPredicateType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.FieldIsNullPredicate
getPredicateType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.trait.HasPredicateType
Returns the type of this predicate.
getProgress() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.util.ProgressMeasure
Gets the progress ratio.
getProject() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.ProjectComponent
Returns the current Project.
getProperty() - Method in class
getReduceIdentityCombinerTerminator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
getReduceIdentityTerminator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
getReduceTerminator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
GetReference<ENTITY,D,T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
getReferencedField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasFinder
Returns the field referenced by this finder.
getRemarks() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Return the comment describing column (may be null).
getRepository() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.InfoComponent
The name of the official repository of the Speedment product.
getResultSetMethodName(Dbms) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.resultset.ResultSetMapping
Returns the name of the ResultSet method to be used when getting data from a database.
getResultSetTableSchema() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns the result set table schema.
getRsMapper() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.AsynchronousQueryResult
getSchemaExcludeSet() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DatabaseNamingConvention
Returns a non-null Set of Strings that represents schema names that are to be excluded when examining a Dbms for schemas.
getSchemaId() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.trait.HasSchemaId
Returns the database id of the Schema that this configuration object is in.
getSchemaTableDelimiter() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns the delimiter used between a Schema and a Table for this DbmsType.
getScopeCatalog() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Return the catalog of table that is the scope of a reference attribute (null if DATA_TYPE isn't REF).
getScopeSchema() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Return the schema of table that is the scope of a reference attribute (null if the DATA_TYPE isn't REF).
getScopeTable() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Return the table name that this the scope of a reference attribute (null if the DATA_TYPE isn't REF).
getSecondOperand(FieldPredicate<?>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.util.PredicateOperandUtil
Returns the second operand of the specified FieldPredicate, throwing an exception if it doesn't exist.
GetShort<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A more detailed ShortGetter that also contains information about the field that created it.
getSkipLimitSupport() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns the support for skip and limit (or skip and offset) for this database type.
getSortByNullOrderInsertion() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns the SortByNullOrderInsertion mode for this database type.
getSourceDataType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Returns the source type of a distinct type or user-generated Ref type, SQL type from java.sql.Types (null if DATA_TYPE isn't DISTINCT or user-generated REF).
getSourceField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.FindFrom
Returns the field that the stream originates from.
getSourceField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.FindFromNullable
Returns the field that the stream originates from.
getSpecificationNickname() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.InfoComponent
Returns the non-null "nick-name" of the specification that this Speedment implements.
getSpecificationVersion() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.InfoComponent
Returns the non-null version number of the specification that this Speedment implements.
getSpeedmentVersion() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Project
Returns the version of Speedment that was used to generate the code.
getSpliteratorTerminator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
getSql() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.AsynchronousQueryResult
getSql() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlPredicateFragment
getSql() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.sql.SqlStatement
Returns the parameterized SQL string that will be sent to the database.
getSqlColumnNamer() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.SqlStreamOptimizerInfo
Returns a Function that will map a Field to a column name.
getSqlCount() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.Metrics
getSqlDatabaseTypeFunction() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.SqlStreamOptimizerInfo
Returns a Function that will map a Field to a column class type.
getSqlIsolationLevel() - Method in enum com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.Isolation
getSqlLimitCount() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.Metrics
Returns the number of limit statements (0 or 1) in the SQL query.
getSqlOrderCount() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.Metrics
Returns the number of order by columns in the SQL query.
getSqlSelect() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.SqlStreamOptimizerInfo
Returns the SQL select statement.
getSqlSelectCount() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.SqlStreamOptimizerInfo
Returns the SQL select count statement.
getSqlSkipCount() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.Metrics
Returns the number of skip statements (0 or 1) in the SQL query.
getSqlTypeName() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.TypeInfoMetaData
getSqlWhileCount() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.Metrics
Returns the number of while predicate expressions in the SQL query.
getSubSelectAlias() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns the sub-select alias mode for this database type.
getSubString(long, int) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.StringClob
getSubtitle() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.InfoComponent
Returns the subtitle of the Speedment product.
getTableCat() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Returns the table catalog (may be null).
getTableId() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.trait.HasTableId
Returns the database id of the Table that this configuration object is in.
getTableIdentifier() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.PersistenceTableInfo
Returns an identifier for the table.
getTableIdentifier() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.BackwardFinder
Returns the identifier for the foreign table that is referenced.
getTableIdentifier() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.FindFrom
Returns the identifier for the referenced (foreign) table.
getTableIdentifier() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.FindFromNullable
Returns the identifier for the referenced (foreign) table.
getTableName() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Returns the table name.
getTableSchem() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Returns the table schema (may be null).
getTargetField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.FindFrom
Returns the field that the stream references.
getTargetField() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.FindFromNullable
Returns the field that the stream references.
Getter<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
getter() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasBooleanValue
getter() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasByteValue
getter() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasCharValue
getter() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasDoubleValue
getter() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasFloatValue
getter() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasGetter
Returns a reference to the getter for this field.
getter() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasIntValue
getter() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasLongValue
getter() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasReferenceValue
getter() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasShortValue
getTitle() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.InfoComponent
Returns the title of the Speedment product.
getToArrayGeneratorTerminator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
getToArrayTerminator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
getType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.sql.SqlStatement
The type of SQL Statement that this is.
getType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.CombinedPredicate
Returns the CombinedPredicate.Type of this CombinedBasePredicate
getTypeMapper() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasTypeMapper
Returns the name of the mapper class that will be used to generate a java representation of the database types.
getTypeName() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Dbms
Returns the type name of the DbmsType of this Dbms.
getTypeName() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Returns the Data source dependent type name, for a UDT the type name is fully qualified.
getUri() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.PoolableConnection
getUser() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.PoolableConnection
getUsername() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Dbms
Returns the database username to use when connecting to the dbms.
getValue() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.SetToBoolean
Returns the value that this setter will set in the field when it is applied.
getValue() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.SetToByte
Returns the value that this setter will set in the field when it is applied.
getValue() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.SetToChar
Returns the value that this setter will set in the field when it is applied.
getValue() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.SetToDouble
Returns the value that this setter will set in the field when it is applied.
getValue() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.SetToFloat
Returns the value that this setter will set in the field when it is applied.
getValue() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.SetToInt
Returns the value that this setter will set in the field when it is applied.
getValue() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.SetToLong
Returns the value that this setter will set in the field when it is applied.
getValue() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.SetToReference
Returns the value that this setter will set the field to when applied.
getValue() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.SetToShort
Returns the value that this setter will set in the field when it is applied.
getValues() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.AsynchronousQueryResult
getValues() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.sql.SqlStatement
Returns the parameters of the statement.
getVendor() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.InfoComponent
Returns the vendor of the Speedment product.
getVerb() - Method in class
greaterOrEqual(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumField
Returns a new predicate that evaluates if entities has a enum value for this field with a value that is greater or equal to the specified value.
greaterOrEqual(V) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasComparableOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is greater than or equal to the given value.
greaterOrEqual(HasComparableOperators<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.trait.HasOnPredicates
Adds an operation where a previous field is compared to the given joinedField and whereby the operation returns true if and only the previous field is greater or equal to the given joinedField.
greaterThan(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumField
Returns a new predicate that evaluates if entities has a enum value for this field with a value that is greater than the specified value.
greaterThan(V) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasComparableOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is greater than the given value.
greaterThan(HasComparableOperators<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.trait.HasOnPredicates
Adds an operation where a previous field is compared to the given joinedField and whereby the operation returns true if and only the previous field is greater than the given joinedField.
groupBy(Function<T, C>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.CollectorUtil
Returns a new MapStream where the elements have been grouped together using the specified function.
groupingBy(LongField<ENTITY, D>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.collector.FieldCollectors
groupingBy(IntField<ENTITY, D>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.collector.FieldCollectors
groupingBy(ShortField<ENTITY, D>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.collector.FieldCollectors
groupingBy(ByteField<ENTITY, D>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.collector.FieldCollectors
groupingBy(DoubleField<ENTITY, D>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.collector.FieldCollectors
groupingBy(FloatField<ENTITY, D>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.collector.FieldCollectors
groupingBy(BooleanField<ENTITY, D>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.collector.FieldCollectors
groupingBy(CharField<ENTITY, D>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.collector.FieldCollectors
groupingBy(StringField<ENTITY, D>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.collector.FieldCollectors
groupingBy(ReferenceField<ENTITY, D, T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.collector.FieldCollectors
groupingBy(LongField<ENTITY, D>, Collector<ENTITY, A, R>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.collector.FieldCollectors
groupingBy(IntField<ENTITY, D>, Collector<ENTITY, A, R>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.collector.FieldCollectors
groupingBy(ShortField<ENTITY, D>, Collector<ENTITY, A, R>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.collector.FieldCollectors
groupingBy(ByteField<ENTITY, D>, Collector<ENTITY, A, R>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.collector.FieldCollectors
groupingBy(DoubleField<ENTITY, D>, Collector<ENTITY, A, R>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.collector.FieldCollectors
groupingBy(FloatField<ENTITY, D>, Collector<ENTITY, A, R>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.collector.FieldCollectors
groupingBy(BooleanField<ENTITY, D>, Collector<ENTITY, A, R>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.collector.FieldCollectors
groupingBy(CharField<ENTITY, D>, Collector<ENTITY, A, R>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.collector.FieldCollectors
groupingBy(StringField<ENTITY, D>, Collector<ENTITY, A, R>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.collector.FieldCollectors
groupingBy(ReferenceField<ENTITY, D, T>, Collector<ENTITY, A, R>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.collector.FieldCollectors
groupingBy(Field<T>, Function<T, K>, Supplier<M>, Collector<? super T, A, D>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.field.collector.FieldCollectors


handleGeneratedKeys(PreparedStatement, LongConsumer) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsOperationHandler
HasAbs<E extends HasAbs<E>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait
Trait for expressions that has a HasAbs.abs() method for getting the absolute value of the result from the current expression.
HasAlias - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.trait
Trait for Document implementations that implement the HasAlias.getAlias() method.
HasAliasMutator<DOC extends HasAlias> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.trait
HasAsDouble<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait
Trait for expressions that can be casted to a double.
HasAsInt<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait
Trait for expressions that can be casted to an int.
HasAsLong<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait
Trait for expressions that can be casted to a long.
HasBooleanOperators<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.trait
A representation of an Entity field that is of boolean type
HasBooleanValue<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.trait
A representation of an Entity field that is a primitive boolean type.
HasByteValue<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.trait
A representation of an Entity field that is a primitive byte type.
HasCase<T,RESULT extends Expression<T>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait
Trait for expressions that has HasCase.toUpperCase() and HasCase.toLowerCase() operations.
HasCharValue<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.trait
A representation of an Entity field that is a primitive char type.
HasChildren - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.trait
Trait for Document implementations that has named children and therefore implements the defaultNameFor(Document) method.
HasColumn - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.trait
Trait for Document implementations that reference another Column document and therefore has a HasColumn.findColumn() method.
HasColumnId - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.trait
HasColumnSize - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.trait
A trait for documents that contains column size information.
HasColumnSizeMutator<DOC extends Document> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.trait
Trait for DocumentMutator that have a column size property.
HasComparableOperators<ENTITY,V extends Comparable<? super V>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.trait
A representation of an Entity field that is a reference type (e.g.
HasCompare<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait
Trait for expressions that can also be used as a Comparator since it has a, Object) method.
HasCompose<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait
Trait for expressions that has a HasCompose.compose(Function) method similar to Function.compose(Function), but even primitive expressions might implement this trait.
HasConsumers<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.bulk.trait
HasCreateJoin10 - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.trait
HasCreateJoin2 - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.trait
HasCreateJoin3 - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.trait
HasCreateJoin4 - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.trait
HasCreateJoin5 - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.trait
HasCreateJoin6 - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.trait
HasCreateJoin7 - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.trait
HasCreateJoin8 - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.trait
HasCreateJoin9 - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.trait
hasDatabaseNames() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns true if this DbmsType uses named databases as part of the database structure.
hasDatabaseUsers() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns true if this DbmsType uses authentication with username and password and false otherwise.
HasDbmsId - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.trait
HasDecimalDigits - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.trait
A trait for documents that contains decimal digits information.
HasDecimalDigitsMutator<DOC extends Document> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.trait
Trait for DocumentMutator that have a decimal digits property.
HasDeepCopy - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.trait
Trait for documents that has a HasDeepCopy.deepCopy() method that returns a mutable copy of the document.
HasDefaultBuild<R extends com.speedment.common.tuple.TupleOfNullables> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.trait
HasDivide<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait
Trait that describes an expression that has several HasDivide.divide(int)-methods for generating new expressions for the division of this value with a certain divisor.
HasDoubleValue<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.trait
A representation of an Entity field that is a primitive double type.
hasEmail() - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.EmailUtil
Returns true if an email address has already been entered.
HasEnabled - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.trait
Trait for Document implementations that implement the HasEnabled.isEnabled() method.
HasEnabledMutator<DOC extends HasEnabled> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.trait
HasEnumConstants - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.trait
A trait for documents that implement the HasEnumConstants.getEnumConstants() method.
HasField<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.trait
A trait for predicates the implement the HasField.getField() method.
HasFinder<ENTITY,FK_ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.trait
A representation of an Entity field that use a foreign key to reference some other field.
HasFloatValue<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.trait
A representation of an Entity field that is a primitive float type.
HasGeneratedKeys - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.sql
Trait for SqlStatement that describes the generated keys that can be set automatically when an insert is done in the database.
HasGeneratorSuppliers<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.bulk.trait
HasGetter<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.trait
hash(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
hash(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimalNullable
hash(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBoolean
hash(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBooleanNullable
hash(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
hash(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByteNullable
hash(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToChar
hash(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToCharNullable
hash(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
hash(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDoubleNullable
hash(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToEnum
hash(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToEnumNullable
hash(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
hash(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloatNullable
hash(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
hash(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToIntNullable
hash(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
hash(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLongNullable
hash(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
hash(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShortNullable
hash(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToString
hash(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToStringNullable
hash(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasHash
Hash the specified object into a 64-bit hash.
HasHash<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait
Trait for expressions that has a hash algorithm implemented for the type that it results in.
hashCode() - Method in class
HasId - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.trait
Trait for Document implementations that implement the HasId.getId() method.
HasIdentifier<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.trait
HasIdMutator<DOC extends HasId> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.trait
HasIntValue<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.trait
A representation of an Entity field that is a primitive int type.
HasJoins<R,RC> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.trait
This interface contains the the supported join operations of Speedment.
HasLabelSet<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.manager
HasLongValue<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.trait
A representation of an Entity field that is a primitive long type.
HasMainInterface - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.trait
A trait for documents that implement the HasMainInterface.mainInterface() method.
HasMap<T,MAPPER,RESULT extends HasMap<T,MAPPER,RESULT>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait
Trait for expressions that can be mapped to a new expression of the same type by supplying a mapping function.
HasMapIfPresent<T,MAPPER,RESULT extends HasMapIfPresent<T,MAPPER,RESULT>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait
Trait for expressions that can be mapped to a new expression of the same type by supplying a mapping function.
HasMappers<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.bulk.trait
HasMapToDouble<T,MAPPER> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait
Trait for expressions that can be mapped to a new expression of the same type by supplying a mapping function.
HasMapToDoubleIfPresent<T,MAPPER> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait
Trait for nullable expressions that can be mapped to a new expression of the same type by supplying a mapping function.
HasMinus<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait
Trait that describes an expression that has several HasMinus.minus(int)-methods for generating new expressions for the difference between this value and something else.
HasMultiply<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait
Trait that describes an expression that has several HasMultiply.multiply(int)-methods for generating new expressions for the product of this value and something else.
HasMutator<T extends DocumentMutator<?>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.trait
Trait for Document implementations that implement the HasMutator.mutator() method.
HasName - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.trait
Trait for Document implementations that implement the HasName.getName() method.
HasNameMutator<DOC extends HasName> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.trait
HasNegate<E extends HasNegate<E>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait
Trait for expressions that has a HasNegate.negate() method for getting the negative value of the result from the current expression.
HasNullable - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.trait
Trait for Document implementations that implement the HasNullable.isNullable() method.
HasNullable.ImplementAs - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.config.trait
The various ways a nullable column can be implemented in the generated code.
HasNullableFinder<ENTITY,FK_ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.trait
Trait for fields that in addition to HasFinder, also implement a HasNullableFinder.nullableFinder(TableIdentifier, Supplier)-method.
HasOn<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.trait
HasOnPredicates<R> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.trait
HasOnWelcome - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.welcome
HasOrderType - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.trait
Trait for Document implementations that implement the HasOrderType.getOrderType() method.
HasOrderTypeMutator<DOC extends HasOrderType> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.trait
HasOrdinalPosition - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.trait
Trait for Document implementations that implement the HasOrdinalPosition.getOrdinalPosition() method.
HasOrdinalPositionMutator<DOC extends HasOrdinalPosition> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.trait
HasPackageName - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.trait
HasParent<PARENT extends Document> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.trait
Trait for Document implementations that is not the root.
HasPlus<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait
Trait that describes an expression that has several for generating new expressions for the sum of this value and something else.
HasPow<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait
Trait for expressions that has HasPow.pow(int) methods for getting the result of the current expression raised to a particular power.
HasPredicates<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.bulk.trait
HasPredicateType - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.trait
A trait for predicates the implement the HasPredicateType.getPredicateType() method.
HasReferenceOperators<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.trait
HasReferenceValue<ENTITY,D,V> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.trait
A representation of an Entity field that is a reference type (eg Integer and not int).
HasSchemaId - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.trait
hasSchemaNames() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns true if this DbmsType uses named schemas as part of the database structure.
HasSetter<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.trait
HasShortValue<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.trait
A representation of an Entity field that is a primitive short type.
HasSign<E> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait
Trait for expressions that has a HasSign.sign() method for getting the sign (positive, negative or zero) of the result from the current expression.
HasSqrt<E> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait
Trait for expressions that has a HasSqrt.sqrt() method for getting the square root of the result from the current expression.
HasStringOperators<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.trait
A representation of an Entity field that is a String type.
HasTableId - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.trait
HasTypeMapper - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.trait
Trait for documents that have a TypeMapper specified.
HasTypeMapper - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.trait
HasWhere<ENTITY,R> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.trait
Hidden() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.ColumnIdentifier.Hidden
Hidden() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.DbmsIdentifier.Hidden
Hidden() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.SchemaIdentifier.Hidden
Hidden() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.TableIdentifier.Hidden
Hidden() - Constructor for class


