
Transform features by rescaling each feature to a specific range [`min`, `max`] (default
[0, 1] ).
Missing values are transformed to min.
When using aggregated feature summary from a previous session, out of bound values are
truncated to min or max and FeatureRejection.OutOfBound rejections are reported.
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members


def apply(name: String, min: Double, max: Double): Transformer[Double, (Min[Double], Max[Double]), C]
Create a new MinMaxScaler instance.
Value Params
upper bound after transformation, shared by all features
lower bound after transformation, shared by all features
def fromSettings(setting: Settings): Transformer[Double, (Min[Double], Max[Double]), C]
Create a new MinMaxScaler from a settings object
Value Params
Settings object