Class GregorianDate

    • Constructor Detail

      • GregorianDate

        protected GregorianDate​(CalendarType type,
                                int firstDay,
                                int minDays)
    • Method Detail

      • fromUnixEpoch

        public static GregorianDate fromUnixEpoch​(long epoch,
                                                  java.lang.String zoneId,
                                                  int firstDay,
                                                  int minDays)
      • daysInMonth

        protected int daysInMonth​(long year,
                                  int month)
        Specified by:
        daysInMonth in class CalendarDate
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • _initFromUnixEpoch

        protected GregorianDate _initFromUnixEpoch​(long epoch,
                                                   java.lang.String zoneId)
      • _initFromJD

        protected GregorianDate _initFromJD​(long jd,
                                            long msDay,
                                            java.lang.String zoneId)
      • monthStart

        protected long monthStart​(long eyear,
                                  double month,
                                  boolean useMonth)
        Specified by:
        monthStart in class CalendarDate
      • computeGregorianFields

        protected void computeGregorianFields​(long[] f)
        Compute fields for dates on or after the Gregorian cutover.
      • computeJulianFields

        protected void computeJulianFields​(long[] f)
        Compute fields for dates before the Gregorian cutover using the proleptic Julian calendar. Any Gregorian date before October 15, 1582 is really a date on the proleptic Julian calendar, with leap years every 4 years.
      • leapGregorian

        protected boolean leapGregorian​(long year)
        Return true if the given year is a leap year in the Gregorian calendar; false otherwise. Note that we switch to the Julian calendar at the Gregorian cutover year.