ID - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasId
The key of the id property.
identifier() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.SqlAdapter
Returns the TableIdentifier for this SqlAdapter.
identifier() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasIdentifier
Returns the unique identifier of this field.
identifier() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.stage.Stage
Returns the TableIdentifier for this Stage.
identity() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlFunction
identity() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.TypeMapper
Returns an identity type mapper.
ifEmpty(String) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.CollectorUtil
Returns the specified string wrapped as an Optional.
in(V...) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasComparableOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is in the set of given values.
in(Collection<V>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasComparableOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is in the given set.
Inclusion - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate
Determines if a range of results should be start and/or end-inclusive.
INDETERMINATE - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.util.ProgressMeasure
Index - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config
A typed Document that represents an index instance in the database.
INDEX_COLUMNS - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Index
IndexColumn - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config
A typed Document that represents the column referenced by an index key instance in the database.
IndexColumnMutator<DOC extends IndexColumn> - Class in com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator
IndexColumnMutator(DOC) - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.IndexColumnMutator
indexColumns() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Index
Creates a stream of index columns located in this document.
INDEXES - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Table
indexes() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Table
Creates a stream of indexes located in this document.
IndexMutator<DOC extends Index> - Class in com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator
IndexMutator(DOC) - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.IndexMutator
InfoComponent - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component
Contains general information about the installment like the software title and version.
INITIAL - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.util.ProgressMeasure
injectables() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.RuntimeBundle
injectables() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.connector.mariadb.MariaDbBundle
injectables() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.connector.mysql.MySqlBundle
injectables() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.connector.postgres.PostgresBundle
injectables() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.connector.sqlite.SqliteBundle
injectables() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.TransactionBundle
injectables() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.join.JoinBundle
inner() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.MapperExpression
Returns the inner expression used in this.
inner() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.NullableExpression
The inner predicate that is used to determine the result after the NullableExpression.isNullPredicate() has returned false.
inner() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.UnaryExpression
The inner expression that this wraps and applies a unary operator to.
innerJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T1, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder1
innerJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T2, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder2
innerJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T3, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder3
innerJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T4, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder4
innerJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T5, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder5
innerJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T6, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder6
innerJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T7, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder7
innerJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T8, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder8
innerJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T9, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder9
innerJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<ENTITY, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.trait.HasJoins
Adds the provided joinedField to the collection of joined column/tables.
innerNullable() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.NonNullableExpression
Returns the inner nullable expression.
install(DbmsType) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.DbmsHandlerComponent
Installs a new DbmsType so that handlers can be located using the DbmsHandlerComponent.findByName(String) method.
install(SqlStreamOptimizer<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.SqlStreamOptimizerComponent
instanceNotAllowed(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.StaticClassUtil
Support method that can be used in constructors to throw an UnsupportedOperationException if someone is trying to create an instance of the class.
IntCountTerminator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.ints
IntegerToByteMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer
Maps between Integer and Byte values by simply casting to lower precision.
IntegerToByteMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.IntegerToByteMapper
IntegerToShortMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer
Maps between Integer and Short values by simply casting to lower precision.
IntegerToShortMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.IntegerToShortMapper
IntegerZeroOneToBooleanMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer
IntegerZeroOneToBooleanMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.IntegerZeroOneToBooleanMapper
IntEpochDaysToLocalDateMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time
Implementation of TypeMapper that takes a date specified as a number of days since the unix epoch start.
IntEpochDaysToLocalDateMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.IntEpochDaysToLocalDateMapper
IntField<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field
A field that represents a primitive int value.
IntFieldComparator<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator
A FieldComparator that compares values of a IntField.
IntForeignKeyField<ENTITY,D,FK_ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field
A field that represents a primitive int value that references another column using a foreign key.
IntGetter<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A short-cut functional reference to the getXXX(value) method for a particular field in an entity.
IntSetter<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A short-cut functional reference to the setXXX(value) method for a particular field in an entity.
IntSqlStreamTerminatorOverride - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.ints
An interface used for overriding an IntStream's terminating operations.
IntTerminator - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.ints
intToDouble(ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that converts the result of the specified expression into a double by casting.
intToDoubleNullable(ToIntNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that converts the result of the specified expression into a double by casting.
IP_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Dbms
is(Verb, Property) - Method in class
is(Statement) - Method in class
is(Statement, Statement...) - Method in class
IS_VIEW - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Table
isAllAncestorsEnabled(Document) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
Returns true if the specified document and all its ancestors are enabled.
isAutoIncrement() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Column
Returns whether or not this column will auto increment when new values are added to the table.
isCharOctetLengthNull() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Return if (for char types) the maximum number of bytes in the column was null.
isColumnSizeNull() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Returns if the column size was null.
isDataTypeNull() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Returns if the SQL type from java.sql.Types was null.
isDecimalDigitsNull() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Returns if the number of fractional digits is not applicable.
isDefaultSchema() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Schema
Returns true if this schema is the default one, else false.
isDone() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.util.ProgressMeasure
Returns true if this task is done.
isEmpty() - Method in interface
isEmpty() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasStringOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is empty.
isEnabled() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasEnabled
Returns if this document is enabled.
isEndInclusive() - Method in enum com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.Inclusion
Returns true if the last element in the range should be included, else false.
isFalse() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasBooleanOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is false
isImmutable() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.StreamSupplierComponent
Returns if this stream component will return the same stream result over time (immutable or analytics type of data).
isNeverNullable() - Method in enum com.speedment.runtime.join.stage.JoinType
Returns if this JoinType always produce results that are NEVER null for entities belonging to another Stage.
isNoNulls() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.TypeInfoMetaData
isNotEmpty() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasStringOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is not empty.
IsNotNull<T,R> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.predicate
isNotNull() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.ToNullable
Returns a Predicate that is false for any values that would make this expression return null and true for any values that would make this expression return a result.
isNotNull(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.ToNullable
Returns false if the specified object would cause this methods Function.apply(Object)-method to return null, and otherwise true.
isNotNull() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumField
isNotNull() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.StringField
isNotNull() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasReferenceOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is not null.
IsNull<T,R> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.predicate
isNull() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.ToNullable
Returns a Predicate that is true for any values that would make this expression return null and false for any values that would make this expression return a result.
isNull(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.ToNullable
Returns true if the specified object would cause this methods Function.apply(Object)-method to return null, and otherwise false.
isNull() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumField
isNull() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.StringField
isNull() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasReferenceOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is null.
isNullable() - Method in enum com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.ExpressionType
Returns true if this type is one of the nullable types, and otherwise false
isNullable() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasNullable
Returns whether or not this column can hold null values.
isNullable() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.TypeInfoMetaData
isNullableNull() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Return if nullable is NULL (should never happen).
isNullableOther() - Method in enum com.speedment.runtime.join.stage.JoinType
Returns if this JoinType can produce results that are null for entities belonging to another Stage.
isNullableSelf() - Method in enum com.speedment.runtime.join.stage.JoinType
Returns if this JoinType can produce results that are null for entities belonging to the same Stage where this JoinType is present.
isNullableUnknown() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.TypeInfoMetaData
isNullPredicate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.NullableExpression
Returns the predicate used to evaluate if an incoming element will be mapped to null in this expression, or if the NullableExpression.inner() expression should be used.
isNumPrecRadixNull() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Returns if the Radix was null.
Isolation - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction
isolationConfigurator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.DataSourceHandler
Returns a BiFunction that, when applied, sets a new Isolation level and then returns the previous Isolation level.
isOrdered() - Method in interface
Returns whether this pipeline, if a terminal operation were to be executed, would execute in parallel.
isOrdinalPositionNull() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Returns if the ordinal position of column in the table was null.
isParallel() - Method in interface
Returns whether this pipeline, if a terminal operation were to be executed, would execute in parallel.
isPresent(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.FindFromNullable
Returns true if the FindFromNullable.apply(Object)-method will return a stream with a value.
isProductionMode() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.InfoComponent
Returns if this version is intended for production use.
isReversed() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.FieldComparator
Returns true if this comparator reverses the natural order of the values in the current field.
isSame(Column, Column) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
Returns true if the two specified documents represents the same element in the database.
isSame(IndexColumn, IndexColumn) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
Returns true if the two specified documents represents the same element in the database.
isSame(Index, Index) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
Returns true if the two specified documents represents the same element in the database.
isSame(PrimaryKeyColumn, PrimaryKeyColumn) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
Returns true if the two specified documents represents the same element in the database.
isSame(ForeignKeyColumn, ForeignKeyColumn) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
Returns true if the two specified documents represents the same element in the database.
isSame(ForeignKey, ForeignKey) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
Returns true if the two specified documents represents the same element in the database.
isSame(Table, Table) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
Returns true if the two specified documents represents the same element in the database.
isSame(Schema, Schema) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
Returns true if the two specified documents represents the same element in the database.
isSame(Dbms, Dbms) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
Returns true if the two specified documents represents the same element in the database.
isSame(Project, Project) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
Returns true if the two specified documents represents the same element in the database.
isSourceDataTypeNull() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Returns if the source type was null.
isStartInclusive() - Method in enum com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.Inclusion
Returns true if the first element in the range should be included, else false.
isSupported() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType
Returns if this DbmsType is supported by Speedment in the current implementation.
isSymmetric() - Method in enum com.speedment.runtime.join.stage.JoinOperator
Returns if this operation is symmetric with respect to its parameters.
isTrue() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasBooleanOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is true
isUnique() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Index
Returns whether or not this index is an UNIQUE index.
isUnique(Column) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
Returns true if the specified Column represents a column that can only hold unique values in the database.
isUnique() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.Field
Returns true if the column that this field represents is UNIQUE.
isUnsigned() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.TypeInfoMetaData
isView() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Table
Returns true if this Table represents a VIEW in the database.
IteratorTerminator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference


javaSqlTypeName() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.TypeInfoMetaData
JavaTypeMap - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.db
A convenience class for mapping between column types using a database specific rule set.
JavaTypeMap.Rule - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.db
A rule that helps defining how the metadata for a column should apply to the java mapping.
Join<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join
This interface represent a Join operation from which Streams of the joined tables can be obtained.
JoinBuilder1<T0> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.builder
Join Builder stage used when only 1 table has been specified so far.
JoinBuilder1.AfterJoin<T0,T1> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.builder
JoinBuilder10<T0,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.builder
Join Builder stage used when only 10 tables has been specified so far.
JoinBuilder2<T0,T1> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.builder
Join Builder stage used when only 2 tables has been specified so far.
JoinBuilder2.AfterJoin<T0,T1,T2> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.builder
JoinBuilder3<T0,T1,T2> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.builder
Join Builder stage used when only 3 tables has been specified so far.
JoinBuilder3.AfterJoin<T0,T1,T2,T3> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.builder
JoinBuilder4<T0,T1,T2,T3> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.builder
Join Builder stage used when only 4 tables has been specified so far.
JoinBuilder4.AfterJoin<T0,T1,T2,T3,T4> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.builder
JoinBuilder5<T0,T1,T2,T3,T4> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.builder
Join Builder stage used when only 5 tables has been specified so far.
JoinBuilder5.AfterJoin<T0,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.builder
JoinBuilder6<T0,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.builder
Join Builder stage used when only 6 tables has been specified so far.
JoinBuilder6.AfterJoin<T0,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.builder
JoinBuilder7<T0,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.builder
Join Builder stage used when only 7 tables has been specified so far.
JoinBuilder7.AfterJoin<T0,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.builder
JoinBuilder8<T0,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.builder
Join Builder stage used when only 8 tables has been specified so far.
JoinBuilder8.AfterJoin<T0,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.builder
JoinBuilder9<T0,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.builder
Join Builder stage used when only 9 tables has been specified so far.
JoinBuilder9.AfterJoin<T0,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.builder
JoinBundle - Class in com.speedment.runtime.join
JoinBundle() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.join.JoinBundle
JoinComponent - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join
a JoinComponent can be used to create builders for creating Join objects.
joinIfNotEmpty(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.CollectorUtil
Similar to the Collectors.joining(java.lang.CharSequence, java.lang.CharSequence, java.lang.CharSequence) method except that this method surrounds the result with the specified prefix and suffix even if the stream is empty.
joining(ToString<T>, ToString<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that represents the result of the two specified expressions joined together, forming a single string.
joining(CharSequence, ToString<T>, ToString<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that represents the result of the two specified expressions joined together with a separator between them, forming a single string.
joining(CharSequence, CharSequence, CharSequence, ToString<T>, ToString<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that represents the result of the two specified expressions joined together with a separator between them, with a prefix before the entire result and a suffix after it, forming a single string.
joining(ToString<T>...) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that represents the result of all the specified expressions joined together, forming a single string.
joining(CharSequence, ToString<T>...) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that represents the result of all the specified expressions joined together with separators between them, forming a single string.
joining(CharSequence, CharSequence, CharSequence, ToString<T>...) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Returns an expression that represents the result of all the specified expressions joined together with separators between them, with a prefix before the entire result and a suffix after it, forming a single string.
JoiningExpression<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression
A special type of ToString expression that joins several strings together using optionally a separator, a prefix and a suffix.
JoinOperator - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.join.stage
joinOperator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.stage.Stage
Returns the OperatorType for this Stage or , or empty() if no OperatorType is defined (i.e.
JoinStreamSupplierComponent - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join
Stream Supplier Component that can be used to create Join objects.
JoinType - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.join.stage
joinType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.stage.Stage
Returns the JoinType for this Stage, or empty() if no JoinType is defined (i.e.


label() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.ColumnIdentifier
Returns a label that can be used as key in a map.
leaseSize() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.ConnectionPoolComponent
Returns the current number of leased connections from the pool.
leaseSize() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.SingletonConnectionPoolComponent
leftJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T1, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder1
leftJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T2, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder2
leftJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T3, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder3
leftJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T4, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder4
leftJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T5, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder5
leftJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T6, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder6
leftJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T7, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder7
leftJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T8, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder8
leftJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T9, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder9
leftJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<ENTITY, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.trait.HasJoins
Adds the provided joinedField to the collection of joined column/tables.
length() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.StringClob
lessOrEqual(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumField
Returns a new predicate that evaluates if entities has a enum value for this field with a value that is less or equal to the specified value.
lessOrEqual(V) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasComparableOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is less than or equal to the given value.
lessOrEqual(HasComparableOperators<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.trait.HasOnPredicates
Adds an operation where a previous field is compared to the given joinedField and whereby the operation returns true if and only the previous field is less or equal to the given joinedField.
lessThan(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumField
Returns a new predicate that evaluates if entities has a enum value for this field with a value that is less than the specified value.
lessThan(V) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasComparableOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is less than the given value.
lessThan(HasComparableOperators<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.trait.HasOnPredicates
Adds an operation where a previous field is compared to the given joinedField and whereby the operation returns true if and only the previous field is less than the given joinedField.
load(String, DocumentTranscoder.Decoder) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentTranscoder
Loads a new Project from the specified JSON string.
load(Path, DocumentTranscoder.Decoder) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentTranscoder
Loads a project from a UTF-8 encoded file.
LOCAL_PATH - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Dbms
LongCountTerminator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.longs
LongField<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field
A field that represents a primitive long value.
LongFieldComparator<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator
A FieldComparator that compares values of a LongField.
LongForeignKeyField<ENTITY,D,FK_ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field
A field that represents a primitive long value that references another column using a foreign key.
LongGetter<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A short-cut functional reference to the getXXX(value) method for a particular field in an entity.
LongSetter<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A short-cut functional reference to the setXXX(value) method for a particular field in an entity.
LongSqlStreamTerminatorOverride - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.longs
An interface used for overriding a LongStream's terminating operations.
LongTerminator - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.longs
LongToByteMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs
Maps between Long and Byte values by simply casting to lower precision.
LongToByteMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.LongToByteMapper
longToDouble(ToLong<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that converts the result of the specified expression into a double by casting.
longToDoubleNullable(ToLongNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that converts the result of the specified expression into a double by casting.
LongToIntegerMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs
Maps between Long and Integer values by simply casting to lower precision.
LongToIntegerMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.LongToIntegerMapper
LongToShortMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs
Maps between Long and Short values by simply casting to lower precision.
LongToShortMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.LongToShortMapper
lookupJavaSqlType(int) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.TypeInfoMetaData
Looks up and returns the given int and returns the name of that int according to Types.


mainInterface() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Column
mainInterface() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Dbms
mainInterface() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.ForeignKey
mainInterface() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.ForeignKeyColumn
mainInterface() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Index
mainInterface() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.IndexColumn
mainInterface() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.PrimaryKeyColumn
mainInterface() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Project
mainInterface() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Schema
mainInterface() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Table
mainInterface() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasMainInterface
Returns the Class of the interface of this node.
makeProject() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationMetadata
makeProject() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationMetadata
Transforms the metadata into a Project document.
makeProject() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.testsupport.AbstractTestApplicationMetadata
manager() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.bulk.Operation
Returns the Manager for this Operation.
Manager<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.manager
A Manager is responsible for abstracting away an Entity's data source CRUD operations.
ManagerComponent - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component
The ManagerComponent provides the mapping between entities and their corresponding managers.
ManagerConfigurator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.manager
This class makes it possible to decorate a manager with a special parallelization strategy by using a builder pattern.
managerOf(Class<E>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.ManagerComponent
Obtains and returns the currently associated Manager implementation for the given Entity interface Class.
map(UnaryOperator<BigDecimal>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
map(BooleanUnaryOperator) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBoolean
map(ByteUnaryOperator) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
map(CharUnaryOperator) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToChar
map(DoubleUnaryOperator) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
map(UnaryOperator<E>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToEnum
map(FloatUnaryOperator) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
map(IntUnaryOperator) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
map(LongUnaryOperator) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
map(ShortUnaryOperator) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
map(UnaryOperator<String>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToString
map(MAPPER) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasMap
Returns an expression for the value of this expression mapped using the specified mapping function.
mapIfPresent(BooleanUnaryOperator) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBooleanNullable
mapIfPresent(ByteUnaryOperator) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByteNullable
mapIfPresent(DoubleUnaryOperator) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDoubleNullable
mapIfPresent(UnaryOperator<E>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToEnumNullable
mapIfPresent(FloatUnaryOperator) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloatNullable
mapIfPresent(IntUnaryOperator) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToIntNullable
mapIfPresent(LongUnaryOperator) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLongNullable
mapIfPresent(ShortUnaryOperator) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShortNullable
mapIfPresent(MAPPER) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasMapIfPresent
Returns an expression for the value of this expression mapped using the specified mapping function.
mapper() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.MapperExpression
Returns the mapping operation applied to the result from the inner operation.
MapperExpression<T,INNER extends Expression<T>,MAPPER> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression
Specialized expression that takes the result of an inner expression and applies a mapping function to it.
MapperExpression.MapperType - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression
Enumeration of all possible mapping types.
mappers() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.bulk.trait.HasMappers
mapperType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.MapperExpression
Returns the type of mapper that the MapperExpression.mapper()-method returns an instance of.
mapToBigDecimalIfPresent(Function<V, BigDecimal>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
Returns an ToStringNullable expression that has the value returned by the specified mapper function if the value for this field is not null, and otherwise null.
mapToBooleanIfPresent(ToBooleanFunction<V>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
Returns an ToBooleanNullable expression that has the value returned by the specified mapper function if the value for this field is not null, and otherwise null.
mapToByteIfPresent(ToByteFunction<V>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
Returns an ToByteNullable expression that has the value returned by the specified mapper function if the value for this field is not null, and otherwise null.
mapToCharIfPresent(ToCharFunction<V>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
Returns an ToCharNullable expression that has the value returned by the specified mapper function if the value for this field is not null, and otherwise null.
mapToDouble(ToDoubleFunction<BigDecimal>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
mapToDouble(BooleanToDoubleFunction) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBoolean
mapToDouble(ByteToDoubleFunction) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
mapToDouble(FloatToDoubleFunction) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
mapToDouble(IntToDoubleFunction) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
mapToDouble(LongToDoubleFunction) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
mapToDouble(ShortToDoubleFunction) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
mapToDouble(MAPPER) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasMapToDouble
Maps the result of this expression into a double by passing it to the specified mapper, producing a new expression that implements ToDouble.
mapToDoubleIfPresent(BooleanToDoubleFunction) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBooleanNullable
mapToDoubleIfPresent(ByteToDoubleFunction) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByteNullable
mapToDoubleIfPresent(ToDoubleFunction<E>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToEnumNullable
mapToDoubleIfPresent(FloatToDoubleFunction) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloatNullable
mapToDoubleIfPresent(IntToDoubleFunction) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToIntNullable
mapToDoubleIfPresent(LongToDoubleFunction) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLongNullable
mapToDoubleIfPresent(ShortToDoubleFunction) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShortNullable
mapToDoubleIfPresent(MAPPER) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasMapToDoubleIfPresent
Maps the result of this expression into a double by passing it to the specified mapper, producing a new expression that implements ToDouble.
mapToDoubleIfPresent(ToDoubleFunction<E>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumField
mapToDoubleIfPresent(ToDoubleFunction<V>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
Returns an ToDoubleNullable expression that has the value returned by the specified mapper function if the value for this field is not null, and otherwise null.
mapToEnumIfPresent(Function<V, E>, Class<E>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
Returns an ToEnumNullable expression that has the value returned by the specified mapper function if the value for this field is not null, and otherwise null.
mapToFloatIfPresent(ToFloatFunction<V>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
Returns an ToFloatNullable expression that has the value returned by the specified mapper function if the value for this field is not null, and otherwise null.
mapToIntIfPresent(ToIntFunction<V>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
Returns an ToIntNullable expression that has the value returned by the specified mapper function if the value for this field is not null, and otherwise null.
mapToLongIfPresent(ToLongFunction<V>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
Returns an ToLongNullable expression that has the value returned by the specified mapper function if the value for this field is not null, and otherwise null.
mapToShortIfPresent(ToShortFunction<V>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
Returns an ToShortNullable expression that has the value returned by the specified mapper function if the value for this field is not null, and otherwise null.
mapToStringIfPresent(Function<V, String>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
Returns an ToStringNullable expression that has the value returned by the specified mapper function if the value for this field is not null, and otherwise null.
MariaDbBundle - Class in com.speedment.runtime.connector.mariadb
MariaDbBundle() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.connector.mariadb.MariaDbBundle
MariaDbComponent - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.connector.mariadb
A component required to communicate with H2 databases.
MAX_DEGREE - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.JoinComponent
The maximum number of tables than can be joined.
MaxTerminator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference
Metrics - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql
metrics(P, DbmsType) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.SqlStreamOptimizer
Returns a metric of how well this optimizer can optimize the given pipeline.
MinTerminator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference
minus(ToByte<T>, byte) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and subtracts a constant from it.
minus(ToByte<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and subtracts a constant from it.
minus(ToByte<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and subtracts a constant from it.
minus(ToByte<T>, ToByte<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the difference.
minus(ToShort<T>, byte) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and subtracts a constant from it.
minus(ToShort<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and subtracts a constant from it.
minus(ToShort<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and subtracts a constant from it.
minus(ToShort<T>, ToShort<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the difference.
minus(ToInt<T>, byte) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and subtracts a constant from it.
minus(ToInt<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and subtracts a constant from it.
minus(ToInt<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and subtracts a constant from it.
minus(ToInt<T>, ToByte<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the difference.
minus(ToInt<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the difference.
minus(ToLong<T>, byte) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and subtracts a constant from it.
minus(ToLong<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and subtracts a constant from it.
minus(ToLong<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and subtracts a constant from it.
minus(ToLong<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the difference.
minus(ToLong<T>, ToLong<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the difference.
minus(ToFloat<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and subtracts a constant from it.
minus(ToFloat<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and subtracts a constant from it.
minus(ToFloat<T>, float) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and subtracts a constant from it.
minus(ToFloat<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the difference.
minus(ToFloat<T>, ToLong<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the difference.
minus(ToFloat<T>, ToFloat<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the difference.
minus(ToDouble<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and subtracts a constant from it.
minus(ToDouble<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and subtracts a constant from it.
minus(ToDouble<T>, double) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and subtracts a constant from it.
minus(ToDouble<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the difference.
minus(ToDouble<T>, ToLong<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the difference.
minus(ToDouble<T>, ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the difference.
minus(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
minus(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
minus(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
minus(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
minus(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
minus(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
minus(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
minus(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
minus(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
minus(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
minus(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
minus(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
minus(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
minus(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
minus(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
minus(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
minus(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
minus(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
minus(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
minus(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
minus(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
minus(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
minus(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
minus(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
minus(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
minus(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
minus(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
minus(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
minus(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
minus(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
minus(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
minus(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
minus(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
minus(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
minus(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
minus(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
minus(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
minus(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
minus(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
minus(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
minus(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
minus(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
minus(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
minus(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
minus(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
minus(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
minus(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
minus(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
minus(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
minus(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
minus(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
minus(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
minus(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
minus(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
minus(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
minus(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
minus(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasMinus
Creates and returns an expression that returns the difference of the result from the current expression and the other term.
minus(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasMinus
Creates and returns an expression that returns the difference of the result from the current expression and the other term.
minus(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasMinus
Creates and returns an expression that returns the difference of the result from the current expression and the other term.
minus(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasMinus
Creates and returns an expression that returns the difference of the result from the current expression and the other term.
minus(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasMinus
Creates and returns an expression that returns the difference of the result from the current expression and the other term.
minus(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasMinus
Creates and returns an expression that returns the difference of the result from the current expression and the other term.
minus(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasMinus
Creates and returns an expression that returns the difference of the result from the current expression and the other term.
minus(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasMinus
Creates and returns an expression that returns the difference of the result from the current expression and the other term.
multiply(ToByte<T>, byte) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and multiplies a constant to it.
multiply(ToByte<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and multiplies a constant to it.
multiply(ToByte<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and multiplies a constant to it.
multiply(ToByte<T>, ToByte<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the product.
multiply(ToShort<T>, byte) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and multiplies a constant to it.
multiply(ToShort<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and multiplies a constant to it.
multiply(ToShort<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and multiplies a constant to it.
multiply(ToShort<T>, ToShort<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the product.
multiply(ToInt<T>, byte) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and multiplies a constant to it.
multiply(ToInt<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and multiplies a constant to it.
multiply(ToInt<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and multiplies a constant to it.
multiply(ToInt<T>, ToByte<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the product.
multiply(ToInt<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the product.
multiply(ToLong<T>, byte) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and multiplies a constant to it.
multiply(ToLong<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and multiplies a constant to it.
multiply(ToLong<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and multiplies a constant to it.
multiply(ToLong<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the product.
multiply(ToLong<T>, ToLong<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the product.
multiply(ToFloat<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and multiplies a constant to it.
multiply(ToFloat<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and multiplies a constant to it.
multiply(ToFloat<T>, float) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and multiplies a constant to it.
multiply(ToFloat<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the product.
multiply(ToFloat<T>, ToLong<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the product.
multiply(ToFloat<T>, ToFloat<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the product.
multiply(ToDouble<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and multiplies a constant to it.
multiply(ToDouble<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and multiplies a constant to it.
multiply(ToDouble<T>, double) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and multiplies a constant to it.
multiply(ToDouble<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the product.
multiply(ToDouble<T>, ToLong<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the product.
multiply(ToDouble<T>, ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and computes the product.
multiply(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
multiply(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
multiply(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
multiply(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
multiply(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
multiply(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
multiply(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
multiply(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
multiply(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
multiply(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
multiply(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
multiply(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
multiply(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
multiply(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
multiply(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
multiply(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
multiply(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
multiply(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
multiply(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
multiply(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
multiply(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
multiply(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
multiply(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
multiply(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
multiply(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
multiply(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
multiply(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
multiply(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
multiply(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
multiply(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
multiply(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
multiply(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
multiply(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
multiply(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
multiply(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
multiply(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
multiply(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
multiply(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
multiply(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
multiply(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
multiply(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
multiply(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
multiply(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
multiply(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
multiply(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
multiply(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
multiply(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
multiply(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
multiply(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
multiply(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
multiply(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
multiply(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
multiply(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
multiply(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
multiply(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
multiply(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
multiply(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasMultiply
Creates and returns an expression that returns the product of the result from the current expression and the other factor.
multiply(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasMultiply
Creates and returns an expression that returns the product of the result from the current expression and the other factor.
multiply(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasMultiply
Creates and returns an expression that returns the product of the result from the current expression and the other factor.
multiply(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasMultiply
Creates and returns an expression that returns the product of the result from the current expression and the other factor.
multiply(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasMultiply
Creates and returns an expression that returns the product of the result from the current expression and the other factor.
multiply(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasMultiply
Creates and returns an expression that returns the product of the result from the current expression and the other factor.
multiply(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasMultiply
Creates and returns an expression that returns the product of the result from the current expression and the other factor.
multiply(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasMultiply
Creates and returns an expression that returns the product of the result from the current expression and the other factor.
mutator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Column
mutator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Dbms
mutator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.ForeignKey
mutator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.ForeignKeyColumn
mutator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Index
mutator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.IndexColumn
mutator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.PrimaryKeyColumn
mutator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Project
mutator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Schema
mutator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Table
mutator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasMutator
Returns a DocumentMutator for this Document.
MySqlBundle - Class in com.speedment.runtime.connector.mysql
MySqlBundle() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.connector.mysql.MySqlBundle
MySqlComponent - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.connector.mysql
A component required to communicate with H2 databases.


