
Transform a column of continuous features that represent the mean of a von Mises distribution
to n columns of continuous features. The number n represent the number of points to evaluate
the von Mises distribution. The von Mises pdf is given by
f(x | mu, kappa, scale) = exp(kappa * cos(scale*(x-mu)) / (2piIo(kappa))
and is only valid for x, mu in the interval [0, 2*pi/scale] .
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members


def apply(name: String, kappa: Double, scale: Double, points: Array[Double]): Transformer[Double, Unit, Unit]
Create a new VonMisesEvaluator instance.
Value Params
measure of concentration
points to evaluate the distribution with
scaling factor
def fromSettings(setting: Settings): Transformer[Double, Unit, Unit]
Create a new VonMisesEvaluator from a settings object
Value Params
Settings object
def getProbability(x: Double, mu: Double, kappa: Double, scale: Double): Double