object MDL extends SettingsBuilder
Transform a column of continuous labelled features to n columns of binned categorical features.
The optimum number of bins is computed using Minimum Description Length (MDL), which is an
entropy measurement between the values and the targets.
The transformer expects an MDLRecord where the first field is a label and the second value
is the scalar that will be transformed into buckets.
MDL is an iterative algorithm so all of the data needed to compute the buckets will be pulled
into memory. If you run into memory issues the sampleRate parameter should be lowered.
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members


def apply[T](name: String, sampleRate: Double, stoppingCriterion: Double, minBinPercentage: Double, maxBins: Int, seed: Int)(evidence$2: ClassTag[T]): Transformer[MDLRecord[T], B[T], C]
Create an MDL Instance.
Value Params
maximum number of thresholds per feature
minimum percent of total data allowed in a single bin
percentage of records to keep to compute the buckets
seed for the sampler
stopping criterion for MDL
def fromSettings(setting: Settings): Transformer[MDLRecord[String], B[String], C]
Create a new MDL from a settings object
Value Params
Settings object