NAME - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasName
The key of the name property.
negate(ToByte<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that will compute the negative result of the specified expression.
negate(ToShort<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that will compute the negative result of the specified expression.
negate(ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that will compute the negative result of the specified expression.
negate(ToLong<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that will compute the negative result of the specified expression.
negate(ToFloat<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that will compute the negative result of the specified expression.
negate(ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that will compute the negative result of the specified expression.
negate(ToBigDecimal<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that will compute the negative result of the specified expression.
negate(ToBoolean<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that will compute the negative result of the specified expression.
negate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.predicate.IsNotNull
negate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.predicate.IsNull
negate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
negate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
negate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByteNullable
negate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
negate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDoubleNullable
negate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
negate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloatNullable
negate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
negate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToIntNullable
negate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
negate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLongNullable
negate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
negate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShortNullable
negate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasNegate
Returns a new expression that returns the absolute value of the result of the current expression.
negate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlPredicate
negate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.CombinedPredicate
negate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.ComposedPredicate
negate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.FieldIsNotNullPredicate
negate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.FieldIsNullPredicate
negate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.FieldPredicate
negate() - Method in enum com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.PredicateType
negate() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.SpeedmentPredicate
negateOrNull(ToByteNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that will compute the negative result of the specified expression.
negateOrNull(ToShortNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that will compute the negative result of the specified expression.
negateOrNull(ToIntNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that will compute the negative result of the specified expression.
negateOrNull(ToLongNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that will compute the negative result of the specified expression.
negateOrNull(ToFloatNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that will compute the negative result of the specified expression.
negateOrNull(ToDoubleNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that will compute the negative result of the specified expression.
negateOrNull(ToBooleanNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that will compute the negative result of the specified expression.
newConnection(String, String, char[]) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.ConnectionPoolComponent
Creates and returns a new Connection for the given parameters.
newConnection(Dbms) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.ConnectionPoolComponent
Creates and returns a new Connection for the given parameters.
newConnection(String, String, char[]) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.SingletonConnectionPoolComponent
newConnection(Dbms) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.SingletonConnectionPoolComponent
newDocument(Document, String) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentUtil
Creates and returns a new raw map on a specified key in the specified document.
newNoSuchElementExceptionFor(Document, String) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentUtil
Returns an Exception supplier for when no attribute could be found on a specified key in a specified document.
NoneMatchTerminator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference
noneOf(Class<ENTITY>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.FieldSet
Returns a FieldSet that represents the empty set of fields of the given entity
NonNullableExpression<T,INNER extends Expression<T>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression
Specialized Expression that is not nullable, but that wraps an expression that is and that has some routine for dealing with null values determined by NonNullableExpression.nullStrategy().
NonNullableExpression.NullStrategy - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression
The strategies possible when dealing with null-values.
notBetween(String, String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumField
Returns a new predicate that evaluates if entities has a enum value for this field with a value that is not between the two specified values.
notBetween(String, String, Inclusion) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumField
Returns a new predicate that evaluates if entities has a enum value for this field with a value that is not between the two specified values.
notBetween(V, V) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasComparableOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is not between the given values (inclusive the start value but exclusive the end value).
notBetween(V, V, Inclusion) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasComparableOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is not between the given values and taking the Inclusion parameter into account when determining if either of the end points shall be included in the Field range or not.
notContains(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasStringOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field not contains the given value.
notContainsIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasStringOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field does not contain the given value while ignoring the case of the Strings that are compared.
notEndsWith(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasStringOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field not ends with the given value.
notEndsWithIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasStringOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field not ends with the given value while ignoring the case of the Strings that are compared.
notEqual(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumField
Returns a new predicate that evaluates if entities has a enum value for this field with a value that is not equal to the specified value.
notEqual(boolean) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasBooleanOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is not equal to the given value.
notEqual(V) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasComparableOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is not equal to the given value.
notEqual(HasComparableOperators<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.trait.HasOnPredicates
Adds an operation where a previous field is compared to the given joinedField and whereby the operation returns true if and only the previous field is not equal to the given joinedField.
notEqualIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasStringOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is not equal to the given value while ignoring the case of the Strings that are compared.
notifyGeneratedKeyListener() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.sql.HasGeneratedKeys
Notifies the generated key listener that a key has been generated.
notIn(V...) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasComparableOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is not in the set of given values.
notIn(Collection<V>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasComparableOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field is not in the given Set.
notStartsWith(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasStringOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field not starts with the given value.
notStartsWithIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasStringOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field not starts with the given value while ignoring the case of the Strings that are compared.
NULLABLE - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasNullable
The key of the nullable property.
NULLABLE_IMPLEMENTATION - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasNullable
The key of the nullableImplementation property.
NullableExpression<T,INNER extends Expression<T>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression
Specific type of Expression that has an inner expression that is used for elements that does not pass the isNull predicate.
nullableFinder(TableIdentifier<FK_ENTITY>, Supplier<Stream<FK_ENTITY>>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasNullableFinder
Returns a function that can be used to find referenced entities using the specified manager.
NullOrder - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator
Determines in if null values should be located before or after other values in a list of results.
NullPredicate<T,R> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.predicate
Specialized predicate that holds additional metadata about the condition that can be used to optimize the expression.
nullPredicateType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.predicate.IsNotNull
nullPredicateType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.predicate.IsNull
nullPredicateType() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.predicate.NullPredicate
If this predicate represents a simple a == null or a != null predicate on the mapped value, then this method may choose to return a special value so that the predicate may be short-circuited.
NullPredicateType - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.predicate
Special types of predicates that can easily be recognized and potentially short-circuited.
nullStrategy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.NonNullableExpression
Returns the strategy used by this expression to deal with the case when NonNullableExpression.innerNullable() would have returned null.
nullStrategy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.OrElseGetExpression
nullStrategy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.OrElseThrowExpression
nullStrategy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.ToBigDecimalOrElse
nullStrategy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.ToBooleanOrElse
nullStrategy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.ToByteOrElse
nullStrategy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.ToCharOrElse
nullStrategy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.ToDoubleOrElse
nullStrategy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.ToEnumOrElse
nullStrategy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.ToFloatOrElse
nullStrategy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.ToIntOrElse
nullStrategy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.ToLongOrElse
nullStrategy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.ToShortOrElse
nullStrategy() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse.ToStringOrElse


objects() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlPredicateFragment
of(Function<T, BigDecimal>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
Returns a typed ToBigDecimal<T> using the provided lambda.
of(Function<T, BigDecimal>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimalNullable
Returns a typed ToBigDecimalNullable<T> using the provided lambda.
of(Predicate<T>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBoolean
Returns a typed ToBoolean<T> using the provided lambda.
of(Function<T, Boolean>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBooleanNullable
Returns a typed ToBooleanNullable<T> using the provided lambda.
of(ToByteFunction<T>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
Returns a typed ToByte<T> using the provided lambda.
of(Function<T, Byte>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByteNullable
Returns a typed ToByteNullable<T> using the provided lambda.
of(ToCharFunction<T>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToChar
Returns a typed ToChar<T> using the provided lambda.
of(Function<T, Character>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToCharNullable
Returns a typed ToCharNullable<T> using the provided lambda.
of(ToDoubleFunction<T>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
Returns a typed ToDouble<T> using the provided lambda.
of(Function<T, Double>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDoubleNullable
Returns a typed ToDoubleNullable<T> using the provided lambda.
of(Class<E>, Function<T, E>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToEnum
Returns a typed ToEnum<T> using the provided lambda.
of(Class<E>, Function<T, E>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToEnumNullable
Returns a typed ToEnumNullable<T> using the provided lambda.
of(ToFloatFunction<T>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
Returns a typed ToFloat<T> using the provided lambda.
of(Function<T, Float>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloatNullable
Returns a typed ToFloatNullable<T> using the provided lambda.
of(ToIntFunction<T>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
Returns a typed ToInt<T> using the provided lambda.
of(Function<T, Integer>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToIntNullable
Returns a typed ToIntNullable<T> using the provided lambda.
of(ToLongFunction<T>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
Returns a typed ToLong<T> using the provided lambda.
of(Function<T, Long>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLongNullable
Returns a typed ToLongNullable<T> using the provided lambda.
of(ToShortFunction<T>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
Returns a typed ToShort<T> using the provided lambda.
of(Function<T, Short>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShortNullable
Returns a typed ToShortNullable<T> using the provided lambda.
of(Function<T, String>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToString
Returns a typed ToString<T> using the provided lambda.
of(Function<T, String>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToStringNullable
Returns a typed ToStringNullable<T> using the provided lambda.
of(String, String, String, String) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.ColumnIdentifier
Returns a dynamic ColumnIdentifier based on the default implementation of the interface.
of(ColumnIdentifier<?>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.ColumnLabel
of(String) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.DbmsIdentifier
of(String, String) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.SchemaIdentifier
of(String, String, String) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier.TableIdentifier
of(Column) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.DocumentMutator
of(Dbms) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.DocumentMutator
of(ForeignKeyColumn) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.DocumentMutator
of(ForeignKey) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.DocumentMutator
of(IndexColumn) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.DocumentMutator
of(Index) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.DocumentMutator
of(PrimaryKeyColumn) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.DocumentMutator
of(Project) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.DocumentMutator
of(Schema) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.DocumentMutator
of(Table) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.DocumentMutator
of(Document) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasAlias
Returns a wrapper of the specified document that implements the HasAlias trait.
of(Document) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasColumn
Returns a wrapper of the specified document that implements the HasColumn trait.
of(Document) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasEnabled
Returns a wrapper of the specified document that implements the HasEnabled trait.
of(Document) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasId
Returns a wrapper of the specified document that implements the HasId trait.
of(Document) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasName
Returns a wrapper of the specified document that implements the HasName trait.
of(Document) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasNullable
Returns a wrapper of the specified document that implements the HasNullable trait.
of(Document) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasOrderType
Returns a wrapper of the specified document that implements the HasOrderType trait.
of(Document) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasOrdinalPosition
Returns a wrapper of the specified document that implements the HasOrdinalPosition trait.
of(Document) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasPackageName
Returns a wrapper of the specified document that implements the HasPackageName trait.
of(HasAlias) - Method in enum com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentUtil.Name
Returns the appropriate name of the specified document.
of(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.Metrics
Creates and returns a new Metrics.
of(DbmsType, String, String, ToLongBiFunction<String, List<Object>>, Function<Field<ENTITY>, String>, Function<Field<ENTITY>, Class<?>>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.SqlStreamOptimizerInfo
of(Function<D, T>, BiFunction<? super T, Isolation, Isolation>, Consumer<? super T>, Consumer<? super T>, Consumer<? super T>, Consumer<? super T>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.DataSourceHandler
of(ResultSet) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Creates and returns a new ColumnMetadata from the given ResultSet.
of(ResultSet) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.TypeInfoMetaData
of(String, int, int, int, short, boolean) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata.TypeInfoMetaData
of(String) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlPredicateFragment
of(String, Collection<Object>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlPredicateFragment
of(String, Object) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlPredicateFragment
of(Field<ENTITY>...) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.FieldSet
Creates a new FieldSet that represents the given set of fields
of(Collection<Field<ENTITY>>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.FieldSet
Creates a new FieldSet that represents the given set of fields
of(Verb, Property) - Static method in class
of(Stream<T>) - Static method in interface
Creates an returns a new Stream that automatically will invoke its BaseStream.close() method whenever a terminating operation is invoked and where the stream elements are obtained from the given stream.
of(Stream<T>, boolean) - Static method in interface
Creates an returns a new Stream that automatically will invoke its BaseStream.close() method whenever a terminating operation is invoked and where the stream elements are obtained from the given stream.
of(Iterator<? extends T>, long, int, int[]) - Static method in interface
of(Iterator<? extends T>, int, int[]) - Static method in interface
of(int...) - Static method in interface
of(Supplier<T>, Consumer<T>, Consumer<T>...) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.CollectorUtil
of(Supplier<I>, Consumer<I>, Function<I, T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.CollectorUtil
of(TableIdentifier<T>, List<Predicate<? super T>>, JoinType, HasComparableOperators<T, ?>, JoinOperator, HasComparableOperators<?, ?>, int) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.stage.Stage
Creates and returns a mew default implementation of a Stage.
ofNullable(Long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.OptionalUtil
Wraps the specified nullable value in an OptionalLong.
ofNullable(Integer) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.OptionalUtil
Wraps the specified nullable value in an OptionalInteger.
ofNullable(Double) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.OptionalUtil
Wraps the specified nullable value in an OptionalDouble.
ofNullable(Boolean) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.OptionalUtil
Wraps the specified nullable value in an OptionalBoolean.
on(FIELD) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.trait.HasOn
Adds the given originalField to an operation where the originalField belongs to a previous entered manager that are used for joining elements.
onClose() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.PoolableConnection
onWelcome() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.welcome.HasOnWelcome
This method is invoked by Speedment upon start.
Operation<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.bulk
Operation.Type - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.bulk
operations() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.bulk.BulkOperation
operator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.BinaryExpression
Returns the binary operator that this expression represents.
operator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.BinaryObjExpression
Returns the binary operator that this expression represents.
operator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.UnaryExpression
Returns the binary operator that this expression represents.
optimize(P, SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY>, AsynchronousQueryResult<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.SqlStreamOptimizer
Returns an optimized pipeline, potentially by modifying the query.
OptionalUtil - Class in com.speedment.runtime.core.util
A utility class for converting optional types to their boxed equivalents.
or(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlPredicate
or(Predicate<? super ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.CombinedPredicate
or(Predicate<ENTITY>, Predicate<? super ENTITY>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.CombinedPredicate
Creates and returns a new CombinedPredicate that is the logical OR combination of the given predicates.
or(List<Predicate<? super ENTITY>>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.CombinedPredicate
Creates or returns a new CombinedPredicate that is the logical OR combination of the given predicates.
or(Predicate<? super ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.SpeedmentPredicate
ORDER_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasOrderType
The key of the orderType property.
OrderType - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.config.parameter
ORDINAL_POSITION - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasOrdinalPosition
The key of the ordinalPosition property.
orElse(BigDecimal) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimalNullable
orElse(Boolean) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBooleanNullable
orElse(Byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByteNullable
orElse(Character) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToCharNullable
orElse(Double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDoubleNullable
orElse(E) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToEnumNullable
orElse(Float) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloatNullable
orElse(Integer) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToIntNullable
orElse(Long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLongNullable
orElse(Short) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShortNullable
orElse(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToStringNullable
orElse(R) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.ToNullable
Returns an equivalent expression as this, except that it will return the value if given an argument that would cause this expression to return null.
orElseGet(ToBigDecimal<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimalNullable
orElseGet(ToBoolean<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBooleanNullable
orElseGet(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByteNullable
orElseGet(ToChar<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToCharNullable
orElseGet(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDoubleNullable
orElseGet(ToEnum<T, E>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToEnumNullable
orElseGet(ToFloat<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloatNullable
orElseGet(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToIntNullable
orElseGet(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLongNullable
orElseGet(ToShort<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShortNullable
orElseGet(ToString<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToStringNullable
orElseGet(NON_NULLABLE) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.ToNullable
Returns an equivalent expression as this, except that it will return the getter expression if given an argument that would cause this expression to return null.
OrElseGetExpression<T,INNER extends Expression<T>,DEFAULT extends Expression<T>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
OrElseThrowExpression<T,INNER extends Expression<T>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialization of NonNullableExpression that throws an exception if the wrapped expression returns null.
orThrow() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimalNullable
orThrow() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBooleanNullable
orThrow() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByteNullable
orThrow() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToCharNullable
orThrow() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDoubleNullable
orThrow() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToEnumNullable
orThrow() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloatNullable
orThrow() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToIntNullable
orThrow() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLongNullable
orThrow() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShortNullable
orThrow() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToStringNullable
orThrow() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.ToNullable
Returns an equivalent expression as this, except that it will throw a NullPointerException if given an argument that would cause this expression to return null.


PACKAGE_LOCATION - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Project
PACKAGE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasPackageName
ParallelStrategy - Interface in
ParallelStrategy.Hidden - Class in
parse(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.resultset.ResultSetMapping
Parses the given input String and returns an object of type T that corresponds to the given String.
parse(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.resultset.ResultSetMapping
Parses the given input long and returns an object of type T that corresponds to the given long.
parseBoolean(String) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.OptionalUtil
Parses the specified value into an optional unless it is null, in which case an empty optional is returned.
parseDouble(String) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.OptionalUtil
Parses the specified value into an optional unless it is null, in which case an empty optional is returned.
parseInt(String) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.OptionalUtil
Parses the specified value into an optional unless it is null, in which case an empty optional is returned.
parseLong(String) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.OptionalUtil
Parses the specified value into an optional unless it is null, in which case an empty optional is returned.
PasswordComponent - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component
A component that stores the password for all the connected dbmses during this session.
persist(Manager<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.bulk.BulkOperation.Builder
Creates and returns a new Persist builder that can be used to build a Persist Operation.
persist(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.EntityManager
Persists the given Entity and returns a new Optional<Entity> that was the result of the persistence, or Optional.empty() if the method failed.
persist(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.Manager
Persists the provided entity to the underlying database and returns a potentially updated entity.
PersistenceComponent - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component
The PersistanceComponent handles persisting, updating and deleting entities from a remote store, for an example a database or an in-memory grid.
persistenceProvider(PersistenceTableInfo<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.PersistenceComponent
PersistenceProvider<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.manager
PersistenceTableInfo<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component
persister() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.AbstractManager
persister(HasLabelSet<ENTITY>) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.AbstractManager
persister() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.AbstractViewManager
persister(HasLabelSet<ENTITY>) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.AbstractViewManager
persister() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.PersistenceProvider
Returns a Persister which can be used to persist entities in the underlying database.
persister(HasLabelSet<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.PersistenceProvider
Provides a Persister that operates on a given subset of entity fields.
Persister<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.manager
An action that takes an entity and persists it to a data store.
PersistOperation<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.bulk
Pipeline - Interface in
plus(ToByte<T>, byte) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and adds a constant to it.
plus(ToByte<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and adds a constant to it.
plus(ToByte<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and adds a constant to it.
plus(ToByte<T>, ToByte<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and add them together.
plus(ToShort<T>, byte) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and adds a constant to it.
plus(ToShort<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and adds a constant to it.
plus(ToShort<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and adds a constant to it.
plus(ToShort<T>, ToShort<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and add them together.
plus(ToInt<T>, byte) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and adds a constant to it.
plus(ToInt<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and adds a constant to it.
plus(ToInt<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and adds a constant to it.
plus(ToInt<T>, ToByte<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and add them together.
plus(ToInt<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and add them together.
plus(ToLong<T>, byte) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and adds a constant to it.
plus(ToLong<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and adds a constant to it.
plus(ToLong<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and adds a constant to it.
plus(ToLong<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and add them together.
plus(ToLong<T>, ToLong<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and add them together.
plus(ToFloat<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and adds a constant to it.
plus(ToFloat<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and adds a constant to it.
plus(ToFloat<T>, float) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and adds a constant to it.
plus(ToFloat<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and add them together.
plus(ToFloat<T>, ToLong<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and add them together.
plus(ToFloat<T>, ToFloat<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and add them together.
plus(ToDouble<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and adds a constant to it.
plus(ToDouble<T>, long) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and adds a constant to it.
plus(ToDouble<T>, double) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the expression and adds a constant to it.
plus(ToDouble<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and add them together.
plus(ToDouble<T>, ToLong<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and add them together.
plus(ToDouble<T>, ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of the two expressions and add them together.
plus(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
plus(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
plus(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
plus(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
plus(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
plus(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
plus(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
plus(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
plus(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
plus(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
plus(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
plus(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
plus(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
plus(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
plus(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
plus(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
plus(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
plus(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
plus(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
plus(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
plus(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
plus(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
plus(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
plus(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
plus(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
plus(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
plus(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
plus(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
plus(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
plus(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
plus(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
plus(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
plus(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
plus(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
plus(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
plus(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
plus(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
plus(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
plus(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
plus(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
plus(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
plus(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
plus(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
plus(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
plus(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
plus(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
plus(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
plus(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
plus(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
plus(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
plus(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
plus(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
plus(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
plus(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
plus(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
plus(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
plus(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasPlus
Creates and returns an expression that returns the sum of the result from the current expression and the other term.
plus(ToByte<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasPlus
Creates and returns an expression that returns the sum of the result from the current expression and the other term.
plus(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasPlus
Creates and returns an expression that returns the sum of the result from the current expression and the other term.
plus(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasPlus
Creates and returns an expression that returns the sum of the result from the current expression and the other term.
plus(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasPlus
Creates and returns an expression that returns the sum of the result from the current expression and the other term.
plus(ToLong<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasPlus
Creates and returns an expression that returns the sum of the result from the current expression and the other term.
plus(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasPlus
Creates and returns an expression that returns the sum of the result from the current expression and the other term.
plus(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasPlus
Creates and returns an expression that returns the sum of the result from the current expression and the other term.
PoolableConnection - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool
A connection in a ConnectionPoolComponent that in addition to the standard JDBC methods also has information about when it was created and when it expires, among other things.
poolSize() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.ConnectionPoolComponent
Returns the current number of idle connections in the pool.
poolSize() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.SingletonConnectionPoolComponent
PORT - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Dbms
position(String, long) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.StringClob
position(Clob, long) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.StringClob
PostgresBundle - Class in com.speedment.runtime.connector.postgres
PostgresBundle() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.connector.postgres.PostgresBundle
PostgresComponent - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.connector.postgres
A component required to communicate with H2 databases.
pow(ToByte<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
pow(ToByte<T>, double) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
pow(ToByte<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
pow(ToByte<T>, ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
pow(ToShort<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
pow(ToShort<T>, double) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
pow(ToShort<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
pow(ToShort<T>, ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
pow(ToInt<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
pow(ToInt<T>, double) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
pow(ToInt<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
pow(ToInt<T>, ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
pow(ToLong<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
pow(ToLong<T>, double) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
pow(ToLong<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
pow(ToLong<T>, ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
pow(ToFloat<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
pow(ToFloat<T>, double) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
pow(ToFloat<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
pow(ToFloat<T>, ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
pow(ToDouble<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
pow(ToDouble<T>, double) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
pow(ToDouble<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
pow(ToDouble<T>, ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
pow(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
pow(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
pow(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
pow(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
pow(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
pow(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
pow(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
pow(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
pow(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
pow(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
pow(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
pow(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
pow(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
pow(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
pow(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
pow(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
pow(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
pow(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
pow(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
pow(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
pow(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
pow(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
pow(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
pow(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
pow(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
pow(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
pow(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
pow(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
pow(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasPow
Creates and returns an expression that returns the exponential power of the result from the current expression.
pow(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasPow
Creates and returns an expression that returns the exponential power of the result from the current expression.
pow(ToInt<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasPow
Creates and returns an expression that returns the exponential power of the result from the current expression.
pow(ToDouble<T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasPow
Creates and returns an expression that returns the exponential power of the result from the current expression.
powOrNull(ToByteNullable<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
powOrNull(ToByteNullable<T>, double) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
powOrNull(ToByteNullable<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
powOrNull(ToByteNullable<T>, ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
powOrNull(ToShortNullable<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
powOrNull(ToShortNullable<T>, double) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
powOrNull(ToShortNullable<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
powOrNull(ToShortNullable<T>, ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
powOrNull(ToIntNullable<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
powOrNull(ToIntNullable<T>, double) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
powOrNull(ToIntNullable<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
powOrNull(ToIntNullable<T>, ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
powOrNull(ToLongNullable<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
powOrNull(ToLongNullable<T>, double) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
powOrNull(ToLongNullable<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
powOrNull(ToLongNullable<T>, ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
powOrNull(ToFloatNullable<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
powOrNull(ToFloatNullable<T>, double) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
powOrNull(ToFloatNullable<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
powOrNull(ToFloatNullable<T>, ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
powOrNull(ToDoubleNullable<T>, int) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
powOrNull(ToDoubleNullable<T>, double) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself power times.
powOrNull(ToDoubleNullable<T>, ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
powOrNull(ToDoubleNullable<T>, ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that takes the result of an input expression and multiplies it with itself as many times as the result of applying power to the input.
PredicateOperandUtil - Class in com.speedment.runtime.field.util
Utility class for getting individual operands from a FieldPredicate.
predicates() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.bulk.trait.HasPredicates
predicates() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.stage.Stage
Returns an unmodifiable list of predicates that shall be applied for this Stage.
PredicateType - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate
The predicate types that exists in Speedment.
prefix() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.JoiningExpression
Returns the prefix to put in front of the result of this expression.
PRIMARY_KEY_COLUMNS - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Table
PrimaryKeyColumn - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config
A typed Document that represents the primary key column instance in the database.
PrimaryKeyColumnMutator<DOC extends PrimaryKeyColumn> - Class in com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator
PrimaryKeyColumnMutator(DOC) - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.PrimaryKeyColumnMutator
primaryKeyColumns() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Table
Creates a stream of primary key columns located in this document.
primaryKeyFields() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.PersistenceTableInfo
Returns a stream of the fields that are included in the primary key of the table.
primitive() - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.TypeMapper
Returns an primitive type mapper.
PrimitiveDoubleToFloatMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.doubles
Maps between Double and float values by simply casting to lower precision.
PrimitiveDoubleToFloatMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.doubles.PrimitiveDoubleToFloatMapper
PrimitiveIntegerToByteMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer
Maps between Integer and byte values by simply casting to lower precision.
PrimitiveIntegerToByteMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.PrimitiveIntegerToByteMapper
PrimitiveIntegerToShortMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer
Maps between Integer and short values by simply casting to lower precision.
PrimitiveIntegerToShortMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.PrimitiveIntegerToShortMapper
PrimitiveIntegerZeroOneToBooleanMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer
PrimitiveIntegerZeroOneToBooleanMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.PrimitiveIntegerZeroOneToBooleanMapper
PrimitiveLongToByteMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs
Maps between Long and byte values by simply casting to lower precision.
PrimitiveLongToByteMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.PrimitiveLongToByteMapper
PrimitiveLongToIntegerMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs
Maps between Long and int values by simply casting to lower precision.
PrimitiveLongToIntegerMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.PrimitiveLongToIntegerMapper
PrimitiveLongToShortMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs
Maps between Long and short values by simply casting to lower precision.
PrimitiveLongToShortMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.PrimitiveLongToShortMapper
PrimitiveShortToByteMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.shorts
Maps between Short and byte values by simply casting to lower precision.
PrimitiveShortToByteMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.shorts.PrimitiveShortToByteMapper
PrimitiveTypeMapper<T> - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.primitive
PrimitiveTypeMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.primitive.PrimitiveTypeMapper
printWelcomeMessage(Injector) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
Prints a welcome message to the output channel.
ProgressMeasure - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.util
Measures the progress of a task.
Project - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config
A typed Document that represents a database project.
ProjectComponent - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component
This Component interface is used for holding the current Project that is being used by Speedment.
ProjectMutator<DOC extends Project> - Class in com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator
ProjectMutator(DOC) - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.ProjectMutator
Property - Enum in
put(String, Object) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Document
Stores the specified value on the specified key in this document.
put(String, Object) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.DocumentMutator
put(Manager<E>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.ManagerComponent
Puts (associates) a Manager implementation into the ManagerComponent.
put(String, char[]) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.PasswordComponent
Stores the specified password for the specified dbmsName.
put(Dbms, char[]) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.PasswordComponent
Stores the specified password for the specified dbmsName.
put(Thread, Object) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.TransactionComponent
Associates a transaction aware object with the given thread.
put(String, Class<?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.JavaTypeMap
Adds a new mapping to this type map.
put(V) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.util.ClassMapper
Adds a mapping for an item.
putDataSourceHandler(Class<D>, DataSourceHandler<D, T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.TransactionComponent
Associates a certain data store class (e.g.


quoteField(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DatabaseNamingConvention
Quotes the specified value field in accordance to this database naming convention.


rawClose() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.PoolableConnection
readSchemaMetadata(Dbms, ProgressMeasure, Predicate<String>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsMetadataHandler
Reads the schema metadata with populated Schemas that are available in this database.
ReduceIdentityCombinerTerminator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference
ReduceIdentityTerminator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference
ReduceTerminator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference
referencedColumn(Project, T) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
referencedColumn(Project, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
referencedColumnIfPresent(Project, ColumnIdentifier<?>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
referencedColumnIfPresent(Project, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
referencedDbms(Project, HasDbmsId) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
referencedDbms(Project, String) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
referencedDbmsIfPresent(Project, ColumnIdentifier<?>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
referencedDbmsIfPresent(Project, String) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
referencedSchema(Project, T) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
referencedSchema(Project, String, String) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
referencedSchemaIfPresent(Project, ColumnIdentifier<?>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
referencedSchemaIfPresent(Project, String, String) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
referencedStage() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.stage.Stage
Returns which stage index this stage references or -1.
referencedTable(Project, T) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
referencedTable(Project, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
referencedTableIfPresent(Project, ColumnIdentifier<?>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
referencedTableIfPresent(Project, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
ReferenceField<ENTITY,D,V> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field
A field that represents an object value.
ReferenceFieldComparator<ENTITY,D,V extends Comparable<? super V>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator
A FieldComparator that compares values of a ComparableField.
ReferenceGetter<ENTITY,V> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A short-cut functional reference to the getXXX() method for a particular field in an entity.
ReferenceSetter<ENTITY,V> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A short-cut functional reference to the setXXX(value) method for a particular field in an entity.
ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference
An interface used for overriding a reference stream's terminating operations.
ReferenceTerminator - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference
relativeName(D, Class<T>, DocumentUtil.Name) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentUtil
Returns the relative name for the given Document up to the point given by the parent Class.
relativeName(D, Class<T>, DocumentUtil.Name, Function<String, String>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentUtil
Returns the relative name for the given Document up to the point given by the parent Class by successively applying the provided nameMapper onto the Node names.
relativeName(D, Class<T>, DocumentUtil.Name, CharSequence, Function<String, String>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentUtil
Returns the relative name for the given Document up to the point given by the parent Class by successively applying the provided nameMapper onto the Node names and separating the names with the provided separator.
remove(Manager<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.bulk.BulkOperation.Builder
Creates and returns a new Remove builder that can be used to build a Remove Operation.
remove(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.EntityManager
Updates the given Entity and returns a new Optional<Entity> that was the result of the update, or Optional.empty() if the method failed.
remove(Thread) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.TransactionComponent
Removes the thread association to a transaction aware object (if previously associated).
remove(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.Manager
Removes the provided entity from the underlying database and returns the provided entity instance.
remove(int) - Method in interface
removeEmail() - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.EmailUtil
Removes the email address stored on the computer.
removeFirst() - Method in interface
Removes and returns the first element from this pipeline.
removeIf(Predicate<? super Action<?, ?>>) - Method in interface
removeLast() - Method in interface
Removes and returns the last element from this pipeline.
RemoveOperation<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.bulk
remover() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.AbstractManager
remover() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.AbstractViewManager
remover() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.PersistenceProvider
Returns a Remover which can be used to remove entities in the underlying database.
Remover<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.manager
An action that takes an entity and removes it from a data store.
reportStarted() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.StatisticsReporterComponent
reportStopped() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.StatisticsReporterComponent
ResultSetMapperComponent - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.resultset
The ResultSetMapperComponent provides a mapping from a certain DbmsType and Class to a certain ResultSetMapping.
ResultSetMapping<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.resultset
A mapping that defined how a JDBC ResultSet or PreparedStatement is supposed to be mapped.
resultStreamClass() - Method in class
returnConnection(PoolableConnection) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.ConnectionPoolComponent
Returns a PoolableConnection to the pool.
returnConnection(PoolableConnection) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.SingletonConnectionPoolComponent
reversed() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ByteField
reversed() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.CharField
reversed() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.BooleanFieldComparator
reversed() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.ByteFieldComparator
reversed() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.CharFieldComparator
reversed() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.CombinedComparator
reversed() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.DoubleFieldComparator
reversed() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.FieldComparator
Returns a new FieldComparator that order entities in the opposite orders compared to this comparator.
reversed() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.FloatFieldComparator
reversed() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.IntFieldComparator
reversed() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.LongFieldComparator
reversed() - Method in enum com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.NullOrder
reversed() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.ShortFieldComparator
reversed() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.DoubleField
reversed() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.FloatField
reversed() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.IntField
reversed() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.LongField
reversed() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ShortField
reversed() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasComparableOperators
rightJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T1, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder1
rightJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T2, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder2
rightJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T3, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder3
rightJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T4, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder4
rightJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T5, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder5
rightJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T6, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder6
rightJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T7, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder7
rightJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T8, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder8
rightJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<T9, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.builder.JoinBuilder9
rightJoinOn(HasComparableOperators<ENTITY, ?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.trait.HasJoins
Adds the provided joinedField to the collection of joined column/tables.
rollback() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.Transaction
Undoes all changes made in the current transaction and releases any transaction domain locks currently affected by this Transaction object.
rollbacker() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.DataSourceHandler
ROOT - Static variable in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentTranscoder
The element name of the root node in the JSON configuration file.
run() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlRunnable
RuntimeBundle - Class in com.speedment.runtime.application
The InjectBundle for the "application"-module.
RuntimeBundle() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.application.RuntimeBundle


save(Project, DocumentTranscoder.Encoder) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentTranscoder
Returns a JSON representation of the specified project node.
save(Project, Path, DocumentTranscoder.Encoder) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentTranscoder
Saves the project in a UTF-8 encoded file.
Schema - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config
A typed Document that represents a schema instance in the database.
SchemaIdentifier<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier
Identifies a particular Schema.
SchemaIdentifier.Hidden - Class in com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier
SchemaMutator<DOC extends Schema> - Class in com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator
SchemaMutator(DOC) - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.SchemaMutator
SCHEMAS - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Dbms
schemas() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Dbms
Creates a stream of schemas located in this document.
second() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.BinaryExpression
Returns the second operand, an inner expression.
second() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.BinaryObjExpression
Returns the second operand, a constant value.
secondStep() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.ComposedExpression
The inner expression that is applied to the result of ComposedExpression.firstStep() to get the result of this full expression.
secondStep() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.ComposedPredicate
select(T, T) - Method in enum com.speedment.runtime.config.parameter.OrderType
selectLazily(Supplier<T>, Supplier<T>) - Method in enum com.speedment.runtime.config.parameter.OrderType
selectRunnable(Runnable, Runnable) - Method in enum com.speedment.runtime.config.parameter.OrderType
separator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.JoiningExpression
Returns the separator that will be placed in-between the results of all the JoiningExpression.expressions() to separate them.
set(Consumer<? super ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.bulk.BulkOperation.Builder.HasSet
Specifies an entity consumer for the operation whereby the consumer will mutate the entity in some way when applied.
set(BasicAction) - Method in class
set(Verb, Property) - Method in class
set(Statement) - Method in class
set(Statement, Statement...) - Method in class
set(ENTITY, Object) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.BooleanSetter
set(ENTITY, Object) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.ByteSetter
set(ENTITY, Object) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.CharSetter
set(ENTITY, Object) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.DoubleSetter
set(ENTITY, Object) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.FloatSetter
set(ENTITY, Object) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.IntSetter
set(ENTITY, Object) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.LongSetter
set(ENTITY, Object) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.ReferenceSetter
set(ENTITY, Object) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.Setter
A generic (untyped) set-method.
set(ENTITY, Object) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.ShortSetter
set(ENTITY, boolean) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasBooleanValue
Sets the value in the given Entity.
set(ENTITY, byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasByteValue
Sets the value in the given Entity.
set(ENTITY, char) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasCharValue
Sets the value in the given Entity.
set(ENTITY, double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasDoubleValue
Sets the value in the given Entity.
set(ENTITY, float) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasFloatValue
Sets the value in the given Entity.
set(ENTITY, int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasIntValue
Sets the value in the given Entity.
set(ENTITY, long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasLongValue
Sets the value in the given Entity.
set(ENTITY, V) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasReferenceValue
Sets the value in the given Entity
set(ENTITY, short) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasShortValue
Sets the value in the given Entity.
setAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.trait.HasAliasMutator
setAllMatchTerminator(AllMatchTerminator<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
setAnyMatchTerminator(AnyMatchTerminator<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
setAsBoolean(ENTITY, boolean) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.BooleanSetter
Sets the member represented by this setter in the specified instance to the specified value, returning a reference to the same instance as result.
setAsByte(ENTITY, byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.ByteSetter
Sets the member represented by this setter in the specified instance to the specified value, returning a reference to the same instance as result.
setAsChar(ENTITY, char) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.CharSetter
Sets the member represented by this setter in the specified instance to the specified value, returning a reference to the same instance as result.
setAsciiStream(long) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.StringClob
setAsDouble(ENTITY, double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.DoubleSetter
Sets the member represented by this setter in the specified instance to the specified value, returning a reference to the same instance as result.
setAsFloat(ENTITY, float) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.FloatSetter
Sets the member represented by this setter in the specified instance to the specified value, returning a reference to the same instance as result.
setAsInt(ENTITY, int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.IntSetter
Sets the member represented by this setter in the specified instance to the specified value, returning a reference to the same instance as result.
setAsLong(ENTITY, long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.LongSetter
Sets the member represented by this setter in the specified instance to the specified value, returning a reference to the same instance as result.
setAsShort(ENTITY, short) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.method.ShortSetter
Sets the member represented by this setter in the specified instance to the specified value, returning a reference to the same instance as result.
setAutoIncrement(Boolean) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.ColumnMutator
setCharacterStream(long) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.StringClob
setCollectSupplierAccumulatorCombinerTerminator(CollectSupplierAccumulatorCombinerTerminator<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
setCollectTerminator(CollectTerminator<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
setColumnSize(Integer) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.trait.HasColumnSizeMutator
Mutates the column size of the underlying document.
setCompanyName(String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.ProjectMutator
setConfigPath(String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.ProjectMutator
setConnectionUrl(String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.DbmsMutator
setCountTerminator(CountTerminator<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
setCurrentAction(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.util.ProgressMeasure
Sets the current action.
setDatabaseType(Class<?>) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.ColumnMutator
setDecimalDigits(Integer) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.trait.HasDecimalDigitsMutator
Mutates the decimal digits of the underlying document.
setDefaultSchema(Boolean) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.SchemaMutator
setDoubleCountTerminator(DoubleCountTerminator<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.doubles.DoubleSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
setEmail(String) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.EmailUtil
Overwrites the email address stored (if any) with the one specified.
setEnabled(Boolean) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.trait.HasEnabledMutator
setEnumConstants(String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.ColumnMutator
setFindAnyTerminator(FindAnyTerminator<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
setFindFirstTerminator(FindFirstTerminator<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
setForEachOrderedTerminator(ForEachOrderedTerminator<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
setForEachTerminator(ForEachTerminator<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
setForeignColumnName(String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.ForeignKeyColumnMutator
setForeignDatabaseName(String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.ForeignKeyColumnMutator
setForeignSchemaName(String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.ForeignKeyColumnMutator
setForeignTableName(String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.ForeignKeyColumnMutator
setId(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.trait.HasIdMutator
setInitialSupplier(Supplier<BaseStream<?, ?>>) - Method in interface
setIntCountTerminator(IntCountTerminator<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.ints.IntSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
setIpAddress(String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.DbmsMutator
setIsolation(Isolation) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.TransactionHandler
Sets the Isolation level for subsequent transactions created by this transaction handler.
setIteratorTerminator(IteratorTerminator<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
setLongCountTerminator(LongCountTerminator<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.longs.LongSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
setMaxTerminator(MaxTerminator<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
setMinTerminator(MinTerminator<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
setName(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.trait.HasNameMutator
setNoneMatchTerminator(NoneMatchTerminator<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
setNullable(Boolean) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.ColumnMutator
setOnClose(Runnable) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.PoolableConnection
setOrdered(boolean) - Method in interface
Sets if this Pipeline is ordered.
setOrderType(OrderType) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.trait.HasOrderTypeMutator
setOrdinalPosition(Integer) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.trait.HasOrdinalPositionMutator
setPackageLocation(String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.ProjectMutator
setPackageName(String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.ProjectMutator
setParallel(boolean) - Method in interface
Sets if this Pipeline is parallel.
setPort(Integer) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.DbmsMutator
setProgress(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.util.ProgressMeasure
Sets the progress ratio.
setProject(Project) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.ProjectComponent
Sets the current Project.
setReduceIdentityCombinerTerminator(ReduceIdentityCombinerTerminator<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
setReduceIdentityTerminator(ReduceIdentityTerminator<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
setReduceTerminator(ReduceTerminator<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
setRsMapper(SqlFunction<ResultSet, T>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.AsynchronousQueryResult
setSpeedmentVersion(String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.ProjectMutator
setSpliteratorTerminator(SpliteratorTerminator<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
setSql(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.AsynchronousQueryResult
setSql(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlPredicateFragment
setString(long, String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.StringClob
setString(long, String, int, int) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.StringClob
Setter<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
setter() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasBooleanValue
setter() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasByteValue
setter() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasCharValue
setter() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasDoubleValue
setter() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasFloatValue
setter() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasIntValue
setter() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasLongValue
setter() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasReferenceValue
setter() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasSetter
Returns a reference to the setter for this field.
setter() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasShortValue
setTo(boolean) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasBooleanValue
Creates and returns a setter handler with a given value.
setTo(byte) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasByteValue
Creates and returns a setter handler with a given value.
setTo(char) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasCharValue
Creates and returns a setter handler with a given value.
setTo(double) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasDoubleValue
Creates and returns a setter handler with a given value.
setTo(float) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasFloatValue
Creates and returns a setter handler with a given value.
setTo(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasIntValue
Creates and returns a setter handler with a given value.
setTo(long) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasLongValue
Creates and returns a setter handler with a given value.
setTo(V) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasReferenceValue
Creates and returns a SetToReference with a given value.
setTo(short) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasShortValue
Creates and returns a setter handler with a given value.
setToArrayGeneratorTerminator(ToArrayGeneratorTerminator<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
setToArrayTerminator(ToArrayTerminator<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference.ReferenceSqlStreamTerminatorOverride
SetToBoolean<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
Represents a set-operation with all the metadata contained.
SetToByte<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
Represents a set-operation with all the metadata contained.
SetToChar<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
Represents a set-operation with all the metadata contained.
SetToDouble<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
Represents a set-operation with all the metadata contained.
SetToFloat<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
Represents a set-operation with all the metadata contained.
SetToInt<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
Represents a set-operation with all the metadata contained.
SetToLong<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
Represents a set-operation with all the metadata contained.
SetToReference<ENTITY,D,V> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
Represents a set-operation with all the metadata contained.
SetToShort<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
Represents a set-operation with all the metadata contained.
setTypeMapper(Class<?>) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.ColumnMutator
setTypeName(String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.DbmsMutator
setUnique(Boolean) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.IndexMutator
setUsername(String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.DbmsMutator
setValues(List<?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.AsynchronousQueryResult
setView(boolean) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.TableMutator
ShortEpochDaysToLocalDateMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time
Implementation of TypeMapper that takes a date specified as a number of days since the unix epoch start.
ShortEpochDaysToLocalDateMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.ShortEpochDaysToLocalDateMapper
ShortField<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field
A field that represents a primitive short value.
ShortFieldComparator<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator
A FieldComparator that compares values of a ShortField.
ShortForeignKeyField<ENTITY,D,FK_ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field
A field that represents a primitive short value that references another column using a foreign key.
ShortGetter<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A short-cut functional reference to the getXXX(value) method for a particular field in an entity.
ShortSetter<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.method
A short-cut functional reference to the setXXX(value) method for a particular field in an entity.
ShortToByteMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.shorts
Maps between Short and Byte values by simply casting to lower precision.
ShortToByteMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.shorts.ShortToByteMapper
shortToDouble(ToShort<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that converts the result of the specified expression into a double by casting.
shortToDoubleNullable(ToShortNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that converts the result of the specified expression into a double by casting.
sign(ToByte<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns 1 if the result of the input expression is positive, -1 if the result of the input expression is negative and 0 if the result of the input expression is 0.
sign(ToShort<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns 1 if the result of the input expression is positive, -1 if the result of the input expression is negative and 0 if the result of the input expression is 0.
sign(ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns 1 if the result of the input expression is positive, -1 if the result of the input expression is negative and 0 if the result of the input expression is 0.
sign(ToLong<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns 1 if the result of the input expression is positive, -1 if the result of the input expression is negative and 0 if the result of the input expression is 0.
sign(ToFloat<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns 1 if the result of the input expression is positive, -1 if the result of the input expression is negative and 0 if the result of the input expression is 0.
sign(ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns 1 if the result of the input expression is positive, -1 if the result of the input expression is negative and 0 if the result of the input expression is 0.
sign(ToBigDecimal<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns 1 if the result of the input expression is positive, -1 if the result of the input expression is negative and 0 if the result of the input expression is 0.
sign() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
sign() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
sign() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByteNullable
sign() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
sign() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDoubleNullable
sign() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
sign() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloatNullable
sign() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
sign() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToIntNullable
sign() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
sign() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLongNullable
sign() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
sign() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShortNullable
sign() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasSign
Creates and returns an expression that returns 1 if the result of the this expression is positive, -1 if the result of this expression is negative and 0 if the result of this expression is 0.
signOrNull(ToByteNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns 1 if the result of the input expression is positive, -1 if the result of the input expression is negative and 0 if the result of the input expression is 0.
signOrNull(ToShortNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns 1 if the result of the input expression is positive, -1 if the result of the input expression is negative and 0 if the result of the input expression is 0.
signOrNull(ToIntNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns 1 if the result of the input expression is positive, -1 if the result of the input expression is negative and 0 if the result of the input expression is 0.
signOrNull(ToLongNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns 1 if the result of the input expression is positive, -1 if the result of the input expression is negative and 0 if the result of the input expression is 0.
signOrNull(ToFloatNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns 1 if the result of the input expression is positive, -1 if the result of the input expression is negative and 0 if the result of the input expression is 0.
signOrNull(ToDoubleNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns 1 if the result of the input expression is positive, -1 if the result of the input expression is negative and 0 if the result of the input expression is 0.
SingletonConnectionPoolComponent - Class in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool
Alternative implementation of ConnectionPoolComponent that uses a semaphore to make sure that only one connection is able to communicate with the database at a time.
SingletonConnectionPoolComponent() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.core.component.connectionpool.SingletonConnectionPoolComponent
size() - Method in interface
size() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.CombinedComparator
The number of comparators in the
size() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.CombinedPredicate
Returns the number of predicates that this CombinedBasePredicate holds
sourceStreamSupplierComponents() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.StreamSupplierComponent
Creates and returns a new Stream of underlying StreamSupplierComponent objects that provides data to this StreamSupplierComponent.
Speedment - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core
The Platform class acts as a generic holder of different system Components.
SPEEDMENT_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Project
SpeedmentConfigException - Exception in com.speedment.runtime.config.exception
A specialization of RuntimeException that is thrown when something is wrong witht he database configuration model.
SpeedmentConfigException() - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.config.exception.SpeedmentConfigException
SpeedmentConfigException(String) - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.config.exception.SpeedmentConfigException
SpeedmentConfigException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.config.exception.SpeedmentConfigException
SpeedmentConfigException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.config.exception.SpeedmentConfigException
SpeedmentConfigException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.config.exception.SpeedmentConfigException
SpeedmentException - Exception in com.speedment.runtime.core.exception
SpeedmentException is the superclass of those exceptions that can be thrown during the normal operation of the Speedment framework.
SpeedmentException() - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.core.exception.SpeedmentException
Constructs a new SpeedmentException with null as its detail message.
SpeedmentException(String) - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.core.exception.SpeedmentException
Constructs a new SpeedmentException with the specified detail message.
SpeedmentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.core.exception.SpeedmentException
Constructs a new SpeedmentException with the specified detail message and cause.
SpeedmentException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.core.exception.SpeedmentException
Constructs a new SpeedmentException with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
SpeedmentException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.core.exception.SpeedmentException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, cause, suppression enabled or disabled, and writable stack trace enabled or disabled.
SpeedmentFieldException - Exception in com.speedment.runtime.field.exception
A specialization of RuntimeException that is thrown when something is wrong with the bindings between fields.
SpeedmentFieldException() - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.field.exception.SpeedmentFieldException
SpeedmentFieldException(String) - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.field.exception.SpeedmentFieldException
SpeedmentFieldException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.field.exception.SpeedmentFieldException
SpeedmentFieldException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.field.exception.SpeedmentFieldException
SpeedmentFieldException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.field.exception.SpeedmentFieldException
SpeedmentPredicate<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate
Common interface for all metadata-rich predicates in the Speedment library.
SpeedmentTypeMapperException - Exception in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.exception
A specialized version of RuntimeException that is thrown when something goes wrong mapping between JDBC and other java types.
SpeedmentTypeMapperException() - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.exception.SpeedmentTypeMapperException
SpeedmentTypeMapperException(String) - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.exception.SpeedmentTypeMapperException
SpeedmentTypeMapperException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.exception.SpeedmentTypeMapperException
SpeedmentTypeMapperException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.exception.SpeedmentTypeMapperException
SpeedmentTypeMapperException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.exception.SpeedmentTypeMapperException
SPLIT_PATTERN - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Project
SpliteratorTerminator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference
spliteratorUnknownSize(Iterator<? extends T>, int) - Method in interface
sql() - Method in enum com.speedment.runtime.join.stage.JoinType
Returns the SQL representation of the JoinType.
SqlAdapter<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component
An SqlAdapter provides a means to read entities from a ResultSet.
SqlConsumer<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.db
A variation of the standard java.util.function.Consumer that throws a SQLException if an error occurred while the supplier was getted.
SqlFunction<T,R> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.db
A variation of the standard java.util.function.Function that throws a SQLException if an error occurred while the function was applied.
SqliteBundle - Class in com.speedment.runtime.connector.sqlite
The main bundle for adding runtime support for the SQLite database manager.
SqliteBundle() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.connector.sqlite.SqliteBundle
SqliteComponent - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.connector.sqlite
Component that injects the SQLite runtime to the Speedment platform.
sqlOperator() - Method in enum com.speedment.runtime.join.stage.JoinOperator
SqlPersistenceComponent - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql
A component responsible for persisting, updating and removing entities in the database.
SqlPredicate<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.db
A variation of the standard java.util.function.Predicate that throws a SQLException if an error occurred while the predicate was tested.
SqlPredicateFragment - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.db
SqlRunnable - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.db
A variation of the standard java.lang.Runnable that throws a SQLException if an error occurred while it ran.
SqlStatement - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.sql
Statement that can be sent to a SQL Database.
SqlStatement.Type - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.sql
The type of statement.
SqlStreamOptimizer<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql
SqlStreamOptimizerComponent - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql
SqlStreamOptimizerInfo<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql
SqlStreamSupplierComponent - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql
A specialization of the StreamSupplierComponent-interface that specializes in producing streams from a relational SQL database.
SqlStreamTerminatorComponent - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override
SqlSupplier<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.db
A variation of the standard java.util.function.Supplier that throws a SQLException if an error occurred while the supplier was getted.
SqlTypeMapperHelper<DB_TYPE,JAVA_TYPE> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql
A helper class that makes it easier to create and invoke instances of TypeMapper when a relational SQL database source is used.
sqrt(ToByte<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns the square root of the result from the input expression.
sqrt(ToShort<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns the square root of the result from the input expression.
sqrt(ToInt<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns the square root of the result from the input expression.
sqrt(ToLong<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns the square root of the result from the input expression.
sqrt(ToFloat<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns the square root of the result from the input expression.
sqrt(ToDouble<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns the square root of the result from the input expression.
sqrt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToBigDecimal
sqrt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByte
sqrt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToByteNullable
sqrt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDouble
sqrt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToDoubleNullable
sqrt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloat
sqrt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToFloatNullable
sqrt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToInt
sqrt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToIntNullable
sqrt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLong
sqrt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToLongNullable
sqrt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShort
sqrt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToShortNullable
sqrt() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasSqrt
Creates and returns an expression that returns the square root of the result from the current expression.
sqrtOrNull(ToByteNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns the square root of the result from the input expression.
sqrtOrNull(ToShortNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns the square root of the result from the input expression.
sqrtOrNull(ToIntNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns the square root of the result from the input expression.
sqrtOrNull(ToLongNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns the square root of the result from the input expression.
sqrtOrNull(ToFloatNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns the square root of the result from the input expression.
sqrtOrNull(ToDoubleNullable<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.Expressions
Creates and returns an expression that returns the square root of the result from the input expression.
Stage<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.join.stage
standard() - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.ApplicationBuilders
Creates and returns a new standard ApplicationBuilder.
standard(ClassLoader) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.ApplicationBuilders
Creates and returns a new standard ApplicationBuilder.
start() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.StreamSupplierComponent
Starts the stream suppler and initialized any resources needed for its operation.
startsWith(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasStringOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field starts with the given value.
startsWithIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasStringOperators
Returns a Predicate that will evaluate to true, if and only if this Field starts with the given value while ignoring the case of the Strings that are compared.
Statement - Class in
statements() - Method in interface
StaticClassUtil - Class in com.speedment.runtime.core.util
Support class for classes that only contains static methods and fields.
StatisticsReporterComponent - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component
A StatisticsReporterComponent reports statistics to the Speedment developers on when a Speedment application is started, is running and is stopped.
StatisticsReporterSchedulerComponent - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component
A StatisticsReporterSchedulerComponent used to start a StatisticsReporterComponent
stop() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.StreamSupplierComponent
Stops the stream suppler and releases any previously allocated resources.
stream() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.ManagerComponent
Returns a Stream of all Managers associated with this ManagerComponent.
stream(TableIdentifier<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.StreamSupplierComponent
Basic stream over all entities using the default ParallelStrategy.
stream(TableIdentifier<ENTITY>, ParallelStrategy) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.StreamSupplierComponent
Basic stream over all entities.
stream() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.AsynchronousQueryResult
stream() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.AbstractManager
stream() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.AbstractViewManager
stream() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.Manager
Creates and returns a new Stream over all entities in the underlying data source (e.g database).
stream() - Method in interface
stream() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.util.ClassMapper
Returns a Stream of all mappings that exists.
stream() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.CombinedComparator
Returns the comparators ordered so that the first comparator is the most significant, and if that evaluates to 0, continue on to the next one.
stream() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.CombinedPredicate
Creates and returns a {link Stream} of all predicates that this CombinedPredicate holds.
stream() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.Join
Creates and returns a new Stream over joined Tuples of entities in the underlying data source (e.g database).
StreamComposition - Class in com.speedment.runtime.core.util
Utility methods for making sure composed streams are closed properly.
StreamComposition() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.StreamComposition
StreamSupplierComponent - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component
This Component interface is used to obtain streams for different tables.
StringClob - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject
StringClob(String) - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.StringClob
StringField<ENTITY,D> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field
A field that represents a string column.
StringForeignKeyField<ENTITY,D,FK_ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.field
A field that represents a string column with a foreign key to another column.
StringToBigDecimalMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string
Maps between a large real number stored as a String into a java BigDecimal.
StringToBigDecimalMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.StringToBigDecimalMapper
StringToBigIntegerMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string
Maps between a large integer stored as a String into a java BigInteger.
StringToBigIntegerMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.StringToBigIntegerMapper
stringToEnum() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumField
A method that takes a String and converts it into an enum for this field.
stringToEnum() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumForeignKeyField
A method that takes a String and converts it into an enum for this field.
StringToLocaleMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string
StringToLocaleMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.StringToLocaleMapper
suffix() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.JoiningExpression
Returns the suffix to put at the end of the result of this expression.
supportedDbmsTypes() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.DbmsHandlerComponent
Returns a stream of all DbmsTypes that has been installed in this component.
swapEquivalent() - Method in enum com.speedment.runtime.join.stage.JoinOperator
Returns a JoinOperator that would produce an equivalent predicate when the arguments to the operator are applied swapped.


Table - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config
A typed Document that represents a table instance in the database.
tableAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.BooleanField
tableAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ByteField
tableAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ByteForeignKeyField
tableAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.CharField
tableAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.CharForeignKeyField
tableAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ComparableField
tableAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ComparableForeignKeyField
tableAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.DoubleField
tableAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.DoubleForeignKeyField
tableAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumField
tableAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.EnumForeignKeyField
tableAlias() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.Field
Returns the table alias for this field.
tableAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.Field
Creates and returns a new Field with the provided tableAlias.
tableAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.FloatField
tableAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.FloatForeignKeyField
tableAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.IntField
tableAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.IntForeignKeyField
tableAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.LongField
tableAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.LongForeignKeyField
tableAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ReferenceField
tableAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ShortField
tableAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.ShortForeignKeyField
tableAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.StringField
tableAlias(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.StringForeignKeyField
TableIdentifier<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier
Identifies a particular Table.
TableIdentifier.Hidden - Class in com.speedment.runtime.config.identifier
TableMutator<DOC extends Table> - Class in com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator
TableMutator(DOC) - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.config.mutator.TableMutator
TABLES - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Schema
tables() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Schema
Creates a stream of tables located in this document.
TerminalOperationType - Enum in
Terminator - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override
test(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.predicate.IsNotNull
test(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.predicate.IsNull
test(Document) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasEnabled
Returns true if the specified Document should be considered enabled, else false.
test(T) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlPredicate
test(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.FieldIsNotNullPredicate
test(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.FieldIsNullPredicate
thenComparing(Comparator<? super ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasComparableOperators
thenComparing(Function<? super ENTITY, ? extends U>, Comparator<? super U>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasComparableOperators
thenComparing(Function<? super ENTITY, ? extends U>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasComparableOperators
thenComparingDouble(ToDoubleFunction<? super ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasComparableOperators
thenComparingInt(ToIntFunction<? super ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasComparableOperators
thenComparingLong(ToLongFunction<? super ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasComparableOperators
threads(Object) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.TransactionComponent
Creates and returns a Stream of threads that are associated with the given transaction aware object.
TimestampToIntMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time
TimestampToIntMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToIntMapper
TimestampToLocalDateTimeMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time
A mapping from SQL's Timestamp to Java's LocalDateTime.
TimestampToLocalDateTimeMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToLocalDateTimeMapper
TimestampToLongMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time
TimestampToLongMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToLongMapper
TimestampToPrimitiveIntMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time
TimestampToPrimitiveIntMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToPrimitiveIntMapper
TimestampToPrimitiveLongMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time
TimestampToPrimitiveLongMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToPrimitiveLongMapper
TimeToIntMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time
TimeToIntMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToIntMapper
TimeToLocalTimeMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time
A mapping from SQL's Time to Java's LocalTime.
TimeToLocalTimeMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToLocalTimeMapper
TimeToLongMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time
TimeToLongMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToLongMapper
TimeToPrimitiveIntMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time
TimeToPrimitiveIntMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToPrimitiveIntMapper
TimeToPrimitiveLongMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time
TimeToPrimitiveLongMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToPrimitiveLongMapper
ToArrayGeneratorTerminator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference
ToArrayTerminator<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.sql.override.reference
ToBigDecimal<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute
Expression that given an entity returns a non-null BigDecimal value.
ToBigDecimalNullable<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute
Expression that given an entity returns a nullable BigDecimal value.
ToBigDecimalOrElse<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for BigDecimal values where a default value is given if the original expression returns null.
ToBigDecimalOrElseGet<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for BigDecimal values where a getter function is applied if the original expression returns null.
ToBigDecimalOrThrow<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for BigDecimal values where a NullPointerException is thrown if the original expression returns null.
ToBoolean<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute
Expression that given an entity returns a boolean value.
ToBooleanNullable<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute
Expression that given an entity returns a boolean value, or null.
ToBooleanOrElse<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for boolean values where a default value is given if the original expression returns null.
ToBooleanOrElseGet<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for boolean values where a getter function is applied if the original expression returns null.
ToBooleanOrThrow<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for boolean values where a NullPointerException is thrown if the original expression returns null.
ToByte<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute
Expression that given an entity returns a byte value.
ToByteNullable<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute
Expression that given an entity returns a byte value, or null.
ToByteOrElse<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for byte values where a default value is given if the original expression returns null.
ToByteOrElseGet<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for byte values where a getter function is applied if the original expression returns null.
ToByteOrThrow<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for byte values where a NullPointerException is thrown if the original expression returns null.
ToChar<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute
Expression that given an entity returns a char value.
ToCharNullable<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute
Expression that given an entity returns a char value, or null.
ToCharOrElse<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for char values where a default value is given if the original expression returns null.
ToCharOrElseGet<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for char values where a getter function is applied if the original expression returns null.
ToCharOrThrow<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for char values where a NullPointerException is thrown if the original expression returns null.
toDatabaseType(Double) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.bigdecimal.BigDecimalToDouble
toDatabaseType(Boolean) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.bytes.ByteZeroOneToBooleanMapper
toDatabaseType(Float) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.doubles.DoubleToFloatMapper
toDatabaseType(Float) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.doubles.PrimitiveDoubleToFloatMapper
toDatabaseType(Short) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.DateIntToPrimitiveShortMapper
toDatabaseType(Short) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.DateIntToShortMapper
toDatabaseType(Byte) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.IntegerToByteMapper
toDatabaseType(Short) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.IntegerToShortMapper
toDatabaseType(Boolean) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.IntegerZeroOneToBooleanMapper
toDatabaseType(Byte) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.PrimitiveIntegerToByteMapper
toDatabaseType(Short) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.PrimitiveIntegerToShortMapper
toDatabaseType(Boolean) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.PrimitiveIntegerZeroOneToBooleanMapper
toDatabaseType(BigInteger) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.BlobToBigIntegerMapper
toDatabaseType(byte[]) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.BlobToByteArrayMapper
toDatabaseType(String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.ClobToStringMapper
toDatabaseType(Byte) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.LongToByteMapper
toDatabaseType(Integer) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.LongToIntegerMapper
toDatabaseType(Short) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.LongToShortMapper
toDatabaseType(Byte) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.PrimitiveLongToByteMapper
toDatabaseType(Integer) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.PrimitiveLongToIntegerMapper
toDatabaseType(Short) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.PrimitiveLongToShortMapper
toDatabaseType(BigInteger) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.other.BinaryToBigIntegerMapper
toDatabaseType(byte[]) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.other.BinaryToByteArrayMapper
toDatabaseType(UUID) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.other.BinaryToUuidMapper
toDatabaseType(T) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.primitive.PrimitiveTypeMapper
toDatabaseType(Byte) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.shorts.PrimitiveShortToByteMapper
toDatabaseType(Byte) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.shorts.ShortToByteMapper
toDatabaseType(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.StringToBigDecimalMapper
toDatabaseType(BigInteger) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.StringToBigIntegerMapper
toDatabaseType(Locale) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.StringToLocaleMapper
toDatabaseType(Boolean) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.TrueFalseStringToBooleanMapper
toDatabaseType(Boolean) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.YesNoStringToBooleanMapper
toDatabaseType(Boolean) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.YNStringToBooleanMapper
toDatabaseType(Integer) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToIntMapper
toDatabaseType(LocalDate) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToLocalDateMapper
toDatabaseType(Long) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToLongMapper
toDatabaseType(Integer) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToPrimitiveIntMapper
toDatabaseType(Long) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToPrimitiveLongMapper
toDatabaseType(LocalDate) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.IntEpochDaysToLocalDateMapper
toDatabaseType(LocalDate) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.ShortEpochDaysToLocalDateMapper
toDatabaseType(Integer) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToIntMapper
toDatabaseType(LocalDateTime) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToLocalDateTimeMapper
toDatabaseType(Long) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToLongMapper
toDatabaseType(Integer) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToPrimitiveIntMapper
toDatabaseType(Long) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToPrimitiveLongMapper
toDatabaseType(Integer) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToIntMapper
toDatabaseType(LocalTime) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToLocalTimeMapper
toDatabaseType(Long) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToLongMapper
toDatabaseType(Integer) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToPrimitiveIntMapper
toDatabaseType(Long) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToPrimitiveLongMapper
toDatabaseType(JAVA_TYPE) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.TypeMapper
Converts a value from the java domain to the database domain.
ToDouble<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute
Expression that given an entity returns a double value.
ToDoubleNullable<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute
Expression that given an entity returns a double value, or null.
ToDoubleOrElse<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for double values where a default value is given if the original expression returns null.
ToDoubleOrElseGet<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for double values where a getter function is applied if the original expression returns null.
ToDoubleOrThrow<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for double values where a NullPointerException is thrown if the original expression returns null.
ToEnum<T,E extends Enum<E>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute
Expression that given an entity returns a non-null enum value.
ToEnumNullable<T,E extends Enum<E>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute
Expression that given an entity returns an enum value, or null.
ToEnumOrElse<T,E extends Enum<E>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for Enum values where a default value is given if the original expression returns null.
ToEnumOrElseGet<T,E extends Enum<E>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for double values where a getter function is applied if the original expression returns null.
ToEnumOrThrow<T,E extends Enum<E>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for Enum values where a NullPointerException is thrown if the original expression returns null.
ToFloat<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute
Expression that given an entity returns a float value.
ToFloatNullable<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute
Expression that given an entity returns a float value, or null.
ToFloatOrElse<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for float values where a default value is given if the original expression returns null.
ToFloatOrElseGet<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for float values where a getter function is applied if the original expression returns null.
ToFloatOrThrow<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for float values where a NullPointerException is thrown if the original expression returns null.
ToInt<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute
Expression that given an entity returns an int value.
ToIntNullable<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute
Expression that given an entity returns an int value, or null.
ToIntOrElse<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for int values where a default value is given if the original expression returns null.
ToIntOrElseGet<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for int values where a getter function is applied if the original expression returns null.
ToIntOrThrow<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for int values where a NullPointerException is thrown if the original expression returns null.
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, BigDecimal) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.bigdecimal.BigDecimalToDouble
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Byte) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.bytes.ByteZeroOneToBooleanMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Double) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.doubles.DoubleToFloatMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Double) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.doubles.PrimitiveDoubleToFloatMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Integer) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.DateIntToPrimitiveShortMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Integer) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.DateIntToShortMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Integer) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.IntegerToByteMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Integer) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.IntegerToShortMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Integer) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.IntegerZeroOneToBooleanMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Integer) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.PrimitiveIntegerToByteMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Integer) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.PrimitiveIntegerToShortMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Integer) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.integer.PrimitiveIntegerZeroOneToBooleanMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Blob) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.BlobToBigIntegerMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Blob) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.BlobToByteArrayMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Clob) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.ClobToStringMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Long) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.LongToByteMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Long) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.LongToIntegerMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Long) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.LongToShortMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Long) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.PrimitiveLongToByteMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Long) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.PrimitiveLongToIntegerMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Long) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.longs.PrimitiveLongToShortMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Object) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.other.BinaryToBigIntegerMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Object) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.other.BinaryToByteArrayMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Object) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.other.BinaryToUuidMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, T) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.primitive.PrimitiveTypeMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Short) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.shorts.PrimitiveShortToByteMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Short) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.shorts.ShortToByteMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.StringToBigDecimalMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.StringToBigIntegerMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.StringToLocaleMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.TrueFalseStringToBooleanMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.YesNoStringToBooleanMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.YNStringToBooleanMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Date) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToIntMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Date) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToLocalDateMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Date) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToLongMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Date) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToPrimitiveIntMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Date) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.DateToPrimitiveLongMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Integer) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.IntEpochDaysToLocalDateMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Short) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.ShortEpochDaysToLocalDateMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Timestamp) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToIntMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Timestamp) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToLocalDateTimeMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Timestamp) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToLongMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Timestamp) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToPrimitiveIntMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Timestamp) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimestampToPrimitiveLongMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Time) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToIntMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Time) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToLocalTimeMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Time) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToLongMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Time) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToPrimitiveIntMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, Time) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.time.TimeToPrimitiveLongMapper
toJavaType(Column, Class<?>, DB_TYPE) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.TypeMapper
Converts a value from the database domain to the java domain.
ToLong<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute
Expression that given an entity returns a long value.
ToLongNullable<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute
Expression that given an entity returns a long value, or null.
ToLongOrElse<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for long values where a default value is given if the original expression returns null.
ToLongOrElseGet<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for long values where a getter function is applied if the original expression returns null.
ToLongOrThrow<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for long values where a NullPointerException is thrown if the original expression returns null.
toLowerCase() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToChar
toLowerCase() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToString
toLowerCase() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasCase
Returns an expression that is equivalent to this expression, except that results are always in lower-case letters.
ToNullable<T,R,NON_NULLABLE extends Expression<T>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait
Trait for expressions that result in a nullable value.
toReversedList() - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.CollectorUtil
ToShort<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute
Expression that given an entity returns a short value.
ToShortNullable<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute
Expression that given an entity returns a short value, or null.
ToShortOrElse<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for short values where a default value is given if the original expression returns null.
ToShortOrElseGet<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for short values where a getter function is applied if the original expression returns null.
ToShortOrThrow<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for short values where a NullPointerException is thrown if the original expression returns null.
ToString<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute
Expression that given an entity returns a non-null String value.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toStringHelper(Document) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentUtil
Helps documents to format a toString()-method.
ToStringNullable<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute
Expression that given an entity returns a String value, or null.
ToStringOrElse<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for String values where a default value is given if the original expression returns null.
ToStringOrElseGet<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for String values where a getter function is applied if the original expression returns null.
ToStringOrThrow<T> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.orelse
Specialized NonNullableExpression for String values where a NullPointerException is thrown if the original expression returns null.
toUnmodifiableSet() - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.CollectorUtil
toUpperCase() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToChar
toUpperCase() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.ToString
toUpperCase() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.trait.HasCase
Returns an expression that is equivalent to this expression, except that results are always in upper-case letters.
TraitUtil - Class in com.speedment.runtime.config.util
An utility class with methods that traits can use to produce a view of the document that satisfies exactly that trait.
TraitUtil.TraitViewConstructor<TRAIT> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.config.util
A functional interface describing the constructor for a class that implements a specific trait.
Transaction - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction
TransactionBundle - Class in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction
The InjectBundle for the "transaction"-module.
TransactionBundle() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.TransactionBundle
TransactionComponent - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction
General Transaction Component
TransactionException - Exception in com.speedment.runtime.core.exception
A specialization of RuntimeException that is thrown when something is wrong with a transaction.
TransactionException() - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.core.exception.TransactionException
TransactionException(String) - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.core.exception.TransactionException
TransactionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.core.exception.TransactionException
TransactionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.core.exception.TransactionException
TransactionException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.speedment.runtime.core.exception.TransactionException
TransactionHandler - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction
transform(Function<Field<ENTITY>, String>, Function<Field<ENTITY>, Class<?>>, FieldPredicate<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.FieldPredicateView
traverseOver(Project) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
traverseOver(Dbms) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
traverseOver(Schema) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
traverseOver(Table) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
traverseOver(Column) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
traverseOver(PrimaryKeyColumn) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
traverseOver(Index) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
traverseOver(IndexColumn) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
traverseOver(ForeignKey) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
traverseOver(ForeignKeyColumn) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
traverseOver(Project, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
traverseOver(Dbms, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
traverseOver(Schema, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
traverseOver(Table, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
traverseOver(Column, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
traverseOver(PrimaryKeyColumn, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
traverseOver(Index, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
traverseOver(IndexColumn, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
traverseOver(ForeignKey, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
traverseOver(ForeignKeyColumn, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
traverseOver(Document) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentUtil
Traverses all the documents at and below the specified document in a tree.
TrueFalseStringToBooleanMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string
TrueFalseStringToBooleanMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.TrueFalseStringToBooleanMapper
truncate(long) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.largeobject.StringClob
type() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.bulk.Operation
Returns the type of Operation.
TYPE_MAPPER - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasTypeMapper
The attribute under which the name of the TypeMapper is stored in the configuration file.
TYPE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Dbms
typedChildrenOf(Table) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentDbUtil
TypeInfoMetaData - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata
TypeInfoMetaData.Hidden - Class in com.speedment.runtime.core.db.metadata
typeMapper() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasBooleanValue
typeMapper() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasByteValue
typeMapper() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasCharValue
typeMapper() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasDoubleValue
typeMapper() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasFloatValue
typeMapper() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasIntValue
typeMapper() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasLongValue
typeMapper() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasReferenceValue
typeMapper() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasShortValue
typeMapper() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.field.trait.HasTypeMapper
Returns the type mapper used by this field.
TypeMapper<DB_TYPE,JAVA_TYPE> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper
A type mapper contains logic for converting between the database and the java type for a field.
TypeMapper.Category - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper
Which category the TypeMapper.getJavaType(Column) result belong to.
TypeMapper.Ordering - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper
Indicates how the ordering of mapped vs un-mapped types relate to each other.


UnaryExpression<T,INNER extends Expression<T>> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression
An Expression that has a single operand that implements Expression.
UnaryExpression.Operator - Enum in com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression
The unary expression operator type.
UNIQUE - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Index
unmodifiableSetOf(T...) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.CollectorUtil
unWrap() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlFunction
unWrap() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlPredicate
unwrap(Object) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.OptionalUtil
If the specified object is an Optional, the inner value will be returned.
unwrap(Optional<T>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.OptionalUtil
Returns the inner value of the Optional unless the optional is null, in which case null is returned.
unwrap(OptionalInt) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.OptionalUtil
Convert an optional value to a boxed one.
unwrap(OptionalBoolean) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.OptionalUtil
Convert an optional value to a boxed one.
unwrap(OptionalLong) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.OptionalUtil
Convert an optional value to a boxed one.
unwrap(OptionalDouble) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.util.OptionalUtil
Convert an optional value to a boxed one.
update(Manager<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.bulk.BulkOperation.Builder
Creates and returns a new Update builder that can be used to build an Update Operation.
update(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.component.EntityManager
Updates the given Entity and returns a new Optional<Entity> that was the result of the update, or Optional.empty() if the method failed.
update(ENTITY) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.Manager
Updates the provided entity in the underlying database and returns a potentially updated entity.
UpdateOperation<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.bulk
updater() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.AbstractManager
updater(HasLabelSet<ENTITY>) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.AbstractManager
updater() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.AbstractViewManager
updater(HasLabelSet<ENTITY>) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.AbstractViewManager
updater() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.PersistenceProvider
Returns a Updater which can be used to update entities in the underlying database.
updater(HasLabelSet<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.PersistenceProvider
Provides a Updater that operates on a given subset of entity fields.
Updater<ENTITY> - Interface in com.speedment.runtime.core.manager
An action that takes an entity and updates it in a data store.
USERNAME - Static variable in interface com.speedment.runtime.config.Dbms


validateRuntimeConfig(Injector) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
value() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.ConstantExpression
Returns the constant value of this expression.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.bulk.Operation.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.BinaryExpression.Operator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.BinaryObjExpression.Operator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.ExpressionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.MapperExpression.MapperType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.NonNullableExpression.NullStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.predicate.NullPredicateType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.UnaryExpression.Operator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.config.parameter.OrderType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasNullable.ImplementAs
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentUtil.Name
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder.LogType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.Isolation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType.ConnectionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType.SkipLimitSupport
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType.SortByNullOrderInsertion
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType.SubSelectAlias
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.sql.SqlStatement.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.core.util.FeatureReadinessLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.NullOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.CombinedPredicate.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.Inclusion
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.PredicateType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.join.stage.JoinOperator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.join.stage.JoinType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.TypeMapper.Category
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.TypeMapper.Ordering
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values(Supplier<Stream<? extends ENTITY>>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.bulk.BulkOperation.Builder.HasValues
Specifies a Supplier of a Stream, whereby the stream's elements will be persisted using the given manager.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.bulk.Operation.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.BinaryExpression.Operator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.BinaryObjExpression.Operator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.ExpressionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.MapperExpression.MapperType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.NonNullableExpression.NullStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.predicate.NullPredicateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.compute.expression.UnaryExpression.Operator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.config.parameter.OrderType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.config.trait.HasNullable.ImplementAs
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.config.util.DocumentUtil.Name
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder.LogType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.core.component.transaction.Isolation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType.ConnectionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType.SkipLimitSupport
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType.SortByNullOrderInsertion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.core.db.DbmsType.SubSelectAlias
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.sql.SqlStatement.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.core.util.FeatureReadinessLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.field.comparator.NullOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.CombinedPredicate.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.Inclusion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.field.predicate.PredicateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.join.stage.JoinOperator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.join.stage.JoinType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.TypeMapper.Category
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.TypeMapper.Ordering
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Verb - Enum in
viewOf(Document, Class<TRAIT>, TraitUtil.TraitViewConstructor<? extends TRAIT>) - Static method in class com.speedment.runtime.config.util.TraitUtil
Returns a view of the specified document that implements the specified trait.


where(Predicate<ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.bulk.BulkOperation.Builder.HasWhere
Specifies for what entities the operation should be carried out.
where(Predicate<? super ENTITY>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.join.trait.HasWhere
Adds the provided predicate to the collection of predicates that shall be applied to entities from the previous Manager before entities are accepted in the join.
with(Class<C>, String, BiConsumer<Injector, C>) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
with(Class<C>, BiConsumer<Injector, C>) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
with(Class<C>, Consumer<C>) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
with(Class<C>, String, Consumer<C>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a parameter for the named Document of a certain class.
with(Class<C>, String, BiConsumer<Injector, C>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a parameter for the named Document of a certain class.
with(Class<C>, Consumer<C>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a parameter for all Document of a certain class.
with(Class<C>, BiConsumer<Injector, C>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a parameter for all Document of a certain class.
withAllowStreamIteratorAndSpliterator() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withAllowStreamIteratorAndSpliterator() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Allows BaseStream.iterator() and BaseStream.spliterator() terminating operations to be called on Speedment streams.
withBundle(Class<? extends InjectBundle>) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withBundle(Class<? extends InjectBundle>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Adds a custom bundle of dependency injectable implementation classes.
withColumn(I, Consumer<Column>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a parameter for the identified table.
withColumn(I, BiConsumer<Injector, Column>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a parameter for the identified column.
withComponent(Class<?>) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withComponent(Class<T>, Supplier<T>) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withComponent(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Adds a custom component implementation class.
withConnectionUrl(String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withConnectionUrl(String, String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withConnectionUrl(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a connection URL for all dbmses in this project.
withConnectionUrl(String, String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a connection URL for the named dbms in this project.
withConnectionUrl(I, String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a connection URL for the identified dbms.
withDbms(I, Consumer<Dbms>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a parameter for the identified dbms.
withDbms(I, BiConsumer<Injector, Dbms>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a parameter for the identified dbms.
withIpAddress(String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withIpAddress(String, String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withIpAddress(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures an IP-address for all dbmses in this project.
withIpAddress(String, String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures an IP-address for the named dbms.
withIpAddress(I, String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures an IP Address for the identified dbms.
withLogging(ApplicationBuilder.HasLoggerName) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withLogging(ApplicationBuilder.HasLoggerName) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Adds a logging configuration to the application.
withManager(Class<M>) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withManager(Class<M>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Adds a custom manager.
withParallelStrategy(ParallelStrategy) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.manager.ManagerConfigurator
Set the parallelization strategy to use in the built manager.
withParam(String, String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withParam(String, String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Sets a config parameter that will be set automatically in all instances created during initialization.
withPassword(char[]) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withPassword(String, char[]) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withPassword(String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withPassword(String, String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withPassword(char[]) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a password for all dbmses in this project.
withPassword(String, char[]) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a password for the named dbms.
withPassword(I, char[]) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a password for the identified dbms.
withPassword(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a password for all dbmses in this project.
withPassword(String, String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a password for the named dbms.
withPassword(I, String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a password for the identified dbms.
withPort(int) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withPort(String, int) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withPort(int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a port for all dbmses in this project.
withPort(String, int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a port for the named dbms.
withPort(I, int) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a port for the identified dbms.
withSchema(String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withSchema(String, String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withSchema(I, Consumer<Schema>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a parameter for the identified schema.
withSchema(I, BiConsumer<Injector, Schema>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a parameter for the identified schema.
withSchema(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a new schema name for all schemas in this project.
withSchema(String, String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a new schema name for the named old schema name.
withSkipCheckDatabaseConnectivity() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withSkipCheckDatabaseConnectivity() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Sets that the initial database check shall be skipped upon build().
withSkipLogoPrintout() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withSkipLogoPrintout() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Sets that the logo printout shall be skipped upon build().
withSkipValidateRuntimeConfig() - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withSkipValidateRuntimeConfig() - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Sets that the initial validation of the configuration shall be skipped upon build().
withTable(I, Consumer<Table>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a parameter for the identified table.
withTable(I, BiConsumer<Injector, Table>) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a parameter for the identified table.
withUsername(String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withUsername(String, String) - Method in class com.speedment.runtime.application.AbstractApplicationBuilder
withUsername(String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a username for all dbmses in this project.
withUsername(String, String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a username for the named dbms.
withUsername(I, String) - Method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.ApplicationBuilder
Configures a username for the identified dbms.
wrap(Consumer<T>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlConsumer
wrap(Function<T, R>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlFunction
wrap(Predicate<T>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlPredicate
wrap(Runnable) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlRunnable
wrap(Supplier<T>) - Static method in interface com.speedment.runtime.core.db.SqlSupplier


YesNoStringToBooleanMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string
YesNoStringToBooleanMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.YesNoStringToBooleanMapper
YNStringToBooleanMapper - Class in com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string
YNStringToBooleanMapper() - Constructor for class com.speedment.runtime.typemapper.string.YNStringToBooleanMapper